Is it possible aliens created humans?
Did aliens—extraterrestrials from distant galaxies—play a role in creating humans?
It’s a concept that flips our understanding of human origins on its head. Some theories suggest that ancient alien races, like the Anunnaki, used Earth as a genetic laboratory, seeding life and possibly engineering early humans.
They propose that these extraterrestrial visitors have been influencing Earth’s biology for eons, turning our planet into their experimental playground.
But before we jump to conclusions, let’s sift through the evidence, separate fact from fiction, and see where the truth about aliens and human creation really lies.

What’s The Difference Between Alien And Extraterrestrial?
People throw around the words alien and extraterrestrial like they’re the same thing—but they’re not.
An alien is any foreign entity. It just means something that doesn’t belong. You move to another country? Boom. You’re an alien there. But when we talk about aliens in the sci-fi, conspiracy, or ancient astronaut sense, we mean beings that aren’t from Earth.
Now, extraterrestrial is way more specific. It literally means “beyond Earth.” So, every extraterrestrial is an alien, but not every alien is an extraterrestrial. If you’re from another country, you’re an alien, but unless you were born on Mars, you’re not an extraterrestrial.
Here’s the kicker—when people debate whether aliens created humans, they really mean extraterrestrials. Because if another species engineered us, it wasn’t just some foreign entity—it was a life form from outside this planet.
Did Aliens Create Us?
The Extraterrestrial/ Alien topic is open to debate. I don’t have all the answers; no one does. However, keep an open mind whenever you read or hear information that goes against your beliefs.
Also, don’t believe everything you read or hear without researching. Be open, yet be responsible!
Are humans Aliens/Extraterrestrial on Earth? Alien races have seeded the earth as far back as the dinosaurs, and aliens have used it as their experimental genetic lab for hundreds of thousands of years.
Let’s call them the Anunnaki because the term alien always conjures images of ‘little green men.’
The Anunnaki (aliens or extraterrestrials) last visited Earth around the time of the missing link, even though they left a small group here to steward the Earth until their return.
The missing link: A theoretical primate postulated to bridge the evolutionary gap between the anthropoid apes and humans. Homo sapiens (knowing man) appeared about 200,000 years ago.
Then there was an ‘upgrade’ to Homo sapiens sapiens (a hominid subspecies) about 35,000 years ago.
The so-called ‘missing link’ to connect the various changes in the human species has never been found because there isn’t one. The genetic leaps have resulted from gene intervention by our earth visitors.
The story goes that a race of extraterrestrials’ home planet had been destroyed, and they sought a “new home planet” to mine for gold.
Humans value gold because it is shiny and looks pretty when we wear it. The real value of gold is when it is transformed into monatomic gold.
Ancient Astronaut Theory
The ancient astronaut theory proposes a captivating alternative to our understanding of human history and development. This paradigm-shifting concept suggests that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times and profoundly influenced the course of human civilization.
Imagine a time when beings from distant stars descended upon our planet, bringing knowledge and extraterrestrial technology far beyond our comprehension. Extraterrestrials are often interpreted as gods by our ancestors, these extraterrestrial visitors left an indelible mark on human culture, religion, and even our very DNA.
The evidence for this extraordinary claim is hidden in plain sight, woven into the fabric of our most ancient myths and monuments. From the towering pyramids of Egypt to the enigmatic stone heads of Easter Island, these structures stand as testaments to a level of technological sophistication that defies conventional explanations.
The ancient texts, when viewed through the lens of the ancient astronaut theory, take on new and profound meanings. The gods of old, with their flying chariots and otherworldly powers, are no longer mere figments of primitive imagination but accurate descriptions of advanced extraterrestrial visitors.
Consider the Sumerian tales of the Anunnaki or the Hindu epics describing flying Vimanas. These are not just fanciful stories but encoded memories of a time when humanity walked alongside beings from the stars. (1)
The Anunnaki: Sumerian Gods or Alien Visitors?
The Anunnaki, a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, have become the subject of intense speculation and debate regarding their true nature and origins.
While traditionally viewed as gods in Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian pantheons, some modern theorists propose that the Anunnaki were actually extraterrestrial visitors who played a crucial role in human development.
Traditional Sumerian Perspective
In ancient Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki are described as powerful deities descended from An (the god of the heavens) and Ki (the goddess of earth) 4.
