Are Reptilian Beings Manipulating Humans And The Earth?

The article dives into a wild theory that reptilian entities are secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes of human affairs.

It explores the idea that these beings, often linked to conspiracy theories, might be manipulating everything from politics to social dynamics.

Consider how these hidden forces could be influencing our reality and what it means for humanity’s future.

This isn’t just another conspiracy theory—it’s a call to wake up and question the narratives we’ve been fed.

If you’re ready to challenge your perceptions and dig deeper into the unseen influences in your lives, this article is for you. (1)

Disclaimer: I have zero proof of the existence of reptilian beings, but I thought it would be an interesting topic to explore for Spooky October Month.

My conclusion is that our reptilian brain highly influences us, making humans appear to be acting like reptiles – cold, calculating, and selfish.

With that being said take what you read here with a heaping tablespoon of salt.

This article is for entertainment purposes only and not to be considered a fact?

Did you know that the pheromones in human women and iguanas are a chemical match?

You only have to look at the bottom of the human spine to see the remnants of a tail, and some humans continue to be born with tails or caudal appendages.

The Reptilian Beings Alliance

The Reptilian Alliance consists of Reptilians, Grey Aliens, Human-Reptilian Hybrids, and other galactic beings who are malevolent.

The Anunnaki (Reptilians) or the Anunna decided to destroy humanity, but Enki warned the priest-king Ziusudra of the coming flood and told him to get a ship built quickly.

In the Genesis version, God told Noah: “I am going to put an end to all the people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them.

I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth… I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.

There are indications in the Sumerian story of the Annunaki that humanity was targeted after a rebellion against the ‘gods’ and their desire to control and enslave.

>>>Related Article: Wes Penre Papers – After The Deluge

Ancient Mesopotamian tablets say the Anunnaki came hundreds of thousands of years ago. Since then, the Reptilian Alliance has periodically caused global catastrophe by deleting their genetic programs when they stop being cooperative slaves for their master’s wishes.

This allows them to start over again with an ‘upgraded’ human-body-computer system. By ‘upgraded,’ I mean more controllable and less resistant.

Many people think we are at the peak of human technology and evolution, which is invalid. In the past, humans have achieved monumental technology, spirituality, and architecture only to be ‘wiped out’ by our overlords who thought we were too out of control.

There are also pyramids in China, Bosnia, Mexico, Cambodia, Sudan, Guatemala, Iraq, and Indonesia, and due to earth changes and cataclysms, there are probably more underground.

They were a new batch of humans who entered the Near East and began building civilizations around the Nile River and the great pyramids.

Egypt was built as a strategic outpost to protect the hordes of people from Africa from entering the Middle East, where Babylon, Mesopotamia, and Sumer were located. These three critical ancient cities were paramount to the Anunnaki.

Reptilian Being

Draco Reptilians Are Ruthless

Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa said that Draco Reptilians are the most ruthless, violent, and destructive species. The Draco Reptilians consider themselves “Royal” and have the arrogance to prove it.

In his book Human Race Get Off Your Knees, David Icke details these Reptilian Beings.

The manipulating Reptilians do not generally live within “visible light,” the frequency range our eyes can see.

They operate in a dimension beyond human sight, although they can move between their world and our own. Icke refers to these Reptilian Extraterrestrials as interdimensionals rather than extraterrestrials.

Third Density Reality

Our reality is known as “Third Density.” Reptilian entities manipulating human society come from the Fourth Density, which resonates at a frequency range we cannot currently decode and see.

It is still a physical realm, though less dense than this one and very different from ours. Icke describes these Reptilian Extraterrestrials as lustful for power and control and hatred in what passes for their hearts.

The desire for power and control is just a mask for what they are – insecure and fearful.

Whenever we think or feel an emotion, we generate energy, and the nature of the thought or emotion dictates the vibrational resonance of that energy.

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Carlos Castaneda On The Draco Reptilian Being Connection

The Peruvian-born writer Carlos Castaneda wrote a series of books in the late 1960s. They featured a Yaqui Indian healer, or Shaman, in Mexico called Don Juan Matus. 

Don Juan spoke of “ predators” that had taken over (hacked) the human mind.

The Reptilian “hive mind” is programmed for inner and outer conflict. This hive mind produces all the fear, stress, worry, anger, and hostility that generate the low-vibrational emotional energy on which the Reptilians feed.

