Wes Penre’s article explores unconventional interpretations of biblical figures and events, particularly focusing on Abraham, Moses, and the concept of the chosen people.
Here’s a summary of the key points:
The article suggests that Abraham and Moses were not merely historical or religious figures but potentially had connections to extraterrestrial beings or advanced civilizations.
Wes Penre proposes that their interactions with “God” might have been encounters with these advanced entities.
Penre reinterprets the concept of the “chosen people,” suggesting that it may not refer to a specific ethnic or religious group but rather to individuals selected by these advanced beings for particular purposes or genetic manipulation.
The piece explores the idea that biblical accounts of divine interventions and miracles might actually describe advanced technology or abilities possessed by extraterrestrial visitors.
For example, Penre speculates that the parting of the Red Sea could have been achieved through advanced technological means.
Penre also touches on the concept of genetic manipulation, proposing that the “chosen people” might have been subjects of genetic experiments or enhancements by these advanced beings.
It’s important to note that these ideas are highly speculative and diverge significantly from mainstream historical, religious, and scientific understandings.
Penre’s work blends elements of ancient astronaut theory, alternative history, and unconventional interpretations of religious texts.
Readers should approach this material with critical thinking, recognizing it as an alternative perspective rather than established fact.
“To save their newborn son, a couple descended from Israel put the boy in a box and let it float down the stream where Thutmose’s daughter took a bath.
She gave him the name Moses and decided to adopt him. This happened back in 1513 BC.” –
Wes Penre
1. In the Aftermath of the Nuclear Fallout
The plain at the Spaceport, which had been used as runways for the shuttles, was now destroyed after Ninurta and Nergal, the angels in the Bible, nuked the Sinai and Sodom and Gomorrah, with not even one tree standing.
The dark-brown cloud which headed eastward towards Sumer carried death on its wings. Wherever it swept, life in all forms died mercilessly. The fallout also annihilated the hybrid Nibiruan/Cro Magnon slaves in Mesopotamia, loyal to the Enlil.
Nammur (the Enlil) and Ea (the Enki) forewarned the gods of Sumer and told them to escape immediately. And the gods of the cities fled for their lives.
The next thing the Enlil did was to warn Abraham of the Negev desert on the border of Sinai and transport him to a place near the Mediterranean coast, close to the Philistines, who sided with the Enlil.
In Lagash, which was Ninurta’s capital, his wife Bau (sister of Ninmah) ran the hospital for human slaves in the city, but she refused to leave when the fallout from the bombs hit, so she died together with them.
Nannar, Nammur’s son, barely escaped from thereon, suffering from severe radiation injuries, which left him with a bad limp.
It certainly looked like Galzu’s prophecy would be fulfilled because Babylon was spared, and this was where Marduk declared his supremacy. Also, the Enlil understood that Galzu’s predictions were about to come true.
Some of the gods, loyal to the Enlil, left Sumer, accompanied by their followers, to all the four corners of the world so that the Anunnaki were now operating on all different continents of Earth.
Others remained in the neighborhood, ready to challenge the new power, Marduk.
Marduk’s related extended family in Northern Sumer, the Aryans, invaded the lands in the east and Europe to the west, conquering human settlements everywhere and imposing their Aryan supremacy on them.
This is the status up to this very day.
(We can see that, with all the wars and conflicts going on in the world today, if we could look at it with a bird’ s eye, we would see the same conflicts going on now as in the distant past; the same old rivalry, and we humans are fighting our wars unknowingly.
The only difference is that the powers behind the scenes are hidden now).
2. The Enlil Branding His Cattle–YHVH’s Chosen People
Of all the slaves loyal to Nammur, the Enlilites, and his RAM clan (Ninurta, Nannar, Adad, Utu, and Inanna), only Abraham and his loyalists survived with much help from the Enlil.
He wanted his slaves branded as his, like we are branding cattle today.
So when Abraham was 99 years old, the Enlil (YHVH in Hebrew, or YeHoVaH) commanded him and his male followers to cut off their foreskins so they would be branded for Nammur and his sons by having phalluses like those of the Ša.A.M.i.
This way, the gods could easily recognize their slaves. After Abraham and his people had all been circumcised, the Enlil told Abraham: “Unto thy seed have I given this land and the brook of Egypt [Nile] until the River Euphrates.”
