My Extraterrestrial Encounter: [The Message I Needed To Hear]

Every October, I write articles about paranormal topics.

It’s been a tradition on my blog since I started it in 2011. 

Please read about my first extraterrestrial encounter.

The E.T. messengers told me things that I could not believe would happen.

Yet, our reality is proving them correct.

This article will explain a probable future of humankind if we don’t wake up and change our ways.

The Future of Humankind

I was fast asleep in my bed when suddenly, a bright blue orb about the size of a baseball emerged in front of my eyes.

It moved around my bedroom erratically, stopping right before my face.

The next thing I knew, the ceiling in my room opened up like a portal, and I could see outside clearly.

My body felt paralyzed, but my eyes were wide open. I perceived my body as elevating up through the opening in my house.

The next thing I remember was waking up lying on a metal table.

To my right was a door that had opened up.

A man and a woman were human-looking to my eyes but much taller.

They didn’t speak to me, yet I could hear their thoughts.

My Extraterrestrial Encounter

Eventually, they spoke to me verbally. The man, who looked to be in his mid-thirties, introduced himself as Me’ ir (pronounced Mye-er), and the lady accompanying him was his daughter – Eair’tha (pronounced ear-irth-a). I knew this because I heard their conversation in my head.

Me’ ir walked over to the table I was lying on and reached for my hand, but I quickly pulled away from him. He looked at me like a chess player, pondering his next move.

My Extraterrestrial Encounter

He looked at me directly and said, “You are here because you asked to be here.”

I became increasingly uncomfortable as I tried to dissect what Me’ ir just said to me. “Why would I want to be here?” He told me that I had been chosen and that his people had contact with me in my dream state.

Allegedly, when we are asleep, our unconscious self, our soul, takes over, which I agreed to help with Me’ ir’s mission. What mission did I think to myself?

Extraterrestrial Contactees have a reincarnational lineage that leads back to past lifetimes, even as entirely different physical beings.

Me’ ir explained that he is from another Star System, far from Earth. Meir began to tell me who he was and what he represented.

The ET Council

There are many extraterrestrial councils in our galaxy—groups of beings from 139 different star systems who come together to discuss what is happening in the universe. They are not political bodies.

We have recently discussed tyranny in our future, 37 years from now, because that affects everybody.

What they have done, through time travel, is that they have been able to figure out where the significant energy shift occurred that caused the tyranny 37 years in our future.

They have traced it back to our solar system and have been able to further track it to Earth, Earth’s moon, and Mars—those three places.

Unfortunately for humans, more than half of the star beings in the council chose not to help Earth and the humans on the planet.

“Why, I asked him?”

Me’ir explained several reasons for this. For one, many of the star races were just too far away from Earth, about a million light-years, to be concerned with the planet and its people.

Secondly, the star races that knew of Earthlings believe that we don’t seem to respect ourselves, each other, or the Earth that we call our home.

For the record, we do not see you as many separate races on Earth as you humans do, and we recognize all of you as humans and label you as such. (1)

The Human Condition

Now, look at the human condition from the eyes of outsiders, Me’ir explained.

You kill each other; you allow your kind to go hungry and homeless -you parasite off one another either through physical energy (using other people’s power for one’s gain) or parasiting off each other monetarily.

You have gotten so weak, so low, and lost that almost everyone on your planet is trying to get energy from outside sources.

[The Star Beings believed humans have little value because of our consciousness level and actions.]

However, about 30-star system council representatives wanted to intervene and help out with our situation now. So, we don’t create an authoritarian future scenario that could reach deep into the cosmos later.

“Wait one second, back up here,” I said. “What do you mean we humans don’t respect ourselves, each other, or the planet?”

Meir explained that you humans are very much in the dark, so to speak, about your dark, shadowy sides.

“Dark shadowy sides, I asked?”

Humans’ Lack of Consciousness

Many of you live with just a tiny fraction of light consciousness. Most of you exist in the dark, going through life without fully seeing yourself or each other. It would be like driving a car at night with your headlights off and only having a dimly moonlit sky to guide you.