These emotional responses are no more than expressions of the Reptilians’ own mental and emotional state- fear of not surviving. Does this sound like anyone you may know?

Are Reptilian Extraterrestrials Controlling Earth?

Are Reptilians The Pyramid Builders?

Reptilian hybrids were seeded all over the ancient world. In league with their Reptilian owners, they established the first ‘civilizations’ (control centers) after the earth recovered from the last global cataclysm.

These civilizations appeared in places like Sumer, which became Babylon and is now Iraq; Egypt; The Indus Valley; Mesoamerica (including the Mayans); the Andes in South America (the Incas); and China.

The Reptilian Alliance was the source of the knowledge that allowed ancient structures to be built by ‘primitive people’ with stones weighing hundreds of tons.

The ‘Pyramid of the Moon’ has been carbon-dated to be 10,000 years old. I [David Icke] think the pyramids were built as part of a network that connects the waveform dimension of the earth to the Reptilian ‘Matrix,’ or false reality, that we are decoding and believing to be real.

The Mayans of Mexico told of a Reptilian Race, the ‘Iguana Men,’ who came from the sky and taught them the art of pyramid building.

The Reptilian Alliance was the source of knowledge for the incredible structures made from massive chunks of stone in the Inca lands of Peru. Stones of 400 tons have been put together so perfectly you can’t put a sheet of paper between them.

The Reptilian Alliance was the brains behind the ancient Nazca lines in Peru – the incredible depictions of birds, insects, and animals using one continuous line.

Lyran Origins of Humanity

Because the Lyraens did not have a defense system, they were a sitting target for the Reptilians, also called the “Draco.”

After being brutally attacked by the Draco Empire, the survivors of the Lyraen society dispersed to other locations throughout the galaxy; today’s scientists still see the remnants of the Draco attack on Lyrae.

In 1985, a newspaper article stated that scientists could observe remnant waves of a blast that fan outward and emanate from a central part of this galaxy.

They believe this blast to be several million years old and of such intense proportions that the wave still travels toward the galaxy’s edge before dissipating. They claim to have no idea what created the blast.

These survivors visited Orion, Tau Ceti, Pleiades, Procyon, Antares, Alpha Centauri, Barnard Star, Arcturus, and dozens of other solar systems.

In this solar system, the refugees colonized the planet now called Mars.

At that time, it was the third planet in the solar system. A world called Maldek was the fourth planet in this solar system and was also colonized.

The Lyrans were all blonde-haired, blue-eyed people, with an occasional red-haired or green-eyed person. In Lyraen society, red-haired people were considered unique, with extrasensory powers that connected them to non-physical realms.

They were especially desired for breeding purposes. Special permission to breed with a red-haired person was required because the offspring had extra, or superhuman, abilities.

In those days, Earth was a water world in a second orbit from the sun, with little land above the surface. The only intelligent inhabitants were an amphibian race without technology.

The atmosphere of the Earth was mostly liquid, and the planet could not sustain any human life form.

The dispersed Lyraen descendants developed their own cultures over the eons.

Even their genetics manifested differently due to the mind patterns of each of the colonies. For instance, Mars and Maldek were similar to Earth’s current environment, with warm to temperate climates and an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

The gravity on Maldek was denser than on Mars, so those people developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude.

Eventually, skirmishes developed between the occupants of the two planets. Mars was rich in resources, and the people of Maldek thought they deserved them for survival.

The Martians asked the beings of Sirius A, from the planet Khoom, for defense technology to shield their planet from attack, not only from the Reptilians but from their humanoid neighbors and cousins.

The Sirians are known throughout the galaxy as merchants of technology. They have the best, even sharing it with the Reptilians.

So, the Sirians created a defense mechanism underground on Mars.

Mars, Earth, and Jupiter are hollow planets. These planets are created with material ejected from a star and have hollow interiors. As a molten ball is thrown from the star and spinning away, it cools.

The centrifugal force of the globe spinning and moving at great speed pushes the molten interior to the sides, forming the planet’s crust. This, in turn, forces hot gases out of the poles to create openings at both ends.

The molten core and remaining gases get trapped between the hollow interior and the plates below the globe’s crust. Volcanic activity periodically pushes them out.

