Wes Penre’s article discusses controversial views on ascension and channeling in the New Age movement. star
Here are the key points:
Penre argues against the idea of a sudden, magical ascension process that will lift “enlightened” individuals to higher dimensions.
He suggests there are no Ascended Masters coming to save humanity.
The article warns against channeled entities claiming to be gods or superior beings, advising caution when engaging with channeled material.
Penre provides a perspective on how channeling works, suggesting that entities temporarily possess human bodies and access various sources of information.
Penre emphasizes the importance of critical thinking when consuming channeled information, noting that it often contains a mix of truths, half-truths, and lies.
He advises being wary of any messages that encourage giving away personal power.
The concept of a “nanosecond” (1987-2012) is introduced.
It is described as a period of increased cosmic energies affecting Earth and human consciousness.
Penre suggests this energy influx is responsible for the recent mass awakening.
The article stresses the importance of staying grounded and in one’s body during this time of heightened energy and information download.
Penre argues that this period offers a unique spiritual growth and understanding opportunity.
Penre encourages readers to approach spiritual concepts with discernment, emphasizing personal empowerment and critical thinking over blind acceptance of channeled or New Age teachings.
“We humans have lived generation after generation in fear. There has always been this “invisible authority” present, which we can’t pinpoint down, controlling our lives, belief systems, and thinking in general.”
– Wes Penre
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1. The Ascension Fraud
It may feel like the rug is being swept away from underneath the feet of those who believe in Ascended Masters who will come and save us and ascension processes that happen out of the blue. photon
I don’t want to lump the whole New Age movement under one big umbrella, but we need to realize (the sooner, the better) that no sudden shift of consciousness will magically lift those who are “enlightened” to the 4th or 5th Dimensions.
There are no Ascended Masters who will come down and call upon those who are “worthy” to ascend. I am not saying there are no “Ascended Masters,” but if they are worthy of their title, they will not interfere with our development as individuals or species.
If someone lands in a giant spaceship and says they are here to save you, run the other way. Some people channel the Ascended Masters, who are not working in humanity’s favor, so buyers beware!
Those who show themselves as gods or superior beings are frauds or say they are someone they are not.
If you’re into channeled material and trying to discern who is who, who’s the “good guy,” and who’s the “bad guy,” there is a checklist you can use, and we will get to that soon.
The same thing happens if you tune in to the “love and light” movement, which says that if you see and hear no evil, there will be no evil.
In a true sense, because we create our reality, we also interact with other people and different organizations daily, and the sequence is that light comes before love.
Light is information, and unconditional love is God or Source’s essence.
Therefore, we need knowledge before understanding what to do with it. Another thing to beware of is those channelers who say that the Global Elite has the power and you have to fight them. Again, run!
There is not much of a difference between Christians, who think that there will be a rapture, and those who are “Born Again” will be “beamed up” by God, while the more unfortunate, who may be great people, but are not baptized, will be left to burn in the eternal fire.
The New Age movement says you will be “beamed up” to Paradise in the 4th and 5th Dimensions.
So, am I saying that there is no ascension?
No, there will be ascension, but although the ascension process is natural in cycles, it doesn’t come for free.
Before proceeding to the next step, we need to understand the dynamics of the process and be aware of what is happening in our reality. In other words, we have to know what we’re doing.
Too many people are just reading and listening to channeled material and other metaphysical information, feeling good about it, and then going on with their lives as if nothing has happened; sure of that now when you “know,” the ascension will come automatically because they know more than other people.
This will not do much for a person’s ascension other than that they have some valuable information. The “secret” to actual ascension is to learn about life and then live what we learn!
Anyone can listen and read, but courage is required to change your ways and start walking the talk.
Still, when push comes to shove, the real thing is much better and more exciting than the illusion (read delusion). In the following subsection, I will discuss channeling and some valuable leads on discerning helpful material from not so beneficial.
I have personally listened to quite a few sources and read more than a few books on the subject, and after a while, it becomes clearer what good channeling is and what is not.
