I recalled reading David Icke’s book Remember Who You Are: Remember Where You Are and Where You Come from, which discusses using riots to induce further control of the people.
I did a quick Google search using the keywords David Icke and Riots, and here is what I found.
(This was written back in March of 2009 regarding the economic collapse, but the message is the same.)
I omitted some of the article because they are long and added parts about rioting, protests, and non-compliance.
David Icke, Please Don’t Riot
![David Icke: Please Don’t Riot, [It’s Just What ‘They’ Want] David Icke: Please Don’t Riot, [It’s Just What ‘They’ Want]](https://www.mazzastick.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/They-Live-Obey-Conform-188x250.jpg)
The one [thing] I want to emphasize here is the need to stay calm and react peacefully to what is happening.
This is not easy when there is so much stress and fear around the present and future economic situation, but we need to do it all the same, or we will walk straight into a massive trap that has been set for us.
Let’s get this straight: They want you to riot in response to the unfolding economic catastrophe, and we already see people falling for this.
Why would the authorities want people to riot? Readers of my books over the years will see the answer immediately.
They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State worldwide. People who riot in desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.
Be aware of anyone who starts rioting or encourages others to do so amid peaceful demonstrations. Who are they, and why are they doing this when it is handing all the aces to the system to impose a Police State?
They are either stupid or agents of that State.
Already waiting in the wings are the agent provocateurs and the useful idiots primed to start the riots and civil unrest that the idiots believe to be challenging the existing order.
To achieve this, as always, they need our cooperation, and let no one doubt that those who choose to riot and loot in response to what is happening and encourage others to riot and loot are walking straight into the trap laid for them.
The government and military agent provocateurs will know that the useful idiots will not, but it is time they did.
Riots and Looting
The riots and looting they want to see the chaos will be met with installing a Police State with curfews, jail without trial, the military on the streets, and the activation of the concentration camps for ‘dissidents’ we have long warned about.
The only way to stop all this is not to react as they want us to, with violence and hostility to the State and each other.
How many violent revolutions have led to another official or unofficial tyranny to replace the one that fell?
It has to be so because the same energy will replace what is destroyed by violence. As I have said in my books, what you fight, you become.
John Lennon put it perfectly when he sang:
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out …
… You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We’re doing what we can
But when you want money
For people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Martin Luther King also put it brilliantly when he said of rioting:
‘The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Hence, rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility.’
Those are the words of a revolutionary who succeeded through peaceful non-cooperation. Yes, they killed him, but it was created through non-violence and determination to end segregation.
What is Right
Physical life does not matter when compared with what is right, for we are all eternal Consciousness having an illusory experience, and the most incredible illusion is death.
I would much rather die ‘early’ doing what I knew to be right than eke out a few more illusory years as a slave to tyranny.
But there is no need even for that to end this nonsense. There are billions of enslaved people and a comparative handful doing the enslaving.
Er, I think I see a way out of this.
We must unite with mutual support, love, kindness, and empathy. We must put aside the manufactured fault lines dividing us – religion, politics, race, culture, and income bracket.
That is not to say people must reject their beliefs; just don’t let them be weapons of division.
We are all in this together and need to meet the challenge, not steal from each other, loot or riot, or look the other way because something happening to someone else is ‘not my problem.’
They [The Cabal] are not seeking to enslave Muslims, Jews, black people, white middle-class Americans, etc. They are attempting to do it to all of us, picking off different groups one by one, just like the Nazis did in Germany.
Remember these famous words because they are so applicable now:
First, they came for the Jews and I was not a Jew so I did nothing. Then they came for the communists and I was not a communist so I did nothing.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I was not a trade unionist so I did nothing. Then they came for me and there was no-one left to speak out for me.
Let us unite behind that which affects everyone – the loss of our most basic freedoms. And if this is being planned, what kind of world will our children and grandchildren live in?
Can you live with that thought while doing nothing or rioting as the authorities want? I can’t. We need to start getting organized in communities and groups to support each other and stop cooperating with the system – not fight it.
The system can only exist with our cooperation and surrender, and we are holding it together. They have their men and women of violence, called the military and ‘Swat’ teams, to deal with violent resistance.
But their worst nightmare is our non-cooperation – the refusal to pay taxes, the unwillingness to leave homes when banks foreclose on them, the unwillingness to ‘comply’ with our enslavement in any form.