The nexus point on any such globe is always at the 19th parallel of the planet. It is evident on Earth by the Hawaiian volcanoes, located at the 19th parallel; the Mons volcano on Mars, located at the 19th parallel; and the red spot on Jupiter, also at the 19th parallel.

The geometry built into the monuments on Mars by the Sirians and Lyraen colonists explains the 19th parallel through its geometric equations and measurements.

This geometry is also replicated and contained within the Giza Plateau in Egypt.

The Reptilian Agenda

Further, the result of the part of the humanoid blood on Earth today receiving a bloodline cross from Draco (URu cross with Ibi) is beneficial. This is usually related to AN, Celtic, or British RH-negative blood.

The reptilian Drac blood Enki (RA—abRAham) crossed with the cro-magnon monkey blood had LESS vital DNA than the indigenous (RHesus) monkey blood. So the reptilians had to keep inbreeding (as in Holy Blood Holy Grail), consistent with what Swerdlow says below.

Areas (UK) where this RHESUS Monkey blood is absent (RH negative) may lead the world to a lack of compassion. E-liz-a beth (from Lizard born) breeds a line where no permission to cry produces a stiff upper lip- (to remain resolute and unemotional in the face of adversity.)

The remnant Lyraens who colonized other planets allied against the constant Reptilian attacks. They called this alliance The Galactic Federation, which comprised 110 different colonies.

The colonies belonging to the Federation wished to maintain their new identities and no longer associate with the old way. Together, the Federation colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks.

Three primary groups did not join the Federation.

These three groups were considered extremists, or nationalistic idealists, seeking to recreate the glory of the old Lyran civilization.

One group was the Atlans, located on a Pleiadian planet. The Pleiades consist of thirty-two planets orbiting seven stars. At that time, sixteen colonies of Lyraen descent existed throughout the Pleiades.

These colonists wanted to oust the renegade Atlans because they remained independent and did not assist their human cousins.

The other two groups were the Martians and Maldekians, who were already at odds. For this reason, the Reptilians turned their attention toward this solar system with its two human colonies.

In the Reptilian’s estimation, it would be easy to divide and conquer.

The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and ships, using them to travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as a propulsion system that pulls the larger planetoid toward its destination.

When used as a weapon, a particle beam accelerator creates a blast that hurls the comet or asteroid at its target. The beings from Sirius A obtained all of the technology.

In this way, they hurled a colossal ice comet aimed at Mars and Maldek. Not technologically oriented, the Reptilians miscalculated the trajectory, and the pull of the gigantic gas planet Jupiter pulled the comet off course.

The ice comet then headed directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they were at odds, they allowed some Maldekians to move to the Martian underground.

The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the planet off, leaving only a fragile atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun.

The comet then continued toward the Earth. The sun’s heat and the gravitational pull between the two globes made the Earth’s watery atmosphere polarize.

This polarization pulled most of the ice from the comet to the polar regions of the Earth, thus covering most openings to the inner Earth while simultaneously exposing substantial land masses for the first time.

The comet then switched places with Earth, taking up the second orbit from the sun, becoming the planet now known as Venus. The sun’s heat melted the ice on the comet, creating a cloudy covering on this new planet.

The Earth was pushed out to the third orbit, occupying the previous position held by Mars, and the Earth was now ready to be colonized. Most surviving amphibians were transported to a new home on Neptune, and some stayed in the newly formed oceans.

The Reptilians inside the hollow comet, now Venus, came to the surface of this new world. They built seven domed cities, one for each of the seven groups in the hierarchy.

In the mid-1980s, one of New York’s daily papers, Newsday, reported that a Soviet space probe penetrated Venus’ cloud layer and photographed seven white domes the size of small cities in a row.

After a page-long diatribe, the American scientists concluded that this was all a natural formation.

The Reptilians drove a large, hollowed-out object into Earth’s orbit to begin colonization. This object is now called the Moon.

Conventional science considers the Moon natural, yet it is the only known object in space that does not spin on its axis. The Moon always faces the Earth in the same position, leaving one side in complete darkness.

A sonic resonance sent to the surface of the Moon makes a pinging noise like a hollow object. The noise would sound like a thump or thud if the Moon were solid. The Moon is hollow. A recent article in an astronomy magazine said that the Moon was being reclassified because it is hollow.

