Thrive Movement Movie Review: Foster Gamble Documentary

Foster Gamble’s documentary, “Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take? is a thought-provoking exploration that delves into a myriad of global issues, presenting a holistic perspective on the challenges facing humanity and offering alternative solutions.

Released in 2011, the film invites viewers on a journey to understand the complex interplay of various societal, economic, and political factors that shape our world.

One of the strengths of “Thrive” lies in its comprehensive examination of unconventional ideas and perspectives.

Foster Gamble weaves together a tapestry of topics, ranging from free energy and alternative healing to the nature of money and the global consolidation of power.

The film doesn’t shy away from controversial subjects, and its willingness to question mainstream narratives is both refreshing and challenging.

The documentary’s production values are commendable, featuring visually engaging graphics and interviews with experts from various fields.

Including personal stories and anecdotes adds a human touch, making the complex topics more relatable to the audience.

The film’s pacing is well-maintained, keeping viewers engaged throughout its runtime.

However, “Thrive” has not been without its share of criticisms.

Some argue that the film tends to oversimplify complex issues and present a somewhat romantic view of certain alternative concepts.

Additionally, the documentary has faced scrutiny for promoting conspiracy theories, which may cause skepticism among more scientifically-minded viewers.

Despite these criticisms, “Thrive” succeeds in sparking essential conversations about the state of our world and the possibilities for positive change.

It encourages viewers to question the status quo and explore alternative perspectives, fostering a sense of empowerment to actively participate in shaping the future.

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

The Thrive movie tells how a group of super-wealthy and influential elites has hijacked humanity.

“Did the Universe labor for nearly 14 billion years only to bring forth a species that is an enemy to itself and its own home? I don’t think so.”

– Foster Gamble

THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take to Not Just Survive in This World? Below I wrote a summary of the movie. Please watch the movie to get all the info.

I watched this documentary for over two hours on YouTube and wrote a summary below, including my two cents.

Just some food for thought about this or anything you see or read on the internet. Use your inner guidance to discern what is true for you.

Don’t take everything you read or see as fact or truth, and don’t dismiss it entirely either without doing some further research on your own.

What Is The Foster Gamble Thrive Movie About?

Thrive Movie is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Thrive offers real solutions, weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness, and activism, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and future.

Thrive is created and narrated by Foster Gamble, bank heir to the multinational pharmaceutical company Procter & Gamble, and his wife, Kimberly Carter Gamble.

Interviews In The Thrive Movie

Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O’Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? The Movie Summary

First, there was not much information in this documentary that I hadn’t heard before.

Thrive starts by explaining the beginnings of being a human and nature and how our purpose is to thrive and not merely survive in this World.

Did the Universe labor for nearly 14 billion years only to bring forth a species that is an enemy to itself and its own home? I don’t think so.

Is it possible for humans to thrive in this World – if not, why? Foster Gamble had a direct experience with Universal Energy while riding his school bus as a child.

Foster saw an energy pattern called a Torus. A Torus’s energy flows through one end, circulates the center, and exits out the other side. The Torus is the breath of the Universe.

It’s balanced, self-regulating, and always whole.

Futurist Duane Elgin explains how the Torus is nature’s primary pattern for life at every scale. The Vector Equilibrium would be the skeleton of the Torus and a term coined by one of the twentieth century’s greatest thinkers, Buckminster Fuller (architect/inventor).

Gamble co-founded a think tank called the Sequoia Symposium. The collaborative research showed that the Torus and the Vector Equilibrium are primary patterns fundamental to creating the Universe at all scales.

So, what does this have to do with anything? The truth is that free energy can be created using the Torus and the Vector Equilibrium. Many inventors have created free energy but mysteriously died or took their creations away from authorities.

Nikola Tesla had created a system allowing wireless free energy, but his funding was cut, and his lab burned down after that.

The energy system is the number one industry in the World. It’s a 200 trillion-dollar business when you factor in all our reserves, such as coal and oil. To have accessible free energy technology would be bad for anyone currently in the energy industry.

Thrive the Movie Review

Extraterrestrial Theme Around The World

Ancient Egypt, Mayan, Incan, and other cultures speak of Sun-Gods coming to the Earth and teaching them agriculture, engineering, writing, and science.

Were these “Sun- -Gods” not advanced civilizations in their flying discs from other parts of the galaxy? Many mentions of these Sun Gods coming through time can be depicted in ancient drawings. (See the movie Prometheus).

