In a world where stress, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy habits prevail, the pursuit of vitality becomes paramount.
Being vibrant and full of life encompasses more than just physical health; it involves nurturing every aspect of our being.
This article goes over ways to be healthier to enjoy life more.
Related: How To Take Care Of Your Body

How to Be Healthier
1. Eat Right for Health
I would consider a healthy diet of at least 85% whole foods instead of processed foods. Whole foods retain their natural makeup, whereas processed foods are sliced, diced, and added with preservatives and fillers.
Eliminating refined sugar, excess salt, and gluten from your diet is a quick and easy way to drop 10 to 20 pounds. Sugar and salt cause the body to retain water and fat; not exercising enough will not help you lose that weight.
Sugar from fruits is OK, but don’t overdo it. Fruits have many nutrients and are great for cleaning and restoring the insides of your body.
2. Change Subconscious Beliefs to Be Healthier
You might be surprised how much your thoughts influence your body’s wellness. Nowadays, we face stressful situations daily, so choosing health in every stressful situation is life-saving.
One of the essential key factors to feeling healthy is choosing forgiveness.
Most diseases and clinical illnesses begin with the mind and originate from thought. Unexpressed desires, unverbalized hurt, and past traumas – all of them find a way to express themselves as illnesses unless you consciously decide to change the mental blueprint.
The good news is that you can heal your illness’s purpose once you identify it.
Learn how to lose weight healthily by reprogramming subconscious beliefs. Change how you think and feel about your foods, and notice the benefits of daily exercise.
Subconscious programming happens automatically without you having to think about it. You can reprogram yourself to establish habits and routines that will keep you healthy and happy through repetition.
If you learn to talk to your subconscious mind, you could put in half the effort to achieve lasting change. You can instantly get to the root of your issues and rewire your brain.
3. Alkalize To Be Healthier
Alkalize the bloodstream with plenty of alkalizing foods and drinks. When your body is too acidic, you may feel agitated.
Consuming an acidic diet creates stress and havoc in your internal environment and your skin. Your disrupted ecosystem can manifest as aches and pains, mood swings, candida, acne, and chronic tiredness, among other symptoms.
Most alkaline-forming foods are “superfoods,” not just for their ability to help our body maintain a healthy pH balance but also due to their nutrient density.
We can effectively battle the acid we consume in things like caffeine, alcohol, and some processed food by eating alkaline-promoting foods. The most alkaline-forming foods are often plant-based and have been shown to have a multitude of healing properties.
4. Hydration To Be Healthier
Mood is a difficult thing to measure in scientific studies. However, a study by Pross et al., 2014 concluded that water impacts mood. Increasing water intake was shown to benefit people who habitually drink little water.
Keep the body hydrated with fresh, clean water. You don’t have to drown your body in water; be sure you are sipping on water throughout the day. Drink more water when exercising because sweating causes fluid loss.
Sweating is not only a great way to lose some extra pounds but also to remove toxins from the body. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to sweat when doing physical work or exercise.
5. Get adequate rest and exercise For Health
If you do not get enough or good quality sleep occasionally, you may wake up groggy, not well rested, and experience difficulty concentrating. If you consistently do not get enough sleep, you are at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, headaches, and depression.
When I am well-rested, that would be 8 hours of sleep; I feel better during the day. I also enjoy being an early riser, which was a bit of a struggle for me just a few years ago. Also, you will need at least 20 minutes of exercise a day.
It’s up to you how you do it. I prefer to do physical work, such as landscaping, splitting wood with an ax, or walking down the nature trail daily.
There is no shame in taking naps during the day as long as you sleep less during the night when you do. Sleep does just as much for the mind as it does for the body.
We all know that sleep helps the body regenerate itself more efficiently, but it also allows the brain to log off from this reality, giving it a break from sensory overload.
Make sure to create a consistent bedtime routine for maximum effect.
6. Mental Wellness
The World Health Organization defines mental wellness as “A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute to his or her community.”
Living an inauthentic life is the number one cause of psychological stress in people’s lives. What does being inauthentic mean, you may be asking? It means you are not living from the highest ideals about who you are.
Many people live desperate lives of struggle because they live someone else’s version of how they should live. Inside every one of us is an authentic version of who we are; we must begin to show that version of us to the world without fear.
Ways to improve mental wellness are:
- Connect with other people
- The Power of Giving
- Daily exercise
- Quality, consistent sleep
- Mindfulness/presence in the moment/meditation
- Trying and learning new things
7. Don’t overwhelm yourself by overeating or drinking
Overeating causes your body’s organs to work overtime, which may make you feel bad for a while. Learn to eat smaller amounts, and don’t go too long without eating.
This includes alcohol, as well. I quit drinking alcohol in 2005, and one of the reasons I stopped drinking was the hangover effect, it isn’t wise to do.
I hated feeling like crap the day after a night of partying. Becoming alcohol-free was one of the smartest and healthiest decisions ever.
