One of my favorite weekend activities is going to yard sales with my family.
We were at a yard sale and my son suddenly needed the bathroom.
We were parked near a grocery store, so I suggested we go there for my son to use the bathroom.
We walked across the street and into the grocery store to find the restroom.
After walking around to find it, we located a sign: No Public Restrooms.
Great, now I would have to leave my wife at the yard sale, which she didn’t mind, and drive down the road to the local ice cream shop so my son could use the restroom.
We hopped into the car and began our quest to relieve his urgent need. While driving to the ice cream shop, I saw the local library approaching and decided to use their restroom since it was closer.
So, we pulled into the library parking lot, parked the car, and headed inside. While my son was in the restroom, I looked at the “New Releases” on the shelf just outside the bathroom.
I looked at the latest books on the shelf and focused on David Wilcock’s most recent one, The Synchronicity Key.
I couldn’t believe it. David announced on his blog this week (Divine Cosmos) that his book had just been released, and my game plan was to eventually go to Barnes and Noble to read it.
Today was my lucky day because I grabbed it and checked it out with the librarian after my son finished in the restroom.
Since I got it, I have been steadily reading it, and the book does not disappoint.
It talks about the role of synchronicity in our lives, how life is not as random as it seems at times, and many other topics.
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About David Wilcock
David Wilcock is an American author, researcher, and speaker known for his work in the fields of ancient civilizations, consciousness, and the paranormal.
David Wilcock has written several books, most notably The Source Field Investigations and The Ascension Mysteries.
His work often explores the intersection of science, spirituality, and mysticism, with a focus on topics like extraterrestrial life, hidden history, and the potential for human consciousness to evolve.
David Wilcock is also known for his appearances on the Ancient Aliens TV show and for his involvement in the Cosmic Disclosure series on the Gaia network, where he discusses topics like government cover-ups, secret space programs, and metaphysical phenomena.
He has a large following, though his ideas have been controversial, as many of his theories are not widely accepted by mainstream scientists or historians.
Check out David Wilcock on YouTube.
What is Synchronicity?
The term synchronicity, as it applies to psychology, was coined by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s. Jung was a Swiss psychologist who studied under the legendary pioneer Dr. Sigmund Freud and ultimately broke away from him over a fundamental difference of opinion.
Dr. Freud’s perspective was much more conventional, in the sense that he did not believe in Jung’s concept of a “collective unconscious” – a fundamental connectedness that we all share within the mind, such as in dreams.
As it applies to psychology, the dictionary definition of synchronicity is “the simultaneous occurrence of causally unrelated events – and the belief that the simultaneity has meaning beyond coincidence.”
In plain language, synchronicity is a mysterious event in which two or more things that seem directly related to each other happen simultaneously, even though this would generally appear impossible.
In 1952, Jung published his defining work, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, which is found in Volume 8 of his collected works.
Jung believed that synchronicity was an essential element of spiritual awakening. He felt that synchronicity shifted us out of selfish thinking into a viewpoint where we see ourselves as far more interconnected with one another.
The Synchronicity Key: Synopsis
The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You is a book by David Wilcock, published in 2013.
David Wilcock explores the concept of synchronicity and its profound implications for understanding the nature of reality.
David Wilcock draws on various sources, including ancient wisdom, scientific research, and experiences, to present a comprehensive perspective on the universe’s interconnectedness.
Key themes include:
- David Wilcock discusses that meaningful coincidences are not random events but are instead part of a larger pattern or intelligence guiding the universe. He explores how these synchronicities may reveal a hidden order and purpose in our lives.
- It delves into ancient civilizations, their myths, and spiritual teachings to uncover common threads that suggest a shared understanding of universal principles. Wilcock argues that these ancient insights can help us better comprehend the nature of reality and our place in it.
- David Wilcock explores the concept of time cycles and their influence on human history. He suggests that some recurring patterns and cycles impact the rise and fall of civilizations, and understanding these cycles can provide insights into the future.