Dr. Steven Greer (founder of CSETI) explains how at least 10,000 planets in the Milky Way galaxy possibly have Earth-like inhabitants on them – with technologies that allow them to become interstellar or interplanetary.

According to many eyewitnesses, they can visit Earth – which they have done. Some of these beings have mastered the laws of the Universe – more than our understanding.

More than 4000 cases of these “beings” leave physical proof of their visits to Earth – including their crashed crafts and bodies. Crop circles have occurred for a while now, especially in England.

Many are dismissed as hoaxes, but most are too intricate to be made by human hands. One crop circle even had a picture of one of the creators. You’ll have to watch the movie to see it for yourself.

Thrive Movie: Follow The Money

Foster needed answers to his questions about why there is so much lack and suffering in an abundant world, so he made the intelligent choice and decided to follow the money.

So what or who did he discover? The usual elite banking families, their Corporations, and their Foundations are brought to light in this documentary.  You have to watch it and find out who they are.

The School System

The National Education Association – set up by elite banking families – sets the template for the modern school system.

Before this, schools were small and community-based; they taught what was essential to survive and thrive.

But the current school system has taught us to become something else. Obedient to authority. A compliant and docile workforce would be manageable employees and eager consumers.

Schools are to establish fixed habits of response to authority. They teach you to respond reflexively when anyone in a position of authority tells you what to do.

Having someone recite something to you and then regurgitate it is not learning; it’s mind programming. The current education system is weak; it does not elicit creative problem-solving. It tells you what to think and believe. (Mind Control)

The current school system mainly focuses on mental tasks, leaving out emotions, spirituality, and just an ounce of physicality in P.E. class, if they even have it. School disconnects children from their bodies and keeps them stuck in their heads.

School is made to make people dislike knowledge and education, so when they finally graduate, they will not want to look into our world, including who is controlling and what the agendas are.

This sets people up to get their news from either deceitful news stations or unreliable people.

I am not against education; however, I believe you can’t trust mainstream news, books, websites, or authors because they have been corrupted.

Whenever it comes to information, always take your time to cross-reference data, and no one is 100% accurate.

I saw this comparison between the school system and the prison system below.

  • Authoritarian structure
  • Dress Code
  • Emphasis on silence and order
  • Negative reinforcement
  • Walk in straight lines
  • Loss of individual autonomy
  • Abridged freedoms
  • No input in decision-making
  • Set times for walking, eating, etc.
Quote about education.

About Medicine

Medicine is a for-profit business. There is no profit continuity by curing people; keeping them hooked on buying medicine for the rest of their lives is.

Yes, cures are being resisted from being brought to the public, which would be bad for business.

About Money

You go into a bank and ask for a house loan. The bank approves you, and you are given the loan amount of $200,000.

Well, the bank never actually gives you this money. You never touch it, and you never physically see it, do you? The banker pushes a few buttons on their computer screen, and now you have a house plus $200,000 to pay over 30 years, and oh yeah, let’s not forget the interest on that loan.

If you take 30 years to pay it back, you will pay over $600,000 – on a $200,000 loan from the money that never has and never will exist.  But what is real is how much work you must do to repay that loan.

Banks have as much as nine times the amount of money on loan in their vaults as in reserves.

This is because of something known as fractional reserve. In the U.S., the percentage allowed is 10%. So, if you deposit $10,000 in the bank, the bank sets aside 10% or $1000.00.

The bank can loan out $9000 of the money you just deposited.

Many know money is just a receipt or a voucher for actual value, such as gold or other precious metals.

In the old days, because metals were heavy to carry around, you could deposit your money in a bank and take a paper receipt that was considered “good as gold.”

Please watch this part of the movie to learn more about how the Federal Reserve was created, how and why we live in a debt-based – scarcity of money supply society, how recessions and depressions are formed, and the book The Creature from Jekyll Island. 

So, what’s the end game here?

A complete and total Orwellian life for everyone – A World of Global Domination of control.  A complete surveillance state where your every move can be tracked and monitored. Geez, aren’t we already there?

  1. Control of Money.
  2. Control of Energy.
  3. Control of Food & Water.
  4. Control of Health.
  5. Control of Information.
They Live Obey, Conform

The Mental Prison Program

The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people THINK! Because of this fear, we don’t dare step outside of normal behavior, not being our unique selves.

The powers that be have expertly programmed you to fear what other people think. You have to step outside of that fear. Once you do this – you will have a greater understanding of the mental prison you have lived in.

