Is Stewart Swerdlow a Scammer or a Truth Seeker? Unpacking His Claims

Stewart Swerdlow is a name that sparks intrigue, skepticism, and a whole lot of debate.

Stewart Swerdlow claims to have been at the center of some of the wildest conspiracy theories out there—think mind control, alien encounters, and the infamous Montauk Project.

But here’s the kicker: is Stewart Swerdlow a genuine truth seeker digging for answers in a world full of deception, or is he just another scam artist cashing in on sensational stories?

In this article, we’re cutting through the noise and unpacking Stewart Swerdlow’s claims to get to the heart of the matter.

We’ll explore his background, the controversial narratives he spins, and the evidence—or lack thereof—that supports his outlandish assertions.

Buckle up, because this is going to be a wild ride through the murky waters of conspiracy theories and personal beliefs.

Let’s find out if Stewart Swerdlow is truly onto something or just playing a long con.

Is Stewart Swerdlow the ‘Real Deal’ or Scammer?

Last spring, I received an email about Stewart Swerdlow from one of my newsletter subscribers.

He read my post about the Moon being a Death Star.

He asked me if I had heard of Stewart Swerdlow.

I replied that I knew of Stewart Swerdlow but hadn’t read any of his work.

Last week, I received another email from him. 

I promised him I would write about this topic during Paranormal October Month.

Paranormal October month is when I post only esoteric topics, and it’s a Halloween thing. So, as I usually do with the reader’s requests, I decided to research Stewart, which I discovered.

Stewart Swerdlow’s journey into the esoteric world began early when he was born in Long Island, New York. He alleges to have participated in the Montauk Project, a series of secret experiments conducted by the U.S. government in the 1980s.

This early exposure to unconventional experiences has significantly influenced Swerdlow’s worldview.

Stewart’s great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union.

His grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s.

To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was “recruited” for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities.

Stewart Swerdlow: "Real Deal" Or Scammer?

Stewart Swerdlow and his wife, Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow, have a metaphysical website:

This is what their about page says:

Considered two of the world’s foremost metaphysical leaders, Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow and Stewart A. Swerdlow have the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns.

With their cutting-edge research in health and spirituality, they are both powerful intuitives who use Universal Law to resolve everything from health, money, relationship, and mind-control issues even reaching into your other lifelines and beyond.

Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow is an internationally renowned Oversoul Intuitive – enabling her to directly communicate with God-Mind.  She has a special ability to replicate tones of creation from Hyperspace.

Due to her blend of American Indian and Celtic genetics, as well as her Magdalene lineage which extends back through her Waldensian descendancy from Southern France, Janet sees and hears frequencies on all levels.

This allows her to consciously access information within the Oversoul matrix. Using mind-pattern analysis, Janet teaches self-balancing techniques in a simple, direct manner that can easily be incorporated into daily living.

A gifted Hyperspace Intuitive, Stewart A. Swerdlow moves his consciousness beyond time and space to determine your foundational mind-pattern upon which all your life experiences are based.

His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s.

To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was “recruited” for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities.

Stewart, a linguist who speaks ten languages, is an expert in deprogramming and determining which Illuminati programs are embedded in the mind-patterns of any individual.

His mission is to help others heal themselves in a positive way, thus avoiding the negativity he experienced.

Stewart Swerdlow – Author

Stewart Swerdlow has been a featured writer for the Huffington Post and has also written numerous books, including the popular Blue Blood, True Blood, and Montauk: The Alien Connection.

David Icke references Swerdlow in his book Remember Who You Are. Stewart was imprisoned in an Illuminati mind-control and genetics program at Montauk on Long Island, New York.

He was taken at night by what he thought were extraterrestrials but were American government and military operatives at Montauk.

Check out his YouTube page here.

(The Montauk Project is alleged to have been a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.

Jacques Vallée describes allegations of the Montauk Project as an outgrowth of stories about the Philadelphia Experiment.


Also, the hit television series Stranger Things was based on the Montauk project. Source

Stewart Swerdlow and the Montauk Project are inextricably linked with one of the most outlandish and controversial conspiracy theories ever.

Stewart Swerdlow, a self-proclaimed mentalist and psychic, claimed to have been a participant in a top-secret government program based in Montauk, Long Island, that involved time travel, alien contact, and mind control.

According to Swerdlow and his collaborator Preston Nichols, the Montauk Project utilized the Montauk Air Force Station as a front for its covert activities, manipulating time and reality through stolen Tesla technology.

Stewart Swerdlow’s story, primarily outlined in his book “Montauk: The Alien Connection,” is a wild ride.

He describes being born with psychic abilities and experiencing premonitions and strange temporal anomalies throughout his life.

He claims to have been abducted by aliens as a child and later recruited into the Montauk Project, where he participated in time travel experiments using a chair-like device called the “Phoenix Chair.”

Swerdlow alleges that the project also involved interactions with various extraterrestrial races, including the Reptilians, the Tall Whites, and the Albatross People.

Swerdlow and Nichols’s claims have been met with widespread skepticism and criticism. No concrete evidence supports the existence of the Montauk Project, and many of Swerdlow’s accounts have been contradicted by historical records and others’ testimonies.