The system couldn’t cope if this were done on a mass scale. And that’s the point: to do this, we need to do it en masse, and those not immediately affected need to support those who are.
Instead of compliance, we need the non-comply-dance of people who beat to a different drum and will not comply with what is unfair or unjust or targets their freedom and the freedom of others.
This approach does not refuse to comply in a spirit of hostility, rage, or violence but with love, joy, laughter, and an unbreakable determination not to cooperate with their enslavement.
We need to start getting together local currency schemes that can operate outside the system, and, yes, people should also have mass protests if they choose, so long as they are peaceful.
But they need to be part of the campaign of non-violent, non-cooperation, not its focus.
Protests Change Nothing
How many mass protests have there been worldwide, yet everything goes on as before, be it war or globalization?
We need to stop posturing and head for the bar to feel good about ourselves and start doing what will make a difference.
Mass protests can ease frustration – steam whistles, as I call them – but what good do most of them do? Mass non-cooperation with the system is far more effective.
The protests need to be targeted at non-cooperation, refusing to accept laws that ban assembly by massive numbers turning up, surrounding the homes of neighbors when the bank bailiffs come to put them on the street, and so filling the locations of government and finance with masses of people that the system cannot function.
Workers who provide essential services to the government, police, financial institutions, etc., can refuse to do so until Orwellian laws and economic injustice are removed. This way, the perpetrators are affected, not the mass of the people, as with all-out strikes.
And all of this needs to be good-humored and strictly peaceful.
More than anything, we all need to free our minds and become conscious. From that, everything else will come, including the intuition, inspiration, and knowledge that will guide us on how to deal with what we face most effectively.
If there are many things you would like to do in a room, but the place is dark, and you can’t see, what is the fundamental first step to anything else happening?
You have to turn on the light, and then all the rest becomes possible. Without that, you thrash and fall over the furniture in the dark.
That is what ‘humans’ are doing today and have been for so long. They have been manipulated to believe they are their bodies and names when those are just the experiences of who they indeed are – eternal Consciousness.
As the great American comedian Bill Hicks said:
‘… all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.’
The divisions between us are illusory to allow a certain kind of experience, but these illusions have been exploited mercilessly to divide and rule us.
David Icke, Awaken to the Truth
When we awaken to the truth of who we are, the world looks very different, as do the challenges put before us – or we set before ourselves. Move your point of observation, and everything changes.
Try it.
Try ceasing to identify yourself with your body, name, and mirror reflection. Try seeing those things as experiences and not who you are.
Try observing your life and the world from the perception of the real you – eternal Consciousness, All That Is, Has Been, and Ever Can Be in our illusion called ‘time.’
Eternal Consciousness in awareness of itself doesn’t mean rioting; it is not violent and doesn’t loot. But nor does it ever do or accept for itself and others what is not fair, just, loving, and kind.
Crucially, Consciousness is without fear. When we operate on that level, we can genuinely claim to be Conscious and not trapped in the illusion called the Mind.
As Albert Einstein said: ‘You cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them.’
John Lennon also made this critical point in Revolution about what needs to happen to make a difference. We need to free our minds and become Conscious:
You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
We are now fast heading for the eye of the storm planned for so long to enslave the global population in a centralized tyranny. But we don’t have to accept or consent to it, meekly looking on as the walls of control close in by the day.
But that is what is happening, and it has to stop. For everyone’s sake, it has to stop.
Related: Stewart Swerdlow
We Must Come Together
We can come together, and we MUST unite, putting aside the fault lines of race, religion, culture, and income bracket. These are just illusory labels through which we are divided and, therefore, ruled.
Believe in them if you wish, and enjoy them if they make you happy, but don’t let them separate you any longer.
We need to come together in mutual support at this time, as those with sick minds and closed hearts are poised to throw everything at us to complete their plan for total control.
Whether their insanity prevails is not in their hands but ours. We have the power if only we would choose to use it.
We are One Consciousness deluded into thinking we are ‘little me.’ When we realize that we are all One – and act upon that with courage, love, kindness, peace, and empathy for all who need support – the walls of oppression must fall.
David Icke – Don`t Riot YouTube Video
But sitting on your arse, hoping it will all go away, is no longer an option, and it never was.