The Reptilians chose a sizeable continental landmass to begin their civilization on the Earth, now referred to as Lemuria or Mu. This vast area in the Pacific Basin extends from Japan to Australia and from California to Peru.

The Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of this one-time landmass.

Here, an androgynous Reptilian culture developed. They brought with them the creatures that were their sustenance, the dinosaurs. All beings create animals and plants that reflect the mind pattern beneath them.

Reptilians create dinosaurs; humans create mammals and are not designed to coexist on the same planet.

Additionally, the Reptilians’ thinking process differs from the human thinking process. Because Reptilians do not evolve rapidly and remain unchanging, their expansion is also slow-moving and insidious.

The Reptilians would take several millennia to decide whether to coexist with humans. After all, Earth was still an outpost far from the center of the Draconian Empire.

In the meantime, the Martians lived underground with their hostile Maldekian guests, and something had to be done quickly to prevent them from destroying one another. So, the Martians petitioned the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees from another planet.

The Galactic Federation also received a petition from the Pleiadian Council asking the Federation to remove the Atlans from their star cluster.

Thus, the Federation decided to use the Atlans as a counterbalance on Earth. If the Atlans survived, the Maldekians would also be sent. The human/Lyraen descendants threw their riffraff at the Reptilian colonists on Earth.

In this way, the Federation would get rid of its undesirables, which would occupy the attention of the Reptilians. The Federation would gain valuable time to build its forces against the Reptilians.

When the Atlans arrived on Earth, they colonized what became known as Atlantis. Their continent stretched from the Caribbean Basin to the Azores and Canary Islands and several small island chains reaching up to the East Coast of the United States, including Montauk Point.

The industrious Atlanteans rapidly grew to a large, prospering civilization needing more territory. The dinosaur population was rapidly increasing and becoming dangerous to the human colonists.

The Atlanteans began destroying the dinosaurs to protect themselves, which did not sit well with the Reptilians. Soon, significant battles occurred on the Earth between the Lemurian Reptilians and Atlantean humans.

At the same time, the Maldekian refugees arrived on Earth. They created a large human colony in the Gobi desert, northern India, Sumer, and other parts of Asia.

The Maldekians attacked the lunar surface, where the Reptilians guarded their Earth outpost against invasion. The Maldekians also bombarded Atlantis and Lemuria with laser weapons, wiping out the dinosaurs.

The Martians also attacked the Reptilians from space because they searched for a Reptilian-free environment. This might be considered the real First World War on this planet.

It was a mess!

Conflict & Creation

A council from the Andromeda Galaxy met on Hatona to stop the fighting and make the Earth peaceful enough for colonization.

This meeting took place outside the Milky Way Galaxy with a neutral council because all civilizations within the Milky Way Galaxy were connected to the fighting, and all had some stake in belonging to the winning side.

The Hatona Council convened for many decades as the fighting continued in this solar system. Finally, with their mediation, an agreement was reached between some of the human factions and the Reptilian Earth colonists.

Remember that this agreement was without the participation of the Reptilians from the original Draco Empire.

The agreement stated that a new breed of humanity would be created on Earth containing the DNA of all interested parties participating in the “peace” process. A designated area on Earth would be set aside to create this new species.

The Earth-based Reptilians of Lemuria agreed because the Reptilian body is the foundation for this new being.

This is why the original Bible states, “Let us make man in our own image.” This is a plural statement because it was a group project.

Separating the genetics into male and female components was necessary to create a new species from a reptilian androgynous body.

This is the allegorical story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. Creating Eve out of Adam’s rib is the story of separating the androgynous Reptilian body into male and female.

This is why all humans have Reptilian DNA with Reptilian traits. This is also why human fetuses go through Reptilian-style development in the womb before looking humanoid.

Many prototypes were developed over millennia. Under the supervision of the Hatona Council, races were created and then destroyed when they were not acceptable to all parties.

This explains why humanity’s ancestors appear and then suddenly disappear in layers of archaeological analysis.

Twelve humanoids and one Reptilian group donated DNA for this purpose. Humankind was developed in the area now known as Iran/Iraq and parts of Africa. Hybrids were also produced in Atlantis and Lemuria.

Remnants are seen today as the Bigfoot or Yeti in North America and Asia, the Australian aborigines, and the Pygmies and Watusi in Africa.