Critics point to inconsistencies in Swerdlow’s narrative, attributing them to either fabrication or mental illness.

However, the Montauk Project has gained a dedicated following among conspiracy theorists and fans of the paranormal.

Swerdlow and Nichols’ books and lectures have inspired countless online forums, documentaries, and a feature film, “Montauk Chronicles.”

The project’s influence is also evident in pop culture, with the Netflix series “Stranger Things” drawing inspiration from its themes and setting.

Whether fact or fiction, the story of Stewart Swerdlow and the Montauk Project remains fascinating and perplexing.

It delves into our deepest anxieties about government secrecy, extraterrestrial life, and the nature of reality itself.

While the lack of evidence casts doubt on the veracity of Swerdlow’s claims, they continue to spark the imagination and challenge our understanding of what’s possible.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • The Montauk Air Force Station was a real facility from 1948 to 1967. However, its primary purpose was radar surveillance, not time travel or alien contact.

  • Swerdlow’s mental state has been a subject of debate, with some questioning his reliability as a witness.

  • The Montauk Project’s popularity can be attributed to its blend of science fiction, Cold War paranoia, and New Age spirituality. It caters to a specific audience seeking alternative explanations for the world around them.

Ultimately, the truth about Stewart Swerdlow and the Montauk Project remains elusive. Whether you believe their story or not, it serves as a reminder of the power of the human imagination and our enduring fascination with the unknown.

Swerdlow is best known for his exploration of conspiracy theories and alternative history.

His writings often touch upon extraterrestrial influence, government cover-ups, and secret societies.

His work suggests that hidden forces are at play, shaping the course of human history in ways that mainstream narratives do not acknowledge.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Stewart Swerdlow’s work is his focus on mind control and psychic abilities.

He claims to have undergone mind control programming during his involvement in the Montauk Project, and he explores the implications of such experiences in his writings.

Swerdlow also delves into the idea of unlocking and enhancing psychic abilities to gain insight into the hidden aspects of reality.

While Stewart Swerdlow has gained a following among those interested in fringe topics, his work has also faced criticism and skepticism.

Detractors argue that his claims lack empirical evidence, and some view his narratives as sensationalized or implausible.

Readers need to approach Swerdlow’s work discerningly, considering various perspectives and evaluating the evidence presented.

Stewart Swerdlow has taken his ideas to a wider audience through public speaking engagements and media appearances.

Whether through conferences, interviews, or online platforms, he shares his theories and engages with those who seek to understand the mysteries he explores. This outreach has contributed to disseminating his unconventional ideas to a global audience.

Meeting E.T.s

A common way to confuse their targets is to make them think they have had an extraterrestrial ‘encounter‘ when the people involved are human. This happened to Stewart, shockingly, with the permission of his mother.

Stewart says he learned about the plan for global domination and the reptilian entities behind it at Montauk. He said he had seen reptilian humanoids at Montauk, and they ‘seemed to pop in and out of physical reality.’

Even the Reptilians are not at the bottom of the rabbit hole; they are only at another level. Stewart Swerdlow claims that ‘The Transparent People” created the Reptilians.

These entities can’t enter physical dimensions because their energy rate is so high that they cannot sustain a physical body. He says, “When they appear, they look like a transparent glass shell.”

Stewart learned that Reptilian geneticists wanted a 50-50 mix of genetics to produce a body that looked human while being able to shapeshift into a reptilian form: ‘Shapeshifting was accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid wished to open, or lock up, whatever the case may be.’

He says that the term ‘bluebloods‘ for royal and aristocratic families comes from the fact that the blood of the hybrids contains more copper than “regular humans,” and it turns blue-green during oxidation.

Stewart Swerdlow On YouTube

I watched several more Stewart Swerdlow videos on YouTube, and he believes in his words. There are many thought-provoking claims here, but as with many paranormal topics, it’s tough to formulate an opinion without proof.

Even though I consider myself open-minded, I do not take everything I read or hear at face value—take it with a pinch of salt here, people, etc.

As I tell my readers about information, consider what makes sense, take what resonates within you, and don’t dismiss it until further research can piece together more facts.

Not one researcher gets all the facts 100% right all the time. That is another reason why I cross-reference sources to any particular topic. You have to, or you can’t put the puzzle pieces together. In other words, always use your discernment.

One last thing on this topic. If all the claims these researchers make about the Illuminati, The Moon, ET’s seeding of humanity, or whatever are entirely fabricated lies, they would make for an exciting movie or television series.

Stewart discusses the Reptilians, the Moon, Atlantis and Lemuria, and the Montauk Project in these videos. He also discusses mass mind programming and how your TV and computer are spying on you even when off.

Stewart and many other researchers believe that human beings are a cross-breed between mammalian and reptilian genetics.

I read somewhere that we also have amphibian genetics, as well. That’s why some people are more or less hairy, depending on what genetics are prominent. It’s even been suggested that humans have a common link with Sasquatch.

Stewart makes one intriguing point about the similarities between the first six to eight weeks a fetus forms in the womb and its resemblance to an androgynous, reptilian being.

