Why Is Time Speeding Up? [ The Quickening Phenomena]

Time, an elusive and constant force that governs our lives, has intrigued humanity for centuries.

Recently, more people have been saying that time is speeding up.

This has sparked discussions across fields like psychology and physics.

This article explores why time seems to speed up, diving into scientific and psychological factors.

This intriguing experience is examined through an exploration of its underlying factors.

Feeling like time is flying by isn’t unique to me, so I’m researching why it seems that way.

Remember to research and draw conclusions about any topic you read or hear about.

Is Time Speeding Up?

Is our perception of time changing, or is something more fundamental at play?

Have you ever felt like the moment is slipping through your fingers like sand?

Days blur into weeks, months into years, and the once-distant future seems to be hurtling toward us at an alarming pace.

This feeling, often attributed to the busyness of modern life, might have a more profound explanation: time itself might be speeding up.

The time speeding-up phenomenon is nothing new. Think about how fast a month goes. It was just winter, and now we are in the middle of spring. Time or perception was moving faster and faster and charging up.

More light is entering our realm, and light is information, and this causes the Quickening and the Ascension Process.

It sure seems that way to everyone I have spoken to about it. Einstein concluded that the faster we go, the slower time goes; conversely, the slower we go, the quicker the time goes. Time is a perceptual experience.

Is Time Speeding Up? The Quickening
Is Time Speeding Up?

This phenomenon, known as the Quickening, has been the subject of much debate among scientists, philosophers, and everyday people.

While there is no single, definitive explanation for the Quickening, several intriguing theories attempt to shed light on this mysterious experience.

One possibility is that our perception of time is changing.

As we age, our brains process information more efficiently, making time seem to pass quickly.

Additionally, the rapid technological advancements and information overload of the 21st century may be causing us to pack more experiences into each day, making time feel compressed.

Another theory suggests that the fabric of spacetime itself is undergoing some subtle shift.

This could be due to the universe’s expansion, the influence of dark matter or energy, or even some unknown force altogether.

If this is the case, the Quickening would be a subjective feeling and an objective change in how time flows throughout the cosmos. (1)

If time is speeding up, it could significantly impact our understanding of physics, our relationship to the past and future, and even our sense of reality.

It could also lead to practical challenges, such as adjusting our calendars and clocks to keep pace with the changing flow.

While the Quickening remains a mystery, its potential consequences are too significant to ignore. Scientists continue to investigate this phenomenon, and discoveries may one day provide us with a definitive answer.

We can only ponder the implications of a universe where time is no longer a constant but a variable in the grand equation of existence.

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  • If the Quickening is real, what are the ethical implications of manipulating or controlling it?

  • Could the Quickening signify something even more profound, such as the approaching end of days?

  • What does the Quickening mean for our individual lives and our place in the universe?

The Quickening is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that challenges our understanding of time and reality. As we learn more about it, we may unlock some of the universe’s deepest secrets.

In addition to the theories mentioned in the article, here are a few other ideas that have been proposed to explain the Quickening:

  • Some people believe that we live in a computer simulation, and the Quickening could be a sign that the simulation is being sped up.

  • According to this theory, there are an infinite number of parallel universes, and the Quickening could result from our universe interacting with another universe where it flows more slowly.

  • The Quantum Zeno Effect: This phenomenon suggests observing a system can affect its behavior. Our awareness of it may be somehow causing it to speed up.

Snopes debunks this theory.

Why does it feel like time is speeding up and the days are shorter?

I remember being in elementary school in the 80s, and it seemed like the Summer Breaks would go on forever. I mean so much, so I looked forward to returning to school in the Fall.

Each year though, especially by the point I reached High School in the late 1980s, it seemed to go by quicker. In 2024, it seems like time is going by at a breakneck pace.

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Why Could Time be Speeding Up?

The global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after German Physicist Professor Winfried Otto Schumann, who calculated in 1952 that electromagnetic standing waves are formed in the space between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface.

This was confirmed in 1954 with resonance detection with an overall global frequency of 7.83Hz.

This electromagnetic pulse is generated mainly by the combined effect of worldwide lightning discharges, which release a very high frequency (VHF) between 1 kHz to 30 kHz, followed by a shallow frequency (VLF) below 2 kHz.

Their combined effect produces electromagnetic waves, which circumnavigate the Earth.

In addition to the average very-low-frequency constant of around 7.83 Hz, there are frequency harmonics of 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 Hz, known as the “Schumann Resonances.” (2)

According to Wikipedia, Nikola Tesla was the first to research this fundamental frequency in 1899. For thousands of years, the Schumann Resonance, also known as “the pulse of the Earth or the Earth’s heartbeat, has been steady at 7.83 cycles per second.

It is not strictly accurate to call Shuman Resonance the Earth’s heartbeat. It is more like the pulse on the surface. Of course, this manifests the heartbeat, which originates within the Earth’s electromagnetic iron core.