The African versions were created by beings from a nomadic, artificial planet called Nibiru or Marduk. These Reptilian-like beings travel in a manufactured world looping around our solar system.

The Sumerians called them Anunnaki.

The cosmic joke to this project is that all groups donating DNA secretly programmed sequences to cause their genetic strand to be predominant. This set a precedent for eternal conflict, and humanity was doomed to fight and be controlled.

No one group would ever be in charge. The project was doomed for failure before it even began!

Upon discovering this information that the Reptilians wanted control of the new race, the Atlanteans began a severe electromagnetic bombardment of Lemuria. This bombardment caused the bulk of the continent to submerge in the Pacific Ocean.

The only parts left above the water are the Hawaiian Islands, the California coast west of the San Andreas fault, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific Islands, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and the islands of southeast Asia.

The Reptilian survivors went to Northern India, the interior of the Earth, Venus, and parts of Central and South America. Inner Earth became the “homeland” for most of the surviving Reptilians of Lemuria. Here, they created a vast underground civilization.

This started the legends of hell and demons living in fire under the Earth. They built tubes containing fast, subway-like vehicles that could travel to any point on the Earth within a few hours.

They created the famed underworld cities of Akkadia, Agartha, Hyperborea, and Shamballa that explorers seek today. These cities are built along the inner crust’s inner wall that lines the Earth’s interior.

Remember, the hollow Earth is not a theory but a scientific fact caused by the cooling and spinning as it is ejected from a star or sun.

The Inner-Earth: The Draco Reptilians New Homeland

The primary entry points to the inner Earth are the North Pole, which has an opening of 1300 miles, and the South Pole, which has an opening of 950 miles. These can be seen from space.

That is why commercial aircraft are not allowed to fly over these areas, not because of magnetic disturbances, which is the “official” reason. Admiral Byrd reported on these openings in the 1920s until the government concealed his information.

At the center or nucleus of the inner Earth, there is a globe of energy leftover from creating this planet that acts as an inner sun. The light from this object is suspended by gravity and centrifugal force, causing the light of the aurora borealis.

Numerous cave entrances to the Inner Earth exist in the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Mountains in the western United States, and fewer multiple openings in the Ozarks and the Appalachian Mountains.

Entries exist in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, and the Caribbean. There are also numerous sub-oceanic entry points, particularly in the deep trenches of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic submarine mountain ranges, especially on or near the Azores, Canary Islands, and the Falklands.

Local governments closely guard these areas. Artificially created entrances exist under the new Denver airport, the Giza Plateau in Egypt, major Air Force complexes worldwide, and many Temples in India and China.

A central Chinese entry point is under the Shensi Pyramid, which is out of bounds for everyone in Western China.

Of course, with the Reptilians off the Earth’s surface, the Atlanteans were free to play with this new humanity and establish humans as the rulers of this planet. They established colonies all over the remaining portions of land.

They invited the Sirians to come and play with them. They booted the Marduk beings off-world and took control of their slaves. They created new hybrids for sea and land, one of which became the Merfolk, a genetic blend of humans and dolphins.

The Andromeda Galaxy brought the dolphin species to monitor all of these events. Whenever the Atlanteans detected underground Reptilian activity, they blasted the inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses to kill them.

Unfortunately, this weakened the upper crust of the Earth’s top mantle, riding over the trapped magma between the upper and lower crusts. After several millennia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent broke up.

Their civilization began to break up as a reflection of the physical deterioration of their continent. The Atlanteans became even more belligerent as fear and destruction overtook their mind patterns. Black magicians and sorcerers took the place of scientists and religious leaders.

Fortunately, the population foresaw the destruction that was coming. Many refugees relocated to Egypt, Peru, the Appalachian Mountains, and Western Europe just before the continent collapsed into the Earth’s upper crust.

This collapse caused the Earth to flip on its axis, creating the legend of the Flood, which is written in the Bible and other world cultures.

The groups that donated DNA to create humanity used this catastrophe as a window of opportunity. They immediately began reorganizing the humans into new groups that became the basis for future nationalism.

  • The Sirians helped to create the ancient Egyptian culture
  • Those from Tau Ceti organized the Slavic culture
  • The Rigelians were busy in China and the Orient

While all this was transpiring, the Reptilians seized an opportunity!