There are adverse effects of overeating:
- Weight gain
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Gallbladder problems
- Depression
8. Learn how to take yourself lightly
Laughter can help reduce your stress, depression, and anxiety and may make you feel happier. It can also improve your self-esteem. A good laugh has significant short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally; it induces physical changes in your body.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, ages us more than stress and worry. Have you ever seen the before-and-after photos of a U.S. president? They go in young and vibrant and come out tired and gray even with the frequent vacations.
Don’t let this happen to you. The older I get, the less I allow stress or stressed people into my life, and I don’t have the time or patience to spend my time around these people.
9. Learn to let go of superficial relationships
A relationship that is not serious or taken seriously by one or both mates is superficial. From the name of such a relationship, the bonding or intimacy of such relationships is wholly on the surface level.
How many friends/relatives do you have that you can count on? The ones that are there for you when the crap hits the fan? None of us know what could happen to us on any given day, so it is best to ensure you have a handful of people you can rely on.
Removing superficial relationships will free up your time and energy to allow new things to come into your life.
10. Learn to value your time
Time is our scarcest resource. While other resources, such as money and people, can fluctuate, time moves in one direction only.
What does it mean to value your own time? To value your time correctly, you must understand who you are and what is most important to you. It would help if you were also aware of what brings you joy and what causes you unnecessary stress.
All of us are equal in time, and the clock is ticking daily. I have no problem saying no to someone’s request to do something superficial like hanging out.
The world is full of people wasting time, and they would like nothing more than to spend their time. Let people close to you know you value your time and do not waste it.
11. Get your financial life in order
To lose weight, you need to eat less caloric foods; to reduce the debt, you need to spend less than you earn. Changing habits rarely happen overnight, but they certainly can.
Take small steps in the beginning regarding paying less and saving money.
Instead of doing activities that cost money, look for things to do that are free but fun. Go for a walk, visit a nature center, drive through the country, and appreciate the beauty.
12. Stay consciously awake
Many people walk through life like zombies. They are on auto-pilot and living from a place of reaction and automatic conditioning instead of consciously living and choosing their life. To be conscious is to be awake. All accidents happen when we are not fully present at the moment.
13. Use Energy healing exercises. Energy healing is the science and art of optimizing your energies to help your body and mind function at their best. It sneaks into hospitals, surgery rooms, medical clinics, insurance companies, and medical schools.
Our bodies and psyches are constantly challenged by unnatural environmental energies, food additives, and other people’s negativity. All these things throw our energies off, making us more susceptible to illness, depression, and confused thinking.
Clearing, centering, and grounding our energies regularly can prevent or reduce negative impacts on our minds, bodies, and spirits.
14. Manage Your Energy
Your physical energy is a limited resource, like money in a savings account. You start the day with a certain amount of energy to spend, and the amount varies from person to person.
Activities and interactions include withdrawing energy from or depositing energy into your account. While you may not always have control over activities that deplete your energy, you can take steps to deposit more energy into your account.
Nourishing the Body
- Eating for Vitality: Opt for nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Hydration Habits: Stay adequately hydrated to support bodily functions and maintain energy levels.
- Move with Purpose: Engage in regular physical activity that suits your preferences and abilities.
- Rest and Recovery: Prioritize quality sleep and allow your body time to recharge and repair.
Cultivating Mental Clarity
- Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to foster mental calmness and focus.
- Stimulate the Mind: Engage in activities that challenge your intellect and creativity.
- Manage Stress: Develop coping mechanisms such as journaling, therapy, or hobbies to mitigate stressors.
Nurturing Emotional Well-being
- Cultivate Relationships: Foster meaningful connections with loved ones and seek support when needed.
- Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, embrace imperfections, and prioritize self-care.
- Find Joy: Pursue activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment, nurturing a positive outlook on life.
Embracing Spiritual Fulfillment
- Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, appreciating the beauty and serenity of the natural world.
- Explore Inner Growth: Reflect on your values, purpose, and beliefs, cultivating a sense of meaning in life.
- Foster Gratitude: Cultivate an appreciation for life’s blessings, fostering a sense of abundance and contentment.
Maintaining Balance
- Set Boundaries: Establish limits to protect your time, energy, and well-being from external demands.
- Prioritize Leisure: Dedicate time to hobbies, interests, and activities that bring joy and relaxation.
- Listen to Your Body: Tune in to your body’s cues and honor its needs for rest, nourishment, and movement.
Conclusion: A Life of Vitality
By embracing holistic approaches to well-being, you can cultivate vitality in every facet of your life. Nourish your body, sharpen your mind, nurture your emotions, and connect with your spirit.
Through conscious choices and mindful practices, you can embark on a journey toward a vibrant and fulfilling existence. Remember, the art of wellness is an ongoing process, a daily commitment to prioritizing your health and happiness.
Thanks for reading my article about How to be a healthy being!
P.S. Please talk with your primary care physician before changing your diet and exercise routine.
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