What you focus on gets bigger. What you pay attention to, you get more of.
Did you know what you give you focus on grows, expands, and becomes bigger?
Do you ever notice how the things you obsess over seem to take over your life?
That’s not just a coincidence, my friend. It’s the power of your focusing ability, and it’s time you learned how to wield it like a pro.
Remember this: what you focus on gets bigger. It’s not just a catchy phrase; it’s a life-changing principle.
This article will give you tips and strategies to help you focus your attention on what you want to make bigger and expand.

How Your Focus Shapes Your Reality
What you put your energy and awareness into expands. It’s like planting a seed—whether it’s a good seed or a bad one, with enough attention, it will grow. If you think about problems, stress, and what’s not going right, guess what? That’s what you’re going to see more of.
But everything changes if you shift your attention to solutions, opportunities, and progress.
This idea is at the core of personal development and mindset work. Where you direct your thoughts influences your reality. It’s not just some fluffy self-help phrase—it’s grounded in how your brain operates.
The more attention and focus you give something, the more your mind works to find it in your life. That’s why you have to be intentional with where you put your mental energy.
In this article, we’re going to cover:
- How your brain filters information based on what you prioritize
- Why focusing on growth, gratitude, and opportunity unlocks success
- Practical tips to redirect your energy for better results
- The dangers of letting negative thinking dominate your attention
By the end of this, you’ll understand why what you think about is what you get, and how to start using that to your advantage.
Focus – Focus – Focus
Here’s something most people don’t realize: your mind is constantly filtering out information. There’s so much happening around you at any given moment, and your brain has to decide what’s worth paying attention to and what’s just noise. What you pay attention to is what gets prioritized.
This is where the Reticular Activating System (RAS) kicks in. It’s like the gatekeeper for your brain, deciding what information makes it through and what stays in the background.
Let’s break it down with a simple example: you buy a new car, and suddenly, you start seeing that exact model everywhere. It’s not like everyone just decided to buy the same car at the same time—it’s your RAS.
The moment you made that car important, your brain started picking up on it everywhere. You gave it mental weight, and your brain responded by pointing it out to you.
Now, let’s flip that into something practical. When you dwell on problems, your brain starts finding more problems to bring to your attention. You’re training your mind to see obstacles, struggles, and reasons why things won’t work out.
But if you direct your mental energy toward opportunities, growth, and solutions, guess what happens? Your brain starts filtering the world differently. You notice potential instead of pitfalls.
This isn’t some mystical law of attraction stuff—it’s neuroscience. Your brain becomes what you train it to be.
If you train it to look for chances to grow, you’ll see them. If you train it to look for reasons to stay stuck, that’s what you’ll get. Your mind is like a muscle, and what you emphasize determines what becomes stronger.
The More You Focus on Something, The Bigger It Gets
Let me tell you a quick story.
Back when I was just starting out, broke as a joke and living on ramen, I couldn’t stop thinking about how broke I was.
Guess what happened? I stayed broke.
It wasn’t until I shifted my attention and focus to making money that things started to change.
That’s when the magic happened.
The more you focus on something, the bigger it becomes—whether that’s your problems or your solutions.
Your focusing ability is like a spotlight in a dark room. Whatever it lands on becomes your reality. It’s not some woo-woo nonsense; it’s how your brain works.
You have this thing called the Reticular Activating System (RAS), which filters information based on what you’re concentrating on.
It’s like having a personal assistant that only shows you what you’ve told it matters.
Think about it. When you’re concentrated on finding opportunities, suddenly, they’re everywhere.
When you’re concentrated on obstacles, guess what? They start popping up like whack-a-moles at a carnival. You get what you concentrate on, plain and simple.
Expansion Of Reality
Your brain is constantly bombarded with millions of bits of information every second. But you can only consciously process a tiny fraction of that.
So, your brain has to choose what to pay attention to. And guess what it chooses?
The stuff you’ve been paying too much attention to.
It’s like buying a new car and suddenly seeing that same model everywhere. The cars were always there, but now your brain is tuned in to notice them.
That’s the power of concentrated attention in action. What you focus on grows, whether you want it to or not.