- Convergence of Science and Spirituality: The Synchronicity Key attempts to bridge the gap between scientific and spiritual perspectives. Wilcock discusses scientific discoveries, particularly in physics and cosmology, that align with spiritual and metaphysical concepts, highlighting a convergence of understanding.
- It proposes that individuals can undergo personal transformation by recognizing and understanding synchronicities and aligning themselves with a greater cosmic purpose. Wilcock encourages readers to be more aware of the signs and synchronicities in their lives.
It’s important to note that opinions about “The Synchronicity Key” may vary, and some readers may approach the material with skepticism, especially given the book’s blend of science and metaphysics.
As with any work that combines different fields of knowledge, readers are encouraged to evaluate the information and draw their conclusions critically.
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The Synchronicity Key Book Review
David Wilcock’s The Synchronicity Key is a thought-provoking exploration of the universe’s interconnectedness. It blends ancient wisdom, scientific concepts, and personal anecdotes into a comprehensive narrative.
Wilcock’s ability to weave together diverse sources creates a compelling case for the existence of a hidden intelligence guiding the course of human history and individual lives.
One of the strengths lies in its ambitious scope.
David Wilcock seamlessly integrates insights from ancient civilizations, spiritual traditions, and cutting-edge scientific discoveries to build a holistic perspective on the nature of reality.
Exploring time cycles and the recurring patterns in history adds an intriguing dimension to the narrative, suggesting a larger cosmic order.
Synchronicity, as a meaningful interplay of coincidences, is central to Wilcock’s thesis.
The author presents numerous examples from his own life and historical events to illustrate the pervasive nature of synchronicities.
This approach makes the complex subject matter accessible to a broad audience, engaging readers with relatable stories.
However, the book may be challenging for some readers, particularly those who prefer a more empirical and strictly scientific approach.
Wilcock’s synthesis of ancient wisdom and metaphysical concepts with scientific ideas might be seen as speculative by skeptics.
The willingness to accept certain assumptions and connections may depend on the reader’s openness to a multidisciplinary exploration of reality.
Despite the potential for skepticism, The Synchronicity Key encourages readers to question conventional boundaries between science and spirituality.
It prompts reflection on the meaningful coincidences in one’s own life and invites contemplation of a purposeful design in the universe.
The book catalyzes personal exploration and self-discovery, inspiring readers to consider the possibility of a deeper, interconnected reality.
Chapters in The Synchronicity Key
Part One: The Soul’s Journey in a Living Universe
Chapter One: The Quest
Chapter Two: Cycles of History and the Law of One
Chapter Three: What is Synchronicity?
Chapter Four: Understanding the Sociopath
Chapter Five: The Global Adversary
Part Two: Entering the Magical World
Chapter Six: Karma Is Real
Chapter Seven: Reincarnation
Chapter Eight: Mapping Out the Afterlife
Chapter Nine: The Hero and His Story
Chapter Ten: The First and Second Acts of the Hero
Chapter Eleven: Facing Your Fear and Completing the Quest
Part Three: Cycles of Victory and Defeat
Chapter Twelve: Joan of Arc Rises Again
Chapter Thirteen: The 2160-Year Cycle Between Rome and the United States
Chapter Fourteen: Vietnam, Watergate, and the Fall of the Iron Curtain
Chapter Fifteen: The Sky Is Not Falling – Only Our Blindfolds Are
Chapter Sixteen: September 11 from Both Sides of the Veil
Part Four: Resolving The Outer And Inner Crises
Chapter Seventeen: Cycles and Prophecies at the End of the Age
Chapter Eighteen: 9/11 and the Defeat of the Cabal: The Cycle Perspective
Chapter Nineteen: History Gets a Wicked Case of Deja Vu
Chapter Twenty: Fomenko’s Cycles of History – and the Book of Daniel
Chapter Twenty-One: Explaining the Cycles and the Fourth-Density Shift
It is 511 pages long and retails for $29.95 (Hardcover).
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My Favorite Parts of The Synchronicity Key Book
The book is a great read, but two chapters stood out to me: Chapter Four, Understanding the Sociopath, and Chapter Six, Karma Is Real.
