David Wilcock – YouTube: Occupy Yourself

David Wilcock discusses the importance of Personal Spiritual Development.

David delves into spiritual teachings like the Law of One series, offering practical tools for growth.

This is a reminder to Occupy Yourself!

David Wilcock YouTube: Personal Spiritual Development

I’ve been writing articles online about UFOs and forbidden science since 1996 – after I was fortunate enough to hear first-hand testimony that we were not alone in 1993.

I’ve also been writing my dreams down every morning since September 1992. Although most people don’t think their dreams have any value, the last 18 years have proven that we all have a higher self-guiding, directing our lives and ensuring that we meet with whatever we create.

People always ask me what I can do to help my cosmic evolution, so I have some suggestions you may want to consider. First, all spiritual traditions say we’re here to learn love.

I’ve seen abundant evidence in various scientific studies that love is written into our genetic code.

For example, Dr. Glenn Rein found that love causes conformational changes in DNA, and DNA molecules can heal themselves in the presence of loving energy sent through intent. Another critical point is service to others.

David Wilcock - YouTube

David Wilcock: The Law of One

David Wilcock:

One of the philosophical texts I’ve used extensively in my work is called The Law of One Series; five books emerged in the early 1980s.

The Law of One spells out the genetic changes in the galaxy that propel us into this new world, which they call “fourth density.” They also indicate that 2011 to 2013 is when we reach a quantum leap in this transitional process.

Most importantly, they say that the fourth density is a realm of existence on this planet that is one hundred times more harmonious than what life is like now.

To be ready to inhabit this new world, we must reach specific minimum requirements for what they call graduation.

Whose minimum requirements only involve having a 51% desire to be of service to others, rather than manipulating and controlling others, or what they call “self-service,” to prepare us for graduation.

When the same source was asked about the best way to serve others, they said, “To seek the heart of the self.”

Again, this refers to the fact that it will not end at the boundary of your skin to the air when you understand your identity.

When you begin looking into the faces of others and seeing yourself, for that same reason – why would you want to manipulate or control them? To serve others is to help yourself.

David Wilcock: Bodhi Zafa

This also seems to appear in eastern mysticism through the so-called valve of the Bodhi Zafa. Where you say, “I seek my enlightenment for the sake of all beings.”

There’s clear, undeniable evidence that this Bodhi Zafa valve allows you to resonate in an energy field that changes how others think and feel.

Such as the so-called Maharishi effect, where a group of 7000 people in meditation impacted terrorism worldwide to such a degree that there was a 72% reduction in the amount of terrorist activity that took place during the time that this group was meditating.

Another area that I prefer to look at is our agenda as souls.

If you study the works of Dr. Michael Newton, such as in his books: Destiny of Souls and Journey of Souls, he reports a process where he used hypnosis to repress people during the periods between their lives.

Not just the past-life regression but an in-between-life regression. He found that everyone kept saying the same things about what they experienced in between lifetimes when he did this. And he collected this data for 20 years, which was remarkably consistent.

I was astonished when I recently read Destiny and Journey of Souls.

I found out that the words that were given in these books fit with this Law of One philosophical material from the early 1980s so well that it seemed as if both of them were talking about the same cosmology as if everyone on the other side of the veil knows that these things are real.

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Dr. Michael Newton

Essential points that emerge in Dr. Michael Newton’s books are that every one of us has a soul, and that soul is aware that it has a spiritual agenda it wishes to fulfill in each lifetime.

No matter how lost or confused we may feel, even if we are homeless on the side of the street or desperately wrapped up in the world of addiction, pain, and crime. We all know that we have a job on this planet, and ultimately that job is to learn to love.

And if we don’t get it in one lifetime, it will return repeatedly. It seems that once we’ve done this enough times and we get the point about loving others, we go through graduation.

This is what 2012 prophesies are really about. The planet itself moves through an energetic transformation, where if you’re ready, you don’t ever need to reincarnate again in this human body, but you move into a new world.

Dr. Michael Newton’s books explained everyone’s soul energy must learn to balance itself within the physical body. The physical body’s energies have their own biases creating an egoic mind.

You also have a mind within your soul. That mind is based on the experiences, traumas, and expectations you’ve built up throughout one lifetime. It works behind the scenes to transmute your ego mind and raise it to a higher level of evolution.