Practical Tips For Focusing Your Attention
Alright, enough theory—let’s get tactical. Focusing your attention to what really matters takes practice, but it’s not complicated. Here are a few practical moves to help you turn the tide in your favor and start seeing more of what you want in life.
1. Practice Mindfulness
This isn’t about sitting in silence for hours or trying to stop every thought that crosses your mind. It’s about paying attention to what’s going on up there. Mindfulness is just noticing where your mental energy is going and asking yourself, “Is this helping or hurting me?”
When you catch yourself spinning out on problems, stress, or fear, you’ve got to hit the brakes and redirect your thoughts. It’s like driving a car—you see you’re headed down a dead-end street, you turn the wheel. Same thing here. Redirect your energy to something that’s going to move you forward.
2. Vision Boards or Goal Lists
This might sound a bit “woo-woo,” but vision boards work because they keep your goals front and center. You need visual reminders of what you’re working toward.
When you see your goals every day, you’re training your brain to prioritize them. Whether it’s a vision board on your wall or a list of goals on your phone, the key is to keep your targets in your line of sight.
Your brain can only chase what it remembers. So if you’ve got big goals, don’t just think about them once and forget them—make them part of your daily environment.
3. Surround Yourself with Positivity
The people you hang around, the media you consume, and the environments you spend time in all shape your mindset. If you’re constantly surrounded by negativity, it’s going to rub off on you. You might not even realize it, but your mental energy will slowly start mirroring what’s around you.
Want to lift yourself up? Choose environments, content, and people that challenge you to think bigger. It’s not about avoiding reality—it’s about giving yourself the best chance to thrive. Get rid of the things that drag you down, and bring in what lifts you up.
4. Reframe Challenges and Setbacks
Problems are inevitable, but how you react to them is a choice. When something goes wrong, most people get stuck in the “why me” loop. But successful people? They flip the script. They ask, “What can I learn from this?”
It’s all about turning setbacks into stepping stones. Every challenge is a lesson in disguise if you’re willing to look for it. Instead of obsessing over what went wrong, shift your energy to finding the opportunity hidden inside the problem.
Every failure has something to teach you—if you’re willing to ask the right questions.
Your attention is the fertilizer for your personal growth.
Whatever you water grows, right? Same principle here.
Your life expands when you concentrate on improving yourself, learning new skills, and pushing your boundaries.
It’s like going to the gym.
You concentrate on working out a specific muscle group, and over time, that muscle grows.
Your mind works the same way.
Place your awareness on growth, and you’ll get growth. (1)
How Can You Train Your Brain to Focus?
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “JMAZ, this all sounds great, but my attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s memory.”
Don’t sweat it. Focus is a skill; like any skill, it can be trained. Remember, what you place the spotlight of awareness on gets bigger – including your ability to pay attention.
What Are Effective Mindfulness Techniques for Improving Concentration?
Mindfulness isn’t just for Zen masters and yoga instructors. It’s a powerful tool for anyone looking to sharpen their awareness.
Here’s a simple technique to get you started:
- Set a timer for 5 minutes.
- Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath.
- When your mind wanders (and it will), gently bring it back to your breath.
- Rinse and repeat.
Do this daily, and you’ll start noticing a difference in your concentration ability.
It’s like doing bicep curls for your brain. The more you concentrate on improving your concentration ability, the bigger your awareness muscles get. See how this works?
How Can You Eliminate Distractions and Increase Mental Clarity?
Distractions are the kryptonite to your focus superpowers.
Most distractions are self-inflicted. That notification ding? You allowed it. That cluttered desk? Your doing.
Start by doing a distraction audit. What’s stealing your attention?
Once you identify the culprits, eliminate them mercilessly. Turn off notifications, clear your workspace, and put your phone on airplane mode when you’re working for the love of all that’s holy.
Remember, what you pay attention to grows – so stop giving attention to distractions.
Let’s face it: we live in a world designed to hijack our attention.
But you’re not going to let it win, are you? No. You’re going to fight back with these strategies.
Your environment shapes your behavior more than you realize. Create a space that screams, “It’s time to work!”
Here’s how:
- Designate a specific area for work.
- Keep it clutter-free.
- Use noise-canceling headphones if needed.
- Have a “ritual” to signal your brain it’s go-time.
I’ve got a client who puts on a specific “focus hat” when it’s time to work.