Bluebloods = Copper Blood = Reptilian Humans

The inner Earth provided a subterranean locale for the Reptilians to regroup and formulate plans to retake the surface. At this point, the Reptilians were completely cut off from their home in the Draco constellation.

Their spaceship, the Moon, was in human hands. They were alone and isolated on a hostile planet and needed to defend themselves.

They developed a plan to insidiously retake the surface by blending their genetics with the genetics of the surface humans.

Because the human prototype already had Reptilian genetics, it was easy to access the mind pattern.

The Reptilian frequency was already established in these hybrid humans’ brain stems and the Reptilian brain section. The population of Sumer was chosen as the starting point, and these humans were primarily descendants of the Martian, Maldekian, and Lyraen refugees.

For this program, the Reptilians engaged the help of the Sirians, who had the technology to implement it. The Sirians knew much about genetic alterations and mind programming, which they freely shared with the Reptilians.

Once the hybridization program was complete, the Sumerian leaders became shapeshifting Reptilians. The new Reptilian hybrid became the elite of that culture. Because of the increased Reptilian DNA, their blood contained more copper.

Since copper-based blood turns blue-green upon oxidizing, these Reptilian hybrids were called “Bluebloods.”

In these cases, it was discovered that ingesting human hormones, flesh, and blood allowed the Reptilians to maintain the human form. The human form was necessary to avoid scaring the population, which was now unfamiliar with the Reptilian form.

The shapeshifting Reptilian Bluebloods asked the Sirians for help with the daily maintenance of their human forms.

As time progressed, Sumer’s civilization declined and transformed into other cultures. Vast migrations from Sumer to other locations in Central Asia occurred. The migrating peoples took their Blueblood leaders with them, as they were their royalty and kings.

The Sumerians became known as the sum-Aryans or just Aryans.

They spread across Asia into the steppes of Russia and the Northern Indian subcontinent. In India, they encountered the dark-skinned Dravidians, Reptilian remnants from Lemuria.

The Dravidians were driven to the central and southern parts of India, while the Aryan hybrids took control of the north and into the foothills of the Himalayas.

The Aryan leaders, all Bluebloods, became the Sultans and Rajas of legend and history. Sumerians also created Babylonia.

The Sumerians also migrated to the area known as the Caucasus Region, where the Khazars developed. The Blueblood kings and their people spread west toward Europe from the Caucasus Region, forming the Franks, Cambrians, and Teutonic nationalities.

Alien cultures like the Antarians, Arcturians, Aldebarans, Tau Cetians, and other remnants of the Lyraens, such as the Atlans, also manipulated these nationalities. The Atlans located here eventually became the Celts.

They spread west toward Europe, seeding the national identities of the Vikings, the Franks, the Teutonic peoples, and the Russians. Remember that some refugees went to Western Europe when Atlantis sank and developed into the Celts.

Some went to Greece, and others to the Italian Peninsula.

These people were here before the hybrids moved in. During the interim period from the destruction of Atlantis, until the Sumerian descendants moved in, other alien groups started to add their genetic mix to the pot and develop individual cultures based on their home worlds.

These Blueblood leaders also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the Biblical Canaanites, Malachites, and Kittites.

At the same time, in Egypt, the Sirians were reorganizing the Atlantean descendants there, known as the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with some green-eyed, red-haired people among them.

The Phoenicians colonized the coastal Middle East and the British Isles. They even colonized parts of the northeastern North American continent, including the Great Lakes. Some of their mines and writing on stone tablets can still be found in the woods of North America.

The Sirians also genetically created the ancient Hebrews. The Jewish people are a combination of these genetically manipulated Hebrews and the Sumerians. These Jewish people were then released into Palestinian territory.

Similarly, when the Aryans mixed with the Dravidians in India, they created the Hindu religion, a recreation of the Reptilian seven-tier hierarchy. India’s caste system is a direct copy of the Reptilian division of function.

At the same time that all of this was happening in western and central Asia, the Rigelians were developing the remnants of Lemuria, who escaped to the coast of eastern Asia. The Rigelians were a human civilization controlled and eventually assimilated by the Reptilians.

The Rigelians assisted the inner Earth Reptilians develop a hybrid that included Rigelian DNA. The Rigelian/Reptilian hybrids set up dynasties in Japan and China that developed independently of their Western cousins.

All the hybrids could be controlled through the Reptilian brain that hooked them into Reptilian mind patterns, but some were more controllable than others.

