Starting in October of 2011, I began reserving October for Paranormal Month.
Every year, all blog articles for October will be about paranormal topics.
Most of the material for this post is from the dozens of books, blogs, websites, and videos I have read or watched over the years.
This is not an actual conversation with Satan, but a work of fiction for entertainment.
A Conversation With The Prince of Darkness
In the dim light of a flickering candle, where shadows dance upon the walls, one might find themselves drawn into an unsettling dialogue with the very embodiment of darkness.
Imagine, if you will, a conversation that transcends the mundane—a tête-à-tête with the Prince of Darkness himself.
In “Conversations With Satan,” we embark on an audacious journey into the depths of human consciousness, where moral dilemmas intertwine with existential musings.As we delve into this fictional narrative, we are met with a character who is as beguiling as he is sinister.
He speaks not in riddles but with a clarity that chills to the bone, revealing truths about fear, control, and the very fabric of our reality. This is not merely an interview; it is an exploration of the human condition through the lens of temptation and manipulation.
With each question posed, we peel back the layers of deception that shroud our understanding of good and evil. What drives us to despair? How do we become unwitting pawns in a game far larger than ourselves?
Join me as we traverse this treacherous terrain, guided by a voice that is both alluring and repulsive, as we seek to understand the nature of our darkest fears and desires.
Prepare yourself for a chilling encounter that will linger long after the final word has been spoken. Welcome to “Conversations With Satan – A Dialogue Between Darkness and Light.
This post was originally published on 10/2014.
Conversations With Satan: An Unusual Discussion: Chapter 1
JMAZ: First off, let me thank you for the interview.
Satan: No problem.
J: My first question for you. Are you the same person as the Devil or Lucifer?
S: No.
J: Could you elaborate on this?
S: They are not me; they are themselves.
J: So, you’re telling me that Satan, the Devil, and Lucifer are not the same person?
S: Yes.
J: Are you the worst of the three?
S: No. I am the best.
J: The best how?
S: I am the best manipulator, controller, divider, and fear creator. The other two are a bit “soft” for my taste.
J: Soft, how?
S: They are not fully committed to being purely evil like me.
J: How do you look?
S: Right now, I am simply stunning.
J: Are you human?
S: Sometimes I am; sometimes I am something else.
J: Like what?
S: A shadowy mist.
J: A shadowy mist – explain?
S: Your physical reality is dense because of all the fear, chaos, confusion, etc. Just being here is like swimming in a thick soup of sludge. It’s easier for me to move around as a shadowy mist.
J: What do you do when you “Move Around?”
S: I create problems for people.
J: How?
S: I do this through the mental aspects of humans. I send negative thought forms into their minds.
J: So you’re the one doing this?
S: Yes. I also send negative thought forms through your media outlets too.
J: You mean like the news and movies?
S: The news, movies, television shows, sports, music, the internet, newspapers, magazines, cell phone towers, and other hidden means.
J: I already know you control the mainstream media. Are you their boss?
S: I wouldn’t say I am their boss; I prefer the word “Commander.”
J: You command them? How?
S: Yes, through a type of hive-mind system.
J: I understand what you mean by hive mind, but could you explain it to the readers?
S: Certainly. You understand bees use a “hive mind” to sustain their colony as an organized, cohesive unit. You realize they don’t use words or language; instead, they are all wired together as one mind instead of hundreds or thousands of individual minds.
This is how I operate and control them. They don’t have the complete ability of free thought or free will, as most humans do. They do as I tell them to do or suffer the consequences for not.
Related: Birth/Berth Certificate Conspiracy
Satan’s Cabal
My ‘Cabal’ is highly organized; they care about what they do, which is based on destruction. They are unified in thought and deed while I keep humanity defeated, degraded, demoralized, divided, and distracted.
This unification of my people, “Satan’s Helpers,” and division of the ‘common people’ is how I have controlled your planet for so long.
J: How can they make such distasteful movies, music, and television shows?
S: Yes. My job is to destroy anything that would bring people together. I thrive on the division of human consciousness using negative polarity.
J: I notice the media tends to give a lot of attention to racial, political, or religious polarization as opposed to important things like feeding hungry people, repairing the income disparity, or saving the planet.
S: My media is a form of mind control that I use to do your thinking for you. The last thing I want is individual thinking.
And yes, feeding hungry people, fixing the income disparity, or saving the planet would bring unity to everyone regardless of race, religion, class, or geographical location, but this would not be good for my business.
J: Wow, this makes a lot of sense to me. First, you use the media to think for the viewer and purposely feed the public news that would cause division among people.
S: What do you think?
J: I know I see people get all up in arms over things that don’t matter, and on the other hand, things that do matter, they don’t seem to care about at all.
S: You humans are so easy to trigger. It is so reactive, so easy to control and manipulate. It’s a lot of fun for me.
J: A lot of fun?
S: Yes, I feed off that negative emotion. I eat it, and I drink it. It fills me up.
J: So it’s a sort of sustenance for you?
