Wes Penre: The Flow Of Energy In Daily Life (Karma)

I stumbled upon Wes Penre’s site shortly after reading Michael Tellinger’s Book Slave Species of the Gods. I discovered Wes’s site after “Googling” information about the Annunaki and the planetoid Nibiru.

Wes is also the creator of the popular website Illuminati News, which I am sure many of you have heard of.

Wes is not a mere blogger like myself; he has put together a series of “papers,” as he calls them, outlining some of the most profound information I have ever read about the true nature of reality and who is covertly controlling our World, plus a whole lot more.

With Spooky October Month coming up, I wanted to share some of Wes’s work with all of you.

We agreed after he gave me his permission to do so. I will be posting a lot from Wes Penre.com this month. Without further ado, here is the first post.

Wes Penre’s article explores the concept of energy flow and its impact on our daily lives. He suggests understanding and harnessing this flow can lead to significant personal growth and improved well-being.

Penre emphasizes the importance of being aware of our energy levels and how they fluctuate throughout the day. He proposes that by tuning into this natural rhythm, we can optimize our activities and increase our overall productivity and happiness.

The article also touches on the idea of energy blockages and how they can hinder our progress. Penre offers insights on identifying these blockages and provides techniques for clearing them, allowing for a smoother flow of energy.

Interestingly, Penre connects this energy flow concept to broader ideas about consciousness and reality. He suggests that by aligning ourselves with the natural energy flow, we can tap into higher levels of awareness and potentially unlock hidden potential.

The Flow Of Energy In Daily Life 

While Penre’s ideas are intriguing, it’s worth noting that they blend various esoteric and spiritual concepts. His approach offers a unique perspective on personal development, encouraging readers to explore the subtle energies that might influence their daily experiences.

It’s important to note that Penre’s work is highly speculative and falls outside mainstream scientific consensus. His ideas blend elements of conspiracy theories, esoteric philosophy, and fringe science, presenting an intriguing and controversial worldview.

Readers should approach this material with critical thinking and an open mind, recognizing that conventional scientific evidence does not support these concepts.

Karma -  The Flow Of Energy In Daily Life

1. Karma & The Law Of Attraction

Some may say Karma and the Law of Attraction are the same, but there is a difference. Both laws are in effect and are natural to the Multiverse.

Karma is a highly accepted part of Eastern Religion and philosophy and has carried over as a concept to the Western world. Unfortunately, in the Western hemisphere, we have misunderstood the concept and separated between “good” and “bad” karma.

There is no such separation.

1.1. Karma

Karma is a universal law and is, in effect, to enhance the growth of the spirit. We live in a free-will universe where you can do and experience whatever you want, but what you do comes back to you.

This means that if you dedicate yourself to enhancing the spiritual growth of yourself and others, your karma will reflect that, and the universe will pay you back in a currency that helps you grow.

However, if you dedicate your life to theft, murder, lying, cheating, controlling others, and whatnot, those kinds of energy will hit you.

In the same lifetime or another, you will eventually experience the other side of the coin, where someone steals from you, deceives you, and even kills you.

Everything is energy in the universe, and karma has everything to do with energy (and polarity).

People who blame others or their environment for unwanted things happening to them miss the point. Karma should be looked at as a tool for the assistance of learning.

If bad things happen to us, there is a lesson to learn.

Those on a spiritual path and understand how karma and the Law of Attraction work to evolve and develop from a situation are to evaluate it; they step back and tell themselves, “Ah, why did this challenging thing happen to me?

How did I cause this, and what is my learning experience?”

When they have evaluated the situation, they take appropriate action to stop this situation from recurring in their lives; lesson learned!

They don’t blame others for what happened because they know this will not resolve the situation, as it gives their power away to somebody else, instead of taking the situation to heart and seeing what they can learn from it.

This is the way to grow; to blame others is the way to shrink.

Each situation is unique, and karma is beneficial as a catalyst for how we’re doing.

We’ve all seen how certain people repeatedly attract adverse events and persons into their lives. It never seems to stop if we are unaware of how the laws of the Multiverse work; we evaluate things incorrectly.

Many people would probably feel sorry for the constantly “unlucky” person who pulls in all this negativity, or they would think s/he is strange and don’t want too much to do with that person.

Although it certainly is hard on the person who has to endure all the hardship, it is necessary for their learning process.

It’s a fine line to realize when to interfere and when not in such a person’s life. Too much interference would prevent that person from learning their lessons, although advice could be appropriate if they ask for it.

However, the lessons need to be learned by the person himself, or he won’t progress.

Once he learns, fewer and fewer of the same type of adverse events will happen because now the person knows how to handle them, and these energies diminish and, soon enough, will not be attracted to him anymore.