Humans also possess the oldest part of the brain, known as the reptilian brain or R Complex; our skin wrinkles, peels, and sheds; we have a reptilian lymphatic system; we have a mammalian four-chambered heart with a reptilian arterial system leading to it.

Humans display some of the most reptilian characteristics in their day-to-day lives. Just drive during rush hour, and you will see what I mean. Also, look at the top of your hands. In certain light angles, some of you can make out scales in the texture of your skin.

Studying the human body shows how we synthesize two species that don’t belong together. Stewart also states that he was blind for 29 years until he had surgery reconnecting his optic nerve to his brain in December 1999.

He claims that when he was blind, he could still perceive things energetically using his other senses. Objects appeared as “swirls of energy.”

While a Montauk prisoner, Stewart was bombarded with E.L.F. and microwave energy. He thinks this perhaps could have led to his blindness.

Stewart Swerdlow Roswell Crash.

Stewart Mentions The Roswell Crash

Stewart also talks about how the Roswell incident was a staged event created by the “shadow government” to create a new enemy, a new fear.

Many conspiracy researchers believe that the “Shadow Government” is perpetually producing a new “boogeyman” for us to fear so that we will willingly give up our God-given rights and freedoms for safety and protection. To become dependent upon them essentially.

What happened was that after the spacecraft crashed, too many people knew too much, too quickly, so they had to change their story. So, instead of creating the intended event of a spaceship crashing with E.T.’s inside, they altered it to a failed weather balloon incident.

They had to “cover it up,” so to speak. I have to agree with Stewart here somewhat.

As I learned about the Roswell crash, I wondered how an intelligent race of E.T. beings could crash their spacecraft on Earth.

I am sure E.T. beings and their craft are way too sophisticated to allow themselves to be shot down or have some weather anomaly or system malfunction caused their crash.

According to Swerdlow, the E.T. beings were already dead and placed into the spacecraft that eventually crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, back in 1947.

Stewart also discusses how humans have a mix of reptilian and mammalian genes, possibly explaining why so many of us constantly conflict with ourselves.

While the Reptilians waited for the Earth to be colonizable, they used the Moon as their home. According to Swerdlow, the Moon is the only object in space that does not spin and is a ship parked in orbit. The rocks on the Moon are not from this part of the Solar System.

According to David Icke, Astronauts who saw the dark side of the Moon (the side hidden from us for a reason) saw huge buildings and other structures on it.

The Moon here is an artificial construct that is way too large of a satellite in its orbit. I had read this theory from David Icke, Wes Penre, and Christopher Knight, the Authors of Who Built the Moon.


They’ve been going on for quite an extended period, and they are filled with all kinds of bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, and filaments designed to do several things. They change the genetic structure of people who inhale or breathe them in.

They are creating illnesses to eliminate certain genetic types they don’t want.

They are also creating this electromagnetic web in the Ionosphere so that a grid system is being built over the Earth, making it easier to dial into a particular grid area to send transmissions of E.L.F. or microwave or whatever is necessary for that area.

They’ve been going on since the ’80s.

I noticed when I listened to Stewart Swerdlow speak in his YouTube video how he annunciates words, and the syntax is similar to how the channel Darryl Anka sounds when he is channeling Bashar.

The subtle shifts in annunciation are nuanced, but they are there if you pay attention to them. Is Stewart Swerdlow channeling someone or something when he speaks?

Most of the writings on the forums were hostile towards Stewart, but then again, people tend to write whatever they want online, whether true or not. As far as Stewart’s background goes, allegedly, he went to federal prison for embezzling money.

My thoughts about this are that no one is perfect, and everyone has done things in their life that they would not do again if they had a second chance.

Stewart charges large sums of money for some of his services.

At the Stewart Swerdlow website, he offers paid subscription services, consultations, health products and services, and other monetary practices that almost all pro-bloggers and website owners utilize.

I do not have a problem with anyone earning money doing something they love and, at the same time, helping someone else solve a problem. Do these same people complain about the cost of the products when they go into a grocery store or a retail store?

If you don’t like the price or the service, say “No” and move on.

Emailer, I don’t know if I answered your question or not if Stewart Swerdlow is the real deal or a scammer; however, we have all learned more about him, including me.

Having listened to over four hours of Stewart on YouTube, it sounds like he knows what he is talking about and has presented some new information I have never heard of before.

In the end, whether you see Stewart Swerdlow as a scammer or a truth seeker really comes down to what you choose to believe.

His claims are polarizing, and while some people find empowerment in his narratives, others see them as elaborate fabrications designed to exploit the curious.

Here’s the deal: critical thinking is your best friend. Dive into the evidence, question everything, and don’t just take someone’s word for it—especially when it sounds too wild to be true.

At the end of the day, it’s about finding your own truth and not getting swept up in the chaos of conspiracy.

If Swerdlow’s stories resonate with you, that’s fine; just make sure you’re not losing sight of reality in the process.

Remember, your journey toward understanding is yours alone. So keep questioning, stay curious, and don’t let anyone else dictate what you should believe. The truth is out there—go find it!

Stewart A. Swerdlow – Video