Author Michael Tellinger summarizes the “Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth” in his book as follows:
The Anunnaki were astronauts and explorers who settled on Earth 443,000 years ago under the command of Anu, hence the Anunnaki.
His two sons, Enlil and Enki, were given control of their new space base.
They came searching for gold to help mend their planet Nibiru’s failing ozone layer and atmosphere. – Sounds very similar to the problem we are facing here on Earth.
Questions we must ask ourselves?
- Who are we?
- Where did we come from?
- And where are we going?
Being an INFJ, I need stimulating material that makes me think and stretches my mind. I stumbled upon “Slave Species of the Gods” book at Barnes and Noble in 2012. I started reading the book while there and decided to buy it and take it home because it was so good.
“The time has come to accept at face value that we are not the pinnacle of civilization. That we are only now emerging from the cradle of knowledge, and that we need to face the facts of our genetically created origins.
The most incredible part of it all is that God had nothing to do with it, but the many gods of our distant past were the true masterminds and manipulators of our misery here on Earth.”
Michael Tellinger
Slave Species of the Gods Book Review
This post is a book summary from the book: Slave Species Of The Gods and is meant for information purposes only. When reading something new, always do your research and reach your own conclusion.
The information in this post comes from author Michael Tellinger’s book Slave Species of the Gods – The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth.
I have been researching the origins of humankind for over a decade because I never bought into the “alleged theory” that humans evolved from apes through years of evolution. If that theory is correct, then why are there still apes?
There had to be some intervention to make up the “spaces” in evolution, also known as “the missing link.” Top scientists call it the “missing link” because they have not been able to fill in the gaps with any reasonable explanation.
The whole theory of humankind evolving from apes is because most humans have an Rh type of blood, and Rh stands for the Rhesus factor, as in “Rhesus Monkey.”
Michael Tellinger Book: Slave Species of the Gods tells a compelling story of how modern-day humans, also known as Homo sapiens sapiens, came to be.
According to Michael Tellinger in his book, the gaps in the evolution of humanity were created by Extraterrestrial beings known as the Annunaki. (Extraterrestrial means – Not from Earth). (1)
Who is Michael Tellinger – Author?
Michael Tellinger is a South African author, politician, and explorer known for his unconventional theories about human origins and ancient civilizations.
Born on May 13, 1960, Tellinger graduated from the University of Witwatersrand with a degree in pharmacy before embarking on a diverse career that included music and film production.
He gained prominence as a musician in South Africa and later worked in sound design for films in Los Angeles. Michael Tellinger is the founder of the Ubuntu Party, which advocates for a society based on resource sharing and community contribution rather than monetary systems. (2)
His political activism includes campaigns against banks and financial institutions, promoting ideas he refers to as “pseudo-legal” strategies to challenge conventional economic practices.
In his writings, particularly in books like Slave Species of the Gods and Adam’s Calendar, Michael Tellinger explores the notion that humanity was created by extraterrestrial beings, specifically the Anunnaki, who sought gold on Earth.
He presents archaeological findings from southern Africa, claiming they point to advanced ancient civilizations that utilized sound and energy technologies long before recorded history. His research has sparked considerable debate and interest in alternative archaeology and ancient astronaut theories.
Through his work, Michael Tellinger aims to awaken people to their true potential and reconnect them with their historical roots, advocating for a shift towards a more unified and conscious society. He has also hosted a series called Hidden Origins, where he discusses these themes further.
Slave Species Of The Gods Book Summary
Book Summary: The Anunnaki were astronauts and explorers who settled on Earth 443,000 years ago (the exact time is debatable. Some researchers claim it was 50,000 years ago) under the command of Anu, hence the Anunnaki. His two sons, Enlil and Enki, were given control of their new space base.
They came searching for gold to help mend their planet Nibiru’s failing ozone layer and atmosphere. It sounds very similar to the current problem we face here on Earth.
[ I believe the Anunnaki came here and created humans around 50,000 years ago, possibly less than that.]
Over time, they sent as many as 600 explorers and workers to Earth to set up many mining operations in Southern Africa and a space command center in the Near East at Eridu, the oldest settlement on Earth.
