What Is Life Asking Of Me? The Unwritten Question

What is your life asking of you? Life is not asking you for anything.

You need to understand what you want from your existence, do anything that makes you happy, read books, talk to people, and remember, my friend, “Life is what you want it to be.”

It’s you who can create your destiny. Think and decide what you want to achieve, have small goals, and work hard towards achieving them.

What life is asking you is what you want out of it.

In the landscape of existence, we often ponder the profound question, “What is life asking of me?” This query transcends generations and cultures, guiding individuals on a quest for purpose and meaning.

In this exploration, we’ll delve into the depths of this existential question and seek insights that can illuminate our paths. purpose

What Is Life Asking Of Me?

What is Life Asking You?

During the darkest days of his existence in a concentration camp, “What is life asking of me?” was one of the most critical questions Viktor Frankl ever asked of himself.

In the days when the Nazis took his manuscripts of Man’s Search for Meaning– his life’s work – and burnt it, he was at the lowest place any human being could endure.

Witnessing his wife’s murder in the gas chambers, his dignity stripped away, and enduring all the cruelties of a concentration camp , Frankl could have asked, “Why me?” and “Why is this happening?” He did not.

In this one question, he completely changed his focus, hence his emotions and destiny.

For Frankl, it was a case of life asking him to live another day, and it was existence begging him to rewrite a better manuscript, which we all have come to be inspired by years down the road.

It was existence asking him to use his skills as a psychologist to help those with emotional trauma. Existence offered him a choice to ask another question to empower him, and life has that offer for us, too.

“Why Me?”

What is Life Asking of Me?

The Power to Decide

The power of humans to choose our responses under any circumstances is a God-given ability for all. But often, many do not realize we have this power to ask.

For some, it is a case of knowing this gift but not having the ability to use it to their advantage. For others, it is a case of always focusing on the adverse outcomes.

It has always been a mystery to those engaged in human psychology to wonder how fellow human beings react under adverse circumstances.

The science of psychology is about understanding how we can better help people make the right decisions and choices.

We see many situations whereby humans are at the mercy of their surroundings and emotions daily. The teenager is provoked into a gang fight at the most straightforward act of staring at another person — the uncouth behavior of road bullies.

The mother gives up on existence when faced with the sudden death of her child. Under these difficult situations, it seems natural for people to ask.

On the other hand, we also know of stories of triumph over adversities. What would you do when you are born with no hands and legs?

Ask Nick Vujicic! What would you do when born into a world of poverty and homelessness?

Ask Farrah Gray! What would you do when you are raped? Ask Anne Ream! What would you do if you discovered you had cancer?

Ask Lance Armstrong! When all these victims and countless others experience the deepest emotional and physical hurt, their question is not “Why me?”

The question about triumph over adversity has always been about how we can turn it around despite all that has happened.

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Soldiers train in peace for times of war. Similarly, we should learn to deal with adversity when happy and pleasant.

When you fail at managing your anger at home, keep this question handy and ask it often. Get someone else to remind you of your state and encourage you to ask this question.

Once you start thinking, you will find that your focus is shifting for the better. With practice, this question becomes automatic when the need arises.

This is something that Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People practiced regularly with his family and colleagues.

Whenever people chose an adverse reaction to any situation, they would confront them with their actions and ask them what else they could have done. There is an inevitable silence because of a lack of ideas.

This is when he will use their combined resourcefulness and initiative to empower ideas for those situations. These ideas become viable options when negative emotion strikes again.

Do the heroes of your existence surround you? Do you interact with empowering or negative people in your world? List down the ten most ordinary people you met in an average week.

Who are these people? If these people are cynical, you better change your routine and choose better people to hang out with.

Similarly, which authors and books are you reading? Are you immersing yourself in the wisdom of great and inspiring figures, or are you watching mindless television or reading comics all the time?

True stories of triumph over adversity equip you with skills to handle challenges and inspire and nourish the soul to fight when your sole desire is to lie down.

When the stuff hits the fan, your real-world heroes and heroes of your mind will offer more support and inspiration out of your rug.

Hang around with villains, and your outcome will be just like theirs.

We live in a world of polarity. When there is a mountain, there is a valley. There is light and darkness, and it is good and evil. There are rich and poor people. Winters are cold and dull, but summers are warm and sunny.

