Wes Penre Papers: Humanity’s Future: Life After The Nanosecond

Wes Penre’s article explores several unconventional and thought-provoking concepts about humanity’s future and consciousness.

The piece discusses the idea of a “nano-second,” which Penre describes as a brief period of accelerated spiritual and consciousness evolution for humanity.

The article delves into the concept of “paper life,” suggesting that our perceived reality might be more illusory or malleable than we typically believe.

This ties into Penre’s broader ideas about the nature of consciousness and reality.

Penre also introduces the notion of a “new mind,” which likely refers to a transformed state of human consciousness or perception. This concept is presented in the context of humanity’s potential future development.

It’s important to note that Penre’s work often blends esoteric philosophy, fringe science, and speculative theories.

His ideas challenge conventional understanding and are not supported by mainstream scientific evidence.

Readers should approach these concepts critically, recognizing them as alternative perspectives rather than facts.

Grab your popcorn and your discernment, of course.

1. Healing Body & Mind

A new disease has started spreading like wildfire amongst people all over the ‘civilized’ world, and it can be quite painful for some infected people. It’s pretty contagious and, foremost, affects your neurological system.

In severe cases, it prevents you from taking advantage of the Sun and the Galactic Center’s downloaded energy.

It’s contagious and causes severe addiction, especially in children and young adults. If a person is contaminated in their younger years, this disease can become chronic and affect them for the rest of their life, which will be shorter than average.

Which disease am I talking about?

Well, I’m talking about ‘electronicism,’ the misuse of electronics! Ah, that’s funny, some may say, that is not a disease. Yes, it is! It has all the characteristics of a disease and certainly affects people’s neurology after a while. The term electronicism is, of course, made up, but the rest is not.

We live in a world where people become increasingly addicted to electronics, not only from using them all the time at work, but many continue when they come home.

You see young teenagers walking down the street, and 8 out of 10 are busy doing something with their cell phones, iPods, iPads, or whatever little device it may be.

Very rarely, if at all, do they look up to see what is happening around them. They are crossing the street, using their peripheral vision, hoping no one will run them over.

I am always careful when driving and seeing a young person text on their phone while walking. These are the devices of the gods.

They used similar electronic machines when they were here during the Sumerian time, and they, too, were addicted to them, although that was not all the gods were addicted to.

Gold was another thing. That will perhaps be a matter of time as we want to prolong our lifespan. The gods sniffed it like a drug; according to A.R., they still do.

The main problems with electronics are that they destroy our neurological system, and the person overusing them can get very sick, which may be painful. Doctors often don’t know why the person is hurting, except they can see it’s a neurological problem.

The disease does not show up on blood tests. Especially now, during the nano-second, when the gamma rays affect our neurology, it’s important not to contaminate it with electronics, or people may miss out on everything they were here for.

And don’t think for a moment that the Sirian Alliance and its human puppets didn’t time this! They knew when to escalate the use of electronics in society.

If you look back from 1987 to 2012, the nanosecond was also when the rapid increase in electronics happened. It’s not a coincidence.

At first glance, this suggests that we are losing a generation or two due to electronics, and to a large degree, we are.

We will probably lose more than that, as many of our young generations will continue into the Machine Kingdom and embrace even more sophisticated machines. The Sirians so generously give us plenty of technology to splurge on.

The electronics won’t go away; quite the opposite. There is no use in fighting it, but it’s imperative that we who want to work on ourselves and help others do the same stay away from these devices as much as we can.

Believe it or not, cell phones are spying devices as well.

Big Brother can monitor your actions even when the phone is off. People usually think that’s bogus, but it’s not. It’s done via the identical satellites that are tuned into to work at all. It’s a piece of cake for the Elite to use them as tracking and spy devices.

On the other hand, there are other kinds of people growing up right now who are not into high-tech, and some are contacting me. They are still in their teens and early twenties, and I am amazed at how aware and conscious these young people are.

They wouldn’t dream of getting stuck in electronics; they are very well aware of the risks, know a lot about the world, and are spiritually evolved! It’s a pleasure to read their emails and see that there is hope.

A common denominator is that they seem to have been born with their awareness and level of consciousness; that’s what most of them tell me.

Some of them are very psychic and quite multi-dimensional and were so before they knew what that was. Some people call them ‘indigo children,’ but I prefer to call them ‘gifted’ because indigo children and adults have too much stigma attached to them.

It is important not to treat these children as ‘special’ because they are more than everybody else.

We need to acknowledge their abilities and support them in accomplishing their goals, but they need to be treated like everybody else in all other respects, or we lose them, too.

They are a big part of our hope for the future, so we’d better support them and treat them like normal kids. And even if they decide to live normal lives and ignore their abilities, it’s their choice.

The last piece of advice regarding practical problems is related to the overuse of these devices; if you experience such problems and think they may be related to this, stop using the devices totally for a while (hopefully forever) and be with nature.

Let nature heal the damage that has been done. It does not always help, depending on the severity of the neurological effects, but it should make you feel better afterward.

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1.1. Blocked Energy and the Mechanics of ‘Healing Along the Lines of Time’

There are many things we can do to heal ourselves. The most effective healing is to upgrade ourselves and educate ourselves so we know what’s going on.

Before we go on, there has been a lot of talk on the Internet about how ‘negative’ information is harmful and fear-based. People should avoid such information and only take in what is positive.

I want to debunk that once and for all.

The only thing that’s correct in that statement is that if the information is fear-based and no positive solutions are presented, it is harmful and will eventually put a person into depression or paranoia.

Information needs to be somewhat balanced, but it should also be told as it is without sugar-coating it. Most information can now be released to the public because humankind is ready.

And those who aren’t ready won’t read it anyway.

I wish our true history were wonderful with lots of positive information, but that’s not how it is. And because this, unfortunately, is the case, should we disregard our origins and all the events that led to what is happening today, or perhaps only selectively tell uplifting stories?

If we do that, we can skip it all because we will forever be stuck in our problems, which will worsen. So, our true history is incredibly important and is something every person on this planet needs to know; otherwise, they will not progress.

If someone tells you that you shouldn’t read or partake in anything negative,’ question their agenda. Ask them precisely what they mean by that, and think about what I’ve said here.

Then, you should be able to figure out whether this person has duped him/herself.

Physical and mental issues almost always stem from past (and sometimes future) unresolved issues. If it’s unclear what causes these issues in the present time, you can be pretty sure they come from inner conflicts originating in ‘past lives’ or ‘future lives,’ as all time is simultaneous.

These issues transmute into blocked energy. Much of this blocked energy originates from issues and problems the person hasn’t resolved in their current life. Most of us, especially in relationships, have now and then grinned and bit to maintain peace and avoid conflict.

Sometimes, it goes so far that a person in a marriage or love/friend relationship keeps quiet about how they think and feel because they know (or think they know) that the other person wouldn’t like it.

When we stop communicating who we are, even if it costs us the relationship, we create blocked energy, which can lead to illnesses in the long run. This blocked energy turns into ‘ridges’ in the physical body.

This can be considered ‘condensed energy,’ which does not move in any direction but sits there, blocking any energy flow. It’s not moving because it’s a problem that never got resolved.

And the definition of a problem is ‘intention — counter-intention,’ which means that someone has an intention (maybe to say something). Still, the other person has a counter-intention (the unwillingness to accept the communication), which creates a problem.

