Wes Penre Papers – After The Deluge

Wes Penre’s article “The Deluge” explores an alternative interpretation of the Great Flood narrative found in various ancient cultures.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

Wes Penre suggests that the Great Flood, or Deluge, was not just a natural disaster but potentially an engineered event caused by advanced beings or “gods.”

He proposes that this cataclysmic event was used as a means of resetting human civilization.

The article discusses the possibility that the flood was created by manipulating celestial bodies or using advanced technology rather than being a purely natural occurrence.

Penre speculates that this event might have been part of a larger plan or experiment involving humanity.

Penre also touches on the idea of survivors of the flood, suggesting that certain individuals or groups were chosen to continue the human species. He explores the concept that these survivors might have been genetically altered or given special knowledge to rebuild civilization.

The piece draws connections between flood myths from various cultures, proposing that these stories might all be referring to the same global event. Penre attempts to reconcile these different accounts into a unified narrative.

It’s important to note that Penre’s ideas are highly speculative and not supported by mainstream scientific or historical evidence. His work blends elements of ancient mythology, alternative history, and fringe theories about extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs. Readers should approach this material with critical thinking, recognizing it as an alternative perspective rather than established fact.

Marduk Ra wanted to place himself in the position as the one and only God, and therefore, he wanted to erase all the history of all the gods previous to him. 

(I have reasons to believe that not only did Marduk rewrite history, but he also used BST, Blank Slate Technology, or something similar, to erase the memory of humankind.” – Wes Penre

1. In the Aftermath — Building a New Earth

When the storms had subsided, and the rains stopped, Ea and Nammur saw Ziasudra’s fire on top of Mt. Ararat and landed in helicopters while Ninagal set sails toward the mountain. The Enlil was furious again (was he ever in a good mood) when he saw that humans had survived.

They were all supposed to have perished! He was so furious that he wanted to get into a fistfight with Ea, who calmed him down and said they were not human anymore–they were his offspring.

Ninmah and Ninurta, also entering the scene, together with Ea, convinced Nammur that these few survivals would be the genesis of a new race on Earth (each of these human bodies who died and were killed due to intentional neglect at best and overt genocide at worst on the gods part, was a soul-carrier.

There were a whole lot of these ET individuals who had no respect whatsoever for intelligent life. Ea and a few others seem more compassionate, but perhaps that’s just on paper?).

Not only was Earth devastated after the Deluge, but so was Mars. The thin atmosphere that once surrounded the planet was gone; its waters had evaporated, and now it was just a deserted planet with dust storms.

Nannar reported that from now on, visitors to the Moon could only wear “eagle masks” (helmets).

So, in a sense, Earth had been lucky; the atmosphere was still there, and the water would soon withdraw, giving birth to the new land and slightly different-looking continents.

After having inspected what was left of the “old Earth,” the gods found that some important things they’d once brought down from Nibiru, like grapefruit trees, had survived, so they could still make wine.

Ea started experimenting with genetics, strengthened the grain Ka-in once developed, and made bread. From the seeds Ziasudra/Utnapishtim/Noah had saved on the ark, the geneticists again began to seed Earth with different plants, animals, and berries.

Soon enough (from their “long thoughts” perspective), life started spreading around the planet again.

Cows and sheep came to life, and Dumuzi, Ea’s son, and Ziasudra’s middle son, became the first shepherds for the cattle and the sheep. Ea and Ninagal built dams to tame the Nile in Egypt and created pastureland for Dumuzi’s herds.

Wes Penre - After the deluge

2. Gold, Gold! We Need More Gold!

Nammur selected the Saudi Arabian peninsula for a new interplanetary rocket terminal to transport more gold to Nibiru.

This was again a necessity, to the gods’ dismay, because the latest passage of Nibiru had once again ripped off the gold shield of its atmosphere.

All the hundreds of thousands of years of efforts from the gods and human slaves had been in vain, and the production had to start all over again just when they thought they were at the end of the process.

But the African mines were gone; the slave workers had drowned; the Anunnaki (most of them) had gone home to Nibiru, and the rocket terminal in Sippar, Mesopotamia, was also destroyed.

Ninurta finally came up with some good news.

On one of his expeditions around the planet, he found abundant gold in Peru and South America, high up in the Andes. He found lots of it from modern La Paz and east of Lake Poopo in the sand from running into the east coast of Lake Titicaca.