Karma can also be seen as measuring how well we can handle energy.

Although karma can be highly involved in circumstances of “bad luck,” it’s not the sole reason. We also make agreements with others and set goals for ourselves in the astral world between two lifetimes (much more about this later).

Each time we exit our current body upon physical death, part of the time we spend in the aether (Sitter space) between incarnations goes to evaluations of the previous life, what goals we managed to accomplish, and where we didn’t do so well.

Then, we decide what we need to practice in our next life, and sometimes, the goals we set can be pretty high. Still, they must be accomplished for the biomind to evolve and play a more accomplished game.

Limitless Labs Law Of Attraction Digital Pill

1.2 The Law of Attraction And Karma

Then there is the Law of Attraction.

This is a more causative law, which differs from what we call karma.

Karma happens whether we know what it is or not, while the Law of Attraction, although it still works automatically to some degree, can be worked on more consciously once a person becomes aware of how energies work.

Still, it’s just another way of energy flow other than karma.

Many people watched the video “The Secret,” which came out a few years ago, promoting the Law of Attraction, apparently released by members of the Rosicrucian Order.

Another excellent reference, which is, in my opinion, presenting a material more accessible to apply and not as vague as “The Secret,” is The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, which is channeled material by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

It gives you a list of exercises you can do daily to learn how to attract what you want based on how you handle energy. I highly recommend this material to those interested in working consciously with energy.

The Law of Attraction works like a magnet; you attract what you give.

The Universe is not judgmental, so you can decide what you want to attract, including hurting or helping others. However, this is where karma comes into the picture.

You may be able to attract negative experiences to others and actively do so, but at the end of the day, so to speak, karma will hit you accordingly.

The Law of Attraction works the same in romantic relationships as in every corner of life.

You attract what you give out. Some people may protest and say that they attract abusive boyfriends, one after the other, and that’s not what they want; therefore, the Law of Attraction does not work.

It does, but the person who attracts abusive men (or women) has karma to confront in this particular area of life.

In almost all these cases, the person has had an abusive childhood in one way or another and needs to handle and take charge of that past situation before attracting more positive persons into their lives.

Some may argue and say that karma doesn’t work because the Global Elite, for example (the cabal that is working behind the scenes to control humankind negatively can get away with all the evil they’re doing and still don’t get hit by any proportional amount of “bad” karma.

Others who do good deeds and think good thoughts don’t seem to get back the “good” karma they deserve. Although this may seem to be a valid point, karma is not always instant.

Energies are sometimes delayed, and different karmic influences can simultaneously affect a person. This means that energies merge, distract, clash, cancel out, etc., but in the end, the appropriate karma will always come back to the person.

When doing something against their moral and ethical codes, positive people get their karma back faster than if they do good work. This has to do with your judgment and evaluation of your actions.

If you feel wrong about something you did, the karma seems to hit faster than if you were a negative person who has many justifications for the negative energies they put out.

To some extent, how you control your thoughts delays karma, but sooner or later (in the same lifetimes or a future one, in terms of linear time), it will always come back.

Extremely negative people who have some idea of how karma works think they are mentally “strong enough” to keep “bad” karma away from them, and to some degree, they seem to be successful, which further encourages them.

However, when it hits, it hits back much more complex than the energy it sends out.

To their dismay, these people will find themselves on the other side of the coin and now be the receivers of the same energies they put out. Good karma can be delayed sometimes, but just like bad karma, it can be instant.

The delay often depends on what kind of energies you surround yourself with.

Ask yourself, who are you connected with?

Are all your friends and family members friendly and supportive of you, or are there one or two who are hostile or seem to draw energy out of you?

If the latter is true, you have negative people close to you who prevent you from gaining what you should from what you do.

I will discuss these kinds of people in the following sub-section and discuss what to do about it. Still, there is no “bad” and “good” karma; they are all just experiences, and some are tougher than others.

As explained in the previous paper, the Source created the Multiverse so It can have experiences that are not predictable, so we are here to learn.

If karma hits once and we ignore it, it will hit harder next time and next time until we come to a point where we have to face it because we feel we have no other choice.

Thus, it’s much easier for us if we can learn the first or second time. Karma is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of or something to avoid; it always works in our favor. The Law of Attraction is beneficial even to breaking karmic cycles.

If you break patterns and start attracting what enhances your spiritual growth, the energies will adjust accordingly and cancel out some karma, and as we shall go into later, you can and will heal your previous lives.

If you, the reader, are interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction, I strongly advise you to start reading the  Abraham/Hicks material.

2. Psychic Vampirism

As a critical spin on the Law of Attraction, I also want to bring up the subject of “psychic vampires.” We all know the myth about vampires who suck blood from their victims and make them into vampires.

