Naya’s Corner of the Universe (Yvonne Ballard) YouTube [Starseeds & 5D]
Naya’s Corner of the Universe – Yvonne Ballard says we started in 3D reality but are currently in 4D reality. Starseeds came to help Gaia starting in the 1940s.
Conscious Evolution
Ascension refers to the act of rising or moving to a higher position or level. It can denote physical elevation, such as ascending a mountain, or metaphorical advancement, such as achieving a higher status or rank. In a religious context, particularly in Christianity, “the Ascension” specifically describes the event of Jesus Christ rising to heaven after his resurrection, symbolizing spiritual elevation and divine authority.
Naya’s Corner of the Universe – Yvonne Ballard says we started in 3D reality but are currently in 4D reality. Starseeds came to help Gaia starting in the 1940s.
This article discusses death and reincarnation and the afterlife. It’s also very important to have an exit plane when you pass on from this life.
Discover if you’re a Starseed with these 10 signs and awakening symptoms. Uncover your cosmic origins and embrace your purpose in the universe.
Discover why humanity, not the planet needs saving from itself—power, greed, and disconnection threaten our spirit and shared humanity. Reconnect!
Neale Donald Walsch & Mindvalley’s Awaken the Species Review! Unleash your divine potential. Meet “Highly Evolved Beings” & ignite spiritual evolution.
Photon Belt 2025: It’s impact on energetic highs and lows, revealing insights into our spiritual evolution awakening and consciousness.
11/11 Gateway Portal & Ascension. A powerful surge forward. We are lifted into new spaces & will burst through the clouds of illusion.
Wes Penre papers: Our Metaphysical Multiverse: We create our multiverse in our minds. A person who is possessed may or may not have an agreement.
Wes Penre: Misconception About The Ascension Process & Channeling. The “secret” is to learn about life and then live what we learn!
A Clarion Call Book Review – Nicolya Christi “Aa transformative guide urging personal and global consciousness evolution. Heal within and cause a global shift.
Ashayana Deane sits down and has a 7-hour interview. This post is part 1 and I have written a recap about it. A group of interdimensionals.