He also combined copper and tin and created bronze (Lake Titicaca and La Paz can still find remnants of these ancient mining activities). The bronze was very appreciated, especially when rebuilding Mesopotamia.

After the Deluge, all they had was brick, but bronze could stabilize the building blocks. It took 7,000 years to rebuild Mesopotamia after the Flood with the limited equipment left for the gods to work with.

Pyramids of Giza

3. The Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Builders of the Sphinx

Ningishzidda, Ea’s son, built two pyramids in Egypt. The first was a “model pyramid,” and the second was the Great Pyramid. He built the Great Pyramid at the South End of a straight line through the landing platform in Lebanon (Baalbek) to Mt. Ararat (Eastern Turkey) in the North.

Then, he installed the Nibiran master computer programs and astronavigation equipment in the Great Pyramid. Ningishzidda had done an excellent job with the Pyramids and creating the technological base, and Ea wanted to reward his son for his work.

He decided to build a monument in his son’s image. So he built the Sphinx, which had the body of a lion but with Ningishzidda’s head sculptured out.

Besides the twin peaks, a monument was created, the Age of the Lion, to announce the image of Ningishzidda, the peaks’ designer, and its face. Let it precisely move toward the Place of Celestial Chariots’ gaze.

Nammur ordered his son, Utu (Apollo in Rome and Helios in Egypt), to be in charge of the Sinai Spaceport on the 30th Parallel, which now separated the Enlil’s domains from that of the Enki’s.

The latter was in charge of the realms south of the 30th parallel. In the Great Pyramid, Ea’s son, Gibil, installed pulsating crystals and a capstone of electrum to reflect a beam of incoming spacecraft. Mission Control perched on Mount Moriah (future Jerusalem), out of reach for humans.

Enki Sumeria

4. Marduk Becomes Ra, and Amen Ra

Marduk, who had a tremendous ego and lust for power, was jealous of Ningishzidda for having been rewarded with building the Sphinx in his image. He went to his father, Ea, and complained. He said Ea promised him power and glory; he got none! Marduk’s mind darkened from resentment.

The tension between the Enlilites (called the RAM Clan) and the Enkiites (the SERPENT Clan) grew bigger and bigger, but Ninmah, the great peace-maker, decided they should divide the lands further into kingdoms with local rulers.

The suggestion received a positive response amongst the clans. All the royal clansmen on both sides were dedicated to certain areas, and Marduk was appointed by Ea to be the ruler of Egypt (we are going to concentrate a little bit extra on Marduk because he will be an essential figure from here on up to the present).

Thus, Marduk felt like his father had at least tried to satisfy his imperatives to become a ruler. So, about 9,800 years ago, Marduk was assigned to Egypt and became Ra.

He was now in charge of the workers there. Ninurta built a palace for Ninmah on Mt. Moriah, and Nammur and Ea awarded her the title Ninharsag (Mistress of the Mountainhead). According to Sitchin, she is also equivalent to Hathor in Egypt.

Enki moved to Elephantine (Abu) Island near Aswan (Syene). From there, he supervised workers building dams, dikes, and tunnels to prevent the Nile from flooding and control its pathway to the Mediterranean. Ea was known as Ptah in Egypt.

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5. The Murder of Osiris and the Battle Between Horus and Seth

To bring the story forward, let’s contradict that by going back in time briefly to that of the Deluge 13,000 years ago.

At that time, Marduk, his hybrid wife, Sarpanit, and their sons, Asar (Osiris) and Satu (Seth/Set), took shelter on Mars base with the Igigi commander, Shamgaz. Asar and Satu (from here on, I will call them Osiris and Seth for simplicity) married Shamgaz’s daughters, Asta (Isis) and Nebat (Nephys).

Shamgaz and Seth became pretty close.

Osiris and Isis resided close to Marduk Ra in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Seth and Nebat settled in the mountains of southern Upper Egypt, near the villa of Shamgaz and the Landing Platform in Lebanon.

Shamgaz decided to set Osiris up because he favored Seth and Nebat before Osiris and Isis. He told Seth that Osiris would always be Marduk’s favorite, and even more so because he lived closer to his father. So, Shamgaz, Seth, and Nebat decided to assassinate Osiris.

Hence, Shamgaz and Seth invited Osiris to a banquet and poisoned his wine.