Nammur told Abraham that he and his followers were the Enlil’s chosen people. The land he gave his chosen people included both the Arabs and the Israelis, which we will see soon.
3. And the Axe Was Made of Gold
The Enlil said Abraham would get a son by Sarah, who, by the way, was his half-sister, and who (by Nibiruan succession practices) would produce a son superseding Ishmael, Abraham’s son with his second wife, who was Sarah’s Egyptian slave (the ancestors of the Arabs). Sarah gave birth to Isaac (ancestor of the Israelis) in 2025 in Canaan.
Here is where it gets interesting, although it follows the Biblical story: Ishmael was raised to become Abraham’s heir and to rule Canaan—at least, this was what everybody thought.
However, Ishmael and his mother were sentenced to die in the merciless desert, only to make way for Isaac as Abraham’s successor.
Sarah told Abraham that he should get rid of the Egyptian slave woman because that woman’s son would never be his heir, but her son Isaac would.
The Enlil sided with Sarah, although, in reality, it was probably the other way around; Sarah sided with the Enlil. Nammur told Abraham to listen to Sarah because Isaac would be his successor.
He said, “I will also make the maidservant’s son into a nation because he is your offspring.”
Moreover, he told Abraham to expel Hagar, Sarah’s slave, in person. This was Enlil’s first test to check his slave’s loyalty by driving a wedge between him and Hagar.
Abraham obeyed without questioning, gave Hagar bread and a skin bottle of water, and sent her and the child out to wander in Beersheba’s wilderness.
Once the water was all used, Hagar put Ishmael under a bush. She couldn’t let the little boy die. Just when it seemed like the end was near, the Enlil appeared in the desert and showed Hagar to a well, thus saving her and Ishmael and winning her undivided loyalty.
From there, Ishmael became the father of the Arabs, who, up to this date, are in conflict with the descendants of Isaac for Canaan. The “gods” know how to divide and conquer.
Isaac was the apple in Abraham’s eye, and he loved him dearly. The Enlil, noticing this, decided to test Abraham’s loyalty again. He ordered Abraham to lead his son to a distant mountain in the wilderness where no one could see and murder him cold-bloodedly.
So Abraham, who never questioned his “god,” obeyed his Lord Enlil, took Isaac, his beloved son, up the mountain and built an altar on which he laid the young boy and bound him.
He lifts his arm, which holds the knife, ready to slaughter Isaac, when an emissary of the Enlil appears before him and says: “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, for not I know that your fear god since you have not withheld your son from Me.
Because you have not withheld your son, I will greatly bless you and multiply your seed, and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies because you have obeyed my voice.” The door opened slowly, and my father came in.
I was nine years old. And he stood so tall above me. His blue eyes were shining, and his voice was icy.
He said, “I’ve had a vision and you know I’m strong and holy, I must do what I’ve been told.”
So he started up the mountain; I was running and walking, and his ax was made of gold. The trees got much smaller, the lake a lady’s mirror, and we stopped to drink wine.
Then he threw the bottle over. I broke a minute later, and he put his hand on mine. I thought I saw an eagle, but it might have been a vulture. I never could decide.
Then my father built an altar; he looked once behind his shoulder; he knew I would not hide. You who build these altars to sacrifice these children must not do it anymore.
A scheme is not a vision; a demon or a god has never tempted you. You who stand above them now, your hatchets blunt and bloody, you were not there before when I lay upon a mountain, and my father’s hand trembled with the beauty of the word.
And if you call me brother now, forgive me if I inquire, “Just according to whose plan?” When it all comes to dust, I will kill you if I must; I will help you if I can.
When it all comes to dust, I will help you if I must; I will kill you if I can. And mercy on our uniform, a man of peace or man of war, the peacock spreads his (deadly) fan.
Christians call themselves “God-fearing men.” Are we surprised?
No knife cut and no golden ax fell that day, but the ax fell over a large faction of humankind from that very day when we learned to fear “God,” as written in the Bible text and taught in almost every school in the Western world and Israel ever since.
Eventually, we will tell the story of how this Anunnaki Lord became the “Jealous God.”
