What Is An Indigo Child?
Indigo Children are extraordinary souls who have incarnated on Earth with a special purpose. They possess unique qualities and a heightened level of consciousness that sets them apart from others.
These remarkable individuals are here to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change in our world.
Indigo Children are characterized by their unwavering determination and deep-rooted conviction in their beliefs and values. They possess an internal moral compass that guides their actions and decisions.
These children have a profound inner knowing that goes beyond mere instinct. Their intuition serves as a guiding force, leading them toward choices that align with their deepest truths.
Indigo Children often feel a deep spiritual connection with the Earth and its inhabitants. They find solace and belonging in natural settings, drawn to the beauty and tranquility of the outdoors.
Indigo children are driven by a strong sense of mission. They feel they’re here for a reason, often with a desire to bring about positive change in the world.
Indigo children are highly empathetic and easily sensitive, sensing and understanding others’ emotions. They’re also incredibly creative, using various forms of artistic expression to communicate their experiences and emotions.
Indigo Children have come to Earth to challenge existing systems and bring about a new era of consciousness.
They’re here to:
- Question authority and societal norms
- Bring innovative solutions to complex problems
These children possess a unique perspective on life, often seeing beyond the veil of our physical reality. Their presence reminds us of our true spiritual nature and the infinite potential within each of us.
Remember, being an Indigo Child isn’t about fitting into a specific mold but embracing your unique gifts and using them to fulfill your higher purpose. These souls are here to help usher in a new age of enlightenment and spiritual growth for humanity.
Common Traits of Indigo Children
Indigo Children are believed to be highly intuitive, spiritually aware, and purpose-driven individuals who often feel different from the mainstream.
Here are some of the most common traits associated with Indigo Children:
- Deep Sense of Purpose
- Strong Intuition
- Resistance to Authority
- High Sensitivity
- Non-Conformist Nature
- Creativity and Innovation
- Strong Sense of Justice
- Empathic and Compassionate
- Highly Intelligent and Curious
- Psychic or Spiritual Abilities
- Difficulty with Authority and School Systems
- Strong Connection to Nature
- Independent Thinkers
- Desire for Meaningful Relationships
- Dislike for Routine and Repetition
Where did the term Indigo come from?
The term “Indigo Children” wasn’t cooked up in some corporate boardroom or dreamed up by a marketing team. No, this came straight from the mind of a parapsychologist named Nancy Ann Tappe back in the 1970s.
Tappe wasn’t just any researcher – she was a self-proclaimed synesthete and psychic. That means she didn’t just see the world like you and me. She saw auras, baby. And what she noticed was a trend that was about to flip the script on human evolution.
Tappe started noticing something wild: kids were being born with indigo-colored auras. We’re not talking about a few random cases here and there. This was a full-blown phenomenon that kicked off in the late 1960s and kept snowballing.
But Tappe didn’t just sit on this information. She went all in, publishing her findings and blowing the lid off this discovery. By 1982, she had a book out, and by 1986, she’d expanded it into a paperback that started spreading like wildfire.
Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. Tappe’s concept caught fire in the New Age community. It wasn’t just some fringe idea anymore – it was a movement.
In the late 1990s, authors Lee Carroll and Jan Tober took this ball and ran with it. They cranked out a series of books that turned the volume up to eleven on the Indigo Children concept. Suddenly, everyone and their spiritual guru was talking about these special kids with their royal blue auras and world-changing potential.
But here’s the kicker – this wasn’t just some feel-good spiritual trend. The Indigo Children concept was a direct response to what many saw as a crisis in American childhood. With youth violence on the rise and ADHD diagnoses skyrocketing, parents were looking for answers.
And you know what? The Indigo Children concept gave them exactly that. It provided an alternative explanation for why their kids might be acting out or struggling to fit in. It wasn’t a disorder – it was a sign of their higher purpose and evolved consciousness.
10 Signs Of Indigo Children
Here are ten signs that define Indigo Children:
1. Heightened Intuition and Psychic Abilities Is A Sign
Ever had a gut feeling so strong it felt like a punch to the stomach?
That’s our bread and butter. Our intuition isn’t just a hunch; it’s a superpower. We often have vivid dreams, strong gut feelings, and sometimes even psychic experiences.
This heightened intuition helps us navigate complex situations with ease.
2. Strong-willed and Independent Nature Is A Sign
We don’t just march to the beat of our own drum; we’re the whole damn marching band.
Our strong will isn’t stubbornness; it’s conviction.
We know what we believe in and stand by it, no matter what.
This often leads us to question authority and challenge traditional norms.
3. Advanced Problem-Solving Skills is A Sign
We don’t see problems; we see puzzles waiting to be solved.
Our minds work in ways that make others scratch their heads.
We approach challenges with creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, often finding innovative solutions that others might overlook.
4. Deep Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Is A Sign
We don’t just understand feelings; we feel them.
Our empathy isn’t just sympathy on steroids; it’s a direct line to others’ hearts.