Osiris fell unconscious, and they put him in a coffin and threw the coffin into the sea.

Marduk Ra, his wife Sarpanit, and Isis got the news about Osiris’ murder and hurried to retrieve the coffin. They found it floating in the sea and brought it ashore. Legend says that Osiris’ corpse was cut into pieces and spread out, and only parts of his body were floating in the coffin.

The myth further tells us that Isis searched all over Egypt for her husband’s remains and found all the pieces except for his penis, although, as we know, cutting off each other’s genitals was nothing new amongst the gods.

What is true or not in that story is hard to say, but to my knowledge, Sitchin mentions nothing about the lost penis story. According to him, Osiris’ body was intact, and Enki and Isis took semen from Osiris’ corpse and impregnated Isis with it, unbeknownst to Seth and Shamgaz.

What is true, though, and a theme through Sitchin’s books (especially in “The Wars of Gods and Men”) is that the gods, when they fought each other, rather than just killing their opponent, castrated him and threw the penis away.

This barbaric treatment of an enemy sounds pretty horrific, but it was implemented by the gods so that the defeated god could not reproduce and continue his bloodline. In other words, it was a reassurance of power and dominance.

Seth, proud of his accomplishment of killing his brother, now declared himself, as the only remaining son of Marduk Ra, to be the ruler of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Isis, however, declared she was pregnant by Osiris, went into hiding, and gave birth to Horon (Horus).

She trained him well to become a great warrior to defeat Seth, who gathered an army of humans and advanced by force towards Lebanon, all to the border of Ninhursag’s neutral Jerusalem region.

Horus was trained and ready to meet Seth in battle when he grew up.

He gathered his army and started marching. Seth noticed that Horus was pretty well prepared, and to stand any chance of winning the conflict, he challenged Horus to combat man-to-man.

A far-ranging air battle took place. Horus hit Seth with a blinding weapon and then with some harpoon. Blind, Seth crashed, and his testicles were squashed (or, more likely, cut off by Horus?).

Horus bound Seth and dragged him before the Council. The verdict was to let Seth live the rest of his life on Earth with the Igigi astronaut corps without life-extending treatments.

Copperhead Snake_opt

6. Inanna’s (Ishtar’s) War Against the Serpent Clan

Nammur and his Ram Clan feared that Ea and his Serpent Clan would control Earth’s space facilities. The Serpents controlled everything regarding the shipping of gold, and Marduk was even in charge of space travel between Earth and Nibiru.

Hypothetically, the Serpents could stop the Rams from even leaving the Earth. In secret, Nammur sent Ninurta to set up the base in today’s Peru, next to the Titicaca Lake, run by Enlil’s son, Ninurta. She also built a spaceport on the plains next to the Andes.

This area, rich in gold, was now in the stronghold of the Ram Clan, and in the middle of this rivalry, two Anunnaki from opposite clans fell in love. Inanna is known under many names, such as Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Athena, Kali, and Ninni. She was also a son’s daughter of Lord Nammur, the Enlil.

Her parents were Nannar and Ningal. As we know, Dumuzi was Marduk’s brother and Ea’s son. Dumuzi was born on Earth, and so was Inanna. Therefore, they were short-lived compared to those born and stayed on Nibiru.

Around 8,670 BC, the two started laying eyes on each other and became lovers.

Inanna revealed her plans to Marduk’s sister: She wanted to build a great nation on Earth and be the ruling queen, while her spouse would be given status in the empire. When Marduk’s sister returned and told him about this, Marduk did not like what he heard. He wanted no competition from his brother.

Therefore, he and his sister, Geshtinanna, decided to set Dumuzi up.

She seduced him and let Dumuzi have intercourse with her. After the fact, she scared him and told him that Marduk would accuse him of rape, and he would be in deep trouble. Dumuzi was terrified and fled. However, he was so hurried that he accidentally slipped on a stone, fell into a waterfall, and drowned.

That was the end of peace between the two clans.

Inanna was furious and wanted revenge for Dumuzi’s death, so she went to war against Marduk. Ea and his clansmen supported Marduk in the feud, and Marduk’s grandson, Horon/Horus, joined him as well, together with the Igigi astronauts, and in one of the battles, Inanna managed to blind Horus’ right eye.