So when these two energies, countering each other, meet, they create a ‘ridge.’ The soul does not want to deal with it, so it transfers the pain related to the problem to the body instead and lets it ‘store’ the problem instead of the soul dealing with it as soon as possible.

To make things a little more complicated, there is often a reason why a person does not want to confront their problems in the present time. This is because one or more similar problems in the past were equally unresolved.

This can result in a chain of events (causing problems) that go back to previous lives, either genetically or spiritually. And just like with a physical chain, when you cut off the first link, the rest falls to the ground, and the person is free from its burden.

The problem is stored in the mind as a conscious memory but doesn’t charge it. The energy can run freely again. Usually, when we handle a problem at present, we only handle that particular problem.

If we handle it, the next time the same problem arises, it may be easier to deal with. Still, during the nano-second, the ‘chain’ is rattling violently.

When we confront a challenging problem, we are confronting both the present-time problem and similar problems we had in previous lifetimes!

This is because it’s the end of a Cycle (the End Times), and time is speeding up. But we are also ‘healing along the lines of time,’ meaning that the timelines are coming together and merging with the present.

So we have a chance in a million to break the chain at its first link just by going to the bottom with the problems hitting us in the face in this present life! You may have encountered some strange difficulties in this life, and you couldn’t understand where they came from.

You have equally found them quite challenging to confront and resolve; perhaps you just wanted to run away from them and hope they never returned. Maybe you have gone from relationship to relationship because of the same or similar problems in every relationship.

If so, this is a typical example of when you can handle these problems once and for all. It may be a very tough thing to do, but once it’s done, you have helped to heal yourself in past and future lives and changed the events for that particular fragment of self.

These past lives and future characters, who still exist in the present time because time is simultaneous, will eventually be free and merge with you, making you ‘whole.’

These are the mechanics behind the phrase ‘healing along the lines of time,’ and it’s worth every hardship we may be going through (and God knows I have had my own) because we come out on the other side as much happier beings with psychic abilities and multidimensional skills.

As discussed in the previous paper, we will notice the change already in this life, but we are still trapped in the Sirian Grid system and need to break out of that to regain our true abilities.

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1.2. Clearing Your Energy Field

So-called ‘attachments’ have always existed, where humans have other-dimensional beings attached to their bodies. It’s much more common than we think. People hear voices in their heads that are not their thoughts, and they wonder, who was saying that?

It’s a complex matter because people get so used to these voices and thoughts, and they know too little about themselves to clearly distinguish which voices are their own and which are not. It’s pretty easy with a bit of training, however.

First of all, the thoughts you hear in your head, are these thoughts that you believe you would think? If the thought process seems foreign to you, distractive, repetitive, or changes your personality, there is a problem.

You can have either one of the unquiet dead hitch-hikers or, worse cases — demons (or a mix thereof) attached to you. In rare cases, it could be an alien who’s intentionally glued his soul to your body.

It’s essential to listen to the ‘voices’ and ‘thoughts’ in your head because most of them are probably not yours. Another option is to become psychic and read other people’s or animals’ thoughts.

Do you recognize the thoughts as a friend of yours? Your spouse? Relative?

Work on being psychic and on distinguishing yourself from your environment. If you have gotten attachments, benevolent or not, they may be challenging to get rid of unless you are very firm and your intentions are clear.

Once you raise your vibrations, the entities typically leave because they can’t hold the same frequency as you, but if they still stick to you, you’d better tell them to leave.

It would be best to be assertive and authoritarian but not hostile; tell them, “I know you’re there, and whatever agreement we had that allowed you to place yourself there is now void.

Thank you for teaching me how to have someone attached to you, but now the lesson is learned. I want you to go somewhere where you can be around people who love you.

If you think there is no such place, you should know people always love you. I want you to leave now and then think of where you can find such a place or return to where you came from.

I don’t want you to ever come into my space again. This body is mine, and I own it. If you want a body, you must learn how to get one. This message is for any entity attached to me or my body.”

Of course, the wording may be your choice, but the example above would probably work well. You may hear these voices coming up with reasons why they don’t want to or shouldn’t leave, but you need to be firm and tell them, “What I just said goes! No delays, no “buts.”

If the entity doesn’t leave immediately, repeat the procedure when you notice an attachment.

Some of them may go silent to try and trick you by not noticing them, but sooner or later, they will make their presence heard, or you can add, “those who are silent and try to hide need to leave as in leave – right now!” They usually leave when they can no longer agree with you to stay.

I hope this helps. It needs to be done because about 11 out of 15 may have attachments. And remember, raise your vibration daily!

The attachments do whatever they can to keep attached, but sooner or later, they will ‘fall off.’ When they do, or in the meantime, ensure you are not wide open for new attachments. Claim your space and your sovereignty.

Also, create the bubble around yourself and say that no one is allowed insight into this bubble unless they are consciously invited, without being manipulative, and only have the greatest good in mind for you and your loved ones.

You may want to recreate this bubble now and then, but with time, you’ll get good at it, and you ‘feel’ that now it’s there and working!

When you have cleared your energy field from entities, you will feel an unusual silence in your head. There will be no ‘voices,’ no additional thoughts that are not your own, except maybe if you get very psychic now when your energy field is not being messed with.

You may hear thoughts from a loved one, knowing it is them by the signature of the thought. If thoughts from others come into your energy field too frequently, it may feel disturbing and exhausting, and understanding it can drain your energy.

You can think of the thoughts as water running or dripping from a facet. In your mind, please turn off the faucet and turn it on when you want to. But again, beware of attachments! Keep your energy field clear and your bubble in place, and only invite specific people until you get very skilled.

When your energy field is clear, it’s time to remove residues in your house or apartment. Go buy some sage at the local New Age store (I’ve noticed that some local grocery stores may have them, too) and start smudging the house.

Incense works well, too. These two things will cleanse the place until there are no attachments. You may want to smudge your body and home to be sure. It’s easy to get attachments and psychic attacks when writing on these subjects, so these procedures are very helpful.

Having incense burning near you when you write is an easy way to get into the right ‘mood’ and tune into the vibrations needed to be able to write on a certain spiritual level.

Everything changes when you stop absorbing all the energies around you and start emitting your own.

Some say it’s hard when they have raised their frequency to a certain level because they feel everybody else’s emotions and energies. Therefore, going into a grocery store for an extended time can be challenging.

Having this kind of problem indicates that your frequency is higher than it used to be, or if you were born with this ‘problem,’ you were either born with attachments, or you were pretty evolved even as a little child, or both.

It’s good to become psychic, but in the above case, it can be a handicap, too. Hence, it’s essential to clear your energy field as described here, and when you successfully have done so, you will notice the problem is more or less gone.

You may still pick up some just because you are psychic and more multi-dimensional and starting to become telepathic, but that’s where the bubble comes into the picture.


1.3 Toning

I assume the reader is just like me; you want to separate yourself from the manipulative energies around you. A good thing to practice is ‘toning.’ The universe is made from harmonious sounds, even music.

The Pleiadians say:

“If you listen to Tibetan toning, you find that each person simultaneously makes a number of tones. The toners are able to carry a variety of tones and notes in one sound.

These overtones tend to open and unlock energy doorways, changing your perceptions. Basically, this is what toning does — in a very subtle way, it changes your perceptions.”

“At a powered site or energy vortex, you can tone with the intention of releasing energy that has been stored or trapped there, and you can tone to merge yourself with the site. When you tone, you create various vibratory rates.

At sacred sites of stone, the sounds that you feel trigger data stored in the stones and in your bones. The stones work very well with your bones — the stones feed the bones and the bones feed the stones, sharing data.”