Your soul’s mind works its magic and will ultimately integrate and transform yourself for you to reach enlightenment.

Another key concept that I would encourage you to explore is what I refer to as the “Fool’s Equation.” This equation says, “If I get “X,” whatever “X” might be, then I will be happy.”

This is silly because if you wish for something that hasn’t happened yet, and you decide that once this happens, you’ll be happy in the future, then you’ve never claimed any happiness in the now.

So what I do is turn that equation backward. If I am whole, happy, and peaceful now, then I will get “X,” whatever that is I want. As many others have said, you create a loving space within yourself, allowing loving energy to fill it.

Another exciting clue that can help us evolve spiritually at rapid speed can be found in the archetype within the Tarot cards called “The Lovers.”

David Wilcock: The Higher-Self

According to The Law of One, these archetypes represent patterns within the galaxy’s mind. The galaxy has set up these twenty-two patterns of thought that we are meant to evolve through as we become enlightened.

The archetype is known as “the lovers” features on the Tarot card – a woman, a man, and then an angelic being. The deeper meaning behind this card is our choice to approach our higher self.

Do we see our higher self as a maiden, virginal and pure, or do we see it as a prostitute?

If we treat our higher self as a maiden, then the idea is that we listen to what she wants, and we learn to dance with her wishes accordingly to get what both of us want.

If we treat our higher self as a prostitute, we barge in the door and say, “this is what you’re going to do for me, and this is what I expect!”

Treating the higher self as a maiden teaches you to tailor your expectations from life, so you’re not just saying to the universe immediately gimme, gimme, gimme.

You’re learning to listen to what your higher self may have as the agenda for you. You may not need to realize why these things are valuable immediately, but the more you learn to adopt them, the better off you will be.

Another essential concept that helps you prepare for this shift that I now move through is what I refer to as the “original wound.” Through deep meditation on the human condition, I discovered long ago that we all have the same wounding at the core of our souls.

Zen12 Meditation

Addictive Compulsive Behaviors

This wounding appears to be the root of all addictive, compulsive behaviors we would ever get stuck in. This original wound is an illusion, but it becomes very compelling to us and buries deep within our subconscious minds to the point that we don’t even realize it’s there.

Then comes the sense that the creator has abandoned us and left us unprotected. This wound comes from the fact that we often see our parents as gods when we are little children.

Invariably our parents will disappoint us, and we’ll have painful experiences where we feel abandoned, left alone, and our needs are not met.

Nobody seems to care about us. And we invariably project that same disappointment onto the creator.

David Wilcock - Personal Spiritual Development
David Wilcock – Personal Spiritual Development – Karma

David Wilcock: The Wheel Of Karma

This, in turn, leads to what I call “the wheel of karma,” where we keep repeating the same painful experiences repeatedly.

What always seems to happen is that new characters keep appearing in our lives, fulfilling the same roles on a deep, archetypal level as our parents once did. And we may not become conscious of this; we may not realize that that’s what’s happening to us.

We think that these people in our lives are different from one another.

We start to notice that it seems like we have bad luck or a theme that keeps appearing in our lives. Why is it that I always end up here in the same spot, and the same things happening repeatedly isn’t ever going to change?

Well, believe it or not, in my estimation, the universe is here to teach us love and forgiveness. And there’s an essential statement made within the Law of One series where it says,

In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of karma.”

The wheel of karma represents this rotating series of experiences that we keep going through repeatedly until we meet the result of what we’ve created.

But it’s only once we’ve learned forgiveness that the wheel stops rotating when it reaches the top. And we don’t have to keep collapsing into the night of the soul, as it’s called, repeatedly.

Our lives become increasingly blessed and magical, and the experiences that made us seem so overwhelmed no longer affect us; therefore, they don’t need to happen.

It’s also critical to recognize that you have a higher self and learn many of the practical tools available to you that will allow you to access that higher self.

One of the basic beginner ways to access the higher self is to use various divination forms such as tarot cards.

David Wilcock: Tarot Cards

These types of divination work because as you hold the cards or whatever they are in your hand, you put an imprint within them from what I call the Source Field. This information blueprint is written into our DNA and the universe’s consciousness.