Inanna proved to be a very skilled and strategic warrior, and she moved closer and closer to Marduk, who fled and took shelter in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

On foot, Inanna, Iškur/Adad (Nammur’s youngest son), and Ninurta cornered Marduk in the pyramid in one of the air-tight chambers. Instead of killing him instantly, they decided to bury him alive, so they put stones before the entrance to the chamber and left Marduk to his destiny.

The Serpent Clan brought up the issue before the Council and asked them to spare Marduk’s life, but Inanna insisted that he deserved it after what he’d done to his brother.

Ninhursag brought the two feuding brothers, the Enlil and the Enki, before the Council and suggested they exile Marduk and put Ninurta, Nammur’s son, in his place, thus creating a clan shift.

This became the final verdict. Ningishzidda unsealed the chamber and found Marduk unconscious inside. Nammur’s eldest son managed to revive him and helped him out of the chamber. He was put before the Council and got the verdict firsthand.

So Marduk, his wife Sarpanit, and his son Nabu were exiled “to a place where horned beasts were hunted, a land uninhabited by the descendants of Ziasudra/Noah.”


7. King Anu Decides to Give Earth to Humankind

A new dispute occurred when Nammur appointed his son, Ningishzidda (known as Thoth in Egypt), the Lord of the Nile lands. Inanna, who’d fought the war against Marduk and won, demanded she get her part of the Kingdom.

They could not develop a working solution that satisfied all parties, so they called on King Anu of Nibiru to resolve the conflict.

Anu hadn’t visited Earth for 7,000 years and had great affection for Inanna, so he decided to heed the call for help. At this time, 7,200 years had passed since the Deluge;

Humans had moved from the mountain lands to the lowlands. They originated from Ziasudra but had Anunnaki genes. The offspring of the Igigi Mars astronauts were also around. In the distant lands, Ka-in’s people had survived.

Anu and his wife, Antu, landed at Tilmun (Land of the Missiles) on the Sinai.

Anu was shocked when he saw how much Nammur and Ea had aged; they looked old and bearded, and Ninhursag, a once stunning beauty, was now old and bent. Anu, who was much older, looked younger than the children.

Ea told his father about the message he got from Galzu about how they had to stay on Earth and couldn’t go back to Nibiru, or they’d die. Anu said he had never sent such a message and had no idea what they were discussing. He thought that staying on Earth was their own decision.

Ea continued by saying that because of Galzu’s message, the seed of humanity was saved from the Deluge and would otherwise have been destroyed forever, and humankind would have been extinct. Anu sat back in wonder. Then he said that it appeared that Galzu came as a messenger for the One God to save humankind.

Anu continued, saying that it seemed like the Nibiruans were only emissaries for the human species, and humankind is destined to inherit the Earth and make it their own.

Anu now believed it was his and his people’s job to educate and give them knowledge so they could advance. Then, when they were educated enough, the Anunnaki should leave the planet! So King Anu dedicated four significant regions to three different groups:

Region 1: Enlil’s lineage’s domain: Enlil and his lineage decreed the King rule Mesopotamia through their designated kings, descendants of Ziasudra’s sons, Shem and Japhet the Fair. Ziasudra’s eldest son, Shem (Šem), and his descendants rule the nations from the highlands from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

Around 3800 B.C., Shem’s descendants settled in the ex-spaceport area of Iraq and the Landing Place in Lebanon. Shem’s brother Japhet rules for the Enlilites from the highlands of Asia Minor, the Black and Caspian Seas, and the nearby coasts and islands as they recover from the flood.

Region 2: Enki’s lineage’s domain: King Anu orders Enki and his descendants to rule Egypt and Africa through the descendants of Ziasudra’s son Ham the Dark. Ham’s line rules Canaan, Cush, Mizraïm, Cush, Nubia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya, beginning from the highlands and spreading to the reclaimed lowlands.

Region 3: Inanna’s domain: Inanna, said Anu, would rule the Indus Valley (to be settled around 2800 B.C.) as a grain source for the other regions.

Region 4: Ninhursag’s domain: The fourth region, Tilmun (Sinai), Anu declared, shall be ruled directly by Ninharsag and be reserved exclusively for Nibiruans and their immediate descendants.

Then Anu and Antu flew with Ninurta and Iškur to the Tiahuanaco temple and overlooked the metallurgy (tin) works Ninurta built at Lake Titicaca.