The Schumann Resonance is so consistent as an accurate measure of time that the military uses it as a reliable reference point.

The Quickening

“The Quickening” is an unrivaled opportunity for humanity to evolve and spiritually awaken at an unprecedented rate consciously.

Everyone and everything is vibrating at a faster pace. Since this is the case, time will move faster and faster. It is at the point that it is physically affecting your body. You may be doing less than before but can’t keep up.

However, according to Gregg Braden, geologist, author, and researcher, since 1980, this pulse has slowly accelerated to the point where it is now over 12 cycles per second, twice what it was in the mid-1980s.

Instead of the 24-hour day we have been used to, we are now experiencing what amounts to a 16-hour day. Every cell in the physical body is trying to synchronize with this accelerated pulse to keep in time with Mother Earth.

This explains why we experience days, weeks, months, and seasons that seem to “fly by.”

This may also explain why so many people always seem in a hurry. Are they just reacting to their own body’s attempt to synchronize with the accelerated pulse of the Earth?

At the same time, according to Gregg Braden, the Earth’s rotation is slowing. His research shows that the Earth’s electromagnetic field has dropped 40% in the last 2000 years, with 6% occurring in the past 100 years.

He suggests that we will be at a zero-point magnetic field when the Earth slows its rotation to a near standstill and the resonance frequency reaches 13 cycles.

The Gothenburg Flip

At this point, the Earth will stop rotating and, following 2 to 3 days, will begin turning again in the opposite direction. This will produce a reversal in the magnetic fields around the Earth, after which they will start to grow stronger.

The endpoint of the Mayan calendar may well be connected to this next magnetic pole shift. Most sources agree that the last complete reversal was about 780,000 years ago, although the average time between reversals is only 250,000 years.

Thirteen thousand years ago, a magnetic field shift was known as the Gothenburg Flip. This was not a total pole reversal, so we are overdue for another one at any time. (3)

Scientists have calculated that the poles are not reversed for another 2000 years; however, they linearly measure time. Time is not linear; it is cyclical, which means this date is inaccurate.

This declining magnetic field results in global warming and erratic weather patterns worldwide. If we could accelerate the Earth’s pulse to the declining magnetic field, we would realize that the planet is undergoing tremendous changes.

So are our bodies because we are made of the same matter.

Whatever the earth experiences within her body, we also experience in ours. Metaphysicians and Quantum Physicists acknowledge this, and the term “ascension symptoms describes our increasing physical challenges.

Our Bodies Must Adapt To Time Speeding Up

Scientists tell us that the frequency of the Earth is identical to the Alpha wave rhythm of the human brain. Our bodies must adapt to the Earth’s lowered magnetic field. This will make it more possible for humans to access altered states of consciousness naturally.

Others believe this frequency is also the resonant frequency of the human body. As this frequency altars, so too does our consciousness and evolution.

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What Can You Do About Time Moving Faster?

We have to adjust to this new reality. We must ‘trim the fat’ from our lives and focus only on what is truly important. Trying to keep up with the apparent time reduction will ‘burn you out,’ so I have suggestions below to help you adjust.

  • Eat healthy, natural foods and drinks.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get good sleep every night.
  • Let go of toxic relationships.
  • Stay spiritually and physically grounded.
  • Rest and relax more.
  • Stop multitasking and focus on one thing.
  • Spend more moments in nature.
  • Meditate daily.
  • Learn to focus your mind on the present moment.
  • Stop listening to mainstream media.
  • Collaborate with like-minded people.
  • Build a community where you help one another.
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Is Time Speeding Up Conclusion

The question of why time is speeding up is complex and multifaceted, touching on psychology and physics.

While some aspects may be explained through our cognitive processes and the relativity of it, there is still much to uncover about this mysterious phenomenon.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of our existence, the perception of time will likely continue to captivate our minds.

Whether it’s a consequence of our own cognitive biases or a reflection of the cosmic forces at play, time’s elusive nature invites further exploration and contemplation.

Perhaps unraveling the mysteries of acceleration will help us gain a deeper understanding of our existence and the universe around us.

My intuition tells me that when the Earth’s magnetic field drops to zero point, human evolution will move to a higher level of consciousness.

Is the planet’s rotation speeding up, creating shorter days?

On June 29, 2022, The Guardian reported that the Earth had its shortest day since scientists began measuring the length of a day using high-precision atomic clocks in the 1960s.

It was the shortest day in the lives of most people on the planet, although nobody noticed it because it was only 1.59 milliseconds shorter than expected.

Ultimately, the cause of the Quickening remains a mystery. But one thing is sure: it is a phenomenon worth exploring further.

I hope this article has given you something to think about. The Quickening is a fascinating topic, and I encourage you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

What do you think after reading this article? Is Time Speeding Up?

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The Quickening

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