The Better You Feel The More You Can Allow: Mastering Abraham Hicks’ Art of Allowing’

The Art of Allowing, as taught by Abraham Hicks, is a game-changer when it comes to manifesting your desires. 

But here’s the kicker: it’s not about forcing things to happen.

It’s about feeling good and letting the universe do its thing.

The better you feel, the more you can allow.

Simple, right?

Well, not so fast.

Most people get this all wrong.

They think they can just slap on a fake smile and expect miracles.

That’s not how it works.

The Art of Allowing is about authentically aligning your energy with what you want.

It’s about becoming a vibrational match to your desires. And trust me, when you get this right, it’s like having the universe on speed dial.

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Understanding the Art of Allowing: Abraham Hicks’ Core Teaching

Let’s break this down. The Art of Allowing isn’t some woo-woo concept. It’s a practical approach to life that can skyrocket your success in every area.

Abraham Hicks teaches that we’re all part of this massive energy field. Everything you want is already there, waiting for you. The only thing standing between you and your desires?

Your own resistance.

Here’s the deal: most people are pushing against what they don’t want instead of allowing what they do want. It’s like driving with one foot on the gas and one on the brake. You’re not going anywhere fast.

The Art of Allowing is about taking your foot off the brake and letting yourself move forward.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Allowing isn’t passive. It’s not about sitting on your ass and waiting for good things to happen. It’s about aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your wants. It’s about becoming the person who already has what you desire.

The Connection Between Emotions and Manifestation: Feel Better, Allow More

Now, let’s talk about emotions. They’re not just fluffy feelings. They’re your guidance system. Your emotions tell you whether you’re in alignment with your desires or not. Feel good? You’re on track. Feel like crap? You’re off course.

Here’s the thing: the universe doesn’t respond to your words or even your actions. It responds to your vibration. And your emotions are the indicator of your vibration. So when Abraham Hicks says, “The better you feel, the more you allow,” they’re not just spouting some feel-good nonsense. They’re giving you the secret sauce to manifestation.

Think about it. When you’re feeling great, doesn’t it seem like everything just falls into place? That’s not a coincidence. That’s the Art of Allowing in action. You’re in a high vibration and attracting high-vibrational experiences and opportunities.

But here’s where most people screw up. They wait to feel good until after they get what they want. That’s backward. You’ve got to feel good first. You’ve got to find a way to feel the way you think you’ll feel when you achieve your goal. That’s how you become a vibrational match to what you want.

Raising Your Vibrational Frequency: The Key to Effortless Allowing

Alright, so how do you raise your vibration? How do you feel better when life’s kicking your ass? It’s not about ignoring reality or pretending everything’s perfect. It’s about finding ways to genuinely feel better, regardless of your circumstances.

Start small. Find things to appreciate. Look for the silver lining. Practice gratitude. These aren’t just feel-good practices. They’re practical tools for shifting your energy. And when you shift your energy, you shift your reality.

Here’s a pro tip: focus on progress, not perfection. You don’t have to go from feeling like crap to ecstatic joy in one leap. That’s unrealistic and unsustainable. Instead, reach for a slightly better feeling thought. If you’re feeling depressed, aim for anger. If you’re angry, aim for frustration. If you’re frustrated, aim for hope. Step by step, you can climb the emotional scale.

Remember, your job isn’t to make things happen. Your job is to get into alignment with what you want. When you do that, the “how” takes care of itself. The universe has a way of orchestrating things far beyond what your limited mind can conceive.

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Abraham Hicks’ Techniques for Feeling Better and Attracting Desires

Now, let’s get practical. Abraham Hicks offers a ton of techniques to help you feel better and attract your desires. But I’m not going to give you a laundry list. Instead, I will share the ones that, in my experience, give you the biggest bang for your buck.

First up: the Focus Wheel. This is a powerful tool for shifting your energy on a specific topic. Here’s how it works: draw a circle and divide it into 12 segments. In the center, write what you want. Then, in each segment, write a statement about that topic that feels true and good.

Start with statements that are easy to believe, and gradually work toward more aligned thoughts. By the time you finish, you’ll have shifted your energy significantly.

Next: Segment Intending. This is about setting your intention for each segment of your day. Before you start a new activity, take a moment to decide how you want it to go. How do you want to feel? What outcome do you want? This keeps you proactive rather than reactive. You’re consciously choosing your vibration instead of letting circumstances dictate it.

Lastly: Pivoting is a game-changer. Whenever you notice yourself focusing on what you don’t want, immediately pivot to what you do want. It’s like changing the channel on your mental TV. You’re training yourself to focus on solutions rather than problems.

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Overcoming Resistance: How to Let Go and Allow Your Manifestations

Now, let’s tackle the elephant in the room: resistance. This is what blocks you from allowing your desires. It’s the negative beliefs, the doubts, the fears that keep you stuck. And here’s the truth: we all have resistance. The goal isn’t to eliminate it completely.

The goal is to recognize it and not let it run the show.

One of the most powerful ways to overcome resistance is through what Abraham calls “softening.” Instead of fighting against your negative thoughts or trying to force positive ones, you soften them. You ease up. You say, “So what?” to the things bothering you.

