A note of discernment: As with anything you hear, see or read including what is on this website, always bring your full, conscious awareness with you and never believe anyone or anything outside of yourself without first doing your research. Be Smart!

About Mazzastick
Mazzastick has been featured in many top personal growth blogs such as Pick the Brain, Dumb Little Man, The Purpose Fairy, and the UK’s top personal development blog, Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life, as well as syndicated sites such as Squidoo, Hub Pages, Ezine Articles, Blogger, WordPress, Go Articles and Self-Growth.com to name a few.

About JMAZ
I am a blogger committed to being a lifelong student and teacher of personal and spiritual growth. I started my personal development journey back in 1997, and I still consider myself a student of life while at the same time sharing what I have learned with others.
I’ve read well over 700 books and counting about personal development, spiritual growth, health and nutrition, metaphysical studies, money and business, and conscious evolution.
I am a self-professed information junkie who loves learning about new topics, theories, and ideas that I call the “cutting edge of information.”
More importantly, I love to share what I know and learn with others, so I chose to blog as my vehicle for expression. I recently added personal coaching services to help people achieve their goals by reconnecting with who they truly are.
I believe there’s no separation between each living thing on this planet. We are all connected on an energetic level (which quantum physics proves), and when we help someone else, we ultimately help ourselves. The opposite, of course – is also true.
Yes, we are one. We are not separate; the whole universe is vibration. Consciousness has created a virtual reality that allows us to witness and appreciate its existence. Separation is an illusion- “Maya,” the Hindus call it.
And yes, I am very different than you in every way. I have different tastes, opinions, aspirations, wants, and desires. I have a different skin color. I speak a different language and have a different body shape than you.
My Soul is on a very different path and journey than yours. We are separate in this plane of existence we call “reality,” which, while it is in some ways an illusion, is also, in other ways, “real.”
The primary purpose of my blog is conscious evolution: Conscious Evolution is a worldview in that we raise the planet’s consciousness by participating in our personal growth.
Mazzastick.com is dedicated to helping you reach your goals, increasing your awareness about your reality, staying on track, and keeping your spirits high.
The topics I write about are chosen based on what feels right to me at the time. I don’t expect you to agree with everything I write because I only present information, and it is up to you to decide what to do with it.
I write most of the content on this blog, guest bloggers write some of it, and some are taken from material I am sharing from another source like a book, blog, or YouTube video.
My goal is to express information and points of view that align with me while also bringing my readers to amazing authors, channelers, and new information sources.
I don’t expect you to like, believe, or agree with everything I write; however, I hope you always bring an open yet somewhat skeptical mind.
The general categories I write about are personal and spiritual growth, health and nutrition, money and business, and paranormal topics.
First and foremost, I consider myself a researcher. I like to discover new ideas, theories, and ways of being to serve the greater good. I am not an expert, an authority, or any other title.
I am me, and this blog allows me to share ideas and topics that I enjoy and find appealing.
I mainly write about paranormal topics during Weirdo October Month. These topics are way outside the box and will stretch your beliefs slightly. Don’t worry if they seem too “out there.” Take what you like, and don’t read what you don’t want.
Also, I am a big fan of the 80s genre. I was born in the early ’70s and grew up culturally in the ’80s. The ’80s was the best generation for movies and music, bar none.
My Story
Before I get into my story, I want to express the importance of continually working on yourself. Personal and individual Growth is essential to the future of humanity.
When we learn to look at ourselves objectively and without adverse judgment, then and only then can we consciously decide to recreate ourselves in ways that serve us and the greater good.
Many of us operate from negative, counterproductive default programming.
When we consciously improve ourselves, we are reprogramming ourselves in ways that align with our values and desires.
When we educate ourselves individually, we ultimately improve the collective consciousness of the planet because we are all connected to the Quantum Field level.
We’re all affecting each other all the time, and the question is, do you want to be a problem, or do you want to be a benefit? Your answer will determine your fate and destiny.
Another critical thing to notice is the behaviors you find offensive in others. These behaviors are in you as well, and once you stop denying yourself and allow all that you are, then and only then will the real, internal change begin.
I am always looking for ways to improve myself, whether spiritually, personally, or even regarding practical matters. Constant, never-ending improvement is the name of the game.
Personal growth is a never-ending project. Even if you lived to be 1000 years old, you would never be a reflection of perfection according to society’s standards. Regardless, don’t let anything stop you from being the grandest version of yourself that you can be.
Personal growth takes time, so be patient, kind, and forgiving with yourself and others.
Now, onto my story.
Back in 1997, I moved out on my own. My best friend at the time was renting a studio apartment in a large, old farmhouse about fifteen minutes from where I was currently living.
One of the other studio apartments (four total) had become vacant, and I decided I better get it before someone else did, so I did.
The studio apartment had a full-size kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, and my bathroom, located outside the hallway. It had a lock on the door, so no one could go in there when I wasn’t home. I have been living there for about a month but wasn’t thrilled.
Being alone felt strange because I had lived with my family up to this point. I was 23 years old, which I thought was too old to live at home.
Either way, the experience wasn’t as great as I thought. On top of not feeling very well emotionally, I got sick. I mean, like the flu sick.
I ached all over. My back hurt, my front hurt, my head hurt, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t swallow, and I couldn’t eat.
I took NyQuil because that was the only way I could sleep. The next day, I managed to make a doctor’s appointment. After making the 30-minute drive and waiting in the doctor’s office for another 45 minutes, all he told me was to take some aspirin and rest.
Boy, what a waste of time, I thought. I was seriously ill for about three days, and it took almost three weeks to get over it, but eventually, I was better but restless.
I remember one particular night I couldn’t sleep. Around three in the morning, I decided to watch some Television. I flicked around the channels and couldn’t find anything interesting until I saw an infomercial featuring Tony Robbins.
I watched it and was impressed with Tony’s enthusiasm for the callers. Every caller who bought Tony’s famous –Personal Power 2 The Driving Force had nothing but great things to say about it.
I decided to call QVC and order a copy. Remember that I had already watched over an hour of Tony’s QVC segment – it was that compelling to me then.
The price for PP2 was $195, which is a lot of money, but Tony was such an awesome guy I knew I needed to buy this product anyway.
I had previously read a couple of personal development books, such as Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, Men Are from Mars, and Women Are from Venus, but I wasn’t fully committed yet to my personal growth.
After ordering Personal Power 2, I turned off the TV and went to bed. It arrived in about five days if I remember correctly.
It had about 25 CDs and a small notebook journal, so I could do some personal growth exercises after listening to the CDs.
Every day, I listened to a new CD and did the work in a small notebook.
I was wholly committed and never missed a day. Each day after listening to the CDs, I began feeling stronger, more confident, and more sure about my future.
After completing the course (about a month), I bought my first home. Things began to change for me for the better, especially the way I felt about myself.
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Thank You for reading the incredibly interesting, wonderfully dull story about what led to my personal growth journey.
FYI: I have expenses for running this site, including web hosting, maintenance, and other business expenses – plus my time and effort. If you buy an affiliate product from this site, you are helping to support me and this site, and I am eternally grateful for that.