S: Yes.
J: What would happen to you if people stopped fighting with each other, ended up separating themselves, and stopped hating each other? What would happen if they chose to love and unite instead of fear and division?
Satan: I would cease to exist in this reality. But that will never happen.
J: Never?
S: Yes, never, because humans have forgotten who they truly are.
J: Yes, I know.
S: Most people believe they are the color of their skin, their religion, their income bracket, or their geographical location.
J: That’s what we have all been taught to believe we are.
S: You are no more your physical body than you are the car you drive.
J: But what about the person I see in the mirror?
S: That is the character you are playing in your movie.
J: Okay, can you explain more?
S: Have you ever been to a funeral?
J: Yes.
S: Was there a lifeless body in the casket?
J: Yes.
S: Well, how can you be your body if your body dies?
J: I can’t because I believe we are eternal beings.
S: Yes, eternal beings that are sometimes physical and sometimes spiritual. You will only be “You” in this lifetime and never again.
J: But what about people who are caught up believing they are their race, religion, or income bracket?
S: I own them.
J: True that.
S: Yes, true that.
God And Satan
JMAZ: Are you as powerful as God?
Satan: If you mean the “All That Is” – No.
J: Then, why do you get away with all the bad stuff you do?
S: This is a grand question. You live in a free-will reality; anything goes in this reality. The Creator or The All That Is will not directly interfere with anything that goes on here; however, The Creator can see and feel when things are getting out of balance on Earth and will pinch off a piece of itself and give it a physical body.
J: I’m confused. Could you explain this so it makes sense to me?
Lord of the Rings
S: Are you familiar with the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien?
J: Yes, I loved the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit; they are my favorite stories I have ever read or watched and…
S Ahem…
J: Sorry, please go on.
S: As I said, the early works of Tolkien explain very well how The Creator, known as Eru Ilúvatar, was lonely and wanted to experience himself, so he decided to create beings using their spiritual essence through thought.
The creator had no idea of what it was made of, so it had to let its creation have free will to be itself for better or worse. In Tolkien’s books, before there was the Evil One known as ‘Sauron,’ there was a Dark Lord known as ‘Melkor,’ later, he was called ‘Morgoth.’
Melkor was an Ainur or “Holy One.” Initially, he was the most powerful of all Eru Ilúvatar’s creations and lusted to create and control Eä, the name for Middle Earth. He turned to darkness, which means he severed his connection to Eru Ilúvatar, gave into his lower emotions, and acted as if he was separated from everyone and everything else.
When Melkor got out of control, The Eru Ilúvatar had other good beings called the Valar and the Maiar to help disempower Melkor. Eventually, Melkor lost in his dark battles and was banished into the void, and peace was temporarily restored to Eä.
J: Do you have any opposition here on Earth?
S: They would be known as Micha-el in your language.
J: Archangel, Michael?
S: Yes, but not as you’ve been taught to believe.
J: What do you mean?
S: Michael is part of the God Force or the “Good Guys.” It is not him, but them. It is indeed a legion of Good-Guys that disgusts me. They are Servants of Truth who destroy the illusion of reality I create.
J: What do they do?
S: They incarnate into human bodies and dismantle the chaos and confusion I create.
J: Right now, the illusion is wearing off. We no longer trust our money, our governments, our media, our education, our police, our doctors, judges, lawyers, or anyone entirely.
S: Yes, the illusion can no longer be contained because of the Army of Michael. They have been steadily breaking down the dream, especially over the last 25 years.
The things I was once getting away with doing can no longer be done without significant repercussions.
Army of Archangel Michael
J: The Army of Michael is on Earth? How many?
Satan: I don’t know because many of them are cloaked. One day, they are a regular guy; the next, they publicly destroy my work.
J: Are they being activated?
S: It’s more like waking up. As I said, the Earth’s reality is very thick. All humans, except a few, have complete amnesia when born. They have no recollection of who they are, where they came from, where they are going, or their mission—if they have one.
J: Who wakes them up?
S: They wake themselves up. It starts with a mind-expanding experience like seeing a ghost or U.F.O. or perhaps taking a psychedelic. They don’t know why they are driven to wake themselves up, but they eventually do.
J: What about repeating numbers, like 111 or 333?
S: No, that is your mind vying for attention. It says, “Look, I keep seeing repeating numbers; it has to mean something.” It means nothing.
Maybe the repeating numbers were a trigger initially, but after a while, it became a habit to look for them. The truth is, the more you keep seeing repeating numbers, the more “locked” into the mind you are. The brain is my domain, and the mind is where I control you.
J: I read that repeating numbers was a “wake-up call” to lightworkers.
S: Who do you think thought up that idea?
J: You.
S: Yes.
J: So you’re telling me that the more I see repeating numbers like 11:11 or 222 or 666, the more I am locked into my mental aspect.
S: Yes, because when you are in your mind, you are not fully present in the moment, and when you are not fully present in the moment, I can access your body without you knowing about it.
J: Access it?