Then, they were shown back to the spaceport by Ninurta, who proudly showed the King and Queen how his men, in the meantime, had filled up the Royal “Chariot” with gold to the brim. They wanted to impress and show that the South American gold mining project was successful.

Anu was impressed and summoned his grandson, Marduk, to the Andes to speak with him.

The King had a bad conscience for mistreating Marduk and favoring his brother before himself. Marduk and his son, Nabu, arrived at the spaceport and stood before King Anu. Marduk, in sadness, told him that Sarpanit, the hybrid, had died from age. Anu then pardoned Marduk and commuted his exile.

Then Anu said so that everybody could hear:

If destiny is that mankind is going to take over and rule the world, let it so be. Give them knowledge up to a measure secrets of heaven and Earth them teach, let them learn about laws and righteousness, then depart and leave.”

[It is noteworthy that King Anu was talking about law and righteousness when the Anunnaki themselves had constantly been breaking all such rules in what seems like almost childish (but murderous) behavior, which we, as humans, definitely have inherited, unfortunately.

We are talking about another alien species, of course, with other laws, rules, and regulations than us humans, but for now, keep in mind what their laws and rules seem to be and if those are the ones we want to obey shortly. It’s bad enough as it is here on Earth.

As soon as King Anu and Queen Antu left Earth with their rocket filled with gold, Marduk started his intrigues again. He was furious over the South American spaceport and blamed Inanna for the death of his brother, Dumuzi. Anu found a liking in Inanna and even chose her as his consort, in addition to Antu.

As a “present,” he had given her her region in India and Uruk.

In simple words, Marduk was jealous of the power the King had given her. Nammur, the Enlil, named the present Era the Age of the Bull (Taurus) and started teaching humans to use bricks to build cities of mud and temples for the royal Nibiruans and the Angels (Igigi).

These Royals were given numerical ranks from which the humans worshiped them. The higher the number, the higher the hierarchy, and the more power they had. So, Nammur also made sure humankind learned about hierarchy, which has substantially halted our evolution. This is how the hierarchy was numbered:

Anu                                                            60

Nammur (the Enlil)                                     50

Ninurta (Nammur’s son and successor)     50

Ea (the Enki)                                              40

Nannar (son of Enlil)                                  30

Utu/Shamash (son of Nannar)                    20

Inanna (sister of Utu)                                  15

It is unclear how they came up with this hierarchy and why it was accepted by lower-rank gods/goddesses like Inanna and Marduk, but I haven’t seen any indications that this rank was protested across the lines.

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8. Educating Mankind

The gods then built the Edin (Mesopotamia) cities, and in each city, they built a temple where humans could worship their gods. Ninurta got Lagash, where he got hangars for his aircraft and an armory for his missiles.

He may as well have been one of the gods who taught humankind about warfare, being the Enlil’s “warrior son.” Utu, who rebuilt the city of Sippar, taught law to the humans, and Nannar was given the city of Urim.

Iškur returned from the Andes to reside in a temple in the mountains north of Mesopotamia (Sumer). Marduk and Nabu, his son, came over to stay with Ea in Eridu. As we can see, the Enlil’s Ram Clan was in charge of most of Mesopotamia. Inanna chose the first king to be the Lugal.

The Lugal represented the Lords of the Adapites (human descendants of Ziasudra) there. Ram Clan appointed lugals and ruled the Land Between the Rivers for 24,510 years. They shifted their Admin Center from Kush to Uruk, then to Akad, all areas ruled by the Anunnaki Council.

9. The Tower of Babel

The Igigi had great estates in Lebanon and Sumer, where they ruled abundantly. The estates grew as they continued mating with humans, and the number of offspring increased. Marduk taught these hybrids to make bricks for Babylon, which would be his spaceport.

He could challenge Utu with his Ram Clan spaceport in the Sinai by having one of his own.

Nammur saw what was happening and asked Marduk to drop the project peacefully, but Marduk didn’t listen and continued building the launch tower of Babylon. By 3,450 BC, Nammur told his lieutenants that Marduk was building a non-permitted Gateway to Heaven tower, entrusting the Earthlings!

Ninurta emphasized that this had to be stopped, so they raided the area and destroyed the tower at night. Marduk had to flee again and ended up in his father’s Ea (Ptah) region, the Nile.