For example, if you’re worried about money, instead of stressing about it, you could say, “So what if I don’t have all the money I want right now? I’m figuring it out. Things always work out for me.” This removes the edge and allows you to shift into a better-feeling place.

Another key to overcoming resistance is to focus on the essence of what you want, not the specifics. Often, we get hung up on how we think things should look.

But the universe might have an even better plan. So instead of insisting on a particular job, focus on the feeling of fulfilling work. Instead of fixating on a specific person, focus on the feeling of a loving relationship. This opens up more possibilities and reduces resistance.

>>>The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing - Abraham Hicks Book. Get it on Amazon.

The Role of Gratitude in Enhancing Your Allowing Abilities

Let’s talk about gratitude. It’s not just a nice thing to do. It’s a powerful tool for manifestation. When you’re grateful, you’re in alignment with receiving. You’re saying to the universe, “Thank you for all the good in my life,” and the universe responds by giving you more to be grateful for.

But here’s where most people get it wrong. They only practice gratitude for the big things. The promotion. The new car. The dream house.

That’s amateur hour. To really leverage the power of gratitude, you’ve got to be grateful for everything. The cup of coffee in the morning. The sun on your face. The ability to breathe.

When you make gratitude a habit, you’re constantly raising your vibration. You’re training yourself to look for the good in every situation. And when you do that, you become a magnet for more good things.

Here’s a challenge for you: for the next 30 days, start and end your day with gratitude. Write down three things you’re grateful for in the morning and three things at night. But don’t just go through the motions. Really feel the gratitude.

Let it fill you up. Watch how this simple practice shifts your energy and what shows up in your life as a result.

Practical Exercises to Improve Your Emotional State and Manifest Faster

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. I’m going to give you some practical exercises that you can start using today to improve your emotional state and speed up your manifestations.

First up: the 17-second exercise. Abraham Hicks teaches that if you can hold a pure positive thought for 17 seconds, you start a cascade of positive energy.

Do it for 68 seconds, and the manifestation process begins. So, set a timer for 68 seconds and focus on something that makes you feel good. It could be a memory, a desire, or something you appreciate.

The key is to keep your focus pure and positive for the full duration.

Next: the Wouldn’t It Be Nice If game. This is a powerful way to soften your desire and reduce resistance. Instead of saying “I want” or “I need,” which can create a sense of lack, start your statements with “Wouldn’t it be nice if…” For example, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I found the perfect job?” or “Wouldn’t it be nice if money started flowing easily into my life?”

This puts you in a playful, allowing state.

Lastly: the Virtual Reality process. This is like visualization on steroids. Close your eyes and imagine your desire as if it’s happening right now. Use all your senses.

What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel? The more vivid and real you can make it, the more powerful it is. Do this for 5-10 minutes a day, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly things start to shift.

Maintaining Alignment: Sustaining Positive Emotions for Continuous Allowing

Here’s the thing about the Art of Allowing: it’s not a one-and-done deal. It’s a practice. It’s something you’ve got to work on consistently. But the good news is that the more you do it, the easier it gets.

The key to maintaining alignment is to make feeling good your top priority. Most people prioritize everything else – their to-do list, other people’s opinions, societal expectations. But when you feel good, you’re non-negotiable, and everything else falls into place.

This doesn’t mean you ignore your responsibilities or live in a fantasy world. It means you find ways to feel good while doing what you need to do. It means you choose thoughts and actions that keep you in a high vibration.

One powerful way to maintain alignment is through what Abraham calls “pre-paving.” This is where you set your intention for the day ahead. Before you go to sleep, spend a few minutes visualizing the next day going perfectly. See yourself handling challenges with ease, enjoying your interactions, and feeling good throughout the day. This sets the energetic tone for what’s to come.

Another key is to regularly check in with yourself. Throughout the day, ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?” If you’re not feeling good, pause and shift your focus to something that brings you relief. It could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths or thinking about something you appreciate.

Remember, you’re not striving for perfection here. You’re not going to feel amazing 100% of the time. The goal is to catch yourself when you’re off track and guide yourself back to alignment as quickly as possible.

Conclusion: Embracing the Art of Allowing as a Lifestyle

Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Art of Allowing isn’t just some woo-woo concept. It’s a practical approach to life that can dramatically improve your results in every area. When you master this, you’re not just manifesting random desires.

You’re creating a life that feels good from the inside out.

Here’s the bottom line: the better you feel, the more you allow. It’s that simple. But simple doesn’t mean easy. It takes practice, commitment, and a willingness to prioritize your alignment above all else.

But here’s the thing: it’s worth it.

When you get this right, life becomes a joyful adventure. You’re no longer fighting against the current; you’re flowing with it. You’re no longer trying to make things happen; you’re allowing them to unfold naturally.

So, here’s my challenge to you: for the next 30 days, make the Art of Allowing your top priority. Focus on feeling good. Practice the techniques we’ve discussed. Watch how your life transforms.

Remember, you’re not just doing this for the end results. You’re doing it because feeling good is its own reward. When you master the Art of Allowing, you’re not just manifesting your desires. You’re becoming the person who naturally attracts everything you want.

Now go out there and start allowing. The universe is waiting to deliver everything you’ve ever wanted. All you have to do is get out of the way and let it happen.

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