This is why you hear about shamans using stones and bones, especially in the last few thousand years.

Stones and bones both contain information. The stones know Earth’s history since it was created, and the bones know the person’s history and the bloodline that the person belonged to.

Often, in shamanic tribes, the people saved the bones from shamans and exceptionally enlightened people to draw information from them via their bones.

Toning requires some practice and patience but is said to be very effective. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I will as soon as possible. As a musician, I can especially appreciate these kinds of practices.

As the electromagnetic field around Earth becomes weaker, physical and mental structures are not held in place like they used to.

When the electromagnetic field weakens, chaos occurs.

This is the end of an old cycle and the start of a new one, so important things will happen. It will be scary for many people, and those who have built their energy will significantly help the rest by being themselves.

What is old and can’t sustain itself anymore in our current society needs to go to the chaos we will see at the end of 2012, and a few years into the future, is restructuring the old system and rebuilding a new one.

This goes for the Machine Kingdom and those who decide not to belong to it.

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2. Wes Penre: Traveling Back In Time: What Happened 5,120 – 5,000 Years Ago?

This is the end of the Mayan cycle, which is 5,125 years long, and not only that, it’s the end of the nano-second, something that doesn’t happen after each cycle.

This is the end of an old human species and the beginning of a new, upgraded version, which will hopefully lead us into a future of more sovereignty.

Still, we need to claim our ownership of this planet first, and we haven’t even started that process yet.

Just to get a perspective on time, let us take a brief look and see what happened at the end of the last Mayan cycle, about 5,125 years ago:

  • c. 3,100 BC: Narmer (Menes) unifies Upper and Lower Egypt into one country; he rules this new country from Memphis.
  • c. 3100 BC: Narmer, pharaoh, rules (other dates are 3150 BC–3125 BC).
  • c. 3100 BC: Predynastic period (Neolithic) ends in Ancient Egypt (another date is 3150 BC).
  • c. 3100 BC: Early Dynastic (Archaic) period starts in Ancient Egypt (another date is 3150 BC).
  • c. 3100 BC: The first temple of Tarxien is in use by the Neolithic inhabitants of Malta.
  • c. 3100 BC: First stage in the construction of Stonehenge.
  • c. 3100 BC – 2600 BC: Skara Brae, Orkney Islands, Scotland is inhabited. Discovered in 1850.
  • c. 3100 BC: Anu Ziggurat and White Temple in Uruk, Mesopotamia (modern Warka, Iraq) are built.
  • c. 3100 BC: Humans developed their first writing system, the cuneiform script.

As we can see, a few significant events were happening then. Still, it was not the end of a Galactic Cycle when our solar system completed one orbit around the Zodiac, and we were not aligned with the Galactic Center, either.

The most significant changes at the beginning of the cycle we are just now completing are,

The development of the Mesopotamian writing system, the cuneiform script.

This was taught to mankind so we could write down our history with the ‘gods.’ Of course, it was not actual history.

Still, the Sirians needed human scribes who could write down exactly what was dictated to them to trigger future events, like prophecies.

However, when we think about it, the scribe didn’t even have to be human; he (I’m sure the scribes were males) could be a Sirian in human clothing, but they still needed us to be able to read or write for future generations to see that humans inhibited this skill.

The first stage in the construction of Stonehenge. This monument, built on a lay line, has been such an important place for rituals and fertility rites over time that even today, everybody has heard of Stonehenge.

The Early Dynastic (Archaic) period started in Ancient Egypt. This was the beginning of a whole new era. Upper and Lower Egypt unified into one country, again a significant change in humanity’s history.

Egypt and Mesopotamia/Sumer were major Sirian centers, and 5,000 years ago, the two Empires flourished.

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3. Integrate the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ with the ‘Tree of Life’

What is the ‘Tree of Life’?

Well, it depends on whom you ask. Many people who have dug deeply into the Mystery Schools and Secret Societies’ esoteric material have their view on it, while the Gnostics have another.

Separate researchers may have their ideas, and channelers only relay what the entities tell them. These ideas often differ in detail, although the central theme is often the same: they involve Eternal Life.

So, if we make this the common denominator and use it as a fundamental truth, let’s proceed from there.

As the Universe, God, and the energy of the Universe are feminine, the Tree of Life should be related to the female.

And indeed, it does! The ‘Tree of Knowledge’ has to do with Divine sex (Sex Magick), and the ‘Tree of Life’ with the Divine Blood of the Goddess, as we shall see.

Here, we will learn how to integrate the two to be easier able to break the ‘Godspell’ and connect with the Goddess Universe (the KHAA) to which we belong.

Over time, humans have tried to find a way to extend their lives, which the Sirian/Aryan geneticists significantly reduced in the past.

The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh exemplifies this longing for the Gods’ Eternal Life’, who found the key to longevity but lost it.

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Figure 3-1. The human nervous system — the ‘Tree of Life.’

In ancient times, people understood that the fruit of the Tree of Life was the blood of the Goddess. This will be much easier to understand if we consider our nervous system a tree.

We think that the Tree of Life has to do with fruits on a tree, but it is all about the fruits of the body, the secretions, and substances that are the gods’ gifts.

However, the same gods have done everything in their power to suppress this same knowledge because they didn’t give these ‘fruits’ to us and created our bodies the way they are, for our benefit, but for theirs. They were the ones who wanted to ‘eat the fruits’ from the human ‘tree.’

The menstrual blood is a gift from the Goddess, and the menstrual periods were something she wanted the females to go through as something sacred.

On the battlefield, or when a person hurts themselves, they bleed, but that blood is often associated with trauma.

Usually, a star being (or soul group) accomplishes this by showing their ability to express Divine Love.

But humans are a very special Experiment. The Goddess gives us this ability by letting us combine the Tree of Knowledge with the Tree of Life and practice its sacredness simultaneously in one act! This is a gift almost unheard of in the Universe.

We may very well be the only experiment in that capacity.

In the beginning, when they realized what the Goddess had done, the Sirians worked extremely hard to achieve the same thing humans could achieve by having sex.

They couldn’t figure out why when they failed, but it became apparent after a while. What was required, they realized, was the pure blood of the Goddess and a genuine and very deep love and connection with the partner.

So much has been written about Sacred Sex, and it has been made complicated, and there is a reason for that. The Sirians complicated the matter, so humans forgot how to accomplish the goal!

However, if two people truly have this much love for each other, they may do it correctly without even knowing anything about the story behind it. But even if so, they usually don’t know they must set distinct goals or hijack their sexual energy.

By hijacking these energies from two lovers, the Sirians can experience a watered-down version of what is possible. So, from their perspective, it’s best to keep mankind ignorant.

For the goals of Sacred Sex to be achieved, two human beings must love each other truly and honestly.

They also need to keep no secrets from each other and be very honest in their relationship, even regarding their needs and wishes.

3.1 Menopause

In today’s world, many women are sad when they enter menopause. They think they are less attractive as women and as sexual beings; it reminds them that they are aging and their ability to have children disappears as menopause progresses.

Even if the woman is not planning on having more children, she may feel the loss, thinking that the primary ability to be a woman is gone.

Interestingly enough, all these emotions connected with menopause are created by the Patriarchal Regime. Then, Men of Power want the women young and full of estrogen and sexual energy to please them, for one, but mainly to use the women for more sinister purposes, as we know.