They were believed to be the offspring of these primordial gods, with Enlil, the god of air, being the oldest among them. The Sumerians viewed the Anunnaki as heavenly deities with immense powers, responsible for decreeing the fates of humanity.
The earliest mentions of the Anunnaki date back to inscriptions from the reign of Gudea (c. 2144–2124 BC) and the Third Dynasty of Ur. In these early texts, the term was applied to the most powerful deities in the Sumerian pantheon, including the “seven gods who decree”: An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.
The concept of the Anunnaki as extraterrestrial beings gained popularity with the works of authors like Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken
Sitchin, in his 1976 book “The 12th Planet,” proposed that the Anunnaki were actually aliens from a planet called Nibiru who came to Earth over 450,000 years ago.
According to this theory, the Anunnaki extraterrestrials visited Earth for specific purposes:
- Mining gold: The Anunnaki allegedly needed gold to repair their planet’s atmosphere.
- Genetic engineering: They supposedly created humans as a worker race to mine gold for them.
- Technological advancement: The theory suggests that the Anunnaki brought advanced knowledge and technology to early human civilizations1.
Proponents of the ancient astronaut theory point to several pieces of evidence to support their claims:
- Sumerian tablets: Interpretations of ancient texts describe the Anunnaki extraterrestrials as having the power of flight and possessing advanced technology3.
- Genetic manipulation: Some theorists argue that the Sumerian creation myths actually describe genetic engineering by the Anunnaki.
- Architectural wonders: The advanced nature of ancient Sumerian architecture and engineering is sometimes attributed to Anunnaki’s influence.
- Sudden advancement: The rapid development of human civilization and knowledge is seen as potential evidence of extraterrestrial intervention.
Scientific and Archaeological Perspective
Mainstream archaeology and history do not support the ancient astronaut interpretation of the Anunnaki. The conventional view is that the Anunnaki were mythological figures created by ancient Mesopotamian cultures to explain natural phenomena and societal structures.
Scholars point out that:
- Sumerian texts are often metaphorical and should not be interpreted literally.
- The development of human civilization can be explained through gradual technological and cultural advancements.
- Many of the “unexplained” ancient structures and technologies have been shown to be achievable with the tools and knowledge available at the time.
The Anunnaki Connection: Sumerian Gods, Alien DNA, and the Fate of Humanity: Check it out on Amazon.
Zecharia Sitchin – Human Origins
Author Zecharia Sitchin has written numerous books about humanity’s origins and the role of the Anunnaki. As he called them, Sitchin’s books explained human origins involving ancient astronauts.
Sitchin credits the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru.
Sitchin believed the world of Nibiru to be an elongated, elliptical orbit in the earth’s own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view.
Sitchin’s books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25 languages. The Anunnaki have been mining gold here for hundreds of thousands of years.
The Anunnaki were allegedly immortal – meaning they don’t die of old age like us even though they can be killed.
Enlil gave strict instructions not to procreate with Earth women. The Anunnaki did not want any human connections left behind when they went, and they knew that they were not planning on staying on the planet indefinitely.
I gather that Enlil was not keen on the “New Earth Human,” whereas Enki looked upon them as his children lovingly.
Some Anunnaki men had intercourse with the earth women, creating their hybrid bloodline. These hybrids had both genetics of earth man/ AD-AM and the Anunnaki and are known as the Nephilim.
In Genesis 6:1-4, the “sons of God” are captivated by the beauty of the “daughters of men.”
They subsequently marry them and produce the offspring of giants known as the Nephilim. Genesis says that these Nephilim were “mighty men” and “men of renown.
The term angels in the Bible refers to the Anunnaki.
The depiction of angels having wings was a metaphor for the fact that they had flying vehicles or could fly, not to mention they descended from the heavens in their spacecraft.
The word heaven in the Bible refers to the physical sky, not some ethereal place. The human population was seeded in the ancient prehistoric world by the genetic union of humans and non-human races “from the stars.”
It is a common theme in the legends and accounts of native people almost wherever you go. Every native culture has stories and legends of the “star people,” who have interacted and interbred with humans.
They are the origins of the ancient and modern “gods.” To believe that we are all alone in the Universe is incredibly naive.
Various sources have reported that the Anunnaki left a skeleton crew on Earth to manage and look after their human creations until they returned later.
These Anunnaki live a long time, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, and control the world behind the scenes.