You now have encoded that card or that object with a particular message.

So then, when you’re holding the cards in your hands, and you close your eyes and tune within, and ask the question from your subconscious mind, which your higher self guides, it influences you to grab the right card at the right time.

You can look up the card’s meaning in the book; sure enough, the message will directly answer your question. You can get valuable messages if you don’t overindulge in this and only use it when you need it and feel it’s essential. (Tarot Cards).

Another very central element of our evolution is in our dreams. This is why every weekend workshop, I have an entire section devoted to sharing dreams with the audience and interpreting what they say regarding symbolism.

Our higher self uses dreams not just by accident but to convey symbolic information that clues us to the issues affecting our lives. The big secret of dreams is that the entire environment is a reflection of yourself.

That means every character, every object; every event represents some aspect of your being in symbolism.

Many people have had dreams where there are doom or apocalyptic events on the earth, and they mistakenly believe these dreams are prophecies that say that the planet is about to be destroyed.

But remember, the dream is not of the world. It’s only of your world within your mind in your psyche.

Therefore when you see someone having these apocalyptic dreams, don’t be dragged into the idea that this means something like that will happen in the world, especially if these dreams happen to you.

Reframe: Personal Spiritual Development

You can reframe them to understand that you are witnessing a prophecy of your ego’s inevitable death.

This part of your mind has been clinging to this reductionist, scientific, skeptical belief that you’re all alone in the universe and that once you die, that’s it; there’s nothing more to who you are.

Only once the soul transforms this egoic mind, such as through the bounty of information I’m sharing with you and as many other sources do, will you begin to experience a real awakening.

David Wilcock: Let Go & Forgive Through Meditation

You can let go of that part of yourself that doesn’t want to forgive. You can let go of that part of yourself that criticizes others and feels the need to protect the body, and its interests, above all else.

You can recognize that by helping others, you are helping yourself, and this is very “key.” I believe the best-evolved way to access your higher consciousness is through meditation.

By stilling your mind and moving into that state of perfect peace, you can reach that place where the thoughts within your mind are increasingly the thoughts of your higher self.

One of the interesting facts that most people do not realize is that you have thoughts within your mind that come from the higher self all the time.

The key is that those thoughts are often obscured because you are pulled into the past through guilt and pulled into the future through fear.

Love is Present

If you can get past those influences and be here now, what begins to happen is that you awaken to the love that is present at this moment. You don’t need to be so preoccupied with how you look or what other people think about you because the haters always want to hate you.

People will always want to laugh at you, but it doesn’t mean you need to see yourself in an unloving way. It’s also important to remember that there is no right way to meditate.

Keeping your back straight is essential; you may have a mantra that you choose to repeat aloud or in your mind. You may also see particular visual images or something else you like to concentrate on in your head.

But the real trick is to slow your mind to the point where this constant; chattering of what we call the ego has been subdued. Your mind becomes pure and empty from many thoughts that generally preoccupy you.

This doesn’t mean you never have thoughts; they will always be there. But it means that the thoughts that come through your mind increasingly come from cosmic consciousness.

Within this state, you can seek answers to problems and gain clarity. Of course, these various teachings have a firewall; they will not allow you to reach your higher self unless you punch through it.

David Wilcock on Forgiveness

The firewall I’m speaking of is forgiveness.

This, ultimately, is the key that everything else stems from. True forgiveness is an acceptance of others; by accepting others, you have forgiven and accepted yourself.

The reason for this is ultimately, your mind is the cosmic mind, and the cosmic mind is your identity, and that means, in truth, there’s only one of us here.

Eventually, we may come to discover that the galaxy itself is an intelligent being. Our human lives might not be so separate and isolated. It may not only occur on this one planet.

The human template may be written through the galaxy’s fabric and will repeatedly emerge on any given plant where it can.

Each of us and our minds may be like cells in the mind of the galaxy. But until we awaken to the fact that this mind exists and we are a fundamental part of it, we may have completely lost track of who we are and, even more importantly, who we can become.

David Wilcock – Occupy Yourself – Video

I hope you enjoyed this article: David Wilcock YouTube – Occupy Yourself – Personal Spiritual Development.

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