It is true that after menopause, the woman can no longer share her menstrual blood with her lover, but she is now entering another phase in her development as a Divine Female Being, and the ancients knew this.

A few hundred years ago, when a woman stopped her menses, she was believed to be feared because she could hold the blood and keep all the power to herself.

When a woman goes through this period of less and fewer menses or a more extended period between them, she experiences a pause.

If she is aware of this and doesn’t feel guilt, shame, or sadness during this period, she transforms something inside and lands in a place of more wisdom.

Instead of absorbing this wisdom, most women are taught that they are less attractive and are getting closer to death, and they learn to hate and curse their bodies and, in other, perhaps less extreme ways, learn to dislike their vessels.

This puts the body off balance and can react unpredictably, which is then falsely connected to menopause. Other women (who may not feel these negative emotions and instead continue loving their bodies) don’t have any particular problems during menopause.

I know women who had their menses as usual, and one day, they stopped. They didn’t feel anything unusual about their bodies during menopause.

Now, I’m not saying that all women who have problems during menopause hate their bodies.

Still, I am suggesting that if women washed away all these patriarchal ideas added to the menopause process, women, in general, would be able to go through the experience as something quite positive.

3.2 The Genetic Code

Our blood records our thoughts. It is imprinted with our feelings and radiated outwards for everyone who wants to read. Because of our blood, we are the sum of ourselves in physical form.

This is why having a blood transfusion is critical. This is also why certain religious groups refuse to have one and prefer to die.

When we get someone else’s blood in our veins, we adopt that person’s personality, emotions, and memories to a larger or lesser degree; i.e., our personality may change afterward.

These same religious groups believe that their personalities (and the reason for their lives) disappear during such an interference.

Blood is produced within our bone caverns, which serve as our skeletal structure.

This is why shamans and others use the bones of their ancestors in their rituals; they believe that the memories of the dead ones are stored in the bones. This is correct because the memories are stored in the blood, and the blood is created in our bones.

When we align our consciousness and become more aware, we also automatically purify our blood, which is very sacred.

The red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow, and when we realign the bone, the bone purifies the blood and sorts out the inner secrets of identity. This is why bodywork changes the structure of our blood. What women have forgotten is that blood is the source of their power.

The Pleiadians relay a message to all women so that they understand that their menstrual blood is the source of their power and their most profound inner knowledge.

In the bleeding process lie many of the keys to bringing the Goddess back onto a planet, which is so energetically altered towards male dominance and negative power.

Furthermore, we are told that if we are not interested in Goddess energy and the mysteries of the blood, we miss out on an integral part of life and will not understand what is occurring on our planet.

Men need to learn how to honor the blood (especially the pure menstrual blood), and women must do the same thing. if these things turn us off or we think it’s not essential, we are entirely missing the point.

The Pleiadians say these are the most potent teachings they can give us to help us understand what is coming.

They emphasize that we need to honor the Goddess’s vibration that comes through our hearts and helps our hearts open! Menstrual blood is highly oxygenated, the purest of all blood, and carries the decoded DNA in humans.

The Pleiadians tell us it’s the oxygen that decodes those strands and allows the restructuring of the data.

I plan to post my paper about the Moon, what has been found there, and how this satellite affects life here on Earth, but I haven’t had the chance yet.

I stumble upon information about the Moon ‘everywhere.’

Even the Pleiadians, in their material, talk about how it is a construct. It affects humans and all life on Earth (which is quite commonly known), especially the menstruation cycle. The Pleiadians say the Moon is a very powerful electromagnetic computer.

4. Wes Penre: Sex Magick and the ‘War of the Genders’ Revisited

In his book Human Race, Get Off Your Knees, David Icke describes a software program that deals with gender and sex.

He talks about how a program within the hologram produces sexes and decides how you’re supposed to behave when you take a male or female body, respectively. The program also adds hormones.

This is true, ultimately.

However, there are holograms within holograms, starting with the whole hologram, which is the entire Universe.

So holograms are not very exceptional, although the one we are mainly experiencing here on Earth is, just like Icke suggests, controlled by the ‘Reptilians’ — or instead of the Sirian Alliance.

However, this is just a miniature hologram of the bigger one, keeping us in control. Still, bodies and their hormones work the same here as elsewhere in the Universe if the species is sexually oriented.

It’s not that the ‘Reptilians from the lower 4th Dimension’ are creating the gender hologram for us humans exceptionally; there are quite a few sexual races in the Universe who are not mainly in the same tight situation as we are.

As long as we are human beings, sex is nothing wrong, whether a software program or not; it’s part of being human.

There has been enough stigma put on this subject; we don’t need more by saying that sex is a program produced by an evil Reptilian race.

It’s important to understand that sex brings us to the Heavens.

As we have seen now, it’s both sex (female orgasm, mostly) and the blood of the female (mostly) that take us to the Heavens, not just one or the other.

Real Sex Magick is when two individuals have such a closeness with each other and so much love that they can blend into each other during the sexual act after setting a goal for where the sexual energy should go.

With a lot of training, you and your partner can enter the KHAA and blend in and stay there.

This is your choice as a human being. You are basically from ‘Orion,’ and you have the right to return there whenever you can, whenever you have figured out how to get there.

You can also stay here on Earth, learn more from this physical realm, become a Guardian again, and only visit the KHAA when you wish.

But I am mentioning this because, especially now, as long as we are still in the Sirian entrapment, it’s an excellent way of breaking through to the KHAA and getting strength.

They are hidden inside the blood of the Goddess.

Remember that males and females in the Universe have been equally ‘bad.’ The Universe is feminine; I am 100% convinced about this, and its energies are feminine.

When male energy was eventually created, females still held real power because they were more ONE with feminine energies and the Mother Goddess herself.

So, Mother Goddess divided herself into physical manifestations of herself to have experiences in the Universes she had created.

These manifested Goddesses ‘split’ themselves into lesser goddesses, who started reigning in different parts of the Universe. Some of these manifestations began to view males as inferior and chose them as lovers.

Once they were done with them, they either ate them, killed them, or just ‘got rid of them’ in one way or another to find someone else who could please them.

On the other hand, the males noticed the power within the female soul/mind/body complex and wanted to know how to achieve the same power to overcome their shortcomings.

So, instead of the females treating the males poorly, the males could gain female powers and treat the females as they wanted if only they could figure them out.

So, males in the Universe kidnapped, tortured, and raped females to extract their power. They never succeeded in stealing the female’s real power, but they learned how to gain some of it.

So, they overthrew the Queens where they could, and instead of having a Matriarchal Regime, they created an even worse patriarchal regime!

The Sirians became the Patriarchs personified, although other species were out there, too, who stole the power from the Divine Feminine.

Many of those species came together as one, and the Sirian Alliance has created — a male-dominated Federation.

This Alliance is now on a mission to take over as many universes as possible but has lately concentrated on invading the KHAA. They feel they have an ax to grind with the Divine Feminine and want to create a male-dominated 100% Universe.

Moreover, they want to overthrow the Mother Goddess herself, in her form as pure energy, and make this energy masculine and more powerful than her.

Both sides of the coin have been oppressive because they have reigned to the extreme.

Here on Earth, we should not be looking at overthrowing everything related to the masculine or the feminine; we all are both masculine and feminine inside ourselves, and we need to find that balance.

The last thing we must do now is to overthrow the Patriarchs and create a Matriarchal Regime again. That would be a horrible idea, and our conditions here on Earth would certainly not improve.

