In the quest to understand the nature of reality, humanity has continuously grappled with profound questions about the fundamental nature of the universe.
Among these inquiries, one particularly intriguing notion has emerged: Could physical reality be nothing more than an illusion?
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
– Albert Einstein

Is Reality an Illusion?
Is reality an illusion, as Einstein stated? It is persistent because we live in a virtual reality universe that we decode into (illusory) ‘physical’ form from an information construct similar to the wireless internet.
The information is encoded in the waveform or energetic vibration/ resonance. The mind-body is an incredibly advanced biological computer system that decodes that information and allows our Infinite Awareness to interact with this range of frequencies we call the ‘world.’
The Mind-Body computer is the vehicle for the real us -Consciousness- to interact with our range of frequencies.
I could not tap this keyboard or hold a book without having an outer shell resonating within this frequency range we call reality.
People who have had near-death experiences, where their body has died and then been revived, describe the out-of-body state as dramatically different from the physical existence they perceived from inside the body.
The human mind-body is a lens for consciousness to experience this reality, and humanity identifies with the lens and not the ‘real self.’
They have highly expanded awareness and can see even without eyes.
Most people believe we live in a physical world, which certainly appears to be the case. But it’s not; there is no physical; it’s all an illusion.
You are not your name, body, occupation, family background, race, color, or income bracket. They are your everyday experience in this infinite time-space continuum but are not the totality of who you are.
You are Consciousness-infinite, eternal Awareness. You are formless in your core state; you are aware.
We are all one infinite Infinite Awareness, having different experiences from different points of observation – different levels of awareness and perception.
We talk about people dying, but they don’t die and cannot die. Their body, their operating system, dies, not them – Consciousness. Dying is our consciousness, putting down the telescope when it has ceased functioning.
Reality Is An Illusion Meaning
Reality is an illusion, suggesting that the world we perceive through our senses and interpret through our minds may not accurately reflect the true nature of existence.
It proposes that what we perceive as concrete and immutable may be fluid, subjective, or deceptive.
Interpreting this statement involves considering various philosophical, scientific, and spiritual perspectives:
- Subjective Reality: From a personal viewpoint, physical existence is shaped by individual perceptions, beliefs, and experiences. What one person perceives as real may differ from another’s interpretation. This subjective aspect suggests that our unique perspectives, biases, and mental constructs color our understanding of the world.
- Illusions in Perception: Optical illusions and other sensory tricks demonstrate that our senses can be deceived, leading us to perceive things that aren’t objectively true. This phenomenon raises questions about the reliability of our sensory experiences and challenges the notion of an objective reality independent of perception.
- Quantum Mechanics: In quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality and entanglement defy classical notions of physical existence. The probabilistic nature of quantum events and the role of observation in determining outcomes suggest that the nature of reality may be more elusive and interconnected than previously thought.
- Eastern Philosophies: Concepts from Eastern philosophies, such as Maya in Hinduism and Sunyata in Buddhism, suggest that the material world is transient and illusory. These traditions propose that ultimate reality lies beyond ordinary perception and can only be realized through spiritual insight or enlightenment.
- Metaphorical Interpretation: Some interpretations view it metaphorically, suggesting that the world we perceive is not the ultimate truth but rather a temporary manifestation or a veil obscuring deeper realities. This perspective invites contemplation on the nature of existence and the limitations of human understanding.
What Did Einstein Say about Reality Being An Illusion?
Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist whose work revolutionized our understanding of the universe, had a complex perspective on the nature of reality.
While he didn’t explicitly state that reality is an illusion like some philosophers or mystics might, he did have insights that touched upon similar themes.
Einstein’s views on reality were heavily influenced by his deep engagement with physics, particularly his development of the theory of relativity and his contributions to quantum mechanics.
One of his most famous quotes relevant to this topic is, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
This statement, often paraphrased as “Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one,” reflects Einstein’s recognition of the profound complexities underlying our perception of reality.
While he acknowledged the consistency and persistence of the physical world, he also understood that our understanding of reality is limited by our subjective experiences and the frameworks through which we perceive it.
Einstein’s work in physics, especially his theories of relativity, challenged classical notions of space, time, and causality. His theories revealed that the universe is far more mysterious and interconnected than previously imagined, suggesting that our intuitive understanding of reality may be incomplete.
Furthermore, Einstein’s skepticism toward certain aspects of quantum mechanics is well-documented. He famously expressed discomfort with the probabilistic nature of quantum theory, stating, “God does not play dice with the universe.”