After some time and complaints from those Anunnaki who had to toil in the mines, they created a clone (Adamu), a mixture of their DNA with that of Homo erectus creatures that already existed on Earth when they arrived.
The Anunnaki Had A Base on Mars
According to the book by Michael tellinger, the Anunnaki also had a base established on Mars from where they could send larger shipments of gold because of the lower gravity before the cosmic events that caused the Great Flood on Earth and caused Mars to lose its atmosphere.
Those Anunnaki that lived on Mars to transport the gold back to Nibiru were called Igigi, but the cosmic events forced the Igigi to desert the planet and return to Earth. The famous carved face on the rock on Mars is a portrait of one of their leaders who died there.
The Anunnaki and the Igigi sons were known as the Nephilim in Genesis and other literature.
“Those who descended to Earth from Heaven.”
Even Genesis tells us about these Nephilim who came to Earth and “Saw that the daughters of man were beautiful and had children with them.”
This created a new species of humans called the Aryans, who lived separately from the rest and greatly influenced future civilizations. They were followers of Enki’s firstborn son, Marduk.
Nibiru is in a 3,600-year orbit around the Sun, just like the orbits of many comets.
On one of its orbits to the Sun, Nibiru came unusually close to the Earth and Mars, causing great geological upheavals that resulted in the Great Flood some 13,000 years ago.
The presence of Nibiru also caused Mars’ atmosphere to be “sucked away.”
They saw this approaching global catastrophe as an opportunity to wipe out the slave species they created that had grown to vast numbers by then.
The slave species had become a big problem that was not going away.
They needed constant supervision, care, and feeding like helpless little children. The biggest problem for Enlil was that some of the Nephilim were having children with human females, creating a whole new sub-species and exacerbating the problem.
When the Adamu were initially created, the two commanding brothers greatly disagreed. Enlil was utterly opposed to creating a new species, and now he had the perfect opportunity to allow a natural disaster to eliminate the human problem.
But Enki, the creator of humankind, told some of his offspring to save themselves in a submersible boat. The rest is part of human history.
Tellinger Claims The Nephilim Were The Sons of The Anunnaki
According to Michael Tellinger, The Nephilim were the sons of the Anunnaki Gods and the Igigi stationed on Mars.
The name refers to two different groups of Anunnaki. They were prohibited from having intercourse with human females for fear of creating a new subspecies, which could be more intelligent and a potential threat to the Anunnaki. You can read about this in Genesis 6:4-18.
The Creation of the Earth & Her Moon
Many millions of years ago, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Tiamat, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Nibiru. Tiamat was a giant planet, several times the size of Earth, orbiting where the asteroid belt is today.
On one of her fateful orbits, Nibiru came close to Tiamat, so close that their moons engaged in several dramatic collisions. The Enuma Elish, or Epic of Creation, vividly details this story.
Many scholars now realize that the Epic of Creation describes the cosmic collisions between Tiamat and her eleven moons with Nibiru.
The transcripts show that Nibiru had seven moons, which “attacked” the helpless Tiamat, ripping into her belly, shattering her body, and tearing her into two pieces.
This epic concluded that as the moon pounded the planet, the observers could see the many components she was hiding. One of the most abundant metals present was gold.
There were collisions with the Sun, and it continued as Nibiru returned on its way back. As one of the big moons, which the tablets call “North Wind,” smashed into Tiamat, it dislodged the top half of the planet, flying into space toward the Sun.
Kingu, one of Tiamat’s moons, followed the giant piece of the planet because of its momentum before the large portion settled into its orbit beyond Mars, capturing the smaller Kingu forever as its moon.
Tiamat was Destroyed & Became The Asteroid Belt
In his book, Michael Tellinger explains that the rest of the planet, Tiamat, was smashed and destroyed into pieces known as the asteroid belt – or “Hammered Bracelet” by the Sumerians.
The other significant portion and its new oversized moon, now in collective orbit around the Sun, became known as the Earth and its moon.