We need a world where the feminine and the masculine are in balance, not only within ourselves but also in our relationships with each other and society. 

Not until then can we have freedom. Love is the ultimate soulution!

We can see that love is the main ingredient everywhere a real solution is emerging. Love can overcome everything, but it has to start within ourselves.

We can never genuinely love anybody else if we don’t love ourselves first. Everything comes back to the self. This is why it’s so important to raise our frequencies. It is the other people’s responsibility to raise theirs.

But we inspire each other, grow as a soul group, and eventually grow out of the pettiness of gender wars and any other wars, for that matter.

War is always a sign of a lower consciousness — yes, even when it came to Queens and Kings of the Stars when they started fighting over which gender was above the other.

It may sound pretentious, perhaps, that we would be able to achieve something that the ‘lesser’ Queens and Kings couldn’t achieve.

If so, think again because this is precisely part of what we were created for! It was programmed into our DNA to have as a goal to overcome such pettiness as war and conflict, whatever those may be about.

That is part of the Experiment, to be able to do some things that the gods and goddesses could not. This is precisely why stern patriarchs like Prince ENLIL and King ANU wanted to suppress humanity’s powers—especially the sexual powers and the power of the blood.

They didn’t want us to be more potent than they were.

I don’t know how much Prince EA cared about that — he seemed a little more liberal — because he was an Aryan, to begin with, and the son of the first manifestation of the Mother Goddess.

He may have been less concerned about the humans being more potent than he was with the Sirians.

EA was more concerned that humankind was too stupid to rule themselves. Therefore, he had to create certain bloodlines he put in charge over the rest of mankind, thus creating a ruling Elite Class with no ‘middle man.’

Only an Elite on top, and then the people, as a slave race below them, follow every command from the ‘Authorities.’

So, in summary, we can break our chains through sex and Divine blood.

These two things are very powerful; when we practice Sex Magick routinely, we can be much stronger.

Then, of course, we have the Fire of the Goddess, but part of that Fire is in the blood.

That doesn’t mean that if our body dies, our Fire will diminish, but it means that the body itself has the power of the Goddess when powered up by the Fire, and we are very powerful even in the physical, here in 3D.

What we, as human beings, need to do is to explore the Goddess.

We have lived millennia after millennia, believing that God is a stern, quite aggressive, testosterone-driven male with long white hair and a long beard, and we’ve gotten pretty used to that.

If we ignore the Goddess in our lives, we stay disconnected from the Prime Creator because we don’t understand her, and we don’t understand we are her children and, therefore, a part of her.

I also have difficulty with materials such as WingMakers and LPG-C.

There is so much truth and wisdom in both these teachings; although the two are supposedly on the opposite side, none of the two embraces or acknowledges the Goddess as the Prime Creator, or First Source, if we use the WingMakers’ term.

And as long as God is not acknowledged as Feminine, the rest of the information is misleading, despite how much truth and value the information has otherwise. And don’t think for a second that the WingMakers or LPG-C don’t know about Female Energy. They both do!

The Goddess is very loving and compassionate and cares more about your well-being than you think. Once, the pure Goddess energy in this Universe became distorted, and the females played a big part in it, but now it’s time to restore balance.

That’s partly what we’re here for.

‘The War of the Genders’ is still being fought in many places across the Universe, and with all our Goddess energy inside of us, we are capable of creating the balance necessary, and if done correctly, it will ripple out over the cosmos and across the billions of galaxies and affect other beings on other planets, far away from Earth.

We humans have these capabilities, and many good-hearted beings out there are waiting for us to finally graduate so we can help the Goddess with this task because she sees how beings in this Universe and beyond suffering.

It’s a Universe of Free Will, so suffering is allowed; it’s ‘just’ another experience, but after a while, when the lessons are all learned, it’s time to move on. If the Free Will Zone beings don’t, there is one way the Goddess apparently can ‘intervene.’

She can create a new Experiment, which can help her accomplish a specific goal and make fewer star beings suffer. We are part of such an Experiment; we have much of the Goddess.

However, the Sirian Alliance has not forgotten how males were treated in the far-gone past, and they are still on their mission to destroy everything that has to do with the Divine Feminine.

They don’t understand that what happened had nothing to do with the Mother Goddess herself, nor had anything to do with the Queen of the Stars.

The suppression of the males was done by ‘lesser goddesses,’ who had since long forgotten the Way of the Mother. Once we start to explore the Goddess, we begin to value all life.

When we value life, we don’t overpopulate our planet, and we don’t kill.

This is why it’s so important that I (or somebody else) explain what life is, what death is, what all species are, and that everything is connected through the Mother Goddess — even the Sirians.

They may have disconnected themselves now, but they still have a slight chance to reconnect by repenting and finding their way back.

If they don’t, this Universe will ‘fail,’ as I mentioned in ‘Level I,’ and will not be completed.

Instead, it will deplete itself of energy and float around in the void as a lifeless universe with dead galaxies, stars, and planets, totally depleted of life. It will become uninhabitable. And it has happened before with universes.

For a universe to succeed, it must complete its goal, and everything in it must realize that it’s all part of the same Creation! We are all the creation of the Mother Goddess. Then, the universe will come full circle, implode, and start again in a new cycle.

Speaking of overpopulation. Seven billion people are rubbing shoulders on this tiny globe, a little bit too many for everybody’s comfort.

I have also suggested that we have reached the peak of humanity; if our population grows beyond what we have now, it will not be with much.

On the contrary, the world population will decrease quite a bit in the future, even if there are no wars, illnesses, or mass extinction (humanmade or not).

Currently, women are fertile once a month, and their fertility mainly depends on the Moon, this artificial, electrical device in the sky.

Like the tide is a consequence of the Moon pulling and pushing, so is the menstrual cycle. The Moon has always been thought of as female, as Goddess Energy. This is correct because this is how it used to be.

Orion and the Queen of the Stars owned and controlled the Moon. Of course, the Moon changed ownership as time passed and is no longer in the hands of the Orion Empire but the Sirian Alliance.

So, the Patriarchal Regime took over the Moon, just like they took over Old Terra (Maldek) and Earth once upon a time.

Today, a different software program is running from the Moon than when the Aryans were in charge, and how humans react to things has a lot to do with the distance between the Moon and Earth.

Now, the menstrual cycle happens approximately once a month. This will change, however, and females will only be fertile once a year.

The Pleiadians gave us this information in 1994, based on their ability to read the planetary energies and the Zodiac at that time. However, they still insist that this will be the case.

I see it as the Sirians, who are in charge of the Moon in the present, moving the Moon into a new position so that the female body will be automatically programmed differently.

This may be the solution to the overpopulation problem they have had with us humans for quite some time.

We have heard horror stories that they want to reduce the world population to 500 million, which is a drastic reduction.

After the natural and human-made changes on Earth have done their part, and wars and diseases have done another part, moving the Moon will take care of the problem.

Many more people will exit the planet that will be born, and things will reduce heavily and eventually level out.

It is hard to say whether it will reach around 500 million people.

The Sirians want a little more than 500 million on the planet to establish their Machine Kingdom and create enough Super Soldiers to attack Orion.

The Pleiadians say, from the same book source (‘The Earth…’), that we will start seeing a reduction in population due to the change of the Moon within 50 years (counted from 1994, when the book was written, 50 years in the future would then be around 2044).

This means we are going to see women being less and less fertile.

Until the medical field starts seeing a trend, the doctors’ offices will be overcrowded with women who can’t get pregnant.

