Tantra Touch Course – Psalm Isadora Tantric Quest

Tantra Touch Mindvalley Psalm Isadora Quest is a 7-Part Quest about activating the powerful, sensual force within you that will allow you to create the mind-blowing sex life, the profoundly intimate connections, and the overall fulfilling lifestyle you dream of.

Tantra Touch Course by Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch Mindvalley Psalm Isadora Quest. Tantra Touch is the definitive modern-day guide for invigorating your love life with Tantric principles.

Under the guidance of Psalm Isadora & Mindvalley, widely regarded as one of the modern world’s most prolific Tantra experts, you’ll embark on a 30-day journey into thrilling new depths of intimacy, sensuality, and passion.

You will also learn how to calm your body down and get out of fight-or-flight mode and high cortisol levels. It is important to be present in the moment and enjoy the moment.

Psalm Isadora Course - Tantra Touch
Tantra Touch Course by Psalm Isadora.

Psalm Isadora: Tantra Touch Mindvalley Program

Update: Psalm Isadora passed away in 2017. Mindvalley has decided to keep her program on their platform in honor of her tremendous work.

Psalm Isadora was one of the most transformational sex educators to grace Earth’s stage in the 21st century. She was an internationally renowned Relationship Expert who founded the global relationship coaching program Urban Kama Sutra.

Psalm was also known for creating a sexual movement in the yoga community with OYoga, a unique form of yoga specially designed to help women “light the world on fire” with the help of their bodies.

The deep pain triggered Psalm’s foray into studying sexuality as she endured years of sexual trauma as a child raised in a Christian cult.

Her past triggered decades of anxiety and depression, which led to a sexual awakening and a deep passion for sharing what she learned on her journey.

Tantra Touch by Mindvalley is a significant part of Psalm Isadora‘s legacy and mission to reconnect people with their sacred sexuality, one of the most precious gifts a human can gain.

  • Psalm adopted a multi-disciplinary approach to her personal growth, including studying yoga with Saul David Raye, Native American Medicine, and Sufi practices in Turkey with her teacher, Mutlu Baba.
  • She was a student of Sri Vidya Tantra teacher Guru Sri Amritananda, who taught her the ancient secrets of Tantric Goddess worship and the Sacred Feminine.
  • Psalm was known for teaching yoga to women working as prostitutes in Calcutta, many of whom had been sold into sex slavery. This experience led to the foundation of Courage to Rise, a nonprofit dedicated to women’s empowerment.

You can watch a video of Psalm on YouTube here.

Tantra Touch Mindvalley Overview

  • 30 Lessons
  • 6 Hrs & 34 Minutes of learning time
  • Tantra Touch PDF Workbook Download
  • Meditations & Relaxation Techniques

One of the most comprehensive Mindvalley Tantra programs you can find anywhere, Tantra Touch packs an impressive amount of content into a seven-week course. You’ll follow Psalm’s step-by-step process, divided into three phases.

The first phase uncovers the psychological aspects of your sexuality. The second phase connects with the energetic influences shaping your sexuality.

And in staying true to ancient Tantra, the third phase is when all the groundwork is done and where you will enter into the physical aspects of soulful sexuality.

Upon completing these three phases, you will have experienced a sexual awakening so profound it will permanently change your understanding of sensuality and intimacy – and your capacity to experience it.

Tantra is a 5,000-year-old practice of love-making that uses various mind-body-energy methods to solidify the connection and intimacy between partners, leading to intense and enlightening multiple orgasms.

Here’s how it is different from our modern relationship and intimacy model.

While the modern model focuses solely on physical attraction and intimacy, the Tantra model emphasizes psychological and energetic bonding in addition to the material.

The Tantra model merges two souls with no goals to reach, whereas modern sex and relationships look for an outcome like climax or satisfaction.

Tantra considers external reality to be a manifestation of one’s internal self. So, a tantric relationship is as much a journey to one’s soul as to one’s partner’s soul.