This sentiment reflects his philosophical inclination toward a more deterministic worldview, where events unfold according to predictable laws.
In summary, while Einstein didn’t explicitly assert that reality is an illusion, his statements and contributions to physics suggest a nuanced perspective on the nature of physical existence.
He recognized the limitations of human perception and understanding, and his work pushed the boundaries of our conceptual frameworks, inviting contemplation on the profound mysteries underlying the universe.
The Quantum Conundrum of Physical Existence
Wave-Particle Duality One of the most compelling arguments for the illusionary nature of physical existence stems from the field of quantum mechanics.
This branch of physics, which deals with the behavior of particles at the minor scales, has unearthed a bizarre and counterintuitive world where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, where observation influences the outcome of experiments, and where the very act of measurement seems to alter the properties of the observed objects.
Eastern Philosophies
Perception Beyond the Material Moreover, the concept of physical existence as an illusion finds resonance in Eastern philosophies such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
These ancient traditions posit that the material world is a fleeting and temporary manifestation of a deeper, underlying reality often referred to as Brahman, emptiness, or the Tao.
The Enigma of Consciousness
Beyond Materialism In the realm of neuroscience, studies on the nature of consciousness further blur the lines between the physical and the imaginary.
The brain, often considered the seat of consciousness, is a complex network of neurons and synapses firing electrical signals. Yet, despite decades of research, the precise mechanisms by which these neural processes give rise to subjective experiences remain elusive.
Approaching with Caution
Skepticism and Reflection However, it’s essential to approach the idea of physical reality as an illusion with caution and skepticism.
While compelling arguments and intriguing phenomena exist to challenge our conventional understanding of reality, definitive conclusions remain elusive. The nature of existence is a deeply complex and multifaceted subject that eludes complete comprehension.
Physical Reality – Holograms Within Holograms
Physical reality is an illusion only on a symbolic ‘screen’ in our brain and genetic structure.
The world looks and feels solid, that’s for sure. If you bang your head against a wall, it hurts. If you walk through fire in a ‘normal’ state of mind, you’ll get burned, while others in an altered state will not.
We experience as ‘solid’ only resistance between two electromagnetic (waveform information) states.
The world cannot be solid.
Scientists tell us ‘matter’ is made up of atoms, but atoms have no solidity. They are packets of energy with electrons orbiting the nucleus, and the electrons and nucleus aren’t solid either – nothing is, and there is no matter.
The world is not solid but holographic – illusory ‘solid.’
What scientists identify as atoms are part of the energetic process as vibrational waveform information is decoded through the electrical to the digital and holographic.
Hypnotists Control The Subconscious Mind
“When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.”
― Dom Helder Camara
The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality – gives an excellent example of the illusory nature of existence in his book.
A stage hypnotist at a party that his father had organized was putting people into a trance as part of the entertainment, and he told a guest called Tom that when he returned to a waking state, he would not be able to see his daughter.
The hypnotist then stood the girl directly before her father and clicked his fingers, or whatever they did. Tom “woke up” and asked if he could see his daughter – standing inches from his eyes. No, he said, she wasn’t there.
The hypnotist put his hand on the small of the girl’s back and asked Tom if he could see what he was holding, even though the girl was between them. Yes, said Tom, he was holding a watch. Could he read the inscription on it?
Tom peered forward and read what it said while his daughter stood “solidly” between him and the watch. Your mind is probably saying that this is not possible.
However, once we learn that the brain is a programmable decoding system, we can see that this is possible.
The hypnotist had implanted the deep subconscious belief into Tom’s brain/mind that his daughter was not in the room. That had tricked the brain’s decoding system into ignoring his daughter’s vibrational energy field and not “reading” it.
The physical scene in the room only existed in Tom’s brain, and if his daughter’s energy field was not “read,” she could not appear in the physical holographic movie that his mind was constructing.
Everyone else in the room could see the daughter because their decoding systems had not been programmed like Tom’s not to do so.
Reality is an illusion when the brain can either decode an energy field or not. Think about it. We can’t see wifi signals, yet they are all around us. It makes me question what else is around us that we cannot see.
Related: Cognitive Dissonance & The Gap Between Perception
The Brain Holds the Key.
Neo: This Isn’t real?
Morpheus: What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Reality is an illusion, but not in the sense of what we believe by the word illusion. Perhaps a better word would be a perception issue than an illusion.