We, humans, have lived generation after generation in fear. There has always been this “invisible authority” present, which we can’t pinpoint, controlling our lives, belief systems, and thinking in general.
Those who speak up are usually made examples of, in one way or another. This induces dread in others who want to speak their truth but dare not. Although times are slightly different now, and we are more accessible and can get away with more, this old, embedded fear still lingers in people’s subconscious.
“If I speak up, I will lose my job;” “If I tell them what I believe, they will think I’m crazy and stop talking to me”; “What will my family say?”
We all recognize these thoughts, but they are all based on fear. It’s “easier” to be quiet and not speak up, but if we don’t, we will not evolve and help others see the bigger picture, whether it concerns our job or spiritual beliefs.
The same cabal is still in charge after thousands of years of overt and covert tyranny (see, although we sometimes don’t want to admit to it, we are allowed more freedom here in the United States than ever.
This is not because the Powers That Be (PTB) have become friendlier, but perhaps more arrogant.
The Internet has helped humans to connect all over the globe in a way that has not been possible before (at least not since Atlantis History), and there is, of course, little the PTB can do to stop that other than turning on the “kill switch” and shut down the Internet.
In China, certain websites are inaccessible due to strict censorship, but here in the West, we’re free to communicate whatever we want.
However, this is not coincidental. People are asking why the Internet was invented and invested in the first place when the PTB certainly could predict that accessible communication would happen. The answer is that they had no choice.
The Internet is not for our convenience, and it is not for the cabals, either. They are just puppets who follow orders.
Orders from whom?
As we shall see, there are dimensional and, even more so, interdimensional beings controlling the PTB. They were the ones who wanted the Internet to develop. If they are to take global control over the human population, they need a global network.
Have you asked yourself why they are speeding up Internet connections over and over again?
We already have high-speed Internet; why even faster? Again, this global network is primarily meant for ETs to control us, not for humans to chat with each other.
Of course, then, people like me and others can use the Internet to communicate our truth for free, without going through book publishers, promotions, and people having to buy my stuff.
If I have something to communicate, I can put it out here, and thousands of people can read it. So, it works both ways.
In the long run, our goal as spiritual beings is to return to Source, the Prime Creator. People in the spiritual movement believe this is our next step on the to-do list.
It is my conviction that this is not the case, though. We are here to learn and experience, and we do this as separate spirits who are still connected with Source on a subquantum level. When we’re done here, we move to the next level of learning on a higher vibration.
There may be a time when we can choose whether to go back and merge with Source and complete our experience or continue exploring, but that time is not yet, as I see it.
Our immediate goal is to develop our infinite potentials further and not become, but realize that we already are, multi-dimensional, which is quite a different ball game altogether.
The truth is that we do not know it and thus don’t use our potential. So where would we go?
Suppose we are all ONE, and we are all ultimately connected on a subquantum level.
Where can we go except inside ourselves, into the quantum and subquantum parts of ourselves, see our connection to everything around us, and transfer that from the microcosmos to the macro cosmos?
Our bodies are made initially to be multi-dimensional. We already have the bodies we need and must stay in them, not leave them.
Therefore, we want to stay grounded and not reach for some lofty “God’s Palace” in the sky. We should feel gratitude for having a body; our physical body is our “Temple”; even the Bible says so. It’s because of our body, not by abandoning it, that we can become multi-dimensional.
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2. How Channeling Works
I would say that most channeled material is a confusing mixed bag of truths, half-truths, and lies. However, channeled entities are doing their best to assist us to the best of their abilities. Still, they are as limited as we are in predicting what will happen.
Channeling works, in general, by entities temporarily possessing a human body (often called a “vehicle”) reading the consciousness of that vehicle and tuning into the mass consciousness of the entire planet’s population; they “hook up” to the planetary matrix, i.e., everything on the planet itself as a semi-conscious being.
They also have access to the Akashic Records of the whole human race, and they have their mass consciousness and that of the Multiverse to draw information and knowledge.
Some of them are also from our future and past, so they may have quite a lot of information from their memories to draw from.