Aliens already exist on earth, Bulgarian scientists claim
Aliens from outer space are already among us on Earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life, traditionally known as the watchers.
One symbol of the watchers is the all-seeing eye on the one-dollar bill. Bulgaria has announced that aliens have been around us for quite a while and are always watching us.
He claims that he is in regular contact with extraterrestrials.
Lachezar Filipov, the Deputy Director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, has confirmed this, saying that the aliens are now trying to find answers to the 30 questions posed to them by the Earth-based scientists.
One hundred fifty-odd crop circles appeared on the earth’s surface and fell in the communication category with Aliens. He believes contact with extraterrestrial can only be done through the Power of Thought, not radio waves.
We are not alone – (Extraterrestrials Among Us)
Many non-human races and groups operate in and around the earth, and we will eventually interact with some.
Since we have the same genetics as extraterrestrials, they will have the same attitudes. Some will be benevolent, some malevolent, and some will be neutral.
Even the Pope’s Jesuit chief astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, wrote in 2008 in the Vatican newspaper that ‘ intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.’
He said that life on Mars could not be ruled out either. We are getting close to full disclosure about our government’s interactions with extraterrestrials. Human perception of life and reality is about to undergo an incredible transformation; for many, it has already begun.
This will be known as the end of the age of denial.
The Anunnaki interacted more with humans before than they do today. They viewed us as their children and treated us accordingly. Now that we are no longer considered children, they take a more hands-off approach.
But they still keep a close eye on us. Being offshoots of the Anunnaki, there are similarities between us. Some had bluish tones to their skin, but we were similar, and seven to eight feet tall wasn’t uncommon.
(The bluish color of their skin is caused by having levels of copper in their blood).
Human DNA is a blending of seven E.T. races. They will tell us our actual history when open contact is eventually made. Now more than ever, most people believe in UFOs, Bigfoot, psychic phenomena, extraterrestrials/aliens, and life on other planets. We are not alone, and we are waking up to that fact.
Are Some Humans Descendants of Mars Refugees?
Scientists and researchers believe that, eons ago, Humanoids inhabited Mars but a war destroyed the livability of the planet.
This could have been due to the equivalent of two hydrogen bombs exploding on Mars 300,000 to 1 million years ago. Is it possible some living beings were able to escape to Earth before the destruction?
The Mars Refugee story sounds plausible to me as well. Imagine for a second that there was a war between Tiamat/Maldek (the current asteroid belt) and Mars.
Or perhaps the explosion of Tiamat destroyed Mars’s atmosphere, or there was a war on Mars that destroyed their atmosphere.
I don’t know for sure what happened on Mars. Still, it has been stated that humans have a circadian rhythm frequency of 24 hours 40 minutes when they are immersed in sensory deprivation tanks for long periods, corresponding not to the Earth’s rotational period but to Mars!
Imagine you are on a planet whose atmosphere has been decimated. You are forced underground and in desperate need of a solution.
If the nearest planet is Earth, what would you do? It has also been purported that Mars has pyramids, as does Egypt and many other places. Martians built the pyramids on Earth using their advanced technology.
Also, have you noticed the amount of back pain, allergies, and other diseases most humans experience?
We all burn in the Sun and will die if we are subjected to freezing weather, unlike other mammals designed for this planet, perhaps because we are not intended for the conditions on this planet.
Michael Salla of details a tall, thin race of beings called the Anshar that arrived from Mars approximately 55,000 years ago and settled in present-day Antarctica.
These 10-12 foot tall “Pre-Adamites” had elongated skulls and a slight potbelly, precisely as many Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs had.
You can see a pic of the Anshar here. Scroll down to see what they look like.
I’m also curious if Antarctica was Atlantis before the pole shift or other cataclysms 12,000 years ago.
Alex Collier Talks About Mars & The Asteroid Belt
Do you know the story about the planet Maldek being destroyed? They [Andromedans] actually say that Earth used to be the planet that was there.
But that asteroid belt was actually a part of what belongs in our Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Very few planets have the geological shape and trenches and oceans as we do.
It’s very rare and that’s what they’ve said. That the asteroid belt used to be a part of Earth.
The planet Mars is, in fact, a member of our solar system. Not like Venus or our moon, or some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. It actually was originated here, formed here and is here.
It is 6.1 billion years old. The inner sun, which all planets have, or had, is burnt out. So the inside, the very hollow point of Mars is cold, dark and wet.