What is a sociopath, according to Urban
David Wilcock and many other well-known authors claim that the people who covertly control our world manipulate events to get their desired outcome for their selfish benefit. Another author, David Icke, calls this phenomenon – Problem – Reaction – Solution.
The sociopaths that covertly run our world manipulate events to control society even more. They already have the solution or desired outcome they want, and the problem is they cannot overtly do this without pissing off the people and looking like complete control freaks in the process.
Besides our God-given rights being denied to us every day, these covert controllers do not like the freedom of the internet. So, as an example, to get control of the internet (Solution), they need a problem.
Perhaps a staged attack on the internet by some rogue force would be enough to place limits (Reaction) on the availability of the internet. According to Icke, this is the way these people operate.
On April 25th, 2013, the brave investigative journalist Matt Taibbi with Rolling Stone Magazine had to say something when a mass financial scandal leaked into public view.
The Libor Scandal: The Synchronicity Key
The Libor Scandal in which at least three and perhaps as many as 16 of the “big banks” that were “too big to fail” have been manipulating global interest rates and messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion worth of financial instruments.
About 1 percent of the people in the world are sociopaths. Humanity is only beginning to understand that some people think, feel, and behave this way. Breaking through the denial is a significant step for our collective healing.
Sociopaths honestly do not think they are doing anything wrong – and in the Law of One term, they are practicing the path of “service to self,” also known as the path of separation.
Sociopaths on a global stage have almost no empathy for others except, perhaps, those in their group. Sociopaths usually have pain and trauma so deep within them that they no longer care about other people’s feelings and gain great pleasure from manipulating and controlling them.
Many people initially overlook the negative side of their personalities since these traits are often very well hidden.
Sociopaths are also constantly fighting against boredom and seek thrills whenever possible. In many cases, power over others becomes their preferred drug of choice – and the more they get, the more they want because nothing ever satisfies the hunger inside.
People with sociopathic behaviors see morals, ethics, and conscience as weaknesses that can be exploited. They have an emotional need to be in charge, lead the way, and dominate others.
Actions Have Consequences
The ancient Sanskrit word Karman means “action,” “effect,” and “fate.” It encompasses both action and reaction—causes and consequences.
Karma also appears in the Hindu language, which translates closer to the word “work” and involves the effort we make on a soul level to reunify with our highest and most authentic essence.
Karma is a short word that expresses the concept of “what goes around comes around” – whatever we create is what we will experience. Author Neale Donald Walsch refers to karma as the boomerang effect, which I agree with.
Karma is not based on punishment, and it is not always a bad thing. Karma is a way to know what you’ve been thinking outwardly and, more importantly, doing/being regularly.
David Icke doesn’t call it karma; he refers to it as the mirror or reflection.
If you don’t like how your hair looks in the mirror (the reflection you are getting back), you don’t comb the mirror; you comb your hair. If you don’t like the results you receive from the outside world, you change the reflection by changing yourself.
Karma appears to enforce a fundamental law upheld throughout the universe – the law of free will. If we honor and support the free will of others, we choose love, and if we manipulate the free will of others, we choose the path of control.
Everything we think, say, and do is being evaluated on an unseen level – by ourselves and others – to see whether we choose to love or control. The events in our lives are not random; they are the direct results of our choices.
If you choose to shame, humiliate, disrespect, and demean others – to manipulate and control them for your gain – then similar experiences will happen to you.
The people in the conspiracy (the dark forces of consciousness trying to control this planet) are not free from this eternal system.
If you cause pain, you will feel pain.
If you deny others’ feelings, others will deny your feelings. If you create love – even when it seems ignorant or impossible to do so – then love will indeed be returned to you.
Forgiveness can stop the entire wheel of karma. These upsetting events will keep repeating until we learn the highest teaching of the universe—that we are all one and have only one identity.
Once you delve into this new reality and observe it happening in your life firsthand, you may soon realize that we are not exempt from this accounting system, regardless of whatever we may or may not believe.
