David Icke: Remember Who You Are

2012, I purchased David Icke’s book “Remember Who You Are.”

I wanted to explore his insights on the planet Saturn and its impact on our perception of reality.

David Icke has been a trailblazer for more than two decades.

He warned of the coming global state unfolding on television news and in our daily lives.

Subjected to mass ridicule and called a madman, events have proved him right, yet he persists.

Remember Who You Are breaks massive new ground.

David connects the dots between apparently unconnected people, subjects, and world events like never before.

Suddenly, a world of apparent complexity, mystery, and bewilderment makes sense.

The key is in the title.

We are enslaved because we identify ourselves with our body and name when these are only vehicles and symbols for what we are — Infinite Awareness, Infinite Consciousness.

We are imprisoned in the realms of the five senses and “little me” when we are All That is.

How I Stumbled Upon David Icke

Many of you know that I am a big book reader. During my growth journey, I read over 700 books from 2001 to 2005, and around 2004, I came across an author named David Icke.

(Now, I mainly read online, including books in PDF format.)

In the early 2000s, I was initially attracted to books about personal development, health, religion, spirituality, business, money, and metaphysical topics.

Back then, my “go-to” bookstores were:

1. Barnes and Noble, I could sit in those big comfy chairs and read for hours, drinking several cups of coffee. Sadly, Barnes and Noble removed those big, comfortable chairs from all their stores because people would come in there to nap.

2. Borders (R.I.P. – Acquired by Barnes and Noble.)

3. Greetings and Readings (still in business). Closed doors 2019.

Related: The Moon Is A “Hollowed Out” Death Star

What does it mean to remember who you are in a spiritual sense?

Remembering who you are spiritually typically involves reconnecting with your true essence or higher self beyond the limitations of your ego or physical existence.

This concept is often associated with various spiritual and religious traditions, each with its own interpretation.

Here are some common aspects of remembering who you are in a spiritual sense:

  1. Self-Realization: It involves recognizing your true nature, which may be described as divine, pure consciousness, or interconnectedness with all of existence. This realization often transcends the boundaries of the individual self and leads to a profound sense of unity and oneness.

  2. Awakening: Remembering who you are can be likened to an awakening or enlightenment experience, where you become aware of the deeper truths of existence beyond the illusions of the material world. This awakening may involve a shift in perspective, values, and priorities.

  3. Soul Journey: Many spiritual traditions believe in the existence of a soul or higher self that transcends the physical body. Remembering who you are may involve reconnecting with this eternal aspect of yourself and aligning with its purpose and journey.

  4. Authenticity: It entails living in alignment with your true values, passions, and inner guidance, rather than being swayed by societal expectations or ego-driven desires. Remembering who you are involves embracing your authenticity and expressing yourself fully.

  5. Consciousness Expansion: Remembering who you are often involves expanding your consciousness beyond the confines of the ego mind. This expansion may be facilitated through meditation, mindfulness, prayer, or contemplation.

  6. Healing and Integration: Sometimes, remembering who you are requires healing past wounds, traumas, or conditioning that may have obscured your true nature. It involves integrating all aspects of yourself—both light and shadow—to achieve wholeness and self-acceptance.

  7. Service and Contribution: Many spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of serving others and making a positive impact on the world. Remembering who you are may involve recognizing your interconnectedness with all beings and channeling your unique gifts and talents for the greater good.

Overall, remembering who you are in a spiritual sense is a deeply personal and transformative journey that leads to greater self-awareness, inner peace, and fulfillment. It’s about reclaiming your inherent wisdom, love, and power as a spiritual being having a human experience.

Attract Unexpected Cash

David Icke: Remember Who You Are

My usual routine for finding books to read at the bookstore was like this.

Whatever pressing problem I was experiencing, I would allow my intuition to guide me to the book I needed with the answers I sought. Intuition is quiet. You have to let go and allow yourself to let in the answers you seek.

For instance, if I were experiencing a problem forgiving someone, my intuition would guide me to the book I needed that held the solution for forgiveness.

Well, on this particular day, I felt fed up with life. I just felt dismayed (for lack of a better word) with my life experience on planet Earth, including people, money, politics, work, religion, relatives—you name it—I was jaded.

So, I said to my intuition, “I just want the truth, tell me the truth about life. Tell me the truth about this world that we live in because I want some answers damn it?”

David Icke: Remember Who You Are

As usual, I let my intuition guide me; I was guided past the spiritual section and over to the metaphysical section, where my attention was immediately focused on a book titled…and The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Once I saw the book’s title, I knew my intuition did not fail me because that is what I asked for – THE TRUTH! I looked at the author’s name, someone named David Icke. I pronounced his name “Ick,” but it’s pronounced “Ike.”

When I picked up the book and sat down to read it, I expected to decipher some spiritual “mumbo jumbo” about finding the truth within or something like that.

Even I was beginning to get sick of all the “New Age Bullshit.”

I was in for a surprise because the book did not have much to do with that kind of information, even though David writes/talks a lot about spirituality in his books and lectures.

Mind Blown Away

All I can tell is that the information in The Truth Shall Set You Free blew my mind away. After reading it, I found every book this David Icke fellow wrote.

It’s true; if you like your current view and beliefs about the world, then entirely under no circumstances should you read any of his books because you will never be the same if you do.

David is a master at connecting the dots to who controls our world and what means and measures they will use to keep that power.

Some refer to David as a conspiracy theorist, others as a messiah. David refers to himself only as a presenter of information.

Either way, I plan to see one of David’s speaking engagements because he is probably the only person who could hold my attention for eight hours.

I bought two other David Icke books and read several more at the bookstore without buying them; this one (Remember Who You Are) is a little smaller than I am used to.

Most of David’s books are the size of an Encyclopedia, but he reviews a lot of information from earlier editions. Some of you might be wondering why I am writing about this.

We all need to know what kind of world we live in and the people in the shadows who are covertly running this world into the ground.

I have always been open-minded, so I don’t believe in rejecting information outside of what I consider true. David’s books are some of the most profound books I have ever read.

So, if you haven’t read any of David’s books, do that now.

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No One Has All The Information

For the record, David, along with other authors in his niche, will be the first to tell you they don’t have 100% of all the information, nor are all their works 100% accurate.

In other words, always do your homework and connect the dots.

Meanwhile, I will read as much of David’s book, Remember Who You Are, as possible.

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David Icke – Remember Who You Are Session 1| Youtube