Although this myth has some truth, it can also be seen as a metaphor.

The worst vampires you can imagine are not necessarily those who suck your blood but those who suck your energy! We have all encountered them, and it’s always traumatic when we do.

I have been aware of such people’s existence since I was young and used to avoid them when I could after having had quite horrible encounters with them.

They are not significant in numbers–perhaps 5-8% of the population, but their environmental damage is so devastating that it seems they are more prominent.

Michael Tsarion is a researcher like myself, and he once wrote quite a short but very down-to-the-point article about psychic vampirism.

When I have encountered people in my life lately who seem to have a problem with one or more of these vampires, I always give them a copy of this article, and so far, it has always blown their minds and helped them in their process of turning a bad situation around.

Once they have recognized it for what it is, most people are willing to take steps to disconnect from such people, or if a family member can come up with ideas to handle their unique situation.

Psychic Energy Vampire

Energetic Vampirism Signs & Reasons

How much do you know about the people you think you know? Do your emotional attachments to people blind you to their real natures, and if so, how much?

  • Person A – becomes dependent on others under the name of love.
  • Person B – makes others dependent upon them under the name of love.
  • Person C – does both.
  • Person D – does neither.

There is no gadget or meter to know when a potential psychic or energy vamp is sucking you dry…

  • You feel like shit for no reason.

  • Your life starts to suck for no reason.

  • Constant anxiety for no reason.

  • Health suffers, and energy is down for no reason.

  • You’re depressed, and feelings of futility abound for no reason.

  • Bad dreams for no reason.

  • Bad attitude for no reason.

  • Attracting obstacles for no reason

  • Getting suspicious for no reason

  • Begin to doubt yourself, your god, destiny, fate, and sanity for no reason.

Oh yes, and you think it’s ALL YOUR FAULT. Well, maybe it is, and maybe there is something else to learn.

Yes, there is no physical meter with a dial that goes to the red when you’re being drained and dumped on by others…but there is one kind of meter that has been with us from the beginning…THE HUMAN INTUITION…backed up by arts like Vibrational Kinesiology, and with a healthy dose of REASON and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE…it may all start making sense.

It had better…cause they don’t all live in Transylvania, and they don’t all dress in black…

A few mainstream psychoanalysts have been getting rather frustrated with those clients who cannot get better, who seem to backslide, or whose issues seem vague and impossible…

They have tried it all, following the traditional theories concerning Personal Responsibility and creating our sickness.

These are essential theories…but guess what?

After getting nowhere, a few intelligent psychologists have put down the textbooks, taken off their spectacles, and asked those poor patients, the ones with their heads in their hands, questions like… “So who is around you at this time…” or “So who are you hanging around with…” or “Tell us about the people you love…”

Aaaah! – Answers at last. The light shines in at last…The red flags are waving, and the mist clears… Don’t believe me? Well, I did not invent it…

“Healing fails to occur because it is easier to harm another than heal oneself.” – Vernon Howard

Humanity must perforce prey on itself, like monsters from the deep -William Shakespeare.

Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I shall kiss is the man; seize him.” – Matt 26:48

For Brutus, as you know, Caesar’s angel was Judge, O you gods! How dearly Caesar loved him.

This was the unkindest cut of all, For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms, Quite vanquished him: burst his mighty heart…William Shakespeare (Julius Caesar)

And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved –(Matt 10:21-22)

Energy Flow Course

And when his twelve disciples were called together, he gave them the power of unclean spirits, to cast them out of men, and to heal every languor, and sickness – (Matt 10:1) They that are not as I am made themselves like me.

Those who were unworthy of me made me angry.

The wretches that belong not to the house of my father rose, they took arms against me, they rose, they took arms against me, making war with me, making war with me, fighting for my holy robe, for my enlightening light, that it might lighten their darkness, for my sweet fragrance, that it might sweeten their foulness, because of my brethren, the sons of light, that they might give a peace to their land, because of my sister, the hour of light, that she might be a strengthening of their building – (The Manichean Psalms of Thomas)

Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands – (Isaiah 59:6)

And salvation?… That’s easy… I’m ain’t looking for nothing in nobody’s eyes – (Bob Dylan). —you there yet?

I’m bringing this subject up because we must know these people and entities, or it will seriously halt our progress and can even be a threat to our immediate lives. If nothing else, these vampires put deep scars in our souls that always need healing.

So, the bottom line is when you notice that someone you are connected with constantly makes you feel uncomfortable and tired for no apparent reason. If things go wrong in your life, consider that this other person may be a psychic vampire.

Sometimes, the psychic vampire is not apparent, and stopping them will take a while. It is essential not to start accusing innocent people of being vampires; it doesn’t help the situation.