You can’t see the damage you create or why the injury occurred because your consciousness lights are either off or severely dimmed.

“What can we do to turn on our lights?”

“A magnificent question,” Me’ir said.

First, you can start with simple things.

Eat natural, organic foods, drink only clean water, move your body daily by walking, take nutritional supplements, meditate daily, laugh a lot, be of service to others, get plenty of rest, attract good people into your life, and wean yourself off of your addiction to fear.

“Fear addiction?”

Fear is an incredible tool for getting people to do something. It’s been a handy manipulation tool on your planet for a long time.

Fear is so prevalent on your planet that you have a part of your brain called the Reptilian Brain. Reptiles are associated with being cold-blooded, so much so that most abandon their newborns almost instantly after birth.

In your time and space, the expression of fear will challenge you all. For any of you to be in fear, you lack a clear understanding of most situations. We have observed that your world is at the most confusing point in your history and evolution.

We understand your remarkable drive and commitment to being alive. However, we do not understand your need to create tools of death, expecting that they will keep all in a space of harmony and peace.

We observe that you build, create, and plan in the space of fear, not in a consciousness of love, so your “defense positions” of institutions that make and employ are constantly unraveling and disintegrating.

We share this because they drain you and your Earth of energy, both spiritual and material. Fear always has to feed, and fear does not create itself. The fear we observe is challenging to understand, and it depletes your focus on the original intent and is secretive energy.

Fear Withholds Love – Extraterrestrial Encounter

Fear withholds love, and this is most saddening to see and feel. How can you share understanding and appreciation when so many of you withhold yourself and each other?

One of your original intentions in creating your physical reality is creating and learning to manipulate and express yourself through physicality using your consciousness.

It is your consciousness that the Is-ness has given you and all things that bear spirit. This gift has been overshadowed and, most importantly, clouded by fear. This creation is entirely irrational to who all of you are.

We have come to understand that withholding love only creates perpetual disintegration. We have discovered the ruins of vast races in our galaxy, achieving the recognition that has ceased to exist.

They destroyed themselves because they withheld love, drained the very life force out of their intent, and imploded and destroyed their self-creation.

The first projection of fear is denial, an emotion of incredible restriction. Denial and fear are the opposite of the reality they claim to be. From our perspective, fear is based on misunderstanding one’s worth and security.

We have discussed your race ourselves, and we have formed a perspective based on your history. Many of your religions have helped and hurt this process.

Many of your world’s beliefs have convinced people that they are “simple creatures of nature.” Your science teaches that your physical form is a “pool of chemicals thrown together by accident,” so that you are all “an accident,” living meaningless lives of chance…”

“What is my part in all of this? Why me?”

Meir stated that thousands of other humans and I have volunteered at some point in our lives to help with the galactic mission of ridding ourselves of self-defeating behaviors and channeling our creativity inward to create better selves.

He said that being a positive example would be a good start. “You are here to lighten up the world along with your human brothers and sisters who have also volunteered for this mission.”

“Tell me more,” I said.

Humans Are Regressing – Extraterrestrial Encounter

When I say humans are regressing, I don’t mean 100% of you. You lightworkers, starseeds, Chosen Ones, and wayshowers are not. However, the rest of humanity is slowly devolving.

You live on a severely compromised planet.

You have slowly regressed as humans despite your technology moving forward at lightning speed. Humans are no better off today, even with all your toys, gadgets, and gizmos.

I want you to remember this: when technology far surpasses spirituality, that particular race, in most cases, ceases to exist.

Spirituality drives technology, not the other way around.

The human race is stuck in a cycle of doing the same thing repeatedly and getting the same mediocre results. The reason it’s being created is that of apathy, and people don’t care because you are so busy “surviving.”

You must try to make room for more than “survival” in your life.

“But Meir, what can we do to create a more utopian society?” The key to creating an idealistic society is the individual evolution of each person’s consciousness.

Human society is not harmonious because each individual is divided inside, and his divisions are projected onto society.

Humans are continuously either preparing for war or fighting a war. You do only two things: fight or prepare. There is no time for anything else, no time to love, sing, dance, meditate, or any of the higher values of life.