After you become aware of karma and watch it play out many hundreds, if not thousands, of times, it can become quite astounding to see how stubborn and unwilling some people are to see it, even in those cases where it should be blatantly obvious.
A whole section describes the cycles that occur on our planet. Primarily, cycles have to do with wars and the falling of nations in our past. According to David Wilcock, sometimes the same players return via reincarnation to play almost identical roles.
Sometimes, they make the right decision but often fall into old patterns and repeat the same mistakes. The same can be said for us on a personal level. If we don’t get the lesson that life is teaching us, we will be doomed to repeat it again and again.
The message is clear. We are all one.
We call individuality or separation merely an illusion – albeit a persistent one. Once we remember this and begin treating and loving others as we would ourselves, we will once again experience a “Golden Age” on Earth.
The biggest lesson of karma is this: If you violate any person’s free will, you will surely reap what you sow. The Universe doesn’t recognize the title you carry, the uniform you wear, or the role you are playing.
What you do to others will come back to you nonetheless.
Don’t Be A Zealot
The fans of conspiracy websites have become akin to religious zealots – increasingly addicted to an endlessly replenished daily diet of sarcastic, victimized, angry, and hopeless ranting that gives them a temporary high of righteous anger.
Each new burst of “fear porn” soon bottoms out into a much more complex and longer-lasting crash in which the conspiracy reader is drowning in a prison of fear, depression, paranoia, and loneliness. This can have a terrible effect on the peace and harmony of their families.
Once you’ve read enough of the snarling, attacking propaganda that insists “they’re all in on it” and have reasoned that at least some of it must be true, it can be challenging to change your mind and accept that heroes can appear within any government, military, or corporation.
Hate can be a very comfortable, even addictive, place to stay.
Many of you know that I stumbled upon conspiracy information back in 2003. Before that moment, I didn’t have the pieces to connect life events worldwide.
I remember sharing information I learned back then with people; I can tell you they were not ready to receive it. Oh, how times have changed. Not a social event goes by that I don’t run into someone who has digested conspiracy intel.
It’s enlightening not to be the only one in a room full of people who have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole of what’s happening in this world.
On the other hand, some people may not have all the puzzle pieces yet and may not be mature enough to respond accordingly.
So, as an important reminder, don’t believe everything you read or hear without further investigating your own.
Because humans, by nature, are repeaters, I think this has something to do with our education system. The teacher feeds us information; if we retain it and repeat it back, we are considered intelligent.
It seems as if everyone and everything is speeding up. This may concern recent solar flare activity and other facets of our Universe.
Since we are a microcosm of the macrocosm, and as shifts in our Universe occur, we will experience internal changes.
Especially in the areas of awareness/consciousness. The key is to keep yourself “cool-minded” throughout the process. Don’t overreact to what is going on because karma will balance you out if you do.
The rogue element in our world is a small minority of people. Don’t let a few bad apples ruin your perception of the whole.
Forgiveness Is The Missing Key
Forgiving the people you have felt the most strongly betrayed and offended by is never easy. Nonetheless, forgiveness is and will always be the path to healing, even in the case of the most genuine sociopaths who have done the most significant harm.
The Law of One indicates that we should draw healthy boundaries with those who try to manipulate us. Still, the key to breaking down the Wheel of Karma is not to feel anger or negative emotions toward them as we protect ourselves and others.
To genuinely love them, understand who they are, and see the horrors of abuse they must have gone through in their own families to end up that way while also blocking them from doing any further harm is the final triumph in the Hero’s Journey.
A healthy aspect of spiritual growth is forgiveness, which states the ability not to seek revenge on someone who has done you wrong.
The Synchronicity Key Review Conclusion
In conclusion, The Synchronicity Key is a fascinating journey into synchronicity, ancient wisdom, and the hidden forces shaping our world.
Whether one embraces its ideas wholeheartedly or approaches them with a critical eye, the book undeniably stimulates thought and invites readers to contemplate the mysteries of existence beyond the confines of traditional disciplines.
Thanks for reading The Synchronicity Key Book Review!
⇒Source Amazon Link: The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe
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