A fan of my blog, Caitlin, informed me about this interview.
I have never heard of Ashayana Deane before this.
So, being open-minded, I decided to check it out.
I waited until October to write about this interview because I thought the material would be more appropriate for Paranormal October Month.
First, let me tell you the video is in 3 parts and over 7 hours long, and Ashayana is like a machine giving out information I have never heard of before.
I took notes about ideas that resonated with me, but I recommend you watch the video to get all the information because she uses many charts and graphs in her presentation.
As always, with any information you read, see, or hear, use your inner guidance system before you believe something to be accurate or dismiss it.
In this interview, Ashayana Deane breaks down some heavy concepts about cosmic evolution and extraterrestrial involvement, but let’s cut through the fluff and get to the meat of it.
Who is Ashayana Deane?
- She’s not just another spiritual guru; she’s the author of the Voyager books and claims to be in touch with the Guardian Alliance—a group she says helps humanity navigate its path.
How She Communicates
Forget traditional channeling. Deane uses what she calls “kelantic transmission,” a method she believes is safer and more direct. It’s all about data streaming from higher dimensions, not some airy-fairy possession nonsense.
Her Journey
- She had some intense experiences with extraterrestrials as a kid, which she describes as abductions. But here’s the kicker: she claims the Guardian Alliance swooped in to rescue her.
- By age 12, she was already receiving teachings for her role in this cosmic drama.
What She Teaches
Deane focuses on:
- Ascension mechanics
- The ins and outs of Stargates
- The bigger picture of Earth’s current cosmic situation
She paints a complex image of our universe, emphasizing that:
- There are multiple dimensions at play.
- Ascension isn’t just a buzzword; it’s an evolutionary process tied to specific cosmic cycles.
Earth’s Critical Moment
Deane says we’ve been at a pivotal point—especially since 2012. Positive and negative forces are vying for control, and understanding these dynamics is crucial for our future.
In essence, Deane’s message is clear: if you want to navigate this chaotic world, you better understand the cosmic game. It’s not just about spirituality; it’s about survival in a far more complex universe than most people realize.
A’shayana Deane is the author of the Voyager books.
The Interview
Ashayana Deane is an American author and speaker who specializes in Human Ascension.
Ashayana claims to be in contact with a group of inter-dimensional beings called the “Guardian Alliance” – a group of ETs. They protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.
She has contact with them not through channeling but through inter-dimensional electronic data streaming, also known as Keylontic Transmission. Ascension is evolution; it’s really about re-evolution.
The Guardian Alliances call it re-evolutionary determinism. There is a predetermined framework of creation within which creation occurs – but you have free will within that framework.
And you start as part of the whole – they refer to it as the God Source Consciousness Field.
And from that place, you can enter into the material experience (descend into physical matter) within that God-Source Consciousness Field.
There is no place outside of God. All this occurs within the body of the Consciousness of the God Source. This is in alignment with my beliefs about who we are.
We came from a Source known as “God.” We broke off into separate beings (physical humans) yet are still connected energetically to God. Unfortunately, we don’t consciously live this way every day.
We are still suffering from “who we are” amnesia.
The Earth’s Energy is a Food Source
When I heard this part of the interview, I was reminded of something I read in David Icke’s books. Icke claims that interdimensional beings that live in the lower fourth dimension use the Earth as a food source.
They live where there is no real food or energy source. They live in a lifeless, black hole. It’s been a dying system on its last leg, and these beings are desperate not to let that happen.
Ashayana Deane makes a similar claim in her interview. The beings residing in the black hole system “parasites” off the Earth’s energy grid system, and the Earth is “quantum food” for them.
All living things in our Universe have a system that allows energy in and energy out – including planets and people.
These negative beings have harnessed energy from the Earth system to send back to their black hole system. It’s total survival for these beings. It’s not personal.
These beings no longer have emotional bodies; you can’t rationalize with them. Ashayana says that the collapse of their black hole system is inevitable, and it’s just a matter of time before it backfires on them.
Anchoring Positive Energy into the Earth Field
We are energetic beings, and we are permanently anchoring energy through us. Some knowingly do this daily by opening up their hearts and the other chakras to let the sound energy in.
Some people even have the “genes” that unknowingly do this without knowing it. Unfortunately, the majority of people are anchoring negative energy into our world.
Negative states like fear, stress, worry, and hurry to allow the human body to anchor in negative energy that doesn’t serve you or the Earth but does feed the negative beings’ system.
They should send you a “thank you” card. It’s been crucial for humanity to make the “shift” from a fear-based “lack” society to one of love and abundance.
If we don’t make this shift, we could experience real problems on Earth.
You don’t have to spend all day being positive; instead, start by taking mini-breaks during the day to quiet your mind and be still. Say out loud or write down five things you are grateful for.
Take a nap, go for a walk. Whatever it takes to make you feel positively aligned.
Our DNA and Why We Have No Recollection of Who We Are
The Sho-Na Net Field is a containment net or harness around the Earth.
It’s been a torsion field that constantly circles energy in on itself but does not have a connection to anything outside itself except what it can feed off at its center – its core.
According to Ashayana, all of these net systems are plugged into the HAARP system. The net systems are responsible for literally wiping out humans’ DNA.
Science has proven that DNA is sensitive to radiation and electromagnetism. You mess with the DNA, and you mess with the memory and health of that being.
The net blocks the natural and current flows that should be coming to the planet. It also prevents the energy and memory that should be going through your DNA, which is why you are born in a state of amnesia.
Ashayana Deane YouTube Interview – Final Thoughts
let’s cut to the chase and break down what Ashayana Deane is really saying in this mind-bending interview:
Deane’s not just talking about some New Age fluff. She’s laying out a cosmic blueprint that makes most sci-fi look like child’s play.
We’re talking multi-dimensional chess; Earth is just one square on the board.
Forget what you’ve heard about ascension. Deane’s breaking it down as a hardcore scientific process.
It’s not about floating off on a cloud; it’s about evolving your atoms to a whole new level of existence.
According to Deane, we’re in the middle of a massive cosmic cycle called the Kali Yuga.
It’s like we’re at the final boss level of a video game, and the choices we make now determine if we level up or game over.
Your DNA isn’t just about eye color and height. Deane’s saying it’s your ticket to higher dimensions.
You’re stuck in this reality loop if it’s not functioning right.
We’re not just talking about personal growth here. Deane implies that the fate of humanity and possibly the planet is on the line.
It’s a cosmic do-or-die scenario.
Whether you buy into Deane’s cosmic framework or not, her message is clear – we’re at a critical point in human evolution. It’s time to level up or get left behind. The question is, are you ready to play in the big leagues of cosmic evolution?
Ascension Mechanics- Ashayana Deane Explains -Video Full Interview
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- Naya’s Corner Of The Universe: In this article, Naya discusses the 4th and 5th dimensions and the Star Seeds mission on Earth.