Use these 11 forgotten laws to your advantage by applying them daily!
Everything we need, want, and desire has already been created and provided.
The exploration of the universe and its laws has captivated human minds for centuries.
Physics and astronomy reveal the cosmos, while esoteric knowledge suggests deeper, spiritual laws.
The “Forgotten Laws” are principles beyond mainstream science.
This article explores the mystical 11 Forgotten Laws, drawing from diverse spiritual traditions.

What Are The 11 Forgotten Laws?
- The Law of Divine Oneness
At the core of many esoteric teachings is the Law of Divine Oneness, asserting that everything and everyone in the universe is connected. This law suggests a profound interconnectedness, emphasizing that the actions of one being can impact the entire cosmos.
- The Law of Vibration
Building upon the Hermetic Principle of Vibration, this law proposes that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. It extends beyond the physical realm, suggesting that thoughts and emotions also emit vibrational frequencies that influence the surrounding energy.
- The Law of Correspondence
The Law of Correspondence posits that there is a correspondence between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (individuals or smaller systems). This echoes the ancient wisdom of “as above, so below,” indicating that patterns and structures are replicated across different levels of existence.
- The Law of Attraction
Perhaps one of the more widely known principles, the Law of Attraction, suggests that like attracts like. Positive thoughts and energies attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts attract negativity. This law underscores the power of the mind in shaping one’s reality.
- The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
This law asserts that energy is constantly in flux, transforming from one state to another. It emphasizes the potential for personal and spiritual growth, encouraging individuals to direct their energy towards higher states of being conscious.
- The Law of Polarity
Similar to the Hermetic Principle of Polarity, this law highlights the existence of opposites. It suggests that every quality has its opposite, and understanding and transcending these polarities lead to balance and harmony.
- The Law of Relativity
The Law of Relativity proposes that everything is relative and that each person’s experience is subjective. Challenges and hardships are close to one’s perspective, and this law encourages individuals to view their circumstances compared to others to gain a more balanced understanding.
- The Law of Cause and Effect
Closely aligned with the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, this law asserts that every action has a corresponding reaction. It underscores personal responsibility, emphasizing that individuals are accountable for the consequences of their actions.
- The Law of Gender
Expanding upon the Hermetic Principle of Gender, this law suggests that masculine and feminine energies exist in everything. Balancing these energies within oneself leads to a more harmonious and integrated existence.
- The Law of Non-Resistance
Encouraging individuals to go with the flow rather than resist the natural course of events, the Law of Non-Resistance proposes that resistance to challenges only amplifies them. Acceptance and adaptation, according to this law, lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
- The Law of Transcendence
The Law of Transcendence suggests that growth and evolution involve transcending one’s current state. It encourages individuals to move beyond limitations, expanding their consciousness and embracing higher levels of understanding. (1)
11 Forgotten Laws
The documentary The Secret brought back the Law of Attraction to people’s knowledge, but other laws must be studied.
For the Law of Attraction to work sufficiently, it is essential to comprehend the other laws. A law works every time, for all people, in all places, and in precisely the same way.
The Law of Attraction works for everyone, and there is no exception.
Like gravity, the 11 Forgotten Laws are always working – understand and apply them to create your desired life.
We are the highest form of creation. We’ve been able to co-create the life we desire. Unfortunately, we usually create the life we don’t want simply because we focus on the reality we see now instead of the one we are creating.
If you do not live in harmony with these laws, you often feel stuck, and whatever you do seems to produce negative results. You feel like the whole world is against you, and none of your efforts seem to pay off.
On the contrary, when you comply with Universal laws, life appears natural and effortless.
Things that used to make you angry no longer bother you.
- Worry disappears.
- Fear is eliminated.
- And success is guaranteed.
1. “The Law of Attraction is INCOMPLETE.”
2. 99% of ‘experts’ don’t reveal the complete picture of what it takes to manifest success & abundance.
3. There are, in fact, ELEVEN ‘forgotten’ Laws, which work together with the Law of Attraction.
4. Live in alignment with these 11 Laws, and you’ll attract all the Abundance, Love, Freedom, and success you desire.
5. Ignore these Laws, and you’ll probably miss out.
Yes, the Law of Attraction is essential. It’s crucial. But it’s just one piece of the puzzle. To help you with the other 10 pieces of the puzzle.
1. Manifest more money.
2. Eliminate limiting beliefs & scarcity thinking.
3. Experience more joy, love & passion in life.
4. Get “magnetized” to your deepest desires.
5. Accelerate your ability to get & keep the money.
Raymond Holliwell’s book Working with the Law
The 11 Forgotten Laws, derived from Raymond Holliwell’s book Working with the Law, represent principles that deepen our comprehension of the universe.
Bob Proctor, renowned for “The Secret,” elucidates these laws, including the Law of Thinking, Attraction, and Compensation. Collectively, these laws contribute to fostering a balanced and prosperous life.
Proctor has developed a comprehensive program titled “The 11 Forgotten Laws,” featuring extensive audio and written tutorials that underscore the importance of understanding these laws for personal transformation.
While these laws are available in various formats, such as an app on Amazon [1], reviews have been mixed. Some users have expressed skepticism regarding the marketing approach associated with the app.
Proctor emphasizes the necessity of comprehending all 11 laws for the optimal functioning of the Law of Attraction, asserting that these laws are continually at play, impacting individuals regardless of their awareness.
No matter what you’re trying to achieve and how big or small it is, there’s a time in your life (or multiple) that you can relate to this cycle.
Of course, things always start with excitement and enthusiasm – you have a goal or dream that inspires and energizes you.
Then, the process of achieving it sucks the life out of you.
If you want to improve your health, wealth, happiness, and relationships –
If you want to achieve anything with significant consequences –
If you want to create lasting success –
… you’ll want to learn to work with and apply the Laws of the Universe … this is where ease happens.
Paradigm is a subconscious mental program almost exclusively responsible for our habitual behavior, and almost all our behavior is habitual.
You follow a routine when you get up in the morning and go to bed at night. Your eating, exercise, work, relaxation, and the time you wake up and go to sleep are all habits.
It controls your:
- Perception
- Use of time
- Creativity
- Effectiveness
- Productivity
- Logic
- Ability to earn money
The paradigm puts a box around every one of those areas, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot knock down the walls until you change the mental program.
Identify your paradigm by looking at your current results. Consider the following questions …
- Does your day begin with purpose and gratitude?
- Do you move through your day with laser focus, or are you easily distracted and unable to finish anything?
- What is the most money you have ever made in a year?
- Are you living the way you want to live? If not, why not?
The 11 Forgotten Laws – Conclusion
While the 11 Forgotten Laws of the Universe may not find unanimous acceptance in scientific circles, they have resonated with those exploring spiritual and metaphysical dimensions.
These laws invite individuals to consider a broader perspective on reality, urging them to explore the profound connections between the self and the universe.
Whether accepted as universal truths or seen as symbolic guides for personal development, these laws provide a fascinating framework for understanding the mysteries that extend beyond conventional scientific paradigms.
Thanks for reading my article about the 11 Forgotten Laws!
The 11 Forgotten Laws – Bob Proctor Program – Amazon Link.
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