During these collisions, there was a lot of transfer of material and “seeds of life” between all the bodies, which explains why Earth inherited much of the same life forms as Tiamat. It also became visible that the new planet Earth was rich in gold, as were the fragments of the asteroid belt.
Furthermore, it explains why the Earth’s moon is so large and why the Annunaki knew about the gold on Earth. Also, getting from Nibiru to Earth would be no easy task with the newly formed asteroid belt.
Sumerian Clay Tablets
Since the 1970s, when more scholars became attracted to the Sumerian translations of clay tablets polluting the basements of many world museums, a new wave of information emerged.
Suddenly, we were exposed to a whole new civilization that preceded all others, which spoke a different language and referenced times before their own from where all their knowledge was derived.
Erich Von Daniken truly popularized the concept of extraterrestrial activity on Earth in prehistoric times, already in the 1960s, with his book Chariots of Gods.
But Zecharia Sitchin truly pushed the deciphered Sumerian cuneiform text to the highest heights in his nine books, dealing primarily with the content of the Sumerian tablets and the eroded truth behind them.
Most of the information in the clay tablets deals with humankind’s beginnings up until about 2000 B.C. These scriptures all have one thing in common: they reference the Sumerian gods who came from distant lands and gave the early humans all their knowledge.
The story has been captured dramatically in Sitchin’s The Lost Book of Enki, a compilation of cuneiform translations of Sumerian tablets over thirty years.
From The Book: Slave Species
We were created as “primitive workers” by astronauts from another planet and modeled in their image some 443,000 years ago to perform a necessary task in their new world. We have much of their DNA in our bodies because they used it to create us, and we look pretty much the way they looked.
Humans are an “accidental” by-product of the ancient colonization of Earth by the Anunnaki from Nibiru (also called Hibiru).
Early humans existed for one reason: to be slave laborers in gold mines and nothing more. (This does not include the humans created when the Anunnaki’s children-(Nephilim) had babies with the human females).
Perhaps this is the reason for humans’ fascination with and the high value of gold.
Because our creators valued gold for its ability to heal its atmosphere, think about it. What value does gold have?
You can’t eat it, can’t drink it, can’t smoke it; we don’t use it to cure or heal anything? We value it because we are taught to appreciate it even though we don’t know why.
What Is Nibiru?
According to the book by Michael Tellinger, the Anunnaki live on Nibiru, the tenth planet in our solar system. It is also known as Planet X or Planet 10.
Nibiru’s orbit around the Sun lasts 3600 years (1 Shar) and is elliptical rather than circular like the other planets.
Nibiru’s atmosphere was denser than Earth’s, and the gravitational pull was much stronger than Earth’s. From a distance, Nibiru has a reddish glowing hue to it.
Nibiru’s orbit comes close to the Sun, crossing the paths of most planets up to Mars and the asteroid belt, and then it shoots out into deep space just like many of the long-term comets we see every few thousand years.
Astronomers cannot find it in the Solar System because it is possibly 3 to 5 times as far as Pluto is from the Sun at its furthest point.
Nibiru was under the rule of a king. The great king’s name was An, which is where we get the term “Anunnaki” (“An” and “Ki” were the names they gave to Earth and the word ANKH). Also, it is stated that the term Annunaki means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.”
Cracking the Genetic Code
They had cracked the genetic code and clearly understood how DNA could be manipulated.
During the atmospheric riff on Nibiru, the King (not An) was weak, with little skill to make weighty decisions. Unhappiness and opposition grew against him until he was overthrown by Alalu, who took the throne to be the new King of the Anunnaki.
It was discovered that Alalu was the successor by law because he was the son of the prior King and his concubine half-sister. The child of a man and his half-sister was first in line as successor, not the child of a man and his unrelated bride.
We can see how the Anunnaki applied this rule on Earth and passed it on to the Hebrews, Egyptians, and other civilizations.
But before Alalu’s reign could be ordained, a young prince named Anu presented himself (Anunnaki may also reference Anu and An), claiming he was the direct descendant of the great King An.
They studied his ancestry and concluded that he was a pure descendant of An and, therefore, according to their laws of seed and succession, Anu should be king.