In Europe, the Bluebloods insidiously took control of the various tribes and groups, becoming their kings and royalty. They infiltrated the Arcturian experiment, called the Etruscans, and created a new global empire through the Romans.

Reptilian Extraterrestrials In The Bible

Draco Reptilian Extraterrestrials In The Bible

The Bible mentions the Reptilian Extraterrestrials and calls them serpents, serpent gods and goddesses, and the symbolic snake in the Garden of Eden.

The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden comes from Sumer, where the Sumerian tablets referred to the garden of the Reptilian gods as EDIN or EDEN.

The Bible says that Eve was “tempted” by a serpent.

An ancient Jewish text known as the Haggadah does not describe the reptile in the Garden of Eden as a snake but as a two-footed serpent that stood upright as tall as a camel.

Ancient accounts found at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945 say Adam and Eve had horny, luminous skin.

In Jewish lore, Eve is seen as the ancestral mother of the Nephilim, and she is associated with Hebrew words meaning “life” and “snake.” The Nephilim are described in the Bible as the “sons of God” who interbred with “the daughters of men”:

You find the same theme in ancient cultures worldwide, and the word “God” here is misleading. It comes from a word meaning “gods,” plural.

Do you think the “serpent” in the Garden of Eden was a snake? I believe that there was a time in Earth’s existence that snakes could speak. It is more believable that the serpent in Eden was a humanoid with human and reptilian (serpent) features.

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The Anunnaki Of The Bible

The “Noah” in the Mesopotamian originals (from which the Modern Bible gets its resources) is called Gilgamesh. Interestingly, the “god” who warned him to build an ark to survive the flood is named “Enki.”

According to the ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets, Enki was a leader, scientist, and geneticist of an extraterrestrial race known as the “Anunnaki.” Zecharia Sitchin says that “Anunnaki” translates as “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.”( Flying saucers, anyone?)

The Mesopotamian tablets describe the Annunaki as a Reptilian extraterrestrial race interbred with humans to create hybrid bloodlines, or the bloodlines of the “gods,” as the humans perceived them.

Sumerian tablets say that the Anunnaki genetically manipulated humans to become slaves after arriving here hundreds of thousands of years ago. (Some researchers suggested perhaps as little as 50,000 years ago.)

The Reptilian Extraterrestrials have elongated skulls, and so do their human hybrids.

Some Egyptian Royalty had elongated heads. Elongated skulls have been recently discovered in the Maya, Peru, and Paracas regions.

This is the origin of the tradition among some native people of tightly binding their babies’ heads to elongate the skull like the “gods.

Dr. Carl Sagan discussed humanity’s reptilian origins in his book, The Dragons of Eden. He pointed out that the fossil record reveals a sudden and inexplicable leap in human brain function that the claims of Charles Darwin cannot explain.

He said ignoring the reptilian component of human nature was unwise, particularly in our ritualistic and hierarchical behavior.

What Do You Think? It’s an interesting topic, to say the least, and would make one hell of a sci-fi movie.

Whether you buy into this reptilian theory, it’s time to wake up and smell the opportunity. The real power move here isn’t about believing in lizard people – it’s about sharpening your mind to cut through the noise and see the game for what it is

Think about it. If there are hidden forces pulling strings, wouldn’t you want to know? And if there aren’t, wouldn’t you still benefit from questioning everything and thinking critically? That’s the kind of mindset that separates the players from the pawns.

So here’s your challenge: Use this wild idea as a springboard to level up your awareness. Start asking the tough questions. Look beyond the surface. Because in the game of life, the ones who see the matrix are the ones who end up writing the code

Remember, knowledge isn’t just power – it’s the ultimate leverage. And now that you’ve got this perspective, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to go back to sleep, or are you ready to play the game at a whole new level?

The choice is yours. But I’ll tell you this – the ones who dare to question, who push past their comfort zones, who refuse to accept things at face value – those are the ones who end up changing the world.

Reptilian Extraterrestrials Sources

Source: Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More – Amazon Link.

Source: Remember Who You Are: Remember ‘where’ you are and where you ‘come’ from -Remember – Amazon Link.

Source: Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation: Amazon Link.

Read Next: 

Indigo Signs and Meaning

Understanding the Reptilian Brain: The Foundation of Human Behavior