You are all living in a reality loop.

You get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, drive to work, or take your kids to school; you get off work, go home, or pick the kids up, eat dinner, prepare lunch and coffee for tomorrow morning, watch TV, brush your teeth and shower, go to bed and do it all over again the next day.

So, you call this a life?

My dear humans, this is not how life is supposed to be for you. You are much more than a cog in a machine, and you need to wake up and demand from yourself a much better life. Remember, almost everyone on your planet is also experiencing a similar reality loop.

“Why are we so divided as a species?”

There is indeed an outside force at play here. I’ll call them regressives. The regressives want to divide you against each other to control you.

When one divided group considers another group a threat, the regressives will come up with a solution—their solution, which only serves their interests, not yours.”

False Reality

Most of you would live tribally if it weren’t for this false matrix.

I recommend you watch Needful Things. This movie will give you an idea of how these regressive groups control you, manipulate you, and get you to turn against one another.

“Wow, this is very depressing news. Is there a way we can create a reality that serves the greater good?”

Yes, my understanding is that it all comes down to intent. Suppose each person freely creates a particular intention, and 10% or more of the planetary population holds that intention at any given time. In that case, you pull that reality into yourself.

It all focuses on intent, and that is something that you are all individually responsible for.

The cost of freedom is responsibility.

Humans have not paid enough attention to creating reality, and most of you are caught in the idea of just experiencing it.

“Too bad we haven’t learned this from a young age. Why aren’t our school systems teaching this? Why not parents?”

The children here are learning nothing. They are not learning to think for themselves; they are being taught what to think, spit out facts and belief systems, and consume.

This process puts the idea, the intent, and the emotion outside of themselves instead of inward, where their real power is.

Humans’ real power lies in not giving it away in the first place. You have to stop reacting negatively to people, events, and circumstances in negative ways because these regressives feed off your negative energy.

Stay positive when someone is rude, and don’t react negatively. This is called owning your power. The fundamental mission of awake humans is to keep their energy higher or more positive. When you stay at this level, you become untouchable.

If enough people do this, the regressives will have to leave because they will not have any food to feed on.

This is why the media loves to present lousy news and stir up trouble whenever possible. They work for the regressives and keep you at a low emotional level.

Back to your school question.

So many humans have difficulty being stuck at a desk in school or being at work from 9-5 because it is unnatural to your humanness. To put it bluntly, these artificial systems remove you from your natural state of being, a highly advanced hunter/gatherer.

Most Humans are an admixture of primate and extraterrestrial DNA. That is why you can be emotional = primate and rational = E.T.

Whoa. Wait a second. Are humans a mixture of primate and E.T. DNA?

Yes. Many E.T.s have visited your planet over the years. You look different according to the amount of E.T. DNA vs. primate DNA.

Some of you look the way you do because of the region you live in, and others have lived underground for many years.

Does having different races and genetics cause problems here on Earth?

Yes and no. Different races of humans in and of themselves are not the problem. The problems occur when you try to play god and control other people’s lives.

If humans learned to let things be, they would work themselves out. Instead, you try to play god, take power from one group, and give it to another group to feel better about yourself, which never ends well for either group.

Humans need to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Until that happens, a race or group will never evolve.

“Why can’t we all get along? Why is there so much darkness on this planet?”

You Live in a Duality

There are both “good” and “bad.” You live in duality, and you have to take responsibility for both and live in the midst of both. It would help if you had leadership and people with ideas on fixing problems, starting with yourself, your family, and the local level.

You are the leaders, and you must stand up and take responsibility. I am not talking about “going out to save the world,” but I am talking about families. Be a hero to your family and yourself.

And speaking of families, the regressive’s main target is families. Once the families are no longer intact, it becomes easier to control people who do not have the father/mother paradigm.

What about people who have abusive parents?

Yes, this is a problem on your planet, and humans must do everything possible to help their neighbors. If a parent is struggling, take them under your wing and support them.

Have them work on themselves and their personal growth.

The whole idea is to find balance, which is in the middle. You are all searching for that.

“What is happening on the planet now? Why does it seem like everything is falling apart?”