After more deliberation, it was finally decided that Alalu would remain King, and Anu would be his “cupbearer” in the interest of peace and stability.
After nine Shars on the throne and little progress in the planet’s relief, Alalu was challenged by Anu. The Niburians, as advanced in technology as they were, had some strange customs.
The ritual was that the two opponents had to meet each other in hand-to-hand combat, completely naked. That is how it was written some 4500 years ago and where the Greeks obtained some cultural influences.
Anu Defeats Alalu & Becomes King of the Anunnaki
As fate had it, Anu defeated Alalu and replaced him on the throne of Nibiru. Their constant reference to immortality makes it apparent that they had also conquered the genetic defect that causes cell death and humans to die.
Nibiru came into contact with the other planets every 3600 years, and this is why Sumerians called it the planet of the crossings, as it crossed the paths of most of the other planets.
Guess what the Sumerian symbol for Nibiru was? Yes, you guessed it: a cross similar to the one used in Christianity.
Nibiru’s atmosphere (protective layer) has been compromised, creating holes and dangerous gaps for the Anunnaki living there. They needed to develop a way to “patch up” the gap in their atmosphere, or else their beloved Nibiru would become unsustainable for them.
Their top Scientists discovered that a form of “powdered gold” spread into the upper atmosphere would “patch up” their atmosphere and solve their problem.
The Annunaki’s problem was that Nibiru did not have enough gold or enough gold to do this, but one planet was abundant in gold.
The Story of Humanity’s Origins
The story of humanity’s origins was translated from cuneiform Sumerian Clay tablets discovered in Southern Iraq.
The former King of Nibiru, named Alalu, made the trip to Earth, making his way through the treacherous asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which killed many pilots before him.
It takes Alalu about one week, give or take, to get from Nibiru to Earth using his spacecraft. Once Alalu made it to Earth, he informed Nibiru to tell the others he was there.
Alalu set himself up in his spaceship to survive the elements. Over the next few days, he explored the planet, but not without protection.
He describes the short days on Earth compared to his planet Nibiru, the sweet smell of the trees, orchids of fruit, the marshes of green water, the dark-hued soil, and his search for drinking water.
The saltwater was not drinkable and was filled with fish, but he finally found fresh water in a nearby pond, where he encountered a snake for the first time.
He did not know what the creature was, and it must have been the first creature he had encountered on Earth, which motivated the Anunnaki to use the snake symbol in many applications in years to come.
Using his modern technology, Alalu could scan Earth for gold; the most abundant place on Earth was in South Africa.
Who Is Enki?
Everyone on Nibiru was astounded by Alulu’s finding gold on the planet and started planning their mission to Earth. They did not call it Earth, though, and the name they gave what we call planet Earth is “Ki.”
Ea (Enki) was King Anu’s firstborn child, while Enlil was the second son, but by way of seed and succession, Enlil held a higher rank because he was the son of Anu and his half-sister.
After serious deliberation, it was decided that Ea (Enki) and not Enlil would lead the first expedition to Earth because he was the better scientist. Ea (Enki) and a crew of about fifty Nibiruans left for their mission to Earth, with many people wishing them good luck and farewell on their extraordinary journey.
After the crew with Ea made it through the treacherous terrain of the asteroid belt, they decided to land on Lahmu (Mars). They realized there was water on Mars and landed on it to replenish their supplies.
They recorded that Mars’s gravity was not as strong as it would be on Earth later. At this point, Mars still had an atmosphere, and they described the sight from space.
“A sight to behold was Lahmu… many hued it was, snow white was its cap, snow white were its sandals… (The north and south pole were covered with snow)… There is water on Lahmu, Ea was saying… The planets net is not great, its pull is too easy to handle easy.”
They landed smoothly on Mars for a pit stop on the shores of a lake, and while taking in water, Ea made all kinds of observations, recording them in his book of knowledge.
The water was suitable for drinking, but the air was insufficient for breathing, so they needed their ‘Eagle’s Helmets’ to breathe.
They left Mars and headed for their destination, Earth.
And so we get to the point where humankind’s natural prehistory begins, long before the first Adamu (Adam) was created, during the “prior times,” according to ancient Sumerian texts, when only the Anunnaki were on this new planet Earth.