With their multi-dimensional perspective, these entities can answer our questions with a high accuracy rate. Still, the cons are that things become slippery when they look into the future.
Any beings on the planet, although to some degree predictable, make decisions every second of their lives, and these decisions create an outcome. If we combine the decisions of nearly 7 billion people, the mutual result for the human race and everything we affect is quite unpredictable.
Thus, it’s tough for these entities to predict the future of mass consciousness.
It’s always easier to understand what will happen in a day or a week (because fewer thoughts and decisions are made within this short period) than it would be to predict what will happen in a year or longer.
We then need to include all the timelines involved.
All these entities can do is read the present consciousness of the planetary timeline at which they have entered, predict how the human consciousness will react and act in the future, still based on the time in which they operate, and get a probable picture of the future.
However, any worthwhile channeled entity will tell you that this is a very slippery business, and it’s preferable not to predict things too precisely.
When participating in channeled material, we must consider the agenda of the channeled entity or group consciousness. They can tell us things they want us to know and exclude what they don’t want us to know.
Also, different entities have different levels of awareness, just like humans; some may be truthful, while others lie to advance their agenda.
We will discuss this problem in other papers as well. It is always a struggle to lay a multi-dimensional puzzle. We must accept that we are just at the beginning of learning things; whatever conclusions we come to today will be subject to future editing.
What holds today may be the “old paradigm” tomorrow in the fluid and ever-changing Multiverse.
Another thing that is very important to consider is whether the channeled entities are giving your power away. It is worth your time if the information is uplifting and can bring you to a new experience level.
And if they tell you to give your power to someone other than yourself (Ascended Masters or whomever), the same thing: close the book, turn off the CD, and start looking elsewhere for valuable material.
A typical example of quality channeling, which falls into many of the categories above, is, in my opinion, the – Pleiadians, channeled by Barbara Marciniak.
In this case, their agenda is known and openly discussed by the entities, and they have been consistently assisting humanity for 23 years as of this writing, without contradicting themselves.
Their information is uplifting and educating; when it’s more severe, it always leads to a solution on the other end. Being open about that they do have a personal agenda and what it is is a positive thing in itself.
Now we know what they want and how they want it, and it’s up to us to agree. We can choose to be part of their agenda and see how it benefits us, or we can opt out and choose another direction.
According to the Pleiadians, they are us in the future and our ancestors. They were part of humankind’s genetic engineering in the ancient past and are now “stuck” in a future timeline, which is not very pleasant to live in.
They are directly connected to the events happening here on Earth in this nano-second (see section 1.3 below), and they want us to make more conscious decisions than they did when they were here at this particular time (on their timeline).
They chose a machine world before a more simplistic, conscious reality closer to nature, and their “agenda” is to change their timeline so that the nightmare they are living in now (our future) can also vary.
They are refugees from different star systems who have come together as a collective to contact us and educate us on what is ahead.
They say we have free will to do whatever we want, but they hope that by teaching us, we will make more conscious decisions than they did in their past.
If their agenda is successful, it could mean they cease to exist in their reality while we will thrive in ours, but they are willing to take that chance of creating their extinction.
They say the alternative is that if we choose the same route as they did, there’s a good chance we will end up where they are.
3. The Nano-Second and the Importance of Staying Grounded
An interesting thing the Pleiadians talk about is the “nanosecond,” their name between 1987-2012.
That’s when the energies on this planet increase exponentially, partly because we are aligning with the Galactic Center. This event is already happening but will culminate in the Winter Solstice in 2012.
This is the primary reason for the mass awakening, but it is also the reason for its suppression by those in power, who want us to stay asleep and ignorant of our true selves. These suppressive forces are humans in apparent power on this planet and beings from elsewhere.
I think most of you who read this paper agree that more and more people around the globe are “waking up” to the fact that there is a “Hidden Hand” pulling the strings of humanity from behind the scenes.
Things are not exactly how we’re told by governments, mass media, and so-called “authorities.”
The awakening happened quickly within a relatively short time frame, and many of us are certainly not the same person we were 25 years ago or perhaps even two years ago.