Sounds silly, but it works. Find what works for you and stick to it. The more you emphasize on creating a distraction-free environment, the bigger your productivity will get.
Daily Habits To Strengthen Your Focus Muscle
Your focusing ability is like a muscle. Use it or lose it.
Here are some daily habits to flex that attention muscle:
- Read a book for 30 minutes without interruption.
- Practice the Pomodoro Technique: 25 minutes of concentrated work, 5-minute break.
- Meditate for 10 minutes daily.
- Do one task at a time. Multitasking is a myth.
Consistency is key here. Do these daily, and watch your ability transform from a flabby couch potato to a lean, mean attention machine.
Visualization isn’t just for athletes and performers.
It’s a secret weapon for anyone looking to harness their attention and achieve their goals.
Focus and the Law of Attraction
I’m not here to get all woo-woo on you, but there’s something to this Law of Attraction stuff and what you pay attention to.
Remember that RAS we talked about earlier?
You can use it to your advantage. You’re telling your brain what’s important by consciously choosing what to concentrate on. And your brain will start finding evidence to support that.
Want more opportunities? Start paying attention to opportunities. Want more positivity? Pay attention to the positive aspects of your life.
It’s not about ignoring reality; it’s about choosing which part of reality you give your attention to.
Expanding your awareness requires a shift in mindset.
These shifts don’t happen overnight. They require conscious effort and practice. But once they take hold, they’ll transform how you see the world.
- From scarcity to abundance
- From fixed mindset to growth mindset
- From problem to solution-focused
- From short-term thinking to long-term vision
Look, problems are a part of life. But dwelling on them?
That’s a choice. And it’s a choice that’ll keep you stuck.
What Techniques Help in Shifting Perspective?
Here’s a technique I use:
- Identify the problem.
- Ask, “What’s the opportunity here?”
- Brainstorm at least 3 potential solutions.
- Choose one solution and concentrate on implementing it.
This shifts your attention from the problem to potential solutions. It’s like turning on the lights in a dark room. Suddenly, you can see a way forward.
The more you concentrate on solutions, the bigger and more apparent they become.
When you concentrate on solutions, you become a problem-solving machine. Instead of being paralyzed by challenges, you see them as opportunities to flex your creative muscles.
I had a client whose business was tanking due to a change in market conditions. Instead of giving attention to the problem, we shifted to solutions.
Within weeks, he’d pivoted his business model and was back on track to hit his revenue goals. That’s the power of concentrating on solutions – they get bigger, more feasible, and more impactful.
What Are Advanced Techniques for Harnessing Your Attention?
Alright, you’ve got the basics down. Now, it’s time to level up your awareness game with some advanced techniques.
How Can You Leverage Hyperfocus for Accelerated Skill Acquisition?
Hyperfocus is like concentrating on steroids. It’s a state of intense concentration where you’re fully immersed in a task.
Here’s how to tap into it:
- Choose a challenging but achievable task.
- Eliminate all potential distractions.
- Set a specific time frame (1-2 hours max).
- Dive in and stay fully engaged.
Use sessions to rapidly acquire new skills or tackle complex problems. It’s like compressing weeks of work into a few hours.
The more you concentrate on developing this skill, the bigger your ability to enter hyperfocus becomes.
Broad Awareness
While laser-like focusing ability is crucial for getting things done, you also need broad awareness to spot opportunities and make connections.
The key is to alternate between these two states. Use focused work sessions for execution and schedule time for broad thinking and exploration. It’s like zooming in and out on a map. Both perspectives are valuable.
By mastering this balance, you’re expanding your awareness in two directions – depth and breadth.
What you focus on gets bigger. It’s not just a catchy phrase; it’s a fundamental truth about how your mind works.
By harnessing your attention, you’re essentially grabbing the steering wheel of your life and pointing it in the direction you want to go.
Remember, your focusing ability is a skill. Like any skill, it requires practice and consistency to improve. But the payoff? It’s massive.
We’re talking accelerated goal achievement, personal growth on steroids, and the ability to shape your reality.
Pay attention to opportunities, solutions, and growth. Because you get what you focus on – make sure it’s something worth getting.
Always remember your focus determines your reality.
Now, go out there and focus on greatness. Your future self will thank you.