4. Jacob’s Ladder and Jacob Becoming Israel in Egypt
Abraham, in 1907 BC, as the god-fearing man he now was, once again obeyed the Anunnaki Lord’s “wish” and was worried that his son Isaac would marry some local Canaanite so that his bloodline would be diluted.
So he sent his son to Harran on the Euphrates (modern Southern Turkey) to marry his daughters to relatives there.
There, he found Rebecca and brought her back to Canaan. The two had two twin sons, Esau and Jacob.
The twins grew up, and famine swept Canaan when they reached adulthood. Isaac, who wanted to send them to Egypt, was then warned by the Enlil not to cross the still radioactive Sinai to Egypt. Instead, they ordered the brothers to stay in Canaan.
The Enlil quickly pointed out that of the two twin brothers, he wanted Jacob to be Isaac’s successor and was not allowed to take a wife from Canaan.
So, again, a descendant of Abraham’s was sent to Harran to take a wife from a relative to keep the bloodline pure. This time, a daughter of Isaac’s maternal uncle, Leban, was in mind.
In biblical times, people often had “visions” in dream states, seeing “angels” telling them what to do and whatnot.
This was especially common among the people whom the Anunnaki cared for, the human elite, who had the purest Anunnaki bloodline.
Jacob was no exception. On his way north to Harran, he had a vision of angels from the Elohim, which in the Bible became known as “Jacob’s Ladder.”
Once in Harran, Jacob wanted to marry Leban’s daughter, Rachael, but Leban first wanted him to marry her elder sister, Leah, and earn their dowries.
Jacob worked twenty years for Leban before he was allowed to take a second wife, Leban’s younger daughter, Rachael. Jacob then wanted to return home to Canaan, but in another dream, one of the Nammur’s messengers forbade them from returning.
He also warned Leban in another dream to let Jacob and his two wives go.
Jacob went anyway, and when he reached the Jordan River at the Yabbok Crossing, uncertain of what Esau’s attitude would be to see his rival for succession, he sent his party ahead and stayed behind for a while.
Once alone, Jacob encountered and wrestled with a Nibiruan angel. In the furious battle, he dislocated his thigh. However, he won the fight and pinned and held the Anunnaki all night.
The next day, he let the “angel” go if he promised to bless him, which he did. The angel renamed Jacob “Israel,” or IS.RA.EL. (He who fought a god).
The two departed, and Israel limped into Esau’s camp, became the patriarch of Enlil’s loyalists, and his tribe became “the Children of Israel.”
Joseph, born in 1870 BC, Israel’s and Rachael’s youngest son, was hated by their half-brothers, whom Israel had with Leah, because he was obsessed with dreams and interpretations of them. To get rid of him, they sold him to a caravan as a slave.
From there, they brought Joseph to Egypt.
In Egypt, Joseph was bought by the Pharaoh’s court as a household slave.
After had spent some time in prison due to being falsely accused by the wife of his direct slaveholder to have raped her, Pharaoh Amenemhet III, who ascended the throne of Egypt in 1842 BC, heard the rumors of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams, so he asked for the slave to come before his court.
The Pharaoh dreamed of seven skinny cows eating seven fat cows, and seven scorched ears of grain ate seven healthy grains. He asked Joseph to interpret the dream.
Joseph told him that this meant Egypt would experience seven years of plentiful harvest and seven years of famine.
The Pharaoh was very impressed, and in 1840 BC, he made Joseph the Overseer of Egypt. His job was to store water and grain from the seven good years to use for the seven lean ones.
As Joseph had predicted, drought and famine broke out in Egypt seven years later, and refugees from elsewhere headed for Egypt, where the food was.
Amongst the refugees were Joseph’s father, Israel (now 130 years old), and his sons, including the half-brothers of Joseph’, who had sold him as a slave. Joseph forgave his half-brothers and thus invited the Children of Israel to Egypt.
For 400 years, the Children of Israel and their descendants prospered and multiplied and became 600,000 in numbers, and a new regime arose, hostile to the Enlilites with whom the Children of Israel were allied, and they took power.
5. The Enlilites Against the Enkiites of Egypt and Babylon
The internal fights for power, bloodline domination, and an immature obsession to control others between the Anunnaki royalty factions cost hundreds of thousands of human soldiers throughout the few hundred years to come.