Similarly, the emotional lows you experience have their exact opposite. Learn to see the opposite. By the way, no law says you cannot travel from darkness to light. But first, you must understand the positive side before planning a route there.

Your turn now! How have you faced the lowest points in your existence? What questions did you ask yourself in such circumstances?

Who was there to support your trials?

To decipher existence’s message, one must engage in introspection. Take the time to reflect on your experiences, both positive and challenging. Identify patterns, recurring themes, and moments of true fulfillment.

What activities ignite your passion? What brings you a sense of purpose? These are clues that can lead you to your calling.

Life’s calling is often intricately connected to our core values. What principles guide your decisions and actions? Whether it’s a commitment to creativity, justice, compassion, or innovation, aligning with your core values can provide a compass for navigating existence’s intricate journey.

Each of us possesses a unique set of talents and skills. Life’s calling may be hidden within these innate abilities. Identify your strengths, hone your skills, and explore leveraging them to contribute positively to the world. Your unique talents could hold the key to what life asks you.

Life’s calling is not static; it evolves with personal growth and changing circumstances. Embrace the journey of continuous learning and adaptability. Existence might ask you to step outside your comfort zone, explore new horizons, and embrace growth opportunities.

What Is Life Asking: The Power To Choose In Difficult Circumstances

In challenging situations, the power to choose plays a pivotal role in shaping our responses and outcomes.

While external circumstances may be beyond our control, the ability to make conscious decisions about our attitudes, perspectives, and actions empowers us to navigate adversity with resilience.

The power to choose involves recognizing that, even in the face of difficulty, we have control over our reactions and can decide how to approach the challenges before us.

Whether it’s choosing optimism over despair, perseverance over surrender, or learning over stagnation, our decisions shape our experiences and contribute to our personal growth.

The power to choose in difficult circumstances underscores our capacity to find meaning, purpose, and strength in the face of adversity, highlighting the transformative potential inherent in our responses to life’s challenges.

Moreover, the power to choose extends beyond individual resilience to encompass societal and collective decision-making. In times of crisis or uncertainty, communities and societies must collectively make choices that can influence the trajectory of events.

The power to choose, both at the individual and societal levels, reflects our inherent agency and underscores the importance of mindful decision-making in fostering positive outcomes amidst adversity.

How do you find meaning in daily life?

Discovering meaning in daily life often involves consciously exploring one’s values, passions, and connections.

One way to find meaning is to identify and align daily activities with personal values. Reflecting on what truly matters to you and incorporating those values into your routine can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Whether it’s nurturing relationships, pursuing creative endeavors, or contributing to a cause, integrating these meaningful elements into your daily life helps create a sense of coherence and significance.

Another avenue for finding meaning is through cultivating mindfulness and being fully present in each moment.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or simply paying attention to your surroundings, can help you appreciate the richness of everyday experiences.

By immersing yourself in the present, you may discover beauty and meaning in small, seemingly mundane moments.

Additionally, embracing a positive perspective and focusing on gratitude can shift your mindset towards recognizing the value in daily occurrences, fostering a deeper sense of meaning in the tapestry of your life.

Ultimately, the search for meaning is a personal journey that involves introspection, conscious choices, and an appreciation for the intricacies of the present moment.

What Is Life Asking: Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Overcoming life challenges requires a combination of resilience, adaptability, and a positive mindset. When faced with difficulties, it’s essential to acknowledge and process one’s emotions while maintaining a forward-looking perspective.

Embracing change and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles can shift one’s mindset toward solutions. Building a support network of friends, family, or professionals can provide valuable perspectives, advice, and encouragement during tough times.

Cultivating self-care practices, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing mindfulness, and setting realistic goals, contributes to mental and emotional well-being.

Ultimately, the journey of overcoming life challenges is a testament to personal strength and the capacity to learn, adapt, and emerge stronger on the other side.

To understand what life asks of us, we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery guided by reflection, alignment with core values, and the unleashing of unique talents.

This question is not a riddle with a single answer but a call to explore the depths of our existence. Embrace the process, trust your intuition, and allow your journey to unfold organically.

As you navigate the twists and turns, you may find that life’s true calling resonates with the authentic essence of who you are.