I am saying this because when somebody has been drained of energy for a long time, they tend to become more or less paranoid, feeling like they are boxing shadows.

The way to spot a vampire is to be aware of how you feel in the presence of a particular person. When you interact with them, do you feel empowered, neutral, or drained and depressed during the visit and afterward?

Is there somebody connected with you who makes you feel intimidated, useless, ugly, or stupid? If so, that’s your vampire.

Still, before you decide who it is, always notice how you feel every time you connect with him/her and how you feel after that person is not connected with you for a few days or longer.

Never judge somebody just because they act like one once or twice. That person could have a bad day or, in turn, be in contact with a vampire.

It’s the recurrence that is the indicator! It’s often hard to get rid of such people; they tend to hang on like parasites and are experts in pushing your buttons.

They may cry and beg for you to stay, or they’ll tell you that you can’t live without them, that you need them for your survival.

They often bring flowers and cry at the door after a traumatic argument or violent incident. Some fall for this, especially when they have had this connection for a long time.

The positive person has been so dependent upon the dominant vampire that s/he thinks s/he can’t live without him/her.

This, of course, is not true, and due to that, the “victim” (although I don’t like to use this word) is already weak from having had her/his energies pulled, thinks the vampire is correct, and chooses to stay in the wrong situation.

They often also feel sorry for the vampires because these beings are experts in making you feel bad and not caring enough for them. They are also often super-jealous. For many reasons, staying connected with someone like that can be fatal.

One is that when your life energy is sucked out, your immune system will become depleted, and you’re prone to getting seriously ill.

Why do vampires do this?

These people have difficulty creating their energy because they don’t know how to, so they need someone (preferably someone with lots of positive energy) to feed them. And they always feed out of fear.

They Uin the other person, and that fear is their life energy. Vampires have forgotten how to give something “from their heart genuinely”; their heart chakra is hopelessly closed, they are disconnected from Prime Creator to the 10th degree, and when they give, it’s always with a “what’s in it for me?”

They are out of balance, with their energy flowing to the extreme.

Many are also possessed by entities from the lower astral planes, which use these human vehicles to feed off of your fear.

They feel strong and vital as long as they can feed on someone else. However, when the victim is too low on energy, they may walk away as destructively as possible and choose a new victim, or they have several victims working simultaneously.

Whatever the case, if such a person should be exposed and can no longer pull life energy out of somebody else, they would collapse and eventually die unless they start building their energy by being more positively oriented and balanced.

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3. Schrödinger’s Cat & Different Timelines

An excellent example of what the Multiverse is about timelines can be studied in the theorem called “Schrödinger’s Cat.”

It is a paradox described by the ⇒ Austrian Physicist Erwin Schrödinger back in 1935. Although he doesn’t use the word Multiverse in his research, as I see it, he is describing how the Multiverse works. Schrödinger, in simple terms, is picturing a cat in a box.

The person outside the box knows a cat inside but can’t see it because it blocks the animal’s view. The question is if the cat inside the box is dead or alive.

From this person’s perspective, he will know when he opens the box, but the cat is both dead and alive before the box is even opened from a quantum viewpoint.

Simultaneously, the person thinks the animal can be either way; both realities are initiated.

In that instant, at least two timelines are created simultaneously, one as accurate as the other.

It’s a big leap in consciousness to go from a belief system where we think there is only one Universe to the concept of a Multiverse and Infinite Potential, especially when we realize that we may exist in many of them at the same time, often unaware of our other-selves.

We are bound to the laws of time we, to some degree, have made up here and depend upon the cycles of the stars, planets, and galaxies.

Who can imagine what would happen if all these potential realities became known to us in an instant? The charge would be so great that we would probably literally explode. No one could handle that complexity when brought up to a conscious level.

Insanity is not even the word to start describing it.

We may get a glimpse of this if we look at a schizophrenic person talking to herself; she has all these voices in her head, talking to her and with each other simultaneously. But are the people with schizophrenia just delusional? I would say no.

Whether it’s from trauma or otherwise, these people have opened themselves to the Multiverse to the extent that they are overwhelmed. It’s too much download and interconnection at once.

In this sense, schizophrenic people are more multi-dimensional than the average person, but they have no idea what they are experiencing, and they get a big chunk of it at once, which overloads the system.

Fortunately for the significant majority, this is not how it will pan out.

We are experiencing a gradual awakening to handle the increase in information.

That’s the expected evolution of the biomind. Also, becoming multi-dimensional is a learning process, and there are tools we can use to accomplish the task more quickly. How this works will be discussed later in the “Soulution Papers.”

Wes Penre's ORION Book: Volume 2- Amazon Link

Read Next: Basic Information On The Global Elite