Sperm banks, however, will be a flourishing business — at least at first –. Still, usually, humanity has adapted to new situations after a while and will probably start accepting that our women are fertile only once a year.

Besides, the male sperm is getting weaker and weaker and cannot produce offspring as efficiently as it could before.

We’ve seen more miscarriages in the last few decades, and we need to remember that males and females are affected by the moon’s cycles. So perhaps we men will follow the same trend as women supposedly will.

Either way, if the Sirians are in charge and want women to be fertile once a year, that’s how it will be.

Limitless Law Of Attraction

5. Wes Penre: The New Cosmic Mind

The Sirian Alliance is in a very narrow position; therefore, it cannot see what is outside its limited worldview.

Anger, hate, and revenge are emotions and thought patterns that will not bring them to higher consciousness. And as long as humans go along for the ride, we go down with them.

Many people would probably not read a paper like this if their lives depended on it (which they do). They don’t want to know; it’s too much responsibility. 

Our responsibility is not to talk these people into accepting the truth.

It’s not for us to judge; everybody has the right to choose their paths, even to move forward with their blinders on.

Many souls wanted to come here for only a nanosecond for several reasons. Some wanted to have fun; others saw an opportunity to learn something in 25 years, but learning otherwise may take a million years.

There were many more than 7 billion souls who wanted a body here, but Earth was full. Instead, these souls who didn’t get a body are impatiently waiting for us to evolve so we can teach them something and perhaps give them access to the Living Library.

I am writing to those who are waking up. The ones who refuse we must leave to their destiny, even though we know they can’t look forward to a promising future.

They may now think it’s the easy way out when they choose the path with the most challenging and brutal lessons — a path from which there may not be a return.

They will be left in the hands of the Sirians.

5.1 Gods in the Making — Humans as Creator Gods

We should have become Creator Gods, or Founders, long ago if it wasn’t for the trap we’ve been sitting in. Being too long in 3D has halted our progress rather than sped it up, except for the last 25+ years.

We, humans, are an essential part of the Living Library.

We discussed Library Cards and becoming the Guardians of the Living Library. ETs from other places in the Universe, monitoring Earth, are waiting for this. They need access to the Living Library and us to break the code!

Once we’ve broken the code, our complete DNA and total brain capacity will supposedly be developed. This is supposedly necessary for other star beings to take advantage of the library as it should be.

So the New Cosmic Mind includes us having access to all 12 chakras (which used to be called ’12 Strand DNA’) — 7 chakras in the body and five outside of the body; the latter is what I call the ‘Cosmic Chakras.’ To become genuinely multidimensional, that’s what we need to be activated.

We also desperately need to escape the influence of the Sirian Alliance and their mind control techniques and manipulation.

Before humans can become Guardians again, they must be open enough to meet the energies of those seeking information here.

Humankind needs to match the frequency of the ETs, or the star beings will not have access.

Devices placed in secret places on our planet measure the overall level of consciousness. When certain levels are obtained, portals leading to information bases directly interconnected with the Living Library will be activated.

Tributary Zones are storage places of encoded data on Earth’s seven continents. According to the WingMakers, two have been found so far.

The first one was in New Mexico; the other was in an unknown location. However, these zones here on Earth are just ‘activator sites,’ but the actual zones are located near the Galactic Center. The WingMakers claim that we need to find all seven for the encoded data to make sense.

Some mention that these sites will not be found by those who search; the sites will find us when the time is right.

These Tributary Zones (TZ) correspond directly with our DNA. Art, music, and poetry are supposed to help activate us in conjunction with everything else, like the Sun and the alignment with the Galactic Center.

These TZ were supposedly put there by the Original Planners, whom the Pleiadians call the ‘Game Masters,’ i.e., the Creator Gods from the Orion Empire and the Mother Goddess herself.

With two sites out of seven activated, tell us an approximate estimate of where we are in the process. Five more sites need to be activated before we can access the Library entirely.

I expect to see more sites being found when the ‘splitting of the worlds’ takes place and people decide to leave the suppressive monster we call society and build their communities within the smaller cities and villages.

These people are going to be the real Guardians and Library Cards. This is why there must be a splitting of worlds, or the idea of recreating the Library would not be possible.

6. Wes Penre: A New Earth for the New Mind

A time will come when you read this and may think, “Look, the world is so much more peaceful now than it was ten years ago!” Suddenly, you notice that neighborhood dramas have stopped and become memories.

The Media is still broadcasting their doom and gloom, but people are not paying much attention anymore. And you say to yourself, “Wow! The world has changed! It’s a much better place to live now!”

When this happens, much has been gained, and kudos to you because you are the one who created this better place to live in. It’s not that you went along with your business as usual and the world around you started to change.

It is you who are changing!

If you live in a world threatening to you and your family today and tomorrow, you live in a much less so world. Then, you create that change inside, and your mind adapts to a possibility that vibrates on your heightened frequency.

Once we change our vibrations so that the threats to our survival and well-being are no longer real, we have adapted to a New World with much better probabilities.

This is the beauty of the Multiverse — it is fluid and ever-changing! It’s the whole purpose of the Goddess experiencing herself; if the Multiverse wasn’t fluid, many things could not be experienced.

You contribute to the Goddess’ learning process every day of your life, as does everybody else in this Universe.

And it works, even if the individual doesn’t grasp its mechanics.

It will happen to many of us very soon. We will walk around doing our things, and suddenly, we will stop what we’re doing and look around in awe, thinking, “My goodness! The world is different, isn’t it?”

You will have epiphanies after epiphanies, realizing that you are happy, your life is sorted out, the turmoil that may or may not have been in your life before is gone (the ‘healing along the lines of time’), and you have more time to reflect and discuss your insights with your spouse, friends, relatives, or whoever it may be.

You may also notice that your friends are all on the same ‘wavelength’ as you, and when you meet, you are having a really good time, not discussing weather and wind and trivial things, but subjects that lead to quite some insights.

What about the Global Elite? What about the Sirians?

The newspapers may still indicate that they are there, but you get the feeling that they are more in the ‘background’ and are no longer so much of your concern. It feels like they are part of another universe.

You realize that if you keep your frequency on the level you are on in this possible future and raise it even more, happiness will remain and increase in your life, and the shadows of darkness that were overpowering the world before start fading away, slowly but surely.

It’s like when you quit an old habit, e.g., smoking cigarettes. In the beginning, you miss the feeling of having one in your hand, your lungs feel like they are caving in on themselves, and your body is screaming for a smoke.

However, with time it gets easier, and after a while, you still feel the cravings, which are not overpowering.

It will be the same with negative forces in people’s lives.

They are here because we allow them to be here and welcome them. Our first step will be to not agree with their rules and regulations. This is the hardest part because we have their mind control so deeply rooted within ourselves.

We may even go back and forth initially, longing to be slaves because it seemed so easy in some ways. We didn’t have to think; we only had to work in the Sirian goldmines, letting the global corporations run over us and treat us less than ants.

However, suppose we persist past this withdrawal period and keep pushing our will and agenda forward. In that case, the cravings will lessen, and we will notice that we are getting happier and happier because we are more in charge of our lives.

We may read about new laws and regulations that will suppress people even more, and we understand that we are no longer part of that because we have reorganized our lives, so we don’t have to adjust to their suppressive ideas.

Eventually, we will be not only self-sufficient in our way — a way that works for us –but our local universe will seem to adjust to what we are working towards.