Many feel that “time is speeding up,” sometimes to the extent that it’s hard to catch up and stay updated with what is happening around us or inside us.
Historically speaking, this is a new phenomenon in modern times.
The Internet has contributed to the mass awakening to some degree because we have connected globally to share our viewpoints and thoughts, but this is not the answer.
The Internet wouldn’t have done the trick if we weren’t ready to wake up from our spiritual slumber. There is still a lot to do before humans have woken up to change paradigms radically, but we are quickly heading in that direction.
The Pleiadian time frame (1987-2012) feels pretty accurate when we realize that the mass awakening has happened mostly within the last 25 years.
They say we have a small time window when intense energies from the cosmos hit Earth, mainly on the gamma-ray level, heavily affecting our bodies and minds.
Energy is not only something that supports basic life but also energy on a quantum level, as encoded information. This information triggers our dormant DNA and connects us with the Multiverse.
Our own Sun, which is also connected with, and affected by, the “Womb of the Mother,” the Giant Sun (or a vast collection of suns) in the Galactic Center, is more intense than usual and is directly affecting us and our mass consciousness here on Earth.
Therefore, it’s vital that we always stay grounded and in our bodies, especially now while this process is so intense.
All the information from the cosmos that we “download” during this time will help us tremendously after 2012, when the energies slowly return to a more normal level, and time, as we perceive it, will gradually slow down again.
So, we must be mindful and work on connecting with these energies, or it will be much harder afterward.
This energy boost we are currently experiencing is a “free ride” if we are receptive, ready, and willing to take it all in. When the nanosecond has passed, we have time to process what we have gathered.
This makes it so much more important to “follow our heart” and our “instincts” (intuition) and trust what we feel. We live in times where we will find helpful intellect but also quite limited.
These are not the times when the logical mind can figure things out independently; it needs significant help from the heart chakra.
Not until we have opened our hearts and started “feeling” can we more accurately analyze what is happening and how to proceed.
Mulder was wrong to say that “the answers are out there,” and that’s why he never found them. The answers are within, and that’s where we need to start looking.
4. The Real Ascension
The yearning many feel to ascend to higher densities is not just programming and deception. It’s also because a fragment of us remembers how it is to be multi-dimensional.
How many of us haven’t looked up at the night sky and watched the stars to get this feeling that we “want to go home?” Some may even feel a little sad or feel lost.
We don’t understand why we feel this way, but there is a reason. It’s not necessarily because we don’t belong here on Earth and, therefore, want to “go home” to another star system.
It’s more that we miss our ability to be multi-dimensional, where the whole Multiverse is our home. We feel a little bit like someone in prison, looking out through the bars, seeing the world outside, and getting this longing for freedom.
As presented in the New Age Movement and channeled material, Ascension triggers this feeling inside us. This is probably the main reason we so dearly want to believe in it, and another reason is that we want to escape from a reality we don’t like.
We feel trapped in a control system with no way out, and ascension seems like the perfect escape.
Certain secret societies have also promoted the ideas of ascension and Ascended Masters over the millennia, mainly to keep people thinking outside the box and trapped within the 3rd Density.
The common misconception is that we are leaving our bodies and going somewhere by ascending.
We are not leaving Earth, our home, but instead, while still in our bodies, we are letting the higher densities manifest through our chakras, little by little at first, then faster and faster.
We do this by activating more and more of our DNA and not escaping to some lofty reality where everything is bliss.
Becoming multi-dimensional means re-opening up to the multiverse we once connected to.
Our environment will gradually change as we evolve because we are creating a new paradigm, a new Earth with our vibrations, thoughts, emotions, and newly regained wisdom. Our DNA is lightening up, and the chakras open one by one.
Our primary body is our “home station.” From there, we can explore the multiverse through our thoughts and photonic bodies.
Before we finish this paper, the difference between ascension and becoming multi-dimensional will be crystal clear. From here, we experience the Multiverse in all its glory, in 4-space/time. We need bodies to function on a multi-dimensional level and to have a whole experience.