This deep empathy allows us to connect with people profoundly, but it can also be overwhelming if not managed properly.
5. Resistance to Authority and Traditional Systems Is A Sign
We’re not rebels without a cause; we’re rebels with every cause.
We resist authority not because we’re troublemakers but because we see a better way.
A fairer way.
A more just way.
This resistance often puts us at odds with traditional systems and structures.
6. Creative and Innovative Thinking Is A Sign
Our creativity isn’t just about making pretty pictures; it’s about reimagining the world.
We’re artists, sure, but we’re also innovators, visionaries, and dreamers.
Our creative energy is a powerful tool for communicating our unique vision and inspiring others.
7. Sense of Purpose and Mission in Life Is A Sign
We’re not just living; we’re on a mission.
Our purpose isn’t something we find; it’s something we know deep in our bones.
This sense of purpose drives us to pursue our goals with passion and determination, often leading us to significantly contribute to society.
8. Difficulty with Structure and Routine Is A Sign
The structure feels like a cage to us. We’re not lazy or undisciplined; we just know that creativity doesn’t punch a time clock.
Traditional educational systems and work environments can be challenging, as we prefer to follow our own rhythm and intuition.
9. Advanced Communication Skills Is A Sign
We don’t just talk; we communicate. Our words aren’t just sounds; they’re bridges that connect hearts, minds, and souls.
Many of us possess exceptional communication skills from an early age, allowing us to express our unique perspectives and connect with others on a deeper level.
10. Spiritual Awareness and Connection Is A Sign
We’re not just aware of the physical world; we feel the universe’s pulse. Our spirituality isn’t about religion; it’s about connection—to everything and everyone.
This heightened spiritual awareness often leads us to explore metaphysical concepts and practices like meditation and energy work.
Dolores Cannon – 3 Waves of Volunteers
Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist specializing in recovering and cataloging “Lost Knowledge.” Her roots in hypnosis go back to the 1960s. She has been specializing in past-life therapy since 1979.
Estimating the approximate ages of the three waves came about while I was engaged in my work as a hypnotist in hundreds of regressions. After roughly categorizing my subjects by age in their present lives, I discovered three distinct generations of new souls.
The first wave of these souls, now in their late 40s to early 60s (the Baby Boomer generation), have had the hardest time adjusting to life on Earth.
They are horrified by the rampant violence of our world and want to return “home” – even though they consciously have no idea where it is.
Strong emotions like anger and hate deeply disturb them. Some rebelled against the status quo and even committed suicide to escape the chaos of Earth. They are the pioneers who paved the way for the second and third waves of volunteers.
The second wave is now in their late 20s and 30s, – [Generation X.] They have made the transition to life on Earth much more easily than the first wave. The second wave souls tend to work behind the scenes, often on their own, creating little or no Karma.
In the sessions I conduct as a hypnotist, they have been described as antennas that unconsciously channel energy onto the Earth. They do not have to do anything; they just have to be. Their energy affects everyone they come into contact with.
Their paradox is they are supposed to be sharing their energy, but they do not like being around people. (LOL, that’s me.)
Many first and second wave souls unconsciously realize that having children creates Karma. Many do not marry in the first place unless they are fortunate enough to meet another soul to whom they can relate.
They just want to do their job and go home.
The third wave [Millenials] is a group of exceptional new children, many of whom are in their teens. These advanced children are already equipped with enhanced DNA compatible with the frequency of the New Earth.
They need challenges to keep them interested, not drugs to treat their misdiagnosed illnesses such as ADHD. They are the new “hope of the world.”
Dolores Cannon
Indigos are not the first wave; they are the second wave after the “rainbows” (baby boomers), and according to Dolores Cannon’s teachings, they also correspond with the Second Wave of Volunteers.
But Volunteers are extraterrestrial beings incarnated in human bodies; indigos can be natives of Earth or ETs. They have a similar mission of raising humanity’s consciousness and destroying outdated social systems.
Indigo Adults are pioneers in conscious human evolution. They usually start their spiritual journey in their late teens or early twenties. The hardest lesson for them is realizing that most of humanity lacks an intuitive, caring, and sensitive disposition.
This may cause outrage when fully realized, but later on, this understanding will make it easier for Indigo Adults to lead humanity in a direction that will serve them better.
The Bottom Line About Indigo Child Signs
Indigo Children aren’t just a quirky label or some mystical anomaly—they’re the real deal.
They’re the indigo-infused rebels, disruptors, and visionaries born to shake up the status quo. If you’ve ever felt like you’re wired differently—like there’s an indigo thread running through your soul, pulling you toward something bigger—guess what?
You’re not imagining things.
Indigo isn’t just a color; it’s a calling. It’s that indigo intuition that tells you to challenge outdated systems, the indigo fire that fuels your passion for justice, and the indigo energy that connects you deeply with others and the universe.
Embrace it.
Lean into your indigo nature. Let that indigo frequency guide you, because the world needs more of that indigo magic now more than ever.
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