We are tuning into vibrations and frequencies that match our new consciousness and awareness, and we think that we will never again go back and live the way we used to live as worthless slaves in a worthless society.

Now we are worth something; we have developed skills in our lives where our passion in life is, and perhaps we didn’t even know a few years ago that we had any passions! That’s how suppressed they were!

We don’t even have to look for them but start working towards a better life for ourselves and our dear ones, and the rest will come into place as it may.

The Multiverse will adjust to us and vice versa! It’s that simple.

No one needs to go out in the streets with protest signs or storm the government buildings. Indeed, that would defeat the purpose because it will make the things we don’t want even stronger.

We solidify the problem when we put our energy into it, and it becomes bigger and bigger.

The “solution” is to educate ourselves. When we know how things work and what is halting our progress toward gaining higher consciousness, we don’t fight it but let it go, knowing it’s there but not something we want to be part of anymore.

This is why Gandhi said we need to be the change we want to see in the world! When we become what we want, we change our world and merge with others who do the same.

This is why I can’t judge someone who doesn’t think like me, just as little as you can’t judge someone who is not like you.

We all have the right to be whoever and whatever we want, and if we choose the dark path of harming each other and playing the’ I’m better than you’ game, we also have to accept the harsh consequences.

As I mentioned, they will eventually lead to the person’s demise — even on a soul level.

Instead, go out in nature and look at all the beauty.

When you realize there is life in all things and you can feel it, not because someone says it is that way, you can start communicating with everything in your environment and get communication back that you can easily perceive.

Well, it’s up to you to decide because what is real for you is real for you, and what’s real for me is real for me.

I would suggest that when a big storm is on its way and is getting closer, we can talk to it telepathically and ask it to please change its path and that there would be less harm done if it changed its direction and took a course elsewhere.

J.R.R. Tolkien was right when he described the Ents, which, for those who haven’t read his books or seen the movies are the Tree People.

The trees are very much alive and conscious. They hold an incredible amount of memories. Not only are many trees very old, but they have a genetic memory just like us.

And through the soil of the Earth, they are all connected and share memories all over the planet. They communicate very much with each other. I’ve almost always lived relatively close to nature, and I used to communicate with the trees with no problem.

They don’t ‘talk’ like you and me; they share their pictures, and sometimes, they can even reproduce the sounds of specific incidents that happened in their area a long time ago. I have personally experienced these things, and they were very real.

Humankind has so much to look forward to, and the struggle we may still be experiencing as we heal our timelines may prevent us from realizing what is on the other side of these struggles.

As long as we are humans, nature is our home, where we find happiness and spiritual strength. So, when times get rough and no solutions seem in sight, take a break, go out in nature, and look around.

Touch it, smell it, look at it, listen to it… Talk to it. After a while, nature washes away the worries and the heavy loads, and life feels lighter again. Then, when you return to ‘reality,’ the solutions may come to you quicker and easier.

6.1. New Communities

When people think of living in new communities, they probably think about leaving their homes, packing things in backpacks, and moving in with a community around a campfire somewhere, perhaps living without technology.

Although some people will act in such an extreme, the community I am talking about may very well be the one you already live in.

You may say to yourself, “Why do I want to move? I like it here and don’t want to move out in the woods!”

If this is the case, and you feel where you are right now is where you would like to spend your time long after the nano-second is over, then you probably already are where you are supposed to be.

Once we’re in the right place, we will soon see many people moving out of town and others moving in.

The people who don’t meet the frequency will leave, and those from outside who feel that your little town is the perfect place for them will probably meet your town’s frequencies.

It’s a big chance that your town will be your ‘community.’

That’s where your base will be, and your friends will live, and they will share your frequency. The ones who moved out will choose another ‘community,’ vibrating higher or lower than the one you live in, depending on their frequency.

This is more in line with what is going to happen. Those who prefer a machine society where everything happens fast and technology and money are everything will move into the big cities, turning them into huge metropolitans.

The people in your community, where you all will share a similar frequency, will become very strong in their collective vibration, and even if the Global Elite want to move the businesses out of your town to make you all move into the metropolitans, your society is already strong enough to be self-sufficient.

In the beginning, the PTB may want to threaten you into moving, saying they will take your home because they own your land, but things will be different then.

Now, in most neighborhoods, each person minds their own business. If the government threatens to confiscate someone’s house or land, the rest of the neighborhood may think it’s bad. It will be a big subject to discuss over the next few weeks.

Still, in the future, everybody will support each other in high-frequency neighborhoods, feeling that we are all one. What happens to one happens to everybody, so it will be very hard for the government to do anything too negative in such a strong community.

This is one of the positive effects of the ‘splitting of the worlds.’ Later, like-minded communities will be in touch with each other and do their own business with each other, using a much more ethical system than that based on interest-bearing money.

So, when will this all happen on a grand scale? First, after the nanosecond is over and things start to slow down, all the chaos must be examined, and order must emerge.

Things that have been stirred up need to be addressed and either thrown out or taken into account.

We will still hear the barks from the Sirian wolves when they try to get everybody under the same umbrella, so the real splitting, leading to a calmer, less stressful society on behalf of the enlightened, may not happen until around 2028.

This is a date I’ve heard from the Pleiadians.

The WingMakers are less optimistic and mention 2065-2080. The point is that it will take a while, although things will settle down in increments.

This means that we may have experienced more peaceful and happy lives before that; those years rather indicate when things have finally settled down, and the different worlds start drifting apart more and more until they eventually, in a not-too-distant future, will cease to coexist.

6.2. Loose Ends and Imperative Bits and Pieces

I must emphasize this again because I know it’s very difficult for many of us and involves forgiveness.

If we don’t forgive ourselves and others, we will become like rollercoasters, going up and down on the emotional scale and in frequency.

We don’t forgive our enemies because we suddenly agree with their actions but because we want to let go of their energies.

Otherwise, we’ll continue being affected by them even in the future, and we will not vibrate on the same high level as those who managed to master forgiveness.

Also, equally crucial to forgiving others is to forgive yourself for things you have done that you are not proud of. If it includes saying “I’m sorry” to someone or making amends, do so, but it doesn’t always include saying or doing something for another person.

For example, you can forgive yourself for being part of the Sirian control system, but that doesn’t mean you should make amends to the Sirians.

If you want to make amends to humanity for being part of the suppressive system, leaving this same system, raising your vibration, and building or becoming part of a higher community is the best way to do that.

Your thoughts and actions will inspire others. That’s the way to do it. As human beings, we are here to graduate. Things are what they are, and we have lived through what we’ve lived through for all these eons of existence under the intense supervision of a very dark force.

We can’t make this forced change, so the best we can do is forgive them, move on, and not judge them. We don’t need to; they will judge themselves, and some are already leaving prison. Let’s think about it, which would be more challenging?

For humans to break out of the prison, have the Sirians created it for us, or have the Sirians broken out of their suppressive system?

Still, some have, the Pleiadians being some of them, while random beings from their society are breaking out by feeling our new increased human vibrations.

There is no better way to help than to work on ourselves! How many times have I said that now?

Whatever you do, if you want to lead a happy life, don’t hold grudges!

These papers are not only for informational purposes; they have a much deeper purpose than that. They have discussed some very dark subjects, and they have probably stirred up a lot of emotions in the reader, both negative and positive.

Many probably felt a great deal of anger when they realized what humanity had had to suffer at the hands of the gods. But the papers are also a test!