The Fork In The Road

We are at a critical fork in human evolution, and one would take us to a World-Wide Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The other – (my road) – would lead us to a peaceful and healthy civilization based on honoring the rights and freedoms of everyone on the planet.

It’s up to you and me to say enough is enough; there is a better way to live our lives.

Ask The Critical Question

Who are we? I mean, who are we? We are not our body, our race, our sex, or our religion. That’s a temporary superficial experience that will end once you die, and you are infinite consciousness having experience as a human.

Do you know who you are? You will never know unless you wake up, which has been intentionally suppressed in you. We have never been given a chance.

When we transform our World from one of scarcity to one of abundance, we will once and for all be able to express ourselves as we are. The World view is based on scarcity and fear – deliberately created to control you.

To keep you from being your genuine, nature-loving, and giving self.

Be The Change

Whatever you see lacking in this World, create it.

Suppose you see a world lacking compassion and tolerance. Then, become compassionate and tolerant.

If you see an angry and tired world, become happy and energized. ‘Global Domination’ cannot happen without your consent because it breaks Universal Law.

Once again, I am not advocating rioting in the streets; instead, I will go with what David Icke suggests: peaceful non-compliance.

You can’t fight peace.

If every person in “authority” refused to do the elite’s bidding, then there would be no consequence to your non-compliance. The elite are masters at manipulating and getting others to do their dirty work, which helps them avoid the karma of their actions.

However, the ‘order followers’ are stuck with the negative karma of their actions.

The problem with “just following orders” or “just doing what you’re told” is that it violates another person’s free will.

Universal Laws are real; karma is real; what you do to another will always bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

Treat humans as humans, not cattle that need to be told what to do and how to behave. There is no such thing as an authority in the human realm because we are all equal.

It’s a made-up concept, and we would be wise to see others as we see ourselves and to treat them as we want.

This planet can seem harsh for HSPs and Empaths.

Thrive Movie: Focus On The Solutions

Yes, we have taken a look, and now know why we are in the place. But we need to be progressive here and not look back. We need new strategies to get us out of this mess.

I believe the banking system will be changed shortly, and we need to have a new one ready.

The old banking system is based on debt and scarcity; the new one would inspire abundance, creativity, and constant never-ending flow without being ‘parasited’ from.

The same goes for creating and allowing natural energy, health that keeps us healthy, and an education system that provides freedom of uniqueness and caters to each child.

The change is here. We must accept that it’s been long overdue and usher in the New Age of Awareness through collective, cohesive action and personal integrity.

The Freedom Movement

Freedom is your birthright. Unfortunately, no one ever told you this. Your parents, their parents, and so on were born into the old paradigm, the old age, if you will.

You chose to be born now to experience the New World and help co-create it in positive and loving ways that serve the greater good.

Imagine A World & Then Create It

This is not a pipe dream; this can be done—a world where people can thrive and be safe and secure.

We resolve conflicts peacefully in a world where the water is pure, and the food is free of chemicals and toxins. (Conflict is not destructive; unresolved conflict creates problems.)

A World where communities can produce energy and food and trade is open and fair. Rather than focusing on punishment, justice restores lives and losses; insurance pays doctors to keep people healthy.

Where education voluntarily serves the needs of people instead of corporations, we get honest feedback from independent media; there are no subsidies and no bailouts.

Imagine an honest money system with little or no taxes and low electric and fuel bills; you would have the money to pay off your loans quickly and have more money to save and invest.

You would have to work much less than you do now and have more time to enjoy the free and healthy lifestyle you always wanted.

You would have more free time to do those things you are passionate about without worrying about paying the bills or surviving.

Thrive Movie About The Liberty Perspective

No one gets to violate you and your property, and you do not get to infringe on anyone else except in genuine self-defense. Non-violation is the “true north” of humanity’s navigation system.

Individual rights must be restored instead of focusing on only group rights.

Our collective story manifests the world. Let’s tell a better story about ourselves and each other. And remember, there is no sense in fighting what is.

Just stop participating in it. What happens to a business with no customers? They either change their business model, or they cease to exist.

In conclusion, Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take? is a compelling and ambitious documentary that raises crucial questions about the trajectory of our global society.

While not without its controversies, the film serves as a catalyst for critical thinking and discussion, challenging viewers to consider alternative viewpoints and envision a more harmonious future for humanity.

THRIVE Movement – video link