And, of course, the same Anunnaki rulers of their clans, respectively, survived it all, and most of them are alive and well up to this date. But, as I said, their human slaves were not that fortunate.
In the next section below, I will quote Dr. Sasha Lessin of U.C.L.A., who holds a Ph.D. in anthropology. He has generally been very helpful in compressing the wealth of information in the books of the late Zechariah Sitchin.
Here is Dr. Lessin, word by word:
Marduk gave Hammurabi, his king at Babylon, “a powerful weapon, called “Great Power of Marduk,” with which he subdued all Mesopotamia, save the Enlilite strongholds of Adad in Assyria and Ninurta in Lagash.
In the 12th Century B.C., the Assyrians, led by King Tiglat-Pileser I, conquered Lebanon.
In the 9th century B.C., Adad and Nergal sent the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III with technologically advanced artillery against Marduk’s Babylonians. With these weapons, Shalmaneser prevailed.
Then, in 689 BC. Sennacherib, using, this time, “rocketlike missiles” Adad gave him, sacked Babylon on the pretext that the Babylonians had disappointed Marduk, their erstwhile god.
Sennacherib sentenced the Babylonians to seventy years of Assyrian occupation and domination.
Commander Enlil watched Assyria’s Sennacherib subjugate Phoenicia, Gaza, and Judea.
But Sennacherib–on his own without knowledge of authorization of his Nibiran handlers–attacked Jerusalem. Enlil controlled Mission Control Jerusalem. He zapped his erstwhile Assyrian slave army with a techno-weapon that killed 185,000 men.
Sennacherib fled to Ninevah in Sumer, where he declared his younger son Esarhaddon to be his successor.
Sennacherib’s older sons killed the King, but the Nibirans hid Esarhaddon. Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria. She disarmed the Ninevan army and destroyed their weapons. Esarhaddon rules, she proclaimed.
Inanna continued protecting Assyria. She wore “an intense, blinding brilliance” on her headgear to blind Enemies of Esarhaddon’s successor, Ashurbanipal, in battles in Arabia and an attack on Marduk’s Egyptian forces. Inanna “rained flames upon Arabia.”
Enlil decided to end Assyrian power. From 614 to 616 B.C., he let the Babylonians conquer Assyria and sent Babylon’s king, Nebuchadnezzar II, to take Lebanon.
6. YHVH–the Brutal Mass Murderer–and his Hatchet-man Moses
In this part, I will occasionally use direct Bible quotes to show the character of the Enlil, a.k.a. YHVH, God of the Israelites. Rarely, if ever, have we seen a character in the last 500,000 years of Earth’s history who has slaughtered more people than this entity alone.
Forget Hitler or any so-called dictator that we know from history books or present-day events.
These people are/were children-at-play in comparison; they can’t be compared at all. (And this is the God of Israel and the Christian God. If we don’t break this “Godspell” very soon, humanity will be in deep trouble).
In 1650 BC, new rulers, who became the pharaohs of the New Kingdom, conquered Egypt. Pharaoh Thutmose I of this new regime invaded Mesopotamia to the Euphrates River, which was the Enlil’s domain. Here was also where Abraham’s relatives and their descendants lived.
Thutmose expected the Enlilites to strike back, and he feared the Israelites in Egypt, who had grown, as we know, to the large number of 600,000. Hypothetically, they could take Egypt from within.
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt, which proceeded to the New Kingdom, had promised to honor the Israelites and allow them to stay in Egypt, thanks to Joseph’s ability to save Egypt from seven years of famine and drought.
However, the new regime decided to cancel the agreement.
So Thutmose I, started working the Children of Israel to death and stopped them from breeding.
He commanded that every newborn Israelite male should be killed at birth.
To save their newborn son, a couple descended from Israel put the boy in a box and let it float down the stream where Thutmose’s daughter bathed. She gave him the name Moses and decided to adopt him. This happened in 1513 BC.
Moses grew up in 1482 BC, and while Thutmose III intensified hostilities against the Enlilites outside Egypt and the Israelites within, Moses killed an Egyptian overseer who was brutalizing the Israelites.