Or, as James of the WingMakers puts it:
The orientation that humanity is emerging from the relative darkness of the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension is a misconception of the modern-day New Age movement.
Humanity evolves to embrace the multiverse, and as it evolves it discovers that it’s Super Universe is accessible to the human mind in ways that defy logic.
This is the stage, upon which humanity is entering, and it is not to ascend in a vibratory epiphany to a higher dimension, but rather it is to interact with a broader multiverse of intelligence that heretofore has only been imagined by a handful of humanity’s finest representatives.
Humanity will remain in the 3rd dimension, but will increasingly become aware of the higher dimensions while living in the 3rd dimension, even as First Source, its creator, does.
First Source lives in the 3rd dimension but is simultaneously aware of itself throughout the spectrum of the multiverse, and through Source Intelligence, is aware of all life forms in all dimensions.
The Pleiadians say something very similar.
Still, it’s not the most critical thing that other people or collective entities say; what’s important is what you feel and whether your learning gives you power and inspiration. That’s what matters because you are the one who ultimately will have to use what you learn.
These special times are very challenging for many people, both those thrilled by the incoming energies and learning from the light fragments carried on by the Sun and those still not awake enough to recognize them consciously.
Undoubtedly, this dance of increased energies will also affect our environment, and it already does. Some people think the Earth’s changes will soon cease to happen after an imagined culmination in 2012, but they will continue years after that.
Not wanting to be alarming, but still getting real, I am sorry to say that the earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming (the real ones), flooding, hurricanes, and other natural phenomena that are not humanmade by HAARP and other similar projects, will continue to occur with increased intensity long after 2012.
The main reason is the cyclic passing of the tenth planet in our solar system (if we include Pluto), Nibiru, the giant celestial body with a 3,600-year orbit around our Sun.
As Nibiru comes closer, there will be dramatic effects on Earth and the rest of the solar system.
We can go back approximately 3,600 years. Depending on which angle Nibiru is entering the Inner Solar System, we will see cataclysms with various intensities and destruction.
We will discuss Nibiru in these papers, not just as a celestial body but as an inhabited planet with intelligent life. One of the main things is to be prepared not only for the earth’s changes but for the changes within, where the mass awakening occurs.
Those who have prepared themselves by starting to connect with the Multiverse will have a much easier time transitioning. In contrast, those who haven’t prepared or are ignorant of what is going on will have a very tough time, and some will even go insane and/or commit suicide.
I am not saying this to scare the reader, just as a matter of fact. We can already see this happening around us; many people are overwhelmed by their situations and don’t understand what is happening. This is why I believe the information in these papers is so important.
If nothing else, I hope they trigger something within the reader to start searching for the Holy Grail, the Inner Knowledge.
Also, different timelines are merging as we become more multi-D. We will discuss this in another paper and how we live many different lives simultaneously on different timelines and periods.
This may not be real to some readers, but it becomes more apparent as you read. Others have vivid and lucid dreams, connecting with their multi-dimensional selves; they meet with dead relatives or spirit guides (who sometimes can be the same).
Those who can interpret the symbolism in their dreams may learn a lot about what is happening in their lives and their environment.
After all, agreements are made in the dream state, and in specific terms, the dream state is more “real” than our awake state because we are more multidimensionally connected on a quantum level in our dream state than when we are awake.
Many people became more psychic and telepathic during this period. We must embrace these moments and acknowledge our new abilities when we occasionally notice something like that.
Also, they should be recognized when they occur and work on developing them even more. It’s a crucial part of being multi-dimensional. In the Multiverse, most evolved beings live under “The Law of One,” which is the understanding that we are all ONE, and what we do to another, we do to ourselves.
They know who they are and where they came from.
Still, it must be said that even in the Multiverse, there is corruption, power struggles, and wars (as above, so below), and not everything is bliss just because we open up to new realities.
The Multiverse is there to be explored (the whole purpose), and all beings have “free will” to experience anything they like; that’s the game’s beauty if we look at it from the original, intended perspective.
No one is going to punish you for doing something counter-survival except yourself.