The Ram Clan scattered Marduk’s servants and programmed them with different languages and scripts. Marduk, now in Egypt and calling himself Ra, didn’t like that his brother, Ningishzidda (Thoth), resided in the area, and for the next 350 years, the tension between the two increased, and their armies clashed over Egypt.

Eventually, their father, Ea/Ptah, ordered Thoth to leave Egypt to Ra. Marduk/Ra triumphed and reunited Egypt under his command. In reality, Ea had a bad conscience that didn’t go away for not being able to give his son the Kingdom of Nibiru to rule, but at least he could now give him Egypt.

Ea/Ptah also gave Marduk Ra the meš (the supercomputer programs) to make Egypt prosper; he gave Marduk Ra all his knowledge, except how to revive the dead.

10. Marduk Ra Is Rewriting History

One of the first things Marduk did was to rewrite history in his favor. He immediately removed the head of the Sphinx, which previously was sculptured in the image of Ningishzidda, and replaced it with Asar, Marduk’s son; this is the head we see on today’s Sphinx.

Marduk Ra wanted to place himself in the position of the one and only God; therefore, he wanted to erase all the history of all the gods previous to him.

(I have reasons to believe that not only did Marduk rewrite history, but he also used BST, Blank Slate Technology, or something similar to erase the memory of humankind. Another technique, which is more drastic but quite effective, is to disconnect our minds from the Akashic Records.

This is not hard to do if you know that the Akashic Records for the Earth-mass consciousness, from which we pull our collective memories of our past, are located in the astral around our planet.

One way to erase our memories is to distort the connection between the human mind and the Akashic records. A pole shift would most probably do it if done artificially and scientifically, with this goal in mind.

This would not erase the Akashic Records, only our connection with them and, thus, our memories of our collective past.

If this connection is tampered with and we lose our collective memories, we wake up and have no memories of our past. We’re starting all over from Day 1. Body/mind/spirit work as usual and can think and act as it always has, without its memories. If this was what Marduk did, he succeeded in erasing memories of previous deities).

Thoth/Ningishzidda, now exiled, moved to Mesoamerica with his loyal officers, and there became known as Quetzalcoatl, the “Winged Serpent.”

11. Inanna Rules The Indus Region & Uruk in Sumer

Nammur, who was afraid that humans would be as powerful as the gods and learn about immortality, triggered by the Tower of Babel, continued the ordering of writing new languages into the codes of humans, different codes in different areas of the world to create separation rather than unity.

So he ordered Ea to create a new language for Aratta, Inanna’s Indus Valley Civilization.

However, Ea refused to give her the meš (then in Marduk’s possession) to make Aratta the World Power. He said Inanna could share with Aratta what she’d already seduced out of him earlier.

Enmerkar, the second ruler in Uruk (a direct Adapan hybrid descendant of Inanna’s twin brother, Utu), sent his son, Banda, to deliver a message that the Arattan King had to swear submission to Uruk.

The Arattan king preferred trade. He wanted the meš in exchange for Aratta’s precious stones. If Enmerkar still insisted on war, he suggested they choose one champion from each camp to do the combat.

Banda returned to deliver the reply from the Arattan king to his father, but he got sick on his way back and suddenly died, so the peace message never reached Enmerkar.

Inanna, who now ruled two kingdoms, Aratta and Uruk, had still not let her mind go off Dumuzi, and she missed him.

It was so bad that Inanna started hallucinating about him and had a more complex and challenging time differentiating between the “real” world and her inner uncontrolled emotions. This made her pretty dangerous due to the position she had as Queen.

In Uruk, she set up a “House of Pleasures” (equivalent to a “whorehouse” in today’s terms). Inanna took lovers from there and elsewhere, pretending they were Dumuzi, promising them long lives and other desirable things.

Then she went to bed with them in the evening, and when the morning broke, they were found dead in her bed (the origins of the tale about the “Black Widow”).

Utu, Inanna’s twin brother, who knew the secret of how to revive the dead, managed to bring Banda back to life and brought him back to Inanna in Uruk.

Inanna, now in a bad mental state, thought Banda was Dumuzi and cried out: “This is a miracle! My beloved Dumuzi has come back to life!”

12. Gilgamesh and the Elixir of Immortality

Banda then succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as the King of Uruk.

Banda married Ninurta’s daughter, Ninsun, who gave birth to Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was obsessed with immortality and would do anything to be like the gods and live for millions of years. So, he went to Baalbek in Lebanon to plead with the astronauts for immortality.