The Pharaoh put a death warrant on Moses, who managed to escape to the Sinai peninsula, where he married the daughter of a Priest. When Thutmose III died and Amenhotep II took over as Pharaoh, he let Moses’ death warrant expire.
The Enlil (YHVH) showed himself to Moses as a burning bush and told him to go to Egypt and show his magical powers to the Pharaoh so that he would free the Israelites.
Moses obeyed and went back to Egypt. However, Amenhotep II was not too impressed with Moses’ sorcery. On the contrary, the Pharaoh decided to triple the work burden for the Israelites. YHVH decided to have the Pharaoh abide by using other means.
He, therefore, engineered a series of plagues, infestations, cattle diseases, three days of darkness, and weather abnormalities (such as today’s HAARP), followed by the murder of all non-Israelite firstborn children and cows in Egypt–payback for the previous Pharaoh’s decision to kill off any first-born Israelite male.
This did the trick, and in 1433 BC, he let the Israelites go.
However, when the mass exodus from Egypt started, Amenhotep noticed they seemed trapped between the desert’s edge and the lakes (then the Red Sea). Hence, the Pharaoh sent his chariots to re-capture Moses and his people.
YHVH then used technology to divide the Sea so the Israelites could cross, but when the Egyptians followed, he closed the opening and drowned Amenhotep’s soldiers.
YHVH then led his people to the edge of the Sinai Peninsula.
He gave them food and protected them from enemies. Also, he had the Israelites kill 3,000 people for refusing to declare exclusive loyalty to him and 23,000 Israelites for having premarital sex.
Such “crime” was reserved for the promiscuous gods only. YHVH had the Israelites walk through the desert for forty years until they camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai.
Related: After The Deluge
7. The Ten Commandments and a Blood-Thirsty God
YHVH commanded Moses up the mount when they all had camped by Mt. Sinai. Once there, the Anunnaki god told Moses his rules to obey him successfully.
The Israelites all agreed to the terms. YHVH landed with his ship on the top of the mount, where Moses was waiting, and spoke to the crowd at the bottom with an amplifier.
He told them that he, YHVH, was their only God, and no one of the 600,000 people was ever again allowed to speak the name of any other god. He spoke out all the Ten Commandments with a complete and loud voice.
Although many people still know them today (or most of them) by heart since we had them impregnated to us in our childhood, I will repeat them here.
Many of them are good rules to follow–just common sense–, but we need to remember that they were forced upon the people with the sole intention of having the crowd more easily manipulated and controlled.
My comments are in blue (and within parentheses, in case this paper is printed in black and white):
You shall have no other gods before Me (sets the stage for Commandment #2)
You shall not make for yourself a carved image–any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth (for he is a jealous God, and he will punish the children for the iniquity of their parents, to the third to the fourth generation of those who reject him.
For those who love him and follow his commandments, the jealous god will love their ancestors down to the 1,000th generation.
(Remember that these Commandments are still in use and valid in the eyes of the “gods” until today, and when they return, they count on you to obey them, or Commandment 2 will apply).
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain (God will not acquit anybody who misuses his name)
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (For six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.
In six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore, the Lord blessed and consecrated the Sabbath.
(Perfect way of making sure people know who they worship. This is YHVH’s unique rule, and when followed, he can see who is his follower and who is not).
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
- Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.
- Honour thy father and thy mother.
- Thou shalt not kill.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery.
- Thou shalt not steal.
- Thou shalt not bear false witness.
- Thou shalt not covet.
Honor your father and mother (typically good advice, but also a way to ensure the children listen to their parents, so the worship continues down the generations).
You shall not murder (only reserved for god and the other gods, whom you are not allowed to mention)
You shall not commit adultery (see comment on Commandment 6)
You shall not steal (see comment on Commandment 6)
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (again, good advice, but here used to keep the sheep in their fold. As few conflicts as possible make it easier for “God”)
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s (see comment on Commandment 9)
The “god” also declared that he wanted women and children subjugated to male family heads.
The Enlil created the man-dominated society, which has played out since that day.
The Enlil knew that the power to break out of YHVH’s prison lay with the Female Energy (emotions and an open heart chakra), and he feared that if women, who usually carry more female energy than men, he wanted to suppress this energy, again to be able to control us more easily.