We have all heard the expression “what comes around goes around,” which is another expression for the term “karma.” So, when we open our chakras, we will notice that it’s still up to us how we want to explore the Multiverse; we can do it from an optimistic viewpoint or a negative one.
It is up to the individual and the species. As long as we are separate from Source and are experiencing the Matrix/Unum/Multiverse, there will be polarity.
The vast difference between now and then is that all choices will be available to us, and we can go anywhere we want in the Multiverse but still have our base in our biological bodies.
Our planet is dense and vibrates within a relatively low-frequency band. Things here, including our bodies, are pretty condensed and heavy. The lower the vibration, the more solid the matter becomes.
Hence, it can be difficult for many visitors from the rest of the cosmos to stay with us for extended periods because things are much less dense outside Earth.
After a while, they get pretty uncomfortable and need to leave. If they don’t, they may get caught up in our low vibration and even get stuck here, which has happened.
This is one of the reasons why people see strange-looking creatures all over the globe and creatures coming up from inside the Earth. Although there are native creatures living inside of Earth, some are not from here and have no intention of staying.
Astronauts who have left the Earth’s atmosphere are witnesses to how different it feels when they leave the planet; they say it feels like a significant burden has been lifted from their shoulders.
Their thinking process is more straightforward, their bodies feel healthier, and they become almost euphoric. Interestingly, the noise inside their heads is gone—it’s silent!
When they leave Earth, they get out of its frequency range and taste how Earth would be if we all increase our vibrations.
Once the astronauts return to Earth, they get caught within the low-frequency mass consciousness again, resulting in some astronauts and cosmonauts falling into chronic depression, and many start having alcohol problems.
5. The RA Material
The Ra Material has been available to us since the 1980s, channeled by Carla Rueckert between 1981 and 1984; the late Don Elkins asked the questions, and Jim McCarty was the scribe.
These three persons made up the group that channeled The Ra Collective, claiming to be a 6th-Density Collective Consciousness that has previously visited Earth in physical form.
The channeled sessions’ result, assembled into five books called “The Ra Material” or “The Law of One,” was considered a breakthrough in metaphysics due to the wealth of information and Don Elkins’ brilliant questions.
Channeling and metaphysics have not been the same since; I think I dare say, at least not until the Pleiadians came into the picture in 1988. Many entities came after and said similar things, but The Ra Material was one of the pioneer channels of modern times.
I have read all five books at least twice and skipped around when needed for research purposes.
There is a great website where a fan of the material sets up a searchable site with all the info so that you can easily find anything you want, sorted by categories, words, phrases, and whatnot.
This material probably found a new life within the spiritual movement and the metaphysical research community after an anonymous person, calling himself “Hidden Hand,” posted on the Above Top Secret Forum in late 2008.
I recaptured this person’s conversation with the forum members (we don’t even know his gender, but we will make him male for our discussion) and made an article out of it. It has become viral, perhaps one of the most popular articles I’ve ever posted.
I called it “Dialogue with ‘Hidden Hand’ — Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider.”
This person, revealing a lot of exciting information about who is controlling our planet, including valuable data regarding things that revolve around that subject, also mentioned the Ra Material as one of the most accurate channeled information on the planet today.
This statement caused many people, including myself, to read the books for the first time.
First, Hidden Hand is not a friend of humanity from our everyday perspective and is a catalyst. Some people saw him as an ally and helper, but it’s easy to forget that he is a mass murderer and a very negatively oriented being, claiming to belong to a bloodline, not from this Earth.
Secondly, he promotes the Ra Material as an almost impeccable source (claiming it to be around 97% correct).
The Ra Material opened up quite a few doors and changed my thinking; it was a huge stepping stone.
Even today, I consider much of this material to be accurate. Still, like with everything, we need to use discernment. For example, the difference between the Ra Material and the Pleiadians is the lack of intimacy in the first.
You feel that the Pleiadians are “real” beings because they can show emotions and connectivity with the audience.