He and his android guard, Enkidu, sought the launch pad in Lebanon, hoping the gods would give him the same immortality they enjoyed. From a distance, Inanna saw Gilgamesh take off his clothes to take a bath, and she desired him. She approached him and tried to seduce him.

When Gilgamesh refused, Inanna got furious and let loose the guard bull on him out on the launch pad.

However, while Enkidu held the bull, Gilgamesh could stab it to death.

Still determined to find longevity, Gilgamesh continued his journey, and in a tunnel in Sinai, he found Ziasudra, still alive after all these centuries after the Deluge. Ziasudra then decided to give Gilgamesh monatomic gold, something he had used to stay alive for so long.

He said that Ea and Nammur had granted Gilgamesh this special treatment. Happy, Gilgamesh left, but later, someone stole his stash, and Gilgamesh died like any other human hybrid.

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13. Marduk Offering Pharaohs Immortality

After hearing about Gilgamesh’s obsessive search for immortality, Marduk started pondering this whole issue to see if he could use it to his benefit.

He decided he could use it to establish loyalty amongst his rulers and high priests. Hence, he told his Egyptian kings that they would journey to Nibiru in their afterlife and enjoy immortality with the gods. This Immortality Cult could unite the kings around the Nile and strengthen Marduk’s position against Inanna.

Inanna, who had great weapons at hand, armies, and gold powder for her own “immortality,” held her position and stronghold on Sumer for 1,000 years. During this time, homo sapiens sapiens were encouraged to worship the Enlilites, the Ram Clan.

In Egypt, on the other hand, Marduk introduced a different religion. He taught his human servants to worship only ONE God and that “God” was no less than Marduk Ra himself. He told them there were no other gods than he, himself. When his father, Ea, heard of this, he was baffled because this was unheard of before.

However, Marduk was remobilizing his armies to rechallenge Inanna and the Enlil Clan. In both Marduk’s and Inanna’s minds, there was only room for one world ruler, not two!

14. Sargon, the Akkadian Warrior King

Inanna, to defeat Marduk once and for all, decided she wanted a strong warrior king. In 2,400 BC, she chose her gardener, Sargon, to lead her human armies and rule Sumer for her. Why Sargon?

Because he had the stomach to rape Inanna, his Queen, and Inanna enjoyed it.

She was fascinated by his courage to do so and his physical strength. She even managed to convince Nammur about her choice of a warrior king. Inanna and Sargon thus ruled from Akkad (Agade), which they built close to Babylon. In 2316 BC, Marduk and his son Nabu were in Egypt, and Sargon saw the opportunity.

With his great army, he invaded Marduk’s Babylon and then withdrew.

When Marduk and his son returned from Egypt, they fortified the city to keep his enemies out.

Also, Marduk decided to build his spaceport in Babylon, the heart of Edin. Inanna got furious, and she and Sargon started a gigantic war against Marduk. The bloodiest war in Earth’s history followed, and both sides used laser weapons on each other’s human soldiers. Eventually, Sargon died in battle.

15. Inanna’s Armies Move Forward

After the intense war had subsided, Nergal, Marduk’s brother, visited Inanna in Uruk and allied with her, although he was an Enkiite. Thus, Nergal becomes Inanna’s lover, and together, they plan to rule the world by defeating Marduk.

As part of the plan, Nergal left Uruk, and he and his men rode to Babylon, where Marduk greeted his brother. Nergal said that if Marduk left Babylon immediately and went to South Africa, he could secure weapons and computer systems that had been hidden there since the Deluge.

Marduk, who had no reason to mistrust his brother, acted on it and left. While Marduk was in South Africa, Nergal broke into Marduk’s control room and stole his “brilliance” (energy radiation source), controlling the irrigation system for all of Mesopotamia.

Ea disapproved of this and banished Nergal back to Africa, but Nergal still left a garrison of men near Babylon, where they could aid Inanna. In 2291 BC, Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson), and the Akkadian armies captured the spaceport in Lebanon.

From there, they conquered Jericho, which up until then had been under Nannar’s (Inanna’s father) control.

Encouraged by previous successes, Inanna moved on, joined armies with Nergal, and conquered Egypt. In her efforts to become the Queen of Earth, Inanna, in 2255 BC, destroyed Anu’s Temple and sent Naram-Sin to Nippur to attack Nammur’s minions there.