Will the reader feel love and forgiveness after they have finished them? Will you still be able to feel non-judgmental towards those who are torturing us, realizing that their hell is even worse than the one they put us in?

Can you still let go and not hold grudges against these people, who, under some circumstances, would eat you alive and rape kids and kill them?

Can you see the difference between forgiving, loving, understanding, being non-judgmental, and holding no grudges against these beings because it will set you free, contrary to having all these negative feelings against them?

This will not only hold you back and make you miserable but also strengthen the negative Sirian energies.

This tension will continue forever between mankind and the Sirian Alliance.

If we leave them to their judgment and instead raise our frequencies despite the fear frequency that we are constantly bombarded with from them, we can also create splits amongst the Sirians themselves.

The highest Goddess energy is LOVE. Love is in everything that’s ever created, and believe it or not — it’s in the Sirians as well!

They, too, can tune into the Love Vibration if they wish to and are brave enough to break out of the mind control they are living under.

As you can see, there are layers of existence, and we don’t understand them all. But if we understand what we’ve discussed, we know enough to leave the prison and perhaps take a few Sirians.

After all, we are all Mother Goddess’s creation!

On the frequency of pure love, fear cannot exist. Does somebody vibrating out of pure love hold grudges, and are they judgmental to their fellow beings? No, we all understand that they won’t.

Those who work with the love energies will accept what I suggest, and those who are not yet there will choose another path. Either way, it is accepted in a Free-Will Universe; we operate on the level we’re at. That’s how it works.

7. Wes Penre: Energy Exercises

I watched a video posted on the LPG-C Facebook the other day by Michael Lee Hill. It is on YouTube and is called, ‘Can Group Meditation Bring World Peace? Quantum Physicist John Hagelin Explains’.

This is a short, very interesting video. Dr. Hagelin explains how a group of, let says, a thousand individuals who meditate on world peace can make soldiers at war stop fighting. However, these soldiers didn’t know anything about the experiment.

This means that the few can affect the outcome of battles and war situations (of course, the Global Elite can use the same thing to solidify the outcome of events they have orchestrated.

They usually accomplish this with dark rituals called ‘Black Magick.’ However, their magick only works if the people they want to affect are ignorant of what they’re doing).

This video clearly shows, which is the essential part, that it can be proven that on a subquantum level, humanity as a soul group is all ONE, and we affect each other with our thoughts and decisions.

Therefore, meditation and breathing exercises (where we connect with the subquantum, the Goddess’s energy) are extremely important when we want to raise our frequency and that of our environment and the whole planet!

For those who feel that prayers work well for them, it’s another excellent way to create a wishful outcome. As long as the prayers are clean, to the point, and do not include purely selfish wishes, they are heard and acted upon.

Like group meditations, group prayers have the same function and can create the same amazing effects. What method to use is up to everyone; whatever works best for the individual is good enough.

Doing Breathing Exercises, Meditation Exercises, Prayers, Yoga, or any other form of raining consciousness on a personal basis can be extremely powerful. Still, you can’t beat doing it in a group setting!

Often, the person does not belong to a group big enough to accomplish the goals (or at least, that’s how they feel).

Fortunately, big groups on the Internet do these things at certain times of the day or week, and anyone is free to join.

However, I have a few words of caution!

When a lot of energy is released from such joined efforts, the Sirians are very eager to eat that energy up. You may feel empowered and energized during the session, only to crash shortly afterward.

If this happens, the energy has been stolen by non-physicals.

Hence, it’s imperative that clear goals are set before the session and that everybody creates a bubble of protection to safeguard the energy.

Energy Body Exercises Jeffrey Allen Duality

8. Wes Penre: The Omega

In these papers, we have mainly concentrated on the Orion Empire and the Sirian Alliance, when there are many star beings and star races in the Galaxy and beyond.

People see UFOs in the skies, which seem to be drawn in and out of our reality, and we see orbs and odd shapes no one can explain. Therefore, the most straightforward explanation is that they are spaceships from other dimensions visiting us for one reason or another.

There are many things we see in the sky that could have a lot of different origins.

We haven’t discussed in these papers so far that many of these odd shapes and forms we confuse with UFOs are ‘atmosphere dwellers,’ i.e., just like our home is on the ground, their home is in the atmosphere.

But where do they come from?

I would say that the RA Material perhaps has the best answer to this question. When Maldek was destroyed (Maldek is another name for ‘Old Terra’ or ‘Tiamat’; names I used in my papers), millions of souls got stuck in the aether.

The destruction caused by the war between the Aryans and the Sirians, which split old Earth in half, shocked the affected souls so severely that they couldn’t move on.

Eventually, the ‘Council of Saturn‘ (which I interpret as the ‘Sirian Council’) had to intervene and help these souls (many of whom were their people) get back on track.

They landed spiritually in our atmosphere here on Earth, millions of years after the catastrophe, and this is now their home.

They are still discarnate but are now and then playing tricks on us, showing themselves off to make us curious, and perhaps they have other reasons as well.

So far, none of them has shown any hostility towards humankind or other living creatures on Earth. I understand they are separate from the Sirian Alliance and have their own civilization.

I call this section ‘The Omega’ because it’s the end of humanity or the end of the Universe. It’s just the end of a major cycle, the end of an old species, and the birth of a new, upgraded one.

So, this is not the end; it’s the beginning!

And it’s not any beginning; it’s a breakthrough because humanity is breaking the time loop, and the stars are waiting!

The Universe is still young and has a lot to experience before she meets her goal and goes back to become pure Goddess energy, and a new universe will emerge from the old; at that time, with new goals and new opportunities to learn from.

But humankind has a more significant role in developing this particular Universe than they think!

Humankind can help the Universe tremendously reach its goal by being who it is, or, on the flip side, it can also bring the Universe down with those who are keeping it in chains if it is not careful.

If the Universe fails, so do all beings who dwell in it, and all energy will be depleted. I wish that humankind, sooner or later, breaks loose from their imprisonment and inspires the Sirians to do the same.

Only then can this Universe succeed! The fact that some Sirians have and are breaking out is, after all, a good sign, even if they are not that many yet. The fact that they can is essential, creating hope after all.

Now, having said all this, I have done my absolute best to educate myself and others about our situation and what led up to it.

I did so by going back in time, close to the beginning of the Universe, and up to the present, and even into the future, because it’s my conviction that to understand the present, we must understand our past, or we won’t know where we’re going.

So these papers, ‘The First Level of Learning’ and ‘The Second Level of Learning,’ have presented my view on our reality and beyond. Again, I must emphasize that this is my view, backed up by references that partly made me come to these conclusions.

The rest has either been provided by anonymous sources or been ‘data streamed’ by myself by placing myself in an environment as free from interruptions as possible and tuned into higher vibrations, where a higher aspect of myself has provided me with data and information I have been able to make sense of.

However, I urge the reader to make up their mind and not take everything I have been saying at face value before first investigating it further or ‘listening to your heart’ and your belly to tell you if it rings true.

If my material still passes the test after that, please feel free to take it to heart. If it doesn’t, discard what you feel is not fit into your view or reality and beyond, and keep what you think will be helpful.

The Omega is not the end but the beginning of something new. Or, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Ponder long and hard over your decision (I am talking to all humankind now).

Before you join this or that, or become sovereign and be your master, think about the consequences, not in this lifetime or the next, but millions and billions of years ahead.

Your decision — the decision of one single being — may, in the scheme of things, be more important than you think!

Thanks for reading Wes Penre: Humanity’s Future: Life After The Nano-Second.