Although I haven’t heard an initial session between Ra/Carla Rueckert and Don Elkins live (only when David Wilcock channels them), reading the material gives me the feeling of “robotism”; the Ra Collective is quite emotionless and almost machine-like in their presence and their replies.
This always bothered me, but I put that aside in favor of the great information they provided.
The Ra collective claims to be 6th Density beings, having visited our planet several times. Now, they are pretty close to completing an Octave (densities 1-8, where 8 is the transition from one Octave to the next).
The Ra Collective contacted humanity to prepare us for the “Harvest,” an event that, according to them, happens every 75,000 years and will occur around 2012.
They say that the Earth cycle is now ending, and those who are more than 51% “Service to Others” than “Service to Self” are vibrating high enough to ascend to the 4th Density.
Those who are not will be left behind and recycled into another 75,000-year cycle in 3rd Density but on another planet. In their words, Earth is also ascending to the 4th Density; it already is.
Those who vibrate high enough will stay on this very Earth and transform together with it into 4th Density.
The similarity between the RA Material and the Pleiadians is remarkable, especially as they approach the same thing from two different angles. I find this fascinating and convincing, as they seemingly are not from the same collective.
The Pleiadians and RA are talking about “ascending” to a New Earth of higher vibration, which can carry our new, higher consciousness.
RA calls it the Harvest, and although the Pleiadians use this term once or twice as well, they are saying that Earth will be splitting into two Earths, metaphysically speaking; one will stay in 3-D while one will be a 4-D Earth.
The RA Material, as well as the “Cassiopaeans,” “Germane,” “The Pleiadians,” “Hidden Hand,” and others, are distinguishing between Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO).
These terms will be more closely discussed in a separate section of one of the “Soulution Papers,” but for those who are unfamiliar with the terms, here’s a brief explanation, as presented by the RA Material:
Service to Others (STO), for those to which this term is new, means that a person is ready to serve their fellow man and their environment when help is needed and asked for. This is done unconditionally, without the person asking him/herself, “What is in it for me?”
You don’t expect anything in return. If someone wants to pay back for your service, it may be accepted, as this is the other person’s way of feeling gratitude, but it should never be asked for or bargained for. STO is done out of Unconditional Love, a primary attribute of Source.
Service to Self (STS) is, as the term indicates, the opposite. If you do something for others, you always ask yourself what you can gain from it.
You don’t do things to help others out of Unconditional Love for “All That Is,” but for your benefit. ‘The Service to Self’ – a person is experiencing a manifestation of Source where taking is much more important than giving.
STS indicates that it’s the work of the Ego.
I need to add that there is nothing wrong with having an ego. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to think intellectually. Some factions of the New Age movement believe that eliminating the ego is essential because it is terrible and egotistical.
Not necessarily so, though. Only when the ego takes over and the person acts like a “Besserwisser” does that ego become a problem or an obstacle to opening up your heart.
According to Ra and many other metaphysical sources, either way is okay; it’s just polarity and different experiences.
However, karma is always an issue, and those who choose STS sooner or later have to deal with their karma, so they may suddenly find themselves on the other end of the rope, where someone else is taking advantage of them to the same degree they did others.
So it’s just a matter of choice. According to Ra, we all return to Source, although it will be more complex and take longer if we choose the STS route.
Hidden Hand and Ra say that if you are more than 97% negative or STS, you ascend to 4th Density Negative, where you must gradually live out your karma.
This is compared to living hell, similar to what we sometimes see in movies, where everybody fights against each other without remorse, has to watch their backs 24/7, and trusts no one. It’s not a desirable place to be.
I am bringing up the Ra Material and Hidden Hand extensively because they have become a big part of the spiritual movement. It can’t be stressed enough that we must pick out what resonates from any material and leave the rest; it’s hazardous to swallow everything someone says, no matter how right it sounds.
No one has the whole truth; it has to be sought in layers inside ourselves. Seek inside, take in information when needed, but with caution, and create your reality, the one you want to live in. We must learn how this current prison planet is set up: webs of deceit spun within webs of deceit.
It’s very cleverly done, and it includes the metaphysical realms substantially as well. Like attracts like; as we know, there are bonds and treaties between different beings in the expanding Multiverse.