The surface appears to the desolate sandy and windy, that’s because it is. But Mars is changing, and it has been changing for the last 30 years. The Andromedans say that Mars is actually getting closer to the Sun every three years.
The windstorms of 200 mph are becoming fewer and fewer. Every year the polar caps, the North and South Pole are showing more of a change of seasons.
The Andromedans have stressed that Earth and Mars were biological and genetic experiments. The different periods of lifeforms reflect the genetic seeding of organisms on our planet and Mars.
The sudden appearance of fully formed reptiles, birds, mammals etc, indicate the seeding and colonization of Earth and Mars by the different extraterrestrial groups mentioned earlier.
The primates or monkeys were brought to Mars and then to Earth by the Draconians and Orion explorers. They were genetically created in laboratories on their space arks or motherships or whatever you want to call it.
What happened to Mars? Apparently 69.3 million years ago a very large planetary asteroid came through our solar system and was also pulling with it a lot of debris.
This asteroid, from what Vasais told me, was so magnetically powerful, that as it came through Mars and Saturn; what it did because of Mars’s size, it ripped Mars from its original orbit and pulled it out 19 million miles further within 24 hours.
As the asteroid was coming through, Mars was apparently moving this way, and it just pulled it out of its orbit 19 million miles.
Which of course devastated anything that was on it. It’s atmosphere, the lifeforms etc. This cosmic war devastated Mars and the lifeforms that were in existence on it.
It also caused Mars to pole shift three times in as many days. Mars was moved into its new orbit which is where it is today.
The Andromedans also say that Mars has been inhabited off and on for 3.8 billion years. They also add that there are ruins all over Mars.
Much of the ruins are buried under the sands of Mars as well. You had 60 some odd million years of sandstorms, just covering things over and over and over and over again.
It’s like the Gobi Desert. It is an excellent example of what is going on here. Underneath the Gobi Desert, there are ruins, tremendous ruins from a very sophisticated city that existed during the time of Lemuria.
It’s there, and it’s still there, buried under hundreds of feet of sand.
David Icke And The Planet Melchedek Connection
David Icke,
They said that the ETs/ Extraterrestrials told them how a planet called Melchedek had once existed in our solar system, but the Melchedekans had become obsessed with the material world and they destroyed their environment.
In the end, they exploded so many nuclear devices during tests and conflicts that the planet broke apart and itself exploded. The asteroid belt was said to be part of the remnants of Melchedek.
According to the stories of the contactees in the survey, about 5,000 of the Melchedekan ‘elite’ escaped and landed on the Earth in the place we know as Sumer, now Iraq.
The Melchedekan race were described as blond haired and blue-eyed. The “Aryan” ‘Master Race’ described by Adolf Hitler.
These were the ‘gods’ described in the Sumerian tablets, this story goes, and as time passed they used their advanced knowledge of genetics to create a new race of Earth people – the white race we see today.
This was symbolized by the story of Adam and Eve and forbidding them to eat from the tree of knowledge was symbolic of the plan to keep the Earth races ignorant of who they really were.
In effect, a slave race was created and this has continued to the present day. The contactees said that it was the Melchedekans who became known as the Elohim in the Biblical texts. I think this Fourth Dimensional force is known by many names.
Did Aliens and Extraterrestrials Create Humans? After reading the information in this blog post, what do you believe?
Did Aliens Create Humans? Conclusion
Did aliens create humans? The idea that extraterrestrials had a hand in our creation isn’t new. The ancient astronaut theory suggests that beings from other planets visited Earth in ancient times, influencing our ancestors and possibly even tinkering with human DNA.
Some believe that structures like the Egyptian pyramids or the Moai of Easter Island are evidence of alien intervention, arguing that such feats were beyond the capabilities of ancient civilizations.
However, mainstream science attributes human evolution to natural processes like mutation and natural selection. The fossil record, genetic studies, and other scientific evidence support the idea that humans evolved over millions of years from earlier primates.
In the end, while the notion of extraterrestrial involvement in human creation is intriguing and has been popularized in various forms of media, it remains speculative.
So, what do you think? Did Extraterrestrials Create Humans? Are We The Aliens?
> Anunnaki, Atlantis, Nephilim, & Archons
Examines Sitchin’s research into the Anunnaki arrival on Earth, the lineage of the Nefilim, their space travel technology, and their creation of modern humans. Zecharia Sitchin and the Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity - Check out the book on Amazon