Today’s “women’s liberation” in the 60s and 70s had nothing to do with equality between sexes.
Still, it was Rockefeller who instigated and sponsored a program to make women become more like men–the ultimate suppression of the female energy and to break up the family structure, which they knew was very powerful.
YHVH had prepared stone tablets to give to Moses.
They were inscribed on both sides, emphasizing his Commandments. For forty days, upon the mount, YHVH/the Enlil showed Moses how to build a temple–he even showed him a scale model.
He also gave Moses a model of the box–the Ark of the Covenant) to put the stone tablets in.
The Ark also had, beneath the tablets, a receiver (sporting two gold cherubs) so the Israelites could voice-message him and get his “Yes” or “No” answers.
He appointed Moses’ son Aaron and his sons as Priests (magicians) and specified protective clothing they needed to wear when they approached the Ark to avoid radiation poisoning.
However, man is curious, and later on, people couldn’t help but look to see what was in the Ark. For this “high crime,” YHVH killed 50,000 people in Bethshemesh.
Aaron was apprehensive about his brother, who’d been up on the mount for over a month and feared he was dead, so he tried to attract the Anunnaki’s attention by building a golden calf, a symbol of the Enlil/YHVH, to send out a signal to him, as he dared not go up and see.
But when Moses finally came down, he got infuriated over the calf, so he killed the builders and, in his rage, destroyed both the calf and the stone tablets (in his effort to have his people follow the 2nd Commandment, Moses instead broke the 6th Commandment, something that’s rarely talked about within religious groups).
YHVH raged as well and threatened to abandon the Israelites.
However, after a while, he “cooled his jets” (pun intended) and produced a “pillar of cloud” in front of Moses’ tent, and from a spaceship (called a “Kabod”) inside the cloud, YHVH broadcast that he forgave the Israelites for the calf and told Moses to engrave new tablets.
He was not angry at Moses for destroying his carefully designed stone tablets and killing some of his people, but he gently told him to create new ones.
It was also a non-issue that Moses played “God” and broke the Sixth Commandment. It took Moses an additional forty days to create new tablets, spending that time with YHVH on the mount.
During all these days, Moses was not allowed to see his God’s face. When he returned to his men, Moses glowed with radiation from exposure to YHVH’s shuttlecraft.
Moses died, perhaps due to the effects of radiation. His general, Joshua, who had YHVH’s knowledge of astronomical events and weapons, conquered much of Canaan for YHVH, immediately breaking Commandment 6 with God’s blessings.
To aid in the process, YHVH killed 120,000 men and enslaved 200,000 women and children.
While he was at it and his adrenaline was still working overload, he also had 1 million Ethiopians murdered. Altogether, YHVH, the Enlil, with his horrible techno-weapons and engineered plagues, killed 10,000 Canaanites and Perizzites and 10,000 Moabites.
The defenders of YHVH often say that the people he killed were “evil” and that they deserved it.
That, to me, does not resonate at all.
Even when some of the pharaohs acted out on the Israelites, they repeated what the Anunnaki had given them in the form of genes (DNA), and not the least, from the “gods” own behavior: destructive action → revenge → destructive action → worse revenge, in an endless, immature to the extreme, cycle.
What kind of gods are they? I am not justifying what some humans did and did under the influence of these immature gods, but I am just saying there are logical explanations.
The genes, which include traits like murder, rape, revenge, jealousy, service-to-self behavior, and more, would probably not be dominant traits in many people on Earth if it wasn’t for them. Some people still look up to these gods, but for what reason?
Today, millions of people are much more advanced than they are regarding maturity and spiritual evolution. Hold your heads high, humans, because every day, most of us do good deeds for ourselves and others despite the hostile and degraded genes implanted in us.
This shows we have something very admirable, honorable, and desirable- solid and loving hearts!
And we can’t thank the Anunnaki for this.
We are who we are (when at our best) despite them. But have faith, people of Earth who have been waiting; this merciful “god” and all his merry fellows will soon return to spread their enlightenment and blessings over us.
The ORION Book: Volume 2 by Wes Penre - Amazon Link
Slave Species Of The Gods Review
About The Marduk Issue