Still, I am convinced that the Multiverse is a friendly place that always works in our favor. We need to decide what we want to experience. Ask, and ye shall receive!
Unconditional Love, Service to Self, and Service to Others are “the real deals.”
Helping others when they want our help (without forcing help on anybody) boosts mass consciousness, and what one person does will affect everybody else to some degree. So, if we want to stay positive, live a happy life, and start vibrating on a higher level, Unconditional Love, Service to Others, and Self in a healthy mix are the way to go.
We need to set our priorities straight. As we said earlier, the Ra Material and Hidden Hand tell us we must be 51% STO to ascend to a higher density.
If we are less than 51% STO and a little more STS than that, we will “recycle” into another cycle in 3rd Density until we learn our lessons.
Another cycle will again be very challenging, and we will continue to live under the same negative control.
According to both sources, the logic behind this is that if we are 51% or more Service to Others than Service to Self, we vibrate on a 4th Density level and will ascend; it’s not a punishment not to ascend, just physical law.
However, here is the catch. People who buy into the Ra Material and Hidden Hand too much often develop an evil conscience and may even get anxious because they always think about whether they are 51% STO.
By the end of the day, they may doubt if they are “good enough” or doomed to experience another cycle in 3-D.
6. Some Final Words
Connecting to the Multiverse opens our chakras and minds to endless possibilities. Once we understand that we are all ONE with the Creator, and there is no separation, the rest comes naturally when we truly appreciate this.
We don’t even consider whether we’re “good enough” or not. We know we are all in this together, and what you experience, on some level, I also experience, and vice versa.
Once this is realized, we no longer think about “good” and “evil.” Everything is experienced; if we encounter something we don’t like, we know it’s there to show and teach us something. We also stop blaming others for our situations.
We know beyond any doubt that we are a significant part of what we are experiencing, and as long as energy is moving freely and efficiently, we’re good to go, and we learn something.
Also, ponder the following interesting fact: those controlling us, originally from elsewhere, may be more intelligent and technologically advanced than us because they originate from older civilizations.
Still, humans waking up here on Earth today with a positive attitude are, in ways that count, more advanced than they are already.
We understand that wars and negative control are a thing of the past and don’t want to engage in them again. We don’t need to create fear in others to get things our way; we know we can’t win by meeting fire with fire.
We do things out of Love and Understanding because that’s how we naturally think. We know that using weapons and violence to accomplish goals is always a sign of lower awareness and consciousness, whether we talk about ETs or humans.
We are the future; they are the past, and one day, not too far away from now, they will no longer match our frequency and will not be part of our reality until they come to the same conclusions.
By letting those in power take our power away, we have been set back on this planet and brought down into oblivion. How many belief systems have been invented for us? How many have we created ourselves?
How many religions and spiritual paths do we have to choose from? How many religious leaders? Gurus? Ascended Masters? How many variants of Jesus and God? No one can say we won’t have opportunities to pick and choose.
It’s like going to the supermarket; you want to buy shampoo, and lo and behold!
There are an overwhelming number of different brands and varieties within each brand. Still, they all perform the same function: they wash your hair.
Feel free to pick the brand of your choice! The prison guards won’t stop you if you choose from the brands they decided, and don’t try to substitute them with your own.
As we progress through these papers, I intend to challenge the reader to start thinking with their hearts more than their heads. It’s okay to wrap our heads around things, but the trick is knowing when to use our hearts and when to use our heads.
These papers will challenge both; how much so will differ depending on the reader’s current understanding, but I hope everybody will feel challenged to a certain degree at least and have quite a few “aha” moments, just like I did when I researched this.
Things will be even more apparent as we move through the “Levels of Learning” (which is how these papers are set up). At the point of this writing, I believe I have Levels I and II ready in my head, but I don’t know what will be revealed.
Wes Penre Books below on Amazon:
- Wes Penre: The ORION Book
- The ORION Book Part 2
- “Hidden Hand” Tells All
- Synthetic Super Intelligence
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