Once the crew arrived on Earth, they began to build their base camps. They initially made two primary camps in South Africa and the other in what is known today as Southern Iraq or Sumer.
But the first camp they set up was in a place they named Eridu, “the home away from home,” the first city on Earth. It was located in modern Iraq near where Basra is today on the coast of the Gulf. Over the next six days, they performed miracles.
They created a source of drinking water; they made bricks from clay to build their settlements, built a camp to live in, and examined and recorded the edible fruit and trees that grew in abundance everywhere.
They experienced their first thunderstorm on Earth with great trepidation; the rain, lightning, and wind were fierce. They were amazed by the moonlight as it lit up the land and sky at night, and they were even more puzzled by the concise days and nights.
They documented the creatures present everywhere in the sky, on land, and in the water.
The Anunnaki Trapped Food on Earth
The Anunnaki made traps for fish and fowl; they built boats to cover the waters, put up fences around their camp for protection against the fierce beasts they observed for the first time, and even brought the “beam that kills” from the chariot to their new base.
This is where the historical events become very familiar because Ea gathered his comrades in the camp on the seventh day, and suddenly, the opening words of the Bible take on a whole new meaning.
“On the seventh day the heroes in the encampment were assembled, to them Ea spoke these words: A hazardous journey we have undertaken… At Earth with success we arrived, much good we attained, an encampment we established. Let this day be a day of rest; the seventh day hereafter a day of resting always be!”
After surveying the lands, they saw the wealthiest amount of gold in South Africa, a part of the world they called “Abzu.” The King of Nibiru sent word instructing him to obtain gold from the veins, not the waters.
In the meantime, they realized that Ea would need help and guidance with the task, so they sent his brother Enlil to help with the management and command on Earth.
King Anu decided that Enlil would stay in Eridu (Southern Iraq), and Ea would take control of the gold mining operation in Southern Africa.
Enki And Enlil = Brother Troubles
Brothers behaving like brothers, this decision created some friction between them because Ea believed he was the first to arrive on Earth. To establish the entire place until this point, he wanted to stay at Eridu and create the Edin-(Eden), which would become the lavish home of the “Upright Ones.”
Enlil felt that he was the better commander with superior knowledge of chariots, skyships, and ports, While Ea was the scientist and engineer who would be more successful at mining tasks.
To reward Ea for his pioneering work, Anu pronounced that he would always be known as Enki, the “Earth’s Master” from then on, and Enlil would be known as “Lord of the Command.”
The mining and shipping preparations went on with purpose on Earth. They planned a way station on Mars. Why?
The gravity on Mars is only 38% of that on Earth. By sending regular smaller shipments to Mars, they would send fewer but much larger shipments to Nibiru. The gold went from Abzu (South Africa) to Edin (Southern Iraq) to Lahmu (Mars) and then finally to Nibiru.
Hundreds of Anunnaki, known as the “Igigi” or “those who observe and see,” were stationed on Mars as the go-between people for gold from Earth to Nibiru.
During Egypt’s rise in later years, the Igigi were known as the “watchers” or Neteru, many of whom produced offspring who became pharaohs.
The Igigi also played a crucial role in creating the Aryan civilization by intermarrying with earthling females.
At this time, there were 600 Annunaki settlers on Earth and 300 on Mars.
Marduk / Ra
The Annunaki never spoke of marriage; they called it espousal, the process of acquiring a permanent spouse to procreate with.
Enki took the beautiful Ninmah to Abzu (South Africa) with him, where he tried and tried, but she only bore him daughters.
Before Enki came to Earth, he espoused a young princess named Damkina, but she remained on Nibiru and gave birth to a son called Marduk. “One in a pure place born” was the meaning of his name, Enki’s firstborn son, destined for greatness here on Earth.
The mother and child only arrived on Earth much later to join Enki. Marduk would later run the show on Lahmu (Mars); later, he would be known as the Sun God Ra (Ray), the supreme lord of the Earth.
The Anunnaki Miners Revolt
After thousands of years of mining for gold in South Africa, the Anunnaki workers began revolting.