Nammur did not let this go unhandled for long. He angrily sent his son Ninurta and his army to stop Inanna. He massacred all humans he could find in Akkad to reconquer Mesopotamia.

He ordered Naram-Sin to be killed, and Inanna was arrested and brought before him. Inanna, however, got away and fled to Nergal in South Africa, and for seven years, they plotted how to overthrow the Anunnaki Council.

16. The Enlil Visited by Galzu in Dream State

Galzu, the mysterious person who had managed to get the great King Anu to realize that he should leave humankind to rule the Earth, once again showed his non-physical presence, this time to the Enlil, in a dream state.

By now, the Anunnaki consider him a representative of the Creator of All That Is and have a deep respect for him.

Galzu warned him that Marduk would rule the Earth when Earth moved zodiacally from the Age of the Bull (Taurus) to the Age of the Ram (Aries). He further told the Enlil: “A righteous and worthy man must be chosen, by him and his seed will Civilized Man be preserved!”

Nammur thought a lot about this vision, which he kept to himself.

He decided to send Ibruum/Abraham, son of Nannar’s high priest-king, Tirhu (a hybrid with a lot of Anunnaki genes in him), on missions to thwart Marduk’s moves to position his forces to capture the spaceport on the Sinai.

As soon as Ibruum left Harran, Marduk moved in, and the next 24 years he spent planning on how to take over Earth.

17. The Anunnaki Drop Nuclear Bombs Over Sinai Spaceport Before Leaving Earth to Marduk

The Anunnaki and the Nibiruan Ša.A.M.i. They knew they would soon have enough gold to shield Nibiru’s atmosphere, and they could all return to their home planet.

Then they could leave homo sapiens sapiens to manage on their own. By the end of their stay on Earth, the Anunnaki tried to end all their old feuds with each other, perhaps not to bring these conflicts back to Nibiru.

The humans were used as slave labor to dig up the last gold resources and precious metals and stones needed and had them help out with other things.

Not the least, they had human armies fight wars and battles between the gods to settle things between rival parties. And rival parties there were!

On the one hand, Nammur and Ninurta used hybrid armies (humans) and Nibiruan weapons in Sumer to fight against Inanna when she invaded the Anunnaki reserve in the Spaceport area.

On the other hand, Marduk Ra proclaimed his “divine right” to rule on Earth. The Nibiran Council refused to let Marduk return to Nibiru because they feared he would plot a coup to take over the Kingdom. And they did not know what to do with him on Earth either.

So, they gathered the Anunnaki Council to discuss the matter.

All council members were against Marduk and Nabu and saw them as a significant problem in all camps.

Most of the Anunnaki on Earth were eager to leave and go home, but before they did, they decided that if Marduk would be the ruler of Earth, at least they should deny him the Spaceport in the Sinai.

All senior Anunnaki, except Ea, agreed to use nuclear weapons to stop Nabu’s advance through Canaan towards the Sinai Spaceport. Before the Anunnaki Council executed their orders, they radioed King Anu on Nibiru and asked him for permission to nuke the spaceport and Nabu’s human armies.

Stunningly, Anu gave his permission! This speaks a lot about the Ša.A.M.i. on the home planet and not only the Anunnaki here on Earth.

A lack of compassion seems to run in the blood of these beings, at least on royal levels, which also counts for us humans because they are the ones who make the decisions, the Ša.A.M.i. people.

Airships were sent down to bring the Igigi home. In 2064 BC, Ninurta attacked the Sinai.

The first missile hit Mt. Mashu, where the controlling equipment was housed. Then, a nuclear bomb was dropped above the Place of the Celestial Rocketships, with the brilliance of seven suns.

The Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens were darkened after the attack, and all the beautiful forests were destroyed, leaving only burnt stems.

Nergal, Ea’s son, bombed Marduk’s forces in Canaan. He nuked Sodom and Gomorrah and three other cities allied with Marduk.

These nukes killed the Dead Sea, which still hasn’t recovered in today’s 21st Century. Radioactivity is still in the area today, enough to induce sterility in animals and people who absorb the water there.

Archeologists confirm the flooding, abandonment of the area, and sudden deadening of life in 2024 BC. The destruction was tremendous. And with that, most of the Anunnaki left the planet just as destructively as they once arrived.

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