Tantra Touch Mindvalley Course

Tantra Touch by Psalm Isadora and Mindvalley is a 7-Part Quest about activating the powerful, sensual force within you that will allow you to create the mind-blowing sex life, the profoundly intimate connections, and the overall fulfilling lifestyle you dream of.

We’ve designed it to deliver all of that in a fun and playful manner.

The Tantra Touch Quest is suitable for you if you’re between the ages of 18 and 70 years old and if:

  • You’re a single individual looking to find a meaningful relationship, increase your attraction factor, and meet the man or woman of your dreams.
  • You’re in a relationship and want to go beyond the typical boundaries of intimacy and pleasure.
  • You’re married for a while now and feel like you’re in a state where your marriage could use a renewal. This Quest helps take you back to that honeymoon phase.
  • Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience towards the end of this program:
  • Overcome all psychological blocks to pleasure.
  • Discover your sexual archetype and its advantages.
  • Activate sacred sexuality for higher levels of intimacy.
  • Master sex positions that can drive your partner wild.
  • Channel your sexual energy to attract things you want in life.
  • The Tantra journey can be what you want it to be — whether it’s living your sensual dreams, realizing your life’s full potential, or achieving enlightenment.

Set aside 20-30 min per day to fully engage in the Tantra Touch Quest’s content and allocate some time for exercises and techniques.

Psalm Isadora Tantra Touch
Psalm Isadora

Tantra Touch Benefits

Here are some of the benefits (more on that later) people experience towards the end of this program:

  1. They fall in love with their bodies.
  2. Many claim they have some of the best sex in the world.
  3. Many feel connected, secure, and in line with their true worth as human beings.
  4. And they report feeling more sexy, confident, and unstoppable in life.

For most people, everything we learn about relationships comes from a Hollywood romantic comedy or a teenage romance novel. We cling to the story and throw out the rest.

And so it begins.

We enter relationship after relationship, looking for the knight in shining armor or the princess waiting to be kissed — only to be disappointed that they don’t exist.

Instead of turning out to be magical, relationships become a source of stress — about 40–50% of all marriages in America end in divorce, and a good portion of those surviving run on deficient satisfaction levels.

Below, I will share more about what you can expect in the Tantra Touch course, including topics and exercises.

  1. Write down the beliefs you were taught about sex by your family, religion, schools, and friends—list as many as you can remember.
  2. Please go through the beliefs you wrote and think about how they affect your intimate life and relationships. See which ones are empowering and which ones you feel are disempowering.
  3. Look at the disempowering beliefs and decide what new ones you want to replace. Be creative and write a list of the new beliefs you want to make your own to rewrite your connection and intimacy story.
  4. Please write down your thoughts on balancing the masculine & feminine energies inside yourself and apply them in your relationships.
  1. What is it that you intend to break through? Write down your intentions to use the Quest to achieve your goal. Form intentions to have better intimacy, relationships, and mind-blowing soulful sex.
    • If you have difficulty asking for what you want in your relationships, you can write an intention: “I ask for what I want in my relationships.”
    • If you want to be more open in your relationships and put your guard down, you can write: “I am willing to open my heart and to be vulnerable.”
    • Remember: Repeat these intentions to yourself often so that they can become automatic and embedded in your subconscious, leading to changing your limiting beliefs.
  2. Pick a situation this week where you can apply your intention.
  1. The next time you are having sex, try the Left Brain to Right Brain Exercise to be present and connected more to your body and partner.
  2. Reflect on how stress affects your body. How can you recognize it, and what can you do to release it?

Tantra Touch Neural Plasticity

  • Neuroplasticity and healing trauma
  • Six ways to experience ecstasy
  • Hormones of happiness

Create and write down your positive affirmations to use throughout this Quest. What are your intentions for this week around your sexuality and love life? Write them down. Your intention can be as simple as:

  • “Just to relax.”
  • “I intend to break through a particular pattern.”
  • “I want to attract a partner.”
  • “I want to be able to save my marriage and connect more deeply and sensually with my partner.”