Nibiru’s home planet was temperature-controlled from within; they did not have to deal with the hot temperatures of Earth, and they certainly did not like working the mines of South Africa.
Their mission was to get gold from Earth and leave, and they never intended to do anything more.
Homo Erectus
Ea (Enki), a leading Scientist, noticed a strange yet harmless creature lurking in the mountains near his base camp. These creatures were known as Homo erectus (upright man) and were a mixture of human and ape-like appearances.
Enki was fascinated with these creatures living among the trees and in the Savannah.
“They lived among the tall trees, their front legs as hands they were using.”
This was the first description of a Homo erectus on Earth.
“In the tall grasses of the steppes odd creatures were seen; erect they seemed to be walking.”
Igigi From Mars
This fascination with the wildlife on Earth and not enough attention to the gripes of the miners finally caused the uprising. Enlil arrived in the Abzu to help resolve the problems, but the workers had had enough.
They set fire to their tools; they surrounded Enlil’s home and would not budge.
“The Anunnaki stood together: Every one of us hostilities has declared! Excessive is our toil, our work is heavy, great is the distress.”
The situation was so tense that even Anu was called via some advanced communications device to give advice. Enki explained that the “lamentation is heavy… every day the complaints we could hear.”
But Anu was steadfast in his pronouncement, stating that “the gold must be obtained … the work must continue.” After all, their survival on Nibiru depended on it. Enki got the idea in his head that he could breed these creatures to work in the mines instead of the Anunnaki workers.
LuLu – The Primitive Workers
Enki referred to these primitive workers as “Lulu,” the hard work to take over…
“Let the being the toil of the Anunnaki carry on his back.”
The rest of them were astounded at Enki’s proposal. They had never heard of anything like it before and were unaware of Enki’s previous experiments.
Ninmah, the wise half-sister of Enki, explained that evolution is the force behind new species. Ninmah said,
“One being from another over aeons did develop, none from nothing ever came.”
Enki agreed with Ninmah,
“You do need a prototype to mold into something else.”
He proudly announced to them:
“The being that we need, it already exists. All we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence… A primitive worker shall be created.”
Enki explained further when describing the creatures he saw:
“They walk erect on two legs… Their forelegs they use as arms, with hands they are provided… They know not dressing in garments… Shaggy with hair is their whole body… With gazelle they jostle, with teeming creatures in the water they delight.”
This is a description of what is known as Homo erectus.
To Create a Slave Race For The Gods or Not?
Enki needed the others to decide to go ahead and create a primitive workforce. According to their exploration charter, creating a life form on another planet was strictly prohibited, and they were not allowed to create a new living species on other planets.
Enlil was against the idea, and this is the first time we hear the Annunaki refer to the “all mighty God” as Enlil states:
“Creation in the hands of the Father of All Beginning alone is held.”
Ultimately, it would be Enlil’s inability to come to grips with this newly created slave species that led to the conflict between the brothers, the oppression of the humans, and the disinformation campaign that the vengeful Enlil imposed in an attempt to keep the slave species primitive, ignorant, obedient, fearful, and in its place.
The initial experiments of creating the new slave species did not go well. Many defects happened like:
“Fore parts of one kind they had, hind parts of another creature they possessed.”
One child was born deaf, the other blind; some had paralyzed feet. They often tried their experiments, knowing that they could only use a small portion of the Anunnaki essence in their creations to keep the being primitive.
Artificial Insemination to Create The New Human Slave Species
The geneticists prepared the fertilized egg in a “crystal vessel” before inserting it into the female creature. (Artificial insemination). Disappointed with his results, Enki made one last attempt to create his slave species.
He decided to use an Anunnaki woman to become the host for his genetically engineered children. Ninmah, Enki’s sister, decided she would be the one to become the carrier of Enki’s creation.
The fertilized egg was inserted into the womb of Ninmah, and there was the conception. Finally, they achieved what they had set out to do.
The image of perfection he was. He slapped the newborn on his hind parts; the newborn uttered proper sounds. They examined the baby’s limbs, eyes, and ears; everything was perfect.