S: I feed you thoughts, images, and ideas that are not your own and are not in your best interest.
J: So, being distracted with thoughts is a bad thing.
Satan: For you, humans – yes.
J: What if we are entirely grounded while thinking?
S: That would be fine, except most of you wear rubber-soled shoes.
J: So what?
S: You are electrical beings; rubber is an insulator for electricity.
J: So that is why most of us seem to “short circuit” so quickly.
S: One of the reasons.
J: So, being barefoot would be a good idea?
S: Yes, and perhaps creating shoes with soles made of a natural, organic material would allow for better grounding.
J: Thanks for the idea. Maybe I can invent a pair. What do you do for fun?
S: Create misery.
J: Like what?
S: Anything that will constrict your free will. I love creating endless laws, wars, traffic jams, perpetual road construction, overcrowdedness, political divisions, riots, diseases, financial depressions, poverty, and droughts, to name a few.
J: That sounds like our current world structure.
S: Yes, I did an excellent job, didn’t I?
J: No. The world is way too controlling and restricting for my preference.
S: Exactly.
J: We live in an abundant world, yet many go without.
S: I implanted the idea of scarcity and lack in your mind.
J: Even though our eyes can see, there are plenty of resources; we live in a world with many haves and has-nots.
S: Yes, that is because the people with the largest scarcity mindset seem to have the most resources. So yes, there is more than enough to go around.
J: So people starve to death every day for no reason.
S: Yes.
J: Did you create money?
S: Not initially, but I got in on the act initially because I saw a massive opportunity for control.
J: How?
S: By creating the flow of money. With control of the money flow, I have power over the people. By keeping money scarce, I keep labor cheap. This is how money rules.
There is more than enough money on Earth for everyone to be a millionaire. However, I “dam up” the flow of money – only allowing a small fraction of it for public consumption.
This is why there always seems to be an illusion of money scarcity when nothing could be further from the truth.
Remember, humans only tend to value things that are in short supply and hard to get. So that is why I make money appear that way. If you appreciate cash, you will want it – you will ultimately become dependent on it – which you are.
So, ultimately, money is the primary way I control your world. I use my media sources to manage your perceptions of what to do with that money, among other things.
J: Yes, I realize I can’t eat or drink money, yet it is as essential as air for functioning on this planet.
S: Yes.
J: Tell me more about money because it is a massive concern for people.
S: Okay, money lesson here. Money is worthless paper or a bunch of numbers on a computer screen. It doesn’t have any value or worth.
But, for the most part, you need money to do business on your planet because you can’t swap or trade to pay your bills.
Money was initially swapped for gold to get something you wanted. Instead of carrying around a bunch of gold coins or other metals to pay for something, you created money of equal value to your gold.
This is where the term – As Good as Gold comes from.
I created more paper money but didn’t have enough gold to equal the amount of paper money. So what? Who cares? No one will know anyway.
You must create more debt to print more money: no debt, no new money. To this very day, this is how your banking system works.
We give you almost worthless paper or lend you money to get a new house, and yet you have to be able to pay that money back plus interest, usually by your labor.
The money that is created never has and never will exist. It’s a bad deal for you, but a great deal for me.
J: So people drive to jobs they hate, in cars they are still paying for, to pay back money that doesn’t exist?
S: Yes. It’s corrupt.
J: That’s enough about money. Tell me about your plans for Earth. Are you trying to destroy the planet?
S: No, because it takes a very long time to make a planet inhabitable – this is known as terraforming, so it wouldn’t make sense for me to want to destroy the earth. This is why you haven’t seen the use of atomic weapons in a long time.
J: You are not destroying the planet?
S: I parasite off of it; however, I am not the one currently destroying it; you humans are.
J: Well, your minions are doing that to Earth, not regular citizens.
S: Not true. All of you are destroying the planet daily with your choices.
J: Like What?
S: The cars you drive, the chemicals you use, the waste you create every day and dump on some remote land on your planet.
J: So, we are all responsible here?
S: Yes.
J: Well, I, for one, am all about eliminating artificial products made out of chemicals. It isn’t good for our planet if it isn’t made of natural organic materials.
S: And you would be correct.
G.M. Food
J: What about genetically modified food?
Satan: What about it?
J: What is the intent behind it?
S: To create a superior product that is disease and insect-resistant.
J: You sound like you should be a salesman for the stuff.
S: Well, you asked, and I told you.
J: Let me rephrase the question.
S: Okay.
J: Will GMO foods harm the human body?
S: It can.
J: Will genetically modified food create a genetically modified human since we are what we eat?
S: No, because you eat cows and do not become a cow; you eat chickens and are not a chicken.
J: Yes, but when we eat chicken or beef, we are ingesting not only the animal but also whatever foods that animal ate.
S: What’s your point?
J: If G.M.O. Foods have chemicals in them, we are ingesting chemicals and already know that chemicals create havoc in the human body.
S: So what?
J: Then, we would be killing our bodies by eating them.
S: Exactly!