The key topics covered are:

  • The seven chakras and how they affect your life
  • Exercise to identify energetic blocks in the body
  • Healing your chakras using sexual energy
  • The levels of intimacy connection in sex

The Seven Chakras & Levels of Intimacy for Tantra

The key topics covered are:

  • The seven chakras and how they affect your life
  • Exercise to identify energetic blocks in the body
  • Healing your chakras using sexual energy
  • The levels of intimacy connection in sex
  • Healing your chakras
  • How to deal with your blockages
  • Connecting the chakras when you make love
  1. Practice the exercise to identify your chakras.
  2. When you scanned your body, did you notice any places where you felt pain or discomfort? Write down your observations and feelings.

Metaphysics of Tantra & Whole Body Orgasms

The main topics covered:

  • Kundalini energy
  • What is Microcosmic Orbit
  • Benefits of Microcosmic Orbit for men and women
  • The difference between multiple orgasms for men and women
  1. Observe today how the Microcosmic Orbit moves in your body and where it is stuck. Was it only moving through the first two chakras, going up to the heart, or circulating freely in your body? Write down your observations and feelings.

  2. If you feel your Microcosmic Orbit is stuck, don’t worry; keep doing the exercises and breathwork to see the result.

The Art of Tantra Touch & Its Key Benefits

You will also discover what makes Tantra touch different from the regular touch and touch yourself and your partner for pleasure. Isadora shares her personal story of how she felt during the Featherlight touch exercise.

The main topics are:

  • The art of touch and its key benefits
  • Featherlight touch exercise

Note: Have a nice big feather handy before you play the video.

  1. Do the Featherlight touch exercise today.
  2. Journal about your experience after doing the Featherlight Touch. How did you feel? Was it easy to identify what your body was asking for and allow yourself to give it through your touch?

Microcosmic Orbit Practice

In this week’s practice, Isadora teaches you how to activate your orgasmic sexual energy and turn it into a circuit that moves through your whole body. You will learn to have more powerful sexual stamina and give it direction.

The main topics covered:

  • The Microcosmic Orbit practice
  • Chakras Shakti activation

Do the Microcosmic Orbit practice every day this week. The more you do it, the more you will be able to apply these techniques in your sex life, allowing you to enjoy multiple orgasms that last longer. Also, you will heal the blockages in your chakras and feel the positive effect in all areas of your life.

Tantra Breath Technique

  1. Try the Tantra Breath Technique; you’ll feel more tuned in and turned on.
  2. Form an intention with your partner (if you have one) about the sexual experiences you want to have together.

There are a lot more topics explored in this course.

Part 1. Sacred Sexuality

This week, you’ll reverse decades of psychological conditioning as Psalm performs a pseudo-open surgery on your mind — the biggest sex organ you have.

Part 2. Neurons to Nirvana

This week, you’ll learn to rebuild your neurological connection to unlock your full sexual potential. Psalm will teach you the beliefs and habits you need for complete sexual liberation.

Part 3. Chakras For Intimacy

Since chakras are powerful elements governing our sexual destiny, you’ll focus an entire week on learning how to unblock and open them. You’ll clear and strengthen your chakras to embody your whole sexual self, finally.

Part 4. Tantra For One

This week, you’ll focus on cultivating your sexual energy without the help of others. This process of self-mastery is key to unlocking your full sexual potential.

Part 5. Tantra For Two

We’ll experience a real tantric connection between you and your partner this week. These practices take you deeper and deeper into bliss and intimacy.

Part 6. Urban Kama Sutra

This is the week of the Kama Sutra. It was an exciting week full of experiments in Tantric sex. You’ll explore various positions to help you take your Tantra practice to the next level. It’s the week you’ve been waiting for.

Part 7. Magic Beyond Bedroom

This week, you’ll discover how to translate the principles of Tantra and your newfound magnetism into every area of your life. Discover how Tantra allows you to tap into the Law of Attraction to attract your desired things.

>>>Join Tantra Touch by Psalm Isadora 

Update: Mindvalley no longer offers this program. Check out their Membership Page to find a similar program.