We learn why the Anunnaki refers to the primitive workers as the “black-headed ones” because Enki perfectly describes this child.
“Shaggy like the wild ones he was not…dark black his head hair was… Smooth was his skin… smooth as the Annunaki skin it was…Like dark red blood was its color…like the clay of the Abzu was its hue.”
This first child was Adamu (Adam) – “One Who like Earth’s Clay Is.”
If you have ever wondered where the Aryan blonds and blue-eyed people come from, the ancient texts also divulge this information. In previous chapters, we read that Enki had a son who looked just like him.
It describes the baby as “radiating” and “bright eyes the color of the sky,” and light hair as the “golden sun.” It’s pretty clear from the description that the Anunnaki had white skin, generally blond hair, and blue eyes.
Further support for this revelation comes when Ninmah lifts to hold her new Earth Baby Creation.
“Ninmah cast her hand upon the newborn’s body, with her fingers his dark red skin she caressed.”
We should assume that if her skin were also dark, they would not have made such a big deal about it in the ancient clay tablets. Enki had an immediate affinity for his new creation (Adamu) and only wanted the best for him.
This would lead to many problems between him and Enlil, who only wanted them to perform tasks.
How to Multiply the Slaves using Surrogates?
But now they had an additional problem. How would they multiply the extra babies to create a large group of workers? Seven female Annunaki agreed to become surrogate mothers and carry the new species to term.
They used the DNA of “Adamu” as the “prototype” for all the other babies.
Adam & Eve Were Created by Enki
Realizing that having a bunch of male “Adams” was not going to solve their problem, Enki proposed they create a “female earthling” (Eve) to procreate with Adamu (Adam). Enki’s spouse, Ninki, became the surrogate mother to make the female earthling this time.
Soon enough, the first female earthling was born; it made human noises, it was healthy, and
“her skin smooth was, like that of the Anunnaki in smoothness and color it was.”
They gave the first female earthling name Ti-Amat, meaning “Mother of Life.” This is an exciting bit of information. Even right from the very start, there is a difference between the skin color of Adamu (Adam) and Ti-amat (Eve).
Since Adamu and Ti-amat were their first successful creations, they decided not to use them as “slave workers” but let them grow up together in the upper world (Eden), where the Anunnaki dwelled.
A pure dwelling was built for them in Eden, and they were allowed to roam freely in the orchards while many Anunnaki observed them with amazement and wonder. What surprised everyone was their ability to follow commands and perform simple tasks.
Even Enlil, Enki’s brother, was pleased with the result. But the Anunnaki workers in the gold mines were the happiest – their days of “toiling in the mines” were finally over.
Eventually, the geneticists created more Adams and Eve’s using the womb of the Annunaki “birth mothers.” The ultimate goal was to let the Adams and Eve’s procreate among themselves, creating a new slave species to mine the gold.
Their excitement was short-lived, as in the words of the Anunnaki –
“Conceiving there was not, birth giving there was not.”
The once-excited miners who believed their days of picking gold were over were now more restless than ever. Enki and Ningishzidda-(one of many sons of Enki) had to perform more genetic manipulation, which is what they did.
Their new species only had 22 chromosomes, which did not include the X and Y set chromosomes, so they could not procreate.
“Like two entwined serpents Ningishzidda the essence separated… Arranged like twenty-two branches on a Tree of Life were the essence… The ability to procreate they did not include.”
Gods Used Their Ribs to Create The Humans
Then, the young Ningishzidda performed a dangerous procedure that included the individuals’ ribs, which were rewritten in the Bible later on with some variations.
He sedated Enki and Ninmah-(Enki and Enlil’s Half-Sister), extracting the missing “sex essence” from each one and implanting it into Adamu and Ti-amat.
“To their tree of life two branches have been added… With procreating powers their life essence are now entwined.”
From that moment on, all humans had 23 pairs of chromosomes. Once again, they were allowed to roam freely in the orchards of Edin while their creator, Enki, tried to teach them some basics of intelligence.
Enki did not want his new species to be “too primitive” and not evolve as slaves; he tried to uplift them with knowledge and understanding of life. Enki’s symbol was the entwined serpent, used today as a medicine symbol.