Illusion means something likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
The actual illusion of reality is what we call consciousness, and it is a perception of the mind that can consolidate perception, memory, and processes.
The mind perceives the information depending on the quality of its input and the biases of the perception and processing apparatus.
To understand how the body-computer decodes reality in the brain’s two hemispheres. The right and left hemispheres are connected by a “bridge” called the Corpus Callosum.
The brain’s left side is our “this world” reality of language and structure, which passes for “logic” and the general physical world perspective.
The right side is the creative, artistic, and “out-there” connection to consciousness levels beyond the five senses (taste, touch, smell, feel, hear) and reality.
In a perfect world, when these two sides of the brain are in harmony, neither dominating the other, with the right bridge passing information and insight between the two, unfortunately, we live in a left-brain-dominated society with academia, science, and logic.
There is no problem with the left brain in and of itself, but when it is our primary, or for many, their only means of perceiving reality, it can become a problem. It would be like watching a movie and only seeing half of the screen while the other half is blank.
We are missing something but don’t know exactly what it is. Our perceived experience becomes completely unbalanced and, in some cases, completely delusional.
Here is another story of Jill Bolte Taylor, an American neuroanatomist and author of My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Journey.
Jill woke up one morning feeling very strange; although she didn’t realize it immediately, a blood vessel burst on her brain’s left side.
Jill tried to ignore how she was feeling and stepped onto her exercise machine, but when she looked down at her hands, they looked like “primitive claws” grasping onto the bar.
It was as if she didn’t even realize that those were her hands and that they were her body.
The Illusion of Reality
In Jill’s words:
It was as though my consciousness had shifted away from my normal perception of reality, where I’m the person on the machine having the experience, to some esoteric space where I’m witnessing myself having the experience.
I look down at my arm and I realize that I can no longer define the boundaries of my body. I can’t define where I begin and where I end because the atoms and the molecules of my arm blended with the atoms and the molecules of the wall. And all I could detect was this energy.
The blood vessel burst affected how Jill’s brain decoded reality. Jill states that she was disconnected from her brain chatter. It was as if someone had hit the mute button on the remote control.
At first, I was shocked to find myself inside of a silent mind. But then I was captivated by the magnificence of the energy around me. And because I could no longer identify the boundaries of my body, I felt enormous and expansive.
So here I am in this space and any stress related to me, to my job, it was gone. And imagine all of those relationships in the external world and the many stressors related to any of those, they were gone.
I felt a sense of peacefulness. And imagine what it would feel like to lose 37 years of emotional baggage! I felt euphoria.
Euphoria was beautiful and then my left hemisphere comes back online and it says, “hey! You’ve got to pay attention, we’ve got to get help.” And I”m thinking, “I got to get help, I got to focus.” Because I couldn’t identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive.
Like a genie just liberated from her body. And my spirit soared free like a great whale gliding through the sea of silent euphoria. Nirvana, I found Nirvana. I remember thinking there’s no way I would ever be able to squeeze the enormousness of myself back into this tiny body.
But I realized ” I’m still alive.” I’m still alive and I have found nirvana. And if I have found Nirvana and I’m still alive, then everyone who is still alive can find nirvana.
And I picture a world filled with beautiful, peaceful, compassionate, loving people who knew that they could come to this space at any time.
“Unfortunately, as a society, we do not teach our children that they need to tend to the garden of their minds carefully. Without structure, censorship, or discipline, our thoughts run rampant on automatic.
Because we have not learned how to manage what goes on inside our brains more carefully, we remain vulnerable to not only what other people think about us, but also to advertising and political manipulation.”
– Jill Bolte Taylor
Is Reality An Illusion? Conclusion
Embracing the Mystery In conclusion, the question of whether physical reality is an illusion prompts deep reflection and contemplation.
From the enigmatic realms of quantum mechanics to the insights of ancient philosophies and the mysteries of consciousness, various perspectives offer tantalizing glimpses into the nature of reality.
Yet, the ultimate truth may lie beyond the grasp of our current understanding, reminding us of the boundless mysteries that continue to beckon humanity’s exploration.
Whether physical reality is ultimately an illusion or not, the quest to unravel its mysteries remains one of the most profound endeavors of human inquiry.
What do you think? Is reality an illusion or merely forming our beliefs and knowledge about it?
Source: – Human Race Get Off Your Knees, The Lion Sleeps No More. Amazon Link.