Your planet is going through a shift, an awakening. Humans wake up from the collective consciousness, dream-like waking from a dream. Look at your Hollywood, look at your politics, look at your religions, look at your banking.

What do you see?

You see all sorts of revelations coming out; you find corruption at all these institutions’ levels. Is it because these institutions are inherently evil? No, these institutions attract people who want to take power from you. After all, they lack power.

They attract broken people on the inside, almost demonic people, because they have no soul. “What happened to these people in power? Why are they behaving in ways that cause pain and suffering?”

You’ve heard the saying, “Misery loves company,”- yes? “I have.”

Not all people in these professions behave this way; it’s just that many do. Back to my point, these individuals are under a self-created spell.

They are convinced of their lack, even if they are wealthy; they believe that lack in one area of themselves makes them unworthy of abundance in another.

This belief is all it takes to put someone in a negative reality loop, causing them and others pain and suffering.

“Can they fix this issue? Can they heal themselves?”

Related: Law Conspiracy

Human Health

On my planet, if someone behaved detrimentally to themselves or others, they would be brought to one of our healing centers. The key here is to remove an unhealthy person from the general population to cause no harm to others.

On your planet, you must always be mindful of anyone who would want people who behave negatively to be able to run free in your society. On our planet, we quarantine the bad seeds until we have healed them.

In our healing center, we scan the body to ensure there isn’t anything wrong with the physical body.

This includes checking every organ, the blood, the spine, the brain, the hormones, and the lymphatic system. The individual must also have the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

If all that checks out well, we move on to step two.

“What’s step two?”

Step two involves “hacking” into the mind. We have technology that allows us to access traumatic life experiences in the individual. Once we find the root cause of the individual’s negative behavior, we work with the mind, all parts of it, accept the traumatic experience, and see it as a valuable life lesson.

“How can anyone see value in a traumatic life episode?”

The mind naturally divides things between good and evil, wanted and unwanted. Having too many adverse experiences in mind causes a damning of energy. When this energy damns up because it has nowhere to go, it becomes stagnant.

Also, you know what happens to stagnant water on your planet; it becomes dark, muddy, dirty, and full of insects, parasites, and other creatures who continue to dirty it.

When we get the mind to allow the experience, it causes the damn to break and allows the mind’s energy to sanitize itself, become clean, and flow freely once again.

This, in turn, heals the traumatized individual and allows them to behave in healthy ways again.

“How long does this take? What are the side effects?”

It is a healing process, and it takes time. When you detoxify your body from unhealthy foods and drinks – there is a withdrawal effect.

We need to stop this conversation so you can wake up back in your bed.

“Will I remember this conversation, or are you going to wipe my memory clean?”

You will have a full conscious recollection of our meetings and future meetings.

“What should I tell people? What should I do when I wake up back on Earth?”

You need to reconnect to your heart and your center of being. Too many humans have lived above the neck; you are more than a head attached to a body.

You are a complete, whole being, and you need to stop being so divided and splintered. When you wake up on Earth, you need to begin to ‘peace’ yourself back together.

My Extraterrestrial Encounter Conclusion

Peace in yourself will create harmony in everyone and in everything you encounter. An individual with positive, focused intent is more potent than 50,000 daydreamers.

Many of you are not fully present in your body. It would be best if you entirely integrated yourself into your consciousness.

Life is drab on your planet, but self-responsibility is the only way to fix this. Become responsible for yourself. Stop waiting for someone to rescue you because it becomes disempowering to the self if someone does.

The paradox on your planet is the more responsible you become for yourself, the more power you will have. The more you shun your responsibility to yourself and your creations, the weaker you become.

Be the leaders that you are. Your planet has created too many followers. On my planet, we teach our children to become leaders of themselves. Our children learn everything we know on my planet because we understand that a well-educated individual is powerful.

“One more question, “Me’ ir?”

Yes, how may I answer your final question?

“When will we meet again?” I asked.

“Soon enough, soon enough,” replied Me ‘ir – one more wake-up call to mention to you. The love that you withhold is the pain that you must carry.

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