This imagery led to the ageless confusion between the maker and the “evil serpent” that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Enlil-(Enki’s half-brother) was full of rage about the slaves being able to procreate independently because this was never supposed to be part of the plan.
Not only has a new species been created, which was not supposed to happen in the first place, but they have also been given the essence of intelligence and life, which the Anunnaki possessed.
This part of the scriptures points out the genetic manipulation performed that stunted our DNA, which caused many undesirable and unexplainable characteristics among us today.
We die and get sick; many other undesirable side effects are associated with an incomplete genome. Ningishzidda “soothed” the furious Enlil by explaining that he did not give the “new species” the gift of eternal life.
“Knowing for protection they were given… The branch of long living, to their essence tree was not.”
This statement explains why the Anunnaki lived so long, or even eternally, and why they could be revived from the dead.
It also hints they performed even more genetic engineering on humans after this point because, in other Sumerian scripts, it is clear that early humans lived very long lives, unlike humans today.
Enlil could not be appeased, and he declared:
“Then let them be where they are needed…In the Abzu away from the Edin, let them be expelled.”
Enlil Gets Angry At What Happened
It was at this time that Enlil “banished” them from Edin for becoming “too informed,” and a severe threat was extended to the human couple to not associate with the “evil serpent” and not to be led astray by his attempts and promises of knowledge and other things.
So it turns out that the “evil serpent” in the orchards of Edin (Garden of Eden) was Enki, who was the creator of the “new humans” and was being personified as “the Devil” by Enlil.
From this point forward, Enlil became the God of fear and vengeance who did everything he could to oppress and control humans.
Enlil was very clear about the limits he would allow humans to develop. He chose his favorites, punished those who would not listen to him, and prevented humans from worshipping gods other than him.
Eventually, Enki’s oldest son, Marduk (Ra), took over his vengeful god role and proclaimed himself God above all. All the Earthlings, including Adamu and Ti-amat, were procreating in the Abzu.
Finally, after a whole Shar (3600 years), the Anunnaki were relieved of their toil in the mines. Meanwhile, the atmosphere was healing back home on their planet, Nibiru. But the Anunnaki grew in number in the North or the Upper World.
Enlil and Enki’s sons had offspring with some nursing Anunnaki females who arrived from Nibiru.
By now, the settlers from a distant planet had been on Earth for around 240,000 years. They had set up a steady infrastructure for the gold mining to send back to Nibiru, including many new Annunaki children who did not know about Nibiru.
The stay on Earth had “sped” up the aging process.
“By lifecycles of Nibiru they were endowed, by Earth’s cycles they were quickened.”
There is no reference in the Sumerian Clay Tablets about money, currency, or the need to pay for something until long after the “Great Flood,” around 11,000 B.C. It was the perfect community for settlers, with everyone having his task to perform, contributing to the more significant benefit.
They made sure everyone was fed and provided for in every way.
(The Anunnaki arrived on Earth 443,000 years ago and created their first successful hybridized humans (Adamu and Ti-amat) 200,000 years ago).
“The ‘divide & conquer’ principle has been successfully implemented on our planet and is being used very effectively to keep us under control and in a perpetual state of conflict.” ― Michael Tellinger
Slave Species of the Gods Book Review – Conclusion
Michael Tellinger doesn’t just present a theory—he flips the whole script on human history.
Slave Species of the Gods isn’t a light read; it’s a deep dive into ancient texts, forbidden archaeology, and suppressed knowledge.
Whether you buy into it or not, Michael Tellinger forces you to question everything you’ve been told. And that’s the mark of a book worth reading.
If Michael Tellinger is right, then humanity isn’t just a random evolutionary accident—we’re the byproduct of an advanced species with an agenda. That changes everything.
It shifts how we see history, religion, and even our purpose. And if he’s wrong? Well, then Michael Tellinger still succeeds at doing what most authors never will—making you think.
Either way, one thing’s for sure: after reading Michael Tellinger’s Slave Species of the